You always want to look great, and everyone strives for this. But such a "nuisance" as a hematoma on the lip can ruin all the beauty. The person experiences discomfort, not to mention pain at the site of the bruise.
A pathology is formed in the area where the integrity of the vessels is violated and the blood enters under the skin. The causes of damage are as follows:
- mechanical impact - a bruise appears after: impact, fall, bruise, biting;
- physiology - malocclusion;
- use of antiplatelet drugs (aspirin);
- tattoo, filler. The second is lip augmentation. Hyaluronic acid compresses and breaks capillaries;
- dental procedures;
- facial surgery;
- lack of vitamin C in the body;
- blood diseases;
- increased vascular fragility;
- benign and malignant tumors;
- passionate kisses.
All these factors can cause a hematoma on the lip. The photo shows what it looks like.

First Aid
Timely measures will help to avoid negative consequences. That's why you should not waste precious minutes. The sooner help is provided, the sooner you will get rid of the "trouble".
To get things right, follow these rules:
- The cold stops the bleeding. The less blood gets under the skin, the smaller the size of the hematoma on the lip.
- Immediately after a bruise or other mechanical impact, apply something cold to the damaged area (ice or a product from the freezer), after wrapping it with a cloth.
- Keep cold for no more than five minutes. Take a break and repeat the manipulation. Otherwise, you may get frostbite. Repeat for forty minutes.
- Remember, it is impossible to remove a bruise quickly. But a cloth soaked in cold water will speed up the healing process.
- Another very effective way is to compress: a glass of vodka, vinegar and a small spoonful of s alt.

Help from the pharmacy
Remove the hematoma on the lip will help drugs purchased at the pharmacy. Their production is based on natural components: essential oils, beekeeping products, vitamin complexes, etc. All of them have no side effects, will not harm your he alth, but before giving preference to one of them, still consult your doctor. Only then can treatment begin.
And yet - there is one limitation. It is forbidden to use medicinalagents on the mucosa of the lips. The reason is that some substances contained in the preparation must not enter the body.
Zelenka and iodine can not be used to get rid of a hematoma. There is a risk of burns. And they are unlikely to help you in this case.
More about medicines
So that you are more or less aware of what to use to treat a hematoma on the lip, we offer a description of some drugs:
- "Liogel" - an anti-inflammatory agent, relieves swelling and removes subcutaneous bruising. It is forbidden to use the drug for bleeding and suppuration of the lips.
- Comfrey ointment. Can be used by everyone. There is one contraindication - you can not lubricate an open wound.

- "Troxevasin" - is used only three days after the injury. Reduces bruising quickly.
- "Rescuer" - this tool has long been known. It is used quite often for hematoma on the lip after a blow. It is analgesic, absorbable, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial.
Before using the product, do an allergy test. Apply the ointment to the forearm area, rub in and wait twenty minutes. If everything is fine, you can use the medicine.
Folk methods
Do not neglect traditional medicine in the treatment of hematoma on the lip. A few remedies that will help alleviate the condition and reduce the period of "decoration" of the bruise.
- Aloe - reduces or removes swelling, relieves painfulsensations, accelerates healing. Cut the leaf in half, apply to the damaged area. The procedure is repeated several times.
- Artemisia herb - apply to a bruise. A very effective remedy, although the smell is unpleasant.
- Plantain leaf - relieves pain and inflammation. The plant is cut into small pieces, superimposed on a bruise.
- A banana peel will remove a hematoma in a couple of days. It stays on the affected area for half an hour. The procedure is carried out five times a day.
- Starch diluted in water (one to one) will help get rid of the "trouble".
- Bodyaga. The powder dissolves in water, applied to the wound like a compress. Thanks to this remedy, the swelling will quickly disappear.

Urgent doctor
Hematoma on the lip responds well to treatment at home, the main thing is not to ignore the pathology. But there are times when you can’t do without expert advice:
- lots of leaks and they are extensive;
- sudden bruising;
- topical therapy does not help;
- stain does not disappear after a week and a half;
- bruise gets bigger, moves to other areas;
- bruising constantly and very painful;
- swelling and redness appear;
- presence of a wound.
In all of the above cases, you can not do without the help of a doctor. If pathology is triggered, serious problems may arise.

If a hematoma appeared on the lip ofchild, it is best to contact the pediatrician immediately. He will be able to determine the severity of the problem and, if necessary, prescribe a drug. The first aid that you can give your baby is to cut a potato, apply it to the stain and hold for a couple of minutes. Repeat the procedure several times a day. If it doesn't help, see a doctor immediately.
Additional treatment
Sometimes it is impossible to do without complex treatment. It includes not only drugs from a pharmacy, traditional medicine, but also nutrition. The last one should not be forgotten. If the hematoma of the upper lip or lower appears too often and from any touch, then you should think about strengthening the blood vessels. This can be done by eating foods rich in vitamins C and E.
Vitamin C is abundant in citrus fruits. This substance increases the elasticity of blood vessels, significantly speeds up the healing process.
Vitamin E is found in sunflower, peanut, and soybean oils. Fish oil, eggs and many nuts are rich in this component. It makes capillary walls stronger, improves blood circulation, promotes wound healing.

Don't hope that only with the help of vitamins you can get rid of a bruise. They are useful, but will help if the hematoma is small. In other cases, these components are in addition to the main treatment.
A couple more tips
It is possible and possible to treat a bruise, but it all depends on the place of its localization. If the hematoma is clearly visible, it will help get rid offrom her therapeutic cream or ointment. We are talking about Lyoton, Sinyakoff.
If a bruise appears on the mucous membrane, then it is not recommended to use the above drugs. Not only will this not help, but it can also harm the body.
Do not remove the hematoma on the lip with iodine mesh. This method can cause a burn and only worsen the situation.
A wound that appears on the lip usually does not pose a he alth hazard, but spoils the appearance. One cannot but agree with this, but still situations are different. You can get rid of a bruise within ten days. If during this period the hematoma has not disappeared, you should consult a doctor. Remember that you can get rid of a hematoma faster with the help of drugs and traditional medicine. Not only will a bruise "decorate" you for a long time, it can also become a big problem.
In order for such a nuisance as a hematoma not to overtake you, take care of yourself, especially for the procedure - lip augmentation. Contact only clinics where highly qualified specialists work.

Prevention of a problem is the elimination of risks. Avoid injuries, "feed" your body with vitamins, be careful and follow safety precautions.
Following these recommendations, you will at least try to avoid the appearance of a hematoma on the lip.