Someone said you can't make a first impression twice, and he was absolutely right. It is from the positive perception of a person in the first minutes of acquaintance that the further effectiveness of interaction with him depends. Therefore, it is extremely important to look good at the first meeting. This is especially true in the medical field. A doctor who independently chooses professional clothes for himself works for his personal image and his own success, if the clinic purchases medical clothes, then the image of the entire team is built.
The specificity of the medical industry is such that most of the employees are women. And they, like no one else, care about their appearance and know how to appreciate beauty.
Manufacturers of modern medical clothing follow the fashion and produce modern models in the current style. The model range of special medical clothing is constantly updated with new products - classic options:
- medical gown;
- pants;
- blouse, jacket, jacket;
- medical suit.
As well as models with bright details and unusual cuts.
Models are created under the close supervision of experts and true aces of the sewing craft. Experiencedsamples go through several stages of testing in real conditions, and only after receiving positive feedback from specialists, new items are transferred to production.
In addition, some manufacturers have developed special clothes for doctors in children's departments. It softens the image of a doctor and makes it easier to visit a doctor with a child.
White, green and blue suit colors are the most common.
Requirements for medical clothing
Fabric for tailoring is chosen mainly not accumulating pollution and static electricity. It should be hypoallergenic, breathable, of natural origin. In addition, the material for medical clothing should have high hydrophobic and barrier properties.
Today, fashion designers for medical professionals offer models with a wide variety of finishes: button or zip fasteners, collars and cuffs of various shapes and colors. All items of medical uniform must meet certain requirements: clean well, withstand a large number of washes at the same time. Manufacturers use specially impregnated materials to meet all these requirements.
The medical suit quickly gained popularity among nurses and doctors, although it appeared not very long ago. Doctors explain this by the fact that it is much more convenient to perform various medical manipulations in a suit. It protects personal clothing completely. It can be worn over underwear, which is especially convenient in hot weather.

Today, most doctors have medical suits in their work wardrobe. Women's suits are distinguished by greater elegance and a variety of color palettes, while men's suits are more functional and practical. What uniform to use, the medical officer chooses according to his own experience and the specifics of his work.
The location of the buttons distinguishes suits for men and women.
Medical suit according to its external and quality characteristics can be classified:
1. By color scheme:
- single color;
- two-color;
- plain pants and patterned blouse.
2. By type of clasp:
- zipper;
- buttons;
- buttons.
3. Sleeve Length:
- short sleeve;
- long sleeve;
- 3/4 sleeves.
4. According to the style of the upper part of the suit:
- jacket;
- blouse;
- tunic;
- jacket.
5. By type of pockets:
- invoices;
- slotted;
- with oblique facing.
In addition, a medical suit can be without pockets, with one or more pockets. Have a V-shaped neckline, a set-in stand-up or turn-down collar. And, of course, the fabric - as mentioned above, the composition of the fabric can be different. But the quality must meet the basic requirements.

Women's medical suits
Women's suits usually have a wide variety of colorsshades. Their blouse or tunic may be longer and worn even without trousers. And the lower part of the suit can be replaced with elongated breeches.
It is women's suits that have contrasting trim on collars, cuffs and pockets; models with fitted silhouettes.

Men's suit
Men's medical suit is characterized by a more strict style of trousers than women's. A jacket or jacket can be sleeveless or short-sleeved. Trousers are most often free-cut, not constraining movements. The color scheme is usually more calm, without bright colors and with a minimum of decoration.
Surgeon suit

An important component of preoperative preparation is a well-chosen surgical suit. It should be distinguished by a high-tech cut, provide unconditional comfort during operation and freedom of movement. The surgical suit differs from the rest of the medical suits by the drawstrings on the back. The blouse can be with or without a belt. Pants - loose fit.