Drugs 2024, October

Thioctic acid preparations: list, names, release form, purpose, instructions for use, indications and contraindications

Thioctic acid preparations: list, names, release form, purpose, instructions for use, indications and contraindications

Thioctic (α-lipoic) acid has the ability to bind free radicals. Its formation in the body occurs during the oxidative decarboxylation of α-keto acids. It is involved in the oxidative process of decarboxylation of α-keto acids and pyruvic acid as an enzyme of mitochondrial multienzyme complexes

How to take birth control pills correctly?

How to take birth control pills correctly?

Today, one of the most reliable and affordable means of protection against pregnancy for every girl is birth control pills. Oral contraceptives have a relatively low price, a minimum of contraindications and ease of use. In addition, their reliability is 99.7%, while for condoms this figure is only 85%. How to take birth control pills? How do they work? Which is better to choose? This and much more will now be discussed

Fat burners for women and men - a real way to lose weight?

Fat burners for women and men - a real way to lose weight?

Sport and diet are the fat burners for women and men that can bring any body to ideal standards. But is it worth abandoning the use of natural and effective drugs that support our body during diets and workouts?

Echinacea tincture for immunity: doctors' reviews, instructions and use

Echinacea tincture for immunity: doctors' reviews, instructions and use

Echinacea can be considered a truly magical flower. Its amazing healing properties have been known to folk healers since ancient times. Echinacea came to Europe from America, where it was widely used by the Indians, who used the plant to treat the most serious diseases

Side effects of "Glycine" in adults and children, the consequences of an overdose

Side effects of "Glycine" in adults and children, the consequences of an overdose

Before we talk about the "Glycine" effect, let's first find out what it is. The drug is available in the form of white tablets. "Glycine" is a drug made on the basis of an amino acid with the same name. As a rule, it is prescribed to people whose activities are associated with intense physical and mental stress. The range of application of the drug is very wide

"L-Arginine": instructions for use, analogs, reviews and release forms

"L-Arginine": instructions for use, analogs, reviews and release forms

What is L-Arginine? You will learn the answer to the question posed from the materials of this article

Ointment "Comfrey 911": instructions, indications, side effects

Ointment "Comfrey 911": instructions, indications, side effects

Most often, with soft tissue injuries, bruises, dislocations and sprains, various ointments are used to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and promote rapid healing of wounds. One of them is the Comfrey 911 ointment. Some doctors recommend it to their patients even with radiculitis, back pain and other problems with the musculoskeletal system

"Rehydron" - what is it? Instructions for use of the drug and reviews

"Rehydron" - what is it? Instructions for use of the drug and reviews

"Regidron" is a drug that belongs to the pharmacological category of drugs taken to rehydrate and reduce the severity of intoxication in the body. This medicine is used orally in the form of solutions in cases of dehydration and intoxication of various origins. What helps "Regidron" is interesting to many

Exiderm hair growth activator: reviews and application features

Exiderm hair growth activator: reviews and application features

To find out why hair falls out, it is better to visit a doctor. Most often, with such problems, a hair growth activator is prescribed. One of the best is the domestic drug Exiderm. Reviews about its use are rather contradictory, which is understandable: in order to eliminate hair problems, one remedy is not enough. But most people still say that the drug helped them

Melsmon drug: reviews and application, price. "Melsmon" in cosmetology

Melsmon drug: reviews and application, price. "Melsmon" in cosmetology

Preparations from the placenta are becoming more and more popular every year. Many call placentotherapy a cure for all diseases, and someone talks about its uselessness. Before embarking on such unusual methods of rejuvenation, you need to familiarize yourself with all the pros and cons of these exotic drugs

St. John's wort tablets: indications for use, reviews

St. John's wort tablets: indications for use, reviews

St. John's wort is well known in folk medicine. It is one of the most popular medicinal plants. Its antidepressant effect has been proven by numerous studies. Consider what St. John's wort still helps and why it is in great demand today

"Kipferon": instructions for use, reviews

"Kipferon": instructions for use, reviews

The medicine "Kipferon" is produced in the form of suppositories, which are intended for insertion into the rectum or into the vagina. Candles are packaged in 5 pieces in cell blisters, 2 or 1 blister in a cardboard box with a detailed annotation for use

Eye drops "Tobropt": instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

Eye drops "Tobropt": instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

"Tobropt" are drops with antibacterial effect with a wide spectrum of action, belonging to the group of aminoglycosides. They are prescribed for the treatment of infections of the eyes and their appendages. In addition, the drug is suitable for prophylactic use after eye surgery. In this article we will talk about eye drops "Tobropt": instructions, price and reviews will be described in detail

Eye drops "Restasis": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Eye drops "Restasis": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Undoubtedly, the eyes are one of the most versatile and valuable gifts of nature for every person. However, in the absence of proper care for them, constant stress, exposure to computer and television screens, serious negative consequences can occur, ranging from visual impairment to complete blindness

"Rehydron Bio": instructions for use, description, composition and reviews

"Rehydron Bio": instructions for use, description, composition and reviews

Our body is able to work like a clock, but sometimes it happens that against the background of an incorrect lifestyle or simply for some other reason, the entire well-functioning system may fail at some point, and a person becomes susceptible to various unpleasant symptoms . So, people can start vomiting at any time along with nausea, overheating, dehydration and many other, not the most pleasant phenomena

"Herbastress": reviews and instructions for use

"Herbastress": reviews and instructions for use

The fast pace of modern life and daily stress can lead to nervous tension and even depression. In such cases, the natural product of plant origin "Gerbastress" (night) will come to the rescue. Feedback will be provided in this article. It perfectly supports the human body, helps to overcome tension, fatigue, anxiety and other kinds of discomfort associated with daily stress

Nose drops with hormones: names, indications for use, reviews

Nose drops with hormones: names, indications for use, reviews

Prescribing a drug based on hormones (the scientific name is glucocorticosteroids) is a difficult task. As a rule, such drugs are used for severe rhinitis, if more gentle drugs have not had the expected effect. Hormonal nose drops are most often prescribed to treat a runny nose caused by allergies or in chronic forms of rhinitis

"Piaskledin 300": instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

"Piaskledin 300": instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

In the treatment of diseases such as osteoparosis and tendinopathy, a special place in complex therapy is given to chondroprotectors. One of the common drugs in this group is Piascledin 300 (instructions are included in each package). This drug has not such a large list of contraindications and almost does not give side effects, therefore it is actively used in medical practice

The drug "Hexicon" during pregnancy: reviews

The drug "Hexicon" during pregnancy: reviews

During pregnancy, a woman's immunity is weakened, against which both primary diseases of an infectious nature and undertreated before conception may appear. If a pregnant woman is prescribed "Hexicon", then this treatment is urgently needed and advisable. You can discuss this prescription with your doctor and possibly change it to a similar drug

"Cycloferon": instructions for use for children, reviews

"Cycloferon": instructions for use for children, reviews

"Cycloferon" is a domestic drug with an immunostimulating effect. It is prescribed for the prevention, and, in addition, the treatment of such viral ailments as hepatitis, influenza, herpes and various respiratory infections. "Cycloferon" among other things has an anti-inflammatory property, which, in turn, makes possible an additional positive effect in the treatment of infectious diseases

"Strophanthin": recipe in Latin, description of the drug

"Strophanthin": recipe in Latin, description of the drug

"Strophanthin K" refers to the number of short-acting cardiac glycosides that increase the speed and force of contraction of the heart muscle, or myocardium, that is, it has a positive inotropic effect. In addition, it reduces the heart rate, providing a negative chronotropic effect

The best ointment for prickly heat in adults

The best ointment for prickly heat in adults

Miliaria is commonly referred to as skin irritation caused by excessive sweating. The release of a large amount of sweat contributes to blockage of the sweat glands and irritates the skin. Despite the unsightly appearance, the disease is not contagious, but it delivers very unpleasant sensations, especially if it is complicated by the addition of a bacterial infection

First aid kit AI-2: composition, use, storage

First aid kit AI-2: composition, use, storage

The AI-2 personal first-aid kit is an outdated version of a set of tools for providing first self-help and mutual assistance in case of injury or after the use of weapons of mass destruction

Homeopathy. "Kantaris": description and indications for use

Homeopathy. "Kantaris": description and indications for use

In the article we will consider the preparation of homeopathy "Kantaris". Alternative medicine is a huge section, which includes a wide variety of methods and techniques for treating patients. One of the most common is homeopathy, which many people have heard of, but not everyone knows what principles and mechanisms are used in this branch of medicine

"Keeper" (ointment): instruction, application

"Keeper" (ointment): instruction, application

Everyone experiences skin damage during their lifetime. They can appear with diseases or as a result of injury. In both cases, the "Keeper" remedy (ointment) will help you

What is sodium dichloroisocyanurate, where is it used?

What is sodium dichloroisocyanurate, where is it used?

Today, almost every housewife has cleaning and detergents, which also disinfect surfaces and household items. One of the substances that is used for the manufacture of such products is sodium dichloroisocyanurate or the sodium s alt of dichloroisocyanuric acid. The substance is presented in the form of white tablets that have the smell of chlorine

"Asparkam": INN, purpose, form of release, features of admission, indications and contraindications, analogues

"Asparkam": INN, purpose, form of release, features of admission, indications and contraindications, analogues

There is often a lack of potassium and magnesium, as a result of which the work of the cardiovascular system is disrupted and a person's well-being worsens. Often in such cases, natural vitamin preparations are prescribed, one of which is Asparkam. The INN (or international non-proprietary name) of this remedy is magnesium and potassium aspartate, because it contains only two active ingredients

Choline alfoscerate: instructions for use, reviews and analogues

Choline alfoscerate: instructions for use, reviews and analogues

Choline alfoscerate is an active drug ingredient found in many medicines. You will learn about the properties of this substance, why it is indicated and what preparations it contains, from the materials of the presented article

Urografin: instructions for use, analogues, reviews, contraindications. Urografin 76%: instructions for use

Urografin: instructions for use, analogues, reviews, contraindications. Urografin 76%: instructions for use

To carry out studies of the body, methods based on X-ray beams are used. The introduction of a contrast agent into the human body enhances diagnostic capabilities. The addition of iodine molecules to the composition of the drug increases their effect

Drug "Glidiab MV": instructions for use, reviews

Drug "Glidiab MV": instructions for use, reviews

For the supportive treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus, in which there is a relative production of insulin molecules, agents based on gliclazide are used. This substance is a second-generation sulfonylurea derivative

"Minisiston": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Minisiston": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

There are various methods of preventing unwanted pregnancies. The use of tablet medicines allows for long-term contraceptive protection and family planning. One of these drugs is Minisiston, the instructions for use of which recommend taking pills also to restore the menstrual cycle

Sedative for children "Tenoten": reviews

Sedative for children "Tenoten": reviews

Often, excessive activity and restlessness harm the development of the baby. Medicines come to the rescue to help relieve excitability and calm the child. One of these medicines is the drug for children "Tenoten"

"Olanzapine": analogues, description of the drug, instructions for use

"Olanzapine": analogues, description of the drug, instructions for use

For the treatment of schizophrenic and bipolar disorder, drugs based on the substance olanzapine are used. There are many drugs with different trade names, but the same antipsychotic effect. One of these drugs is the drug "Olanzapine", its analogues contain a common active ingredient in their composition

The drug "Atokor": instructions for use, analogue and reviews

The drug "Atokor": instructions for use, analogue and reviews

High plasma cholesterol contributes to the development of atherosclerosis and heart disease. For lipid-lowering treatment, special means are used, one of which is the drug "Atokor"

"Clofranil": instructions for use, reviews, photos, analogues, side effects

"Clofranil": instructions for use, reviews, photos, analogues, side effects

Treatment of depressive processes is not complete without the use of antidepressants, which include the drug "Clofranil". The instruction recommends using it to eliminate various phobias, pain syndromes

Drug "Onbrez Breezhaler": instructions for use, composition, analogues, doses

Drug "Onbrez Breezhaler": instructions for use, composition, analogues, doses

For the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, the innovative drug "Onbrez Breezhaler" has been developed and tested for safety, the photo of which is presented below

"Stamlo": reviews, analogues. Instructions for use "Stamlo"

"Stamlo": reviews, analogues. Instructions for use "Stamlo"

To lower blood pressure, doctors often use drugs based on amlodipine. One of these means is the drug "Stamlo"

Interferon inductors, drugs for children: list, action. Fast-acting inducers of endogenous interferon

Interferon inductors, drugs for children: list, action. Fast-acting inducers of endogenous interferon

In order to prevent and treat viral diseases, interferon inducers are used. The mechanism of their action is associated with the production of protein substances that prevent the reproduction of pathogenic pathogens. Preparations based on inducers allow you to fight respiratory diseases, herpetic and hepatitis infections, influenza

"Bisoprolol-Prana": indications for use, analogues, reviews, instructions for use. "Bisoprolol-Prana" and "Bisoprolol": difference

"Bisoprolol-Prana": indications for use, analogues, reviews, instructions for use. "Bisoprolol-Prana" and "Bisoprolol": difference

There are many bisoprolol-based medicines that have been successfully used to treat high blood pressure and heart failure. Among them are the domestic drug "Bisoprolol-Prana"

The drug "Ismizhen": instructions for use, description, reviews

The drug "Ismizhen": instructions for use, description, reviews

With the advent of cold weather, the human body is at risk of contracting respiratory diseases. To protect yourself and your family from colds, you need to strengthen the immune system. Doctors recommend taking a course of treatment with immunostimulating agents. One of these drugs is the drug "Ismigen"