Vitamin E for conception: effects on the human body, rules of administration, dosage. Foods containing vitamin E

Vitamin E for conception: effects on the human body, rules of administration, dosage. Foods containing vitamin E
Vitamin E for conception: effects on the human body, rules of administration, dosage. Foods containing vitamin E

Any woman planning a pregnancy should start by visiting a doctor and looking for vitamins that will help her conceive a he althy baby and bear it successfully. One of these vitamins is vitamin E. For conception, this useful element is simply irreplaceable, because it regulates the work of the female reproductive system. In addition, the intake of tocopherol is also recommended for men, because this substance is involved in maintaining normal spermatogenesis.

Functioning of the female reproductive system

The normal functioning of the female reproductive system, that is, ensuring conception and successful pregnancy, depends on the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and ovaries. The hypothalamus controls the pituitary gland, which synthesizes the appropriate hormones that stimulate the ovaries.

vitamin e for conception reviews
vitamin e for conception reviews

As a result, the ovariesproduce a he althy egg, at the hormonal level ensure the fixation of the fertilized germ cell in the uterine cavity, nutrition of the embryo in the early stages, the formation of the placenta, prevent uterine contractions (that is, spontaneous abortion).

The main mechanism that determines the proper functioning of the reproductive system is the menstrual cycle. In the first phase, the maturation of the egg and the formation of the uterine mucosa occur. Next, the preparation of the organ for a possible conception begins. Even if conception has taken place, due to a lack of vitamins and other disorders, separation and exit of the shell can occur.

Reproductive Benefits of Vitamin E

During pregnancy and when planning it, a woman is in dire need of this useful element. How does vitamin E affect conception? The substance stimulates the activity of the pituitary gland and increases the production of hormones that help maintain pregnancy.

effect of vitamin e on conception
effect of vitamin e on conception

Vitamin E (tocopherol) is a gentle stimulant of the menstrual cycle throughout its entire length. Before conception, an element can also be prescribed in order to remove existing inflammatory processes. Indications for taking drugs containing vitamin E are menstrual irregularity, dyshormonal disorders, acute PMS, threatened miscarriage, multiple pregnancy, menopause.

The benefits of tocopherol during pregnancy and planning is that the element normalizes hormonal balance,reduces the risk of placental rejection, prevents the risk of spontaneous abortion, has a positive effect on the normal development of the egg, increases the likelihood of conception, reduces toxicosis and eliminates fatigue, improves the growth of placental cells, participates in the regeneration of uterine cells and improves the functioning of the female reproductive system as a whole.

With improper and uncontrolled intake, the risk of miscarriage or the birth of a premature baby increases. The fetus may develop malformations of the cardiovascular system, preeclampsia (a severe form of preeclampsia, characterized by increased blood pressure, malformations of the central nervous system, other vital organs and systems) and eclampsia (a critical form of preeclampsia, in which there is a high probability of fetal death and severe complications in a pregnant woman).

vitamin e and folic for conception
vitamin e and folic for conception

Vitaminization in preparation for conception

In the process of preparing for the conception of a child, vitamin E for a woman is not the only important supplement. Be sure to take folic acid. This element is responsible for the formation of the neural tube, that is, it prevents the occurrence of severe malformations (absence of the brain, spina bifida, cleft lip, cleft palate).

The lack of folic acid can negatively affect the pregnant woman herself. In this case, there is a possibility of developing folate deficiency anemia, because of which the woman feels irritable, nervous, gets tired quickly, the expectant mother may lose her appetite or even develop depression. Combined with elevated blood pressure, this creates a riskcomplicated childbirth.

Vitamin E for the male reproductive system

Tocopherol is important for the formation of male germ cells. The lack of vitamin E in the male body leads to atrophy of the covering of the seminal canals and impaired reproductive function. Considering that in 35% of cases, based on official statistics, or in about 50% of cases, according to the experience of practicing doctors, the cause of problems with conception is male infertility (including temporary, that is, due to various diseases and lack of vitamins), men it is also recommended to take folic acid and vitamin E for conception in preparation for the partner's pregnancy.

how does vitamin e affect fertility
how does vitamin e affect fertility

Vitamin E Scheme

How and when to drink vitamin E for conception? This substance is sold in the form of yellow capsules, when taken, you need to drink warm water in a small amount. For the speedy onset of pregnancy, it is recommended to drink vitamin daily one capsule. The best time to take it is after the morning meal. It is undesirable to drink capsules on an empty stomach. All useful components are better absorbed if you first eat a little fat, such as bread and butter.

It is recommended to take vitamin E for conception along with folic acid. It is very important to strictly observe the dosage, because uncontrolled intake can lead to disastrous consequences for both the expectant mother and the fetus. The norm of vitamin E for women is 10-20 mg per day. It is advisable to start the vitamin a few months before conception.

As soon as it becomesknown about pregnancy, you need to consult your doctor about the need to continue taking. Most likely, the gynecologist will recommend reducing the dosage or completely canceling the drug. In this case, it is better to play it safe, because an excess of a vitamin is almost more dangerous than a deficiency. Tocopherol is especially needed in the early stages of pregnancy, that is, from conception to the attachment of the embryo to the uterine cavity, and then it is no longer so necessary.

folic acid
folic acid

How to take vitamin E to conceive a partner? For men, vitamin E is prescribed in combination with other vitamins to improve spermogram. It is usually recommended to take about 300 milligrams per day, but the exact dosage and duration of use are determined only by the attending physician in each individual case.

Does vitamin E help get pregnant: reviews

A lot of positive reviews about vitamin E for conception from women who have been unsuccessfully trying to conceive a child for a long time, and after a course of fortification they saw two cherished strips on the test. For many women, the element helped to stabilize the menstrual cycle, prepare the reproductive system for conceiving a child, and avoid toxicosis in the early stages. Patients speak especially well of complex vitamin preparations, which include folic acid and vitamin E. Such preparations are very useful for conception.

Signs of vitamin E deficiency

With a lack of vitamin E, oxygen deficiency appears in the body, coordination disorders and pathologies are characteristicorgans of vision associated with thinning of the retina. An insufficient amount of tocopherol is manifested by a pronounced weakening of the muscles. It is in connection with this that the organs of the reproductive system cease to function correctly. Another characteristic symptom is numbness of the limbs.

vitamin e for conception
vitamin e for conception

Causes of lack of tocopherol

The main cause of vitamin E deficiency is an unhe althy lifestyle and the irrational use of various nutrients. Avitaminosis can appear due to the wrong combination of vitamins, taking those that are mutually exclusive. Prevent the entry of tocopherol into the body by smoking and alcohol.

Other causes of vitamin E deficiency can be listed as follows:

  • serious exercise;
  • cooked vegetarian food;
  • allergy or pathological processes occurring in the body (for example, chronic cholecystitis or pancreatitis);
  • genetic factor (this is extremely rare).

What foods contain vitamin E

The effect of vitamin E on conception is the most direct - with a lack of this useful element, neither the female nor the male reproductive system will cope with its main function, that is, the maintenance and proper development of pregnancy at all stages and the production of he althy sperm, respectively. It is possible to restore the normal content of tocopherol not only by using vitamin complexes, but also by reviewing your diet.

vitamin e for conceptionaccept
vitamin e for conceptionaccept

The record holder for the content of vitamin E is cottonseed oil. This product contains 100 mg of vitamin per 100 g. Corn oil containing 80 mg of tocopherol is also useful. Sunflower oil is distinguished by a large amount of vitamin; a sufficient amount of a useful substance is found in almonds and peas. sea buckthorn. At the time of taking the drug in the form of a drug, it is recommended to stop eating bakery products.

Some myths about vitamin E

Tocopherol does not stimulate conception and does not help to get pregnant by itself. Sperm quality and ovarian he alth will not improve just from taking folic acid and vitamin-mineral complexes. If problems with conception are not only a lack of vitamins, then taking medications will not change anything. Vitamin E will help only in that case. if infertility is caused by a lack of tocopherol.

In addition, the recovery of the reproductive system is not so fast. The normalization of the hormonal balance in a woman and the restoration of spermatogenesis in a man takes time, sometimes quite a long time.
