Thioctic acid preparations: list, names, release form, purpose, instructions for use, indications and contraindications

Thioctic acid preparations: list, names, release form, purpose, instructions for use, indications and contraindications
Thioctic acid preparations: list, names, release form, purpose, instructions for use, indications and contraindications

In the article, we will consider what preparations of thioctic acid are.

Thioctic (α-lipoic) acid has the ability to bind free radicals. Its formation in the body occurs during the oxidative decarboxylation of α-keto acids. It is involved in the oxidative process of decarboxylation of α-keto acids and pyruvic acid as an enzyme of mitochondrial multienzyme complexes. In terms of biochemical action, this substance is close to vitamins of group B. Thioctic acid preparations help normalize neuronal trophism, lower glucose levels, increase the amount of glycogen in the liver, reduce insulin resistance, improve liver function, and are directly involved in the regulation of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism.

best thioctic acid drug
best thioctic acid drug


When taken orally, thioctic acid is rapidly absorbed. In 60 minutes, it reaches maximum concentrations in the body. The bioavailability of the substance is 30%. After intravenous administration of thioctic acid 600 mg, peak plasma levels are reached after 30 minutes.

Metabolism occurs in the liver via side chain oxidation and conjugation. The drug has the property of first passing into the liver. The elimination half-life is 30-50 minutes (via the kidneys).

Issue form

Thioctic acid is produced in various dosage forms, in particular in the form of tablets and solutions for infusion. Dosages also vary significantly depending on the form of release and brand of the drug.


Indications for the use of thioctic acid preparations are described in detail in the instructions. They are prescribed for diabetic and alcoholic polyneuropathy.


The list of contraindications to this remedy includes:

  • lactose intolerance or deficiency;
  • galactose and glucose malabsorption;
  • lactation, pregnancy;
  • under 18;
  • high sensitivity to components.

Intravenous administration of the drug should be carried out with caution in people over 75 years of age.

preparations containing thioctic acid
preparations containing thioctic acid

Instructions for use

Thioctic acid preparations in the form of tablets are taken whole, 30 minutes before breakfast, with water. The recommended dosage is 600 mg once a day. Taking tablets begins after a course of parenteral administration lasting 2-4 weeks. Maximum therapeutic courseis no more than 12 weeks. Longer treatment is possible with a doctor's prescription.

Concentrate for infusion solution is injected slowly intravenously. The solution should be prepared immediately before the infusion. The prepared product should be protected from sunlight, in this case it can be stored for up to 6 hours. The course of using this medical form is 1-4 weeks, after which you should switch to a tablet.

Which drug of thioctic acid is better, interesting to many.

Side effects

The following pathological conditions act as adverse reactions when using this medication:

  • vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, heartburn;
  • allergic reactions (skin rashes, itching phenomena), anaphylactic shock;
  • taste disorder;
  • hypoglycemia (excessive sweating, cephalgia, dizziness, blurred vision);
  • thrombocytopathy, purpura, petechial hemorrhages in the mucous membranes and skin, hypocoagulation;
  • autoimmune insulin syndrome (in people with diabetes);
  • hot flashes, convulsions;
  • increased activity of digestive enzymes;
  • pain in the region of the heart, with the rapid introduction of a pharmacological agent - increased heart rate;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • diplopia, blurred vision;
  • feeling of discomfort at the injection site, hyperemia, swelling.

Intracranial pressure may increase (transientalone), breathing difficulties and weakness.

Medicines containing this acid

The most common thioctic acid medications are:

thioctic acid preparations
thioctic acid preparations
  • Berlition.
  • Lipothioxon.
  • Octolipen.
  • "Thioctacid".
  • Neurolipon.
  • "Thiogamma".
  • Polition.
  • "Thiolepta".
  • Espa Lipon.

Drug "Berlition"

The main active element of this pharmacological agent is alpha-lipoic acid, which is a vitamin-like substance that plays the role of a coenzyme in the process of oxidative decarboxylation of alpha-keto acids. It has antioxidant, hypoglycemic, neurotrophic effects. Reduces the level of sucrose in the blood and increases the concentration of glycogen in the liver, reduces insulin resistance. In addition, this component regulates fat and carbohydrate metabolism, stimulates cholesterol metabolism.

thioctic acid preparations indications for use
thioctic acid preparations indications for use

In patients with diabetes mellitus of any kind, thioctic acid changes the concentration of pyruvic acid in the blood, prevents the deposition of glucose on vascular proteins and the formation of glycation end elements. In addition, the acid promotes the production of glutathione, improves liver function in patients with hepatic pathologies and the function of the peripheral system in patients with diabetic sensory polyneuropathy. Participating in fat metabolismthioctic acid is able to stimulate the production of phospholipids, as a result of which cell membranes are restored, energy metabolism and the sending of nerve impulses are stabilized.

Drug "Lipotioxon"

This preparation of thioctic acid is an endogenous type antioxidant that binds free radicals. Thioctic acid plays an important role in the mitochondrial metabolism in cells, and acts as a coenzyme in the transformation of substances with antitoxic effects. They protect cells from radicals that arise during intermediate metabolism or during the breakdown of foreign exogenous substances, as well as from the influence of heavy metals. In addition, the main substance exhibits synergism with respect to insulin, which is associated with an increase in glucose utilization. In diabetics, thioctic acid contributes to a change in the level of pyruvic acid in the blood.

Drug "Octolipen"

This is another drug based on thioctic acid - a coenzyme of multienzymatic mitochondrial groups involved in the process of oxidative decarboxylation of α-keto acids and pyruvic acid. It is an endogenous antioxidant: it eliminates free radicals, restores the level of glutathione inside cells, increases the functionality of superoxide dismutase, axonal conduction and neuronal trophism. It plays an important role in energy metabolism, has lipotropic efficiency, improves liver function. It has a detoxifying effect in heavy metal poisoning and other intoxications.

drugsthioctic acid list
drugsthioctic acid list

Special recommendations for the use of medications

During the period of treatment with drugs based on thioctic acid, you should refrain from taking alcoholic beverages. Patients with diabetes need regular monitoring of blood sugar levels, especially in the initial period of using a particular medication. In order to avoid the development of hypoglycemia, it may be necessary to adjust the dosage of insulin or oral hypoglycemic medication. If symptoms of hypoglycemia occur, the use of thioctic acid should be discontinued immediately. This is also useful in cases of hypersensitivity reactions such as pruritus and malaise.

Medication use in pregnancy, lactation and children

According to the annotation on the use of drugs containing thioctic acid, these drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. The appointment of these funds in childhood is also contraindicated.

thioctic acid which drug is better
thioctic acid which drug is better

Drug interaction

It is necessary to observe an interval of at least 2 hours when using thioctic acid with drugs that contain metals, as well as with dairy products. Significant drug interaction of this acid is observed with the following substances:

  • cisplatin: reduced effectiveness;
  • glucocorticosteroids: enhancing their anti-inflammatory action;
  • ethanol and its metabolites: declineexposure to thioctic acid;
  • oral hypoglycemic drugs and insulin: increasing their effects.

These medicinal products in the form of concentrates for infusion solution are incompatible with solutions of dextrose, fructose, Ringer's solution, as well as with solutions that react with SH- and disulfide groups.

Price of these medicines

The cost of medicines containing thioctic acid varies significantly. Approximate price of tablets 30 pcs. in a dose of 300 mg is equal to - 290 rubles, 30 pcs. at a dose of 600 mg - 650-690 rubles.

The best drug of thioctic acid will help you choose a doctor.

preparations of thioctic acid 600 mg
preparations of thioctic acid 600 mg

Medication reviews

Reviews about drugs are mostly positive. Experts highly appreciate their therapeutic properties as a neuroprotector and antioxidant and recommend the use of people with diabetes and a variety of polyneuropathies. Many patients, most often women, take these drugs to reduce weight, but opinions are divided about the effectiveness of such drugs for weight loss. There is also a high cost of these medications.

Drugs are well tolerated, according to consumers, side effects are rare, and among them, allergic reactions are most often observed, which are usually mild, the symptoms disappear on their own after stopping the drug.

We reviewed the listthioctic acid preparations.
