Supplements and vitamins 2024, October

The most persistent biotin - what is it and what is its role in the human body

The most persistent biotin - what is it and what is its role in the human body

Thanks to biotin, metabolic processes occur in the body. Taking biotin, a complex of vitamins based on it, slows down the aging process, ensures the full functioning of the immune and nervous systems, and improves overall he alth

Goji for weight loss: application, effect, reviews

Goji for weight loss: application, effect, reviews

Goji berries for weight loss - another advertised novelty for those who want to lose weight and get a slim figure. In our article, we will tell you in detail what goji berries are, how they contribute to weight loss and how to use them correctly. We will also consider the few contraindications that this remedy has

"Lactamil": reviews. "Lactamil" for nursing mothers: instructions

"Lactamil": reviews. "Lactamil" for nursing mothers: instructions

It happens that only women who have given birth or mothers who have been breastfeeding their baby for more than a month suddenly begin to lose milk. In order to prevent this from happening, as well as to stimulate lactation, special mixtures and preparations are produced. One of these products will be discussed in our article. We will consider the tool "Lactamil": reviews about it, recommendations for use, as well as its use during lactation in the most effective way

The drug "Fitoval": Reviews and instructions for use

The drug "Fitoval": Reviews and instructions for use

The drug "Fitoval" is a vitamin and mineral complex aimed at improving the condition of the hair. Due to the harmful effects of physical, chemical and other traumatic factors, curls are damaged: they become brittle, dull and lifeless. Vitamins "Fitoval" increase the supply of blood to the hair roots, improve the delivery of valuable components to them, which makes it possible to restore the hairline and positively affects its growth and appearance

Vitamins for expectant mothers. The drug "Femibion": reviews, composition, dosage and other useful information

Vitamins for expectant mothers. The drug "Femibion": reviews, composition, dosage and other useful information

Today, "Femibion" is one of the best mineral and multivitamin complexes for preparing the female body for pregnancy, taking during pregnancy itself and lactation. Read about the composition of the drug, dosage, he alth benefits of the expectant mother in our article

"Vitrum Prenatal Forte" - reviews. "Prenatal Vitrum Forte" - instruction

"Vitrum Prenatal Forte" - reviews. "Prenatal Vitrum Forte" - instruction

Pregnancy is a responsible and exciting period in the life of every woman. Or maybe you just thought about replenishing the family? It is during such periods of life that you should seriously think about both your he alth and the successful outcome of pregnancy. After all, the body is changing, its defense is weakening. To the delight of expectant mothers, modern medicine is constantly developing new drugs that are suitable for pregnant women. An excellent complex is the drug "Vitrum Prenatal Forte"

Inulin - what is it? What is inulin made from? Properties, application, contraindications

Inulin - what is it? What is inulin made from? Properties, application, contraindications

You need to take care of the he alth of the intestinal microflora from a young age and take timely measures to eliminate the slightest failures. In this case, not medicines will help, which treat one thing, and cripple the other. Inulin will serve as a good helper. What is it, where does it come from and how is it used? You will find comprehensive answers to these questions in this article

Vitamins Opti-Women: reviews, composition, instructions for use

Vitamins Opti-Women: reviews, composition, instructions for use

Increased physical activity can shake fragile women's he alth if not properly nourished. Doctors recommend proper nutrition, sufficient rest time and taking vitamins that normalize the daily need for nutrients. For example, Opti-women vitamins for active and athletic women. The article offers a description and characteristics of the drug itself, as well as the mechanism of its effect on the female body

Vitamin complex for active people: drug "Gerimaks Energy" - review, price, instructions, indications and contraindications for use

Vitamin complex for active people: drug "Gerimaks Energy" - review, price, instructions, indications and contraindications for use

Every day we spend a huge amount of energy, and those people whose professional activities are associated with mental stress or research work spend twice as much energy. A weakened body can be helped by taking vitamins or biological supplements, such as, for example, the drug Gerimaks Energy. Instructions, price, indications and contraindications for use, as well as other information about it will be discussed in our article

Vitamins "Velmen": description, application, reviews. Vitamins "Velmen" for men

Vitamins "Velmen": description, application, reviews. Vitamins "Velmen" for men

Vitamins "Velmen" - a special complex, saturated with many vitamins to enrich the body, activate its performance. The drug is intended for people who are engaged in mental and hard physical labor, are in constant depression or have problems with nerves. Both men and women can take Velman (vitamins)

BAA "Cat's Claw": reviews. "Cat's claw": instructions for use, price

BAA "Cat's Claw": reviews. "Cat's claw": instructions for use, price

The therapeutic effect of the Peruvian liana on the human body has received the highest praise and positive feedback. "Cat's claw" is widely and successfully used for the prevention and treatment of the most difficult diseases, such as cancer and AIDS. Has a panacea for all diseases been found?

"Orthomol" (vitamins): instructions, varieties, prices, reviews

"Orthomol" (vitamins): instructions, varieties, prices, reviews

A multivitamin mineral complex designed to enrich the body with useful substances, depending on its needs, is known as Orthomol. Vitamins contribute to the normalization of the work of all human life processes

What vitamins are better to drink in the fall? Vitamins in autumn: recommendations

What vitamins are better to drink in the fall? Vitamins in autumn: recommendations

The human body is a complex mechanism that requires energy and nutrients to function properly. Where can I get them if not in vitamins? This article will tell you which vitamins to drink in spring and which in autumn

Cyanocobalamin - what kind of vitamin? Cyanocobalamin: description, application

Cyanocobalamin - what kind of vitamin? Cyanocobalamin: description, application

Vitamin B12 was discovered by scientists as the latest of this group. Its other name is cyanocobalamin. This is a vitamin that belongs to water-soluble substances, it has a bright red color

Rutin is a vitamin? What foods contain rutin?

Rutin is a vitamin? What foods contain rutin?

There are many useful substances in nature, but few people know what rutin is. It's a vitamin! The same gap in the knowledge of most people and at the expense of what products it is contained in, as well as its benefits to the human body. Sometimes there is such a situation: people believe that rutin is vitamin PP, since they are denoted by the same letters

Thiamin is Thiamine: pills. Thiamin - vitamin B1

Thiamin is Thiamine: pills. Thiamin - vitamin B1

Thiamin (otherwise vitamin B1) is a colorless substance with a crystalline structure, highly soluble in water. It has the chemical formula C12H17N4OS. In 1912, thiamine (vitamin B1) was first obtained from rice bran. The experiment was carried out by a biochemist from Poland Kazimir Funk. In this article, we will tell you everything about this substance, including what its benefits are for the human body, how it is used for medicinal purposes, and what forms of release it has

Effective vitamins for memory for adults. What drugs improve memory

Effective vitamins for memory for adults. What drugs improve memory

Memory is a complex and full of mysteries mechanism. Thanks to her, humanity has the right to the future. Memory is able to store all memories of past events

Tablets "Folio" - reviews. "Folio" - vitamins

Tablets "Folio" - reviews. "Folio" - vitamins

It's no secret that women need additional nutrients when planning pregnancy and carrying a child. So what drugs are most often mentioned in reviews? "Folio" is a biologically active food supplement that replenishes the body's resources

What vitamins to drink in autumn for immunity: names

What vitamins to drink in autumn for immunity: names

With the approach of autumn, the defense system of the human body weakens, so we easily fall ill with various colds and viral infections. At this time of the year, you should, more than ever, adhere to a he althy lifestyle, otherwise you will not stop sneezing and coughing until spring

"Astaxanthin" - what is it? BAA "Astaxanthin": reviews of doctors and contraindications

"Astaxanthin" - what is it? BAA "Astaxanthin": reviews of doctors and contraindications

We all want to be he althy, always young and beautiful. But often the environment in which we live simply does not leave a chance for the fulfillment of these desires. And in this case, various nutritional supplements, such as Astaxanthin, come to the aid of the body exhausted by toxic exhausts and stress. What is it, how and how does it help the body?

Positive and negative feedback. El Macho for muscle building

Positive and negative feedback. El Macho for muscle building

El Macho drops are effective drops for men containing active ingredients. Advantages, composition, action and reviews on this tool

Drug "Triphala": reviews of doctors, contraindications and effectiveness

Drug "Triphala": reviews of doctors, contraindications and effectiveness

Recently, Triphala drugs have gained great fame for their unique properties and healing effect on the human body on the drug market. When transferring the Indian name in Russian letters, there are two options: "Triphala" or "Tripkhala". What is their popularity? What effect do they have on a person?

"Werther Organic": product reviews, doctors' opinions and basic preparations

"Werther Organic": product reviews, doctors' opinions and basic preparations

Organic food has been very popular lately. Food products of natural origin, which allow you to preserve youth and beauty, help fight various diseases, prevent their occurrence, and generally heal the body, are produced by many companies

Epam-900 is the secret of Siberian longevity

Epam-900 is the secret of Siberian longevity

This article is about the purpose of the drug "Epam-900", its composition, indications and contraindications, reviews, use for the treatment of tuberculosis and other inflammatory diseases

"Tireo-Vit": instruction, description and reviews

"Tireo-Vit": instruction, description and reviews

"Tireo-Vit" is a biologically active food supplement that normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland and the endocrine system, has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, helps fight excess weight and strengthens the immune system. What kind of drug is this, how to use "Tireo-Vit" and what are the reviews of patients and doctors about dietary supplements?

Concentrate "Aloe Herbalife": application, reviews

Concentrate "Aloe Herbalife": application, reviews

Drink "Aloe Herbalife", reviews of which blew up the Internet, will help normalize your lifestyle and become a he althier person in a short time

Furunbao Super: reviews are negative. Medicines to increase potency in men

Furunbao Super: reviews are negative. Medicines to increase potency in men

Lost your manhood? Tired of reduced potency? Fatigue and low performance have become your main companions? In this situation, there is a way out - the drug "Furunbao Super". Negative reviews indicate the presence of side effects, so it is recommended to consult a doctor before using dietary supplements

"Levokarnil 500 mg" ("Evalar"): reviews, instructions for use and composition

"Levokarnil 500 mg" ("Evalar"): reviews, instructions for use and composition

This article contains information about the purpose of the vitamin supplement "Levokarnil 500 mg", its composition, indications and contraindications, application

Dietary supplement "Mirrolla", fish oil: instructions and composition

Dietary supplement "Mirrolla", fish oil: instructions and composition

Mirrolla fish oil is a vitamin preparation that reduces platelet aggregation, has a hypolipidemic effect, improves rheological characteristics, helps lower triglycerides and bad cholesterol in the blood

BAA "Extra strength" for men: reviews, composition and description

BAA "Extra strength" for men: reviews, composition and description

Problems with potency in modern men occur quite often. A variety of supplements and vitamins come to the rescue. What can be said about the drug called "Extra Strength"? How to use it? Is there any result after use?

Protein OstroVit: reviews, description. How to take OstroVit WPC 80

Protein OstroVit: reviews, description. How to take OstroVit WPC 80

Features of Ostrovit WPC 80 protein. Reviews of Ostrovit WPC protein. How to take Ostrovit WPC 80. Ostrovit Protein Benefits

Review of "Vitalgar"

Review of "Vitalgar"

Recently, my husband started having serious digestive problems. The picture is not pleasant: nausea, general weakness, severe pain and bloating in the abdomen, the temperature rose to 37.6 degrees, appetite disappeared. I wanted to help him, and I started looking for a solution to the problem on the Internet. It is best to treat such symptoms with something natural so as not to injure the stomach. So I learned about the benefits of marine products, in particular brown algae

"Mastophyton" - tea for the he alth of the female breast

"Mastophyton" - tea for the he alth of the female breast

Mastophyton tea is a domestic product. The instruction attached to the product says that it is produced by PTC "Vitacenter" and NPP "Zdorovye". It is considered a wonderful he alth drink, with which you can fight the manifestations of mastopathy

Dietary supplement "Doctor Sea. Cleansing system": reviews, instructions for use, composition

Dietary supplement "Doctor Sea. Cleansing system": reviews, instructions for use, composition

Do you take dietary supplements? If yes, do you know about the innovative complex "Doctor Sea. Cleansing System"? It includes unique components that allow you to literally rejuvenate your body in a few weeks

"Tienshi Calcium": description and composition

"Tienshi Calcium": description and composition

What is Tienshi calcium supplement? What is included in the composition of the drug, and what properties does it have? What diseases should take "Tianshi Calcium"? Methods of administration and dosage

Beer yeast "Ekko Plus": description, instructions for use, reviews

Beer yeast "Ekko Plus": description, instructions for use, reviews

A natural and safe nutritional supplement - brewer's yeast "Ecco Plus" is called a real well of he alth that has a beneficial effect on the human body. With their help, you can gain weight and cope with stress, recover from surgery and fight obesity. Proof of this are the grateful reviews of customers who got rid of problems associated with a lack of B vitamins with the help of dietary supplements

"Damiana Forte", dietary supplement for women: reviews

"Damiana Forte", dietary supplement for women: reviews

Sex life plays an important role in the relationship between a man and a woman. And if something goes wrong here, then sexual dissatisfaction appears, which can lead to betrayal and serious he alth problems. Such a situation cannot be ignored, and to resolve it, it is required to use all available methods, including the drug Damiana Forte. Plant-based capsules increase libido. Easy to use and safe for the body

Bcaa pureprotein: reviews, description and photos

Bcaa pureprotein: reviews, description and photos

The rise in prices for sports nutrition from foreign manufacturers led to the desire of athletes and fitness enthusiasts to pay attention to the budget option BCAA PureProtein. Reviews comparing this domestic product and expensive sports nutrition from the world's leading brands claim that Pure Protein amino acids are not inferior in quality to many analogues. Studies among athletes who used the PureProtein FUZE + BCAA + PROTEIN product, bodybuilder reviews showed its effectiveness

"Arnebia. Multivitamin + Minerals ": reviews of doctors

"Arnebia. Multivitamin + Minerals ": reviews of doctors

With the onset of winter cold, it is very important to maintain an optimal balance of vitamins and minerals in the body. It doesn't take much effort to do this. It is enough to choose a good, balanced complex, which will become your ally. Today we want to tell you about a German-made drug called Arnebia. Multivitamin + Minerals»

"Lavita" - vitamins for women. Reviews, instructions for use, composition

"Lavita" - vitamins for women. Reviews, instructions for use, composition

"Lavita" - vitamins for women, reviews of which are so attractive that it is impossible not to pay attention to them. Let's talk about their features