For the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, the innovative drug "Onbrez Breezhaler" has been developed and tested for safety, the photo of which is presented below.
General characteristics
This medicine is produced by the Swiss company Novartis AG. There are two dosages (0.300 mg and 0.150 mg each) of Onbrez Breezhaler. The description of the drug characterizes it as a white powder for inhalation, which is packaged in capsules.

This is a sympathomimetic inhalant used to treat obstructive respiratory diseases. It is classified as a selective beta2-agonist.
High Dose Size 3 Hard Gelatin Capsules have a clear, uncolored cap and body. The top of the capsule has the company's logo in black paint below the black stripe, and the bottom of the capsule contains the "IDL 150" designation above the black stripe.
The gelatin hard capsules of the third size of a smaller dose have a transparent, colorless lid and body. On thethe top half bears the company's logo in blue below the blue stripe, while the bottom half of the capsule contains the blue "IDL 300" lettering above the blue stripe.
One capsule contains indacaterol maleate at 0.194mg for the lower dose and 0.389mg for the higher dose. An auxiliary component in the form of milk sugar serves as a filler, with its help the mass of the contents is adjusted.
Complicated is the capsule shell "Onbrez Breezhaler" composition, and the instruction includes a list of all ingredients. The coating of a lower dose is formed by shellac, gelatin, iron oxide of ferric and trivalent black, pure water, propylene glycol.
The higher dosage capsule shell contains slightly different ingredients. The coating is formed by shellac, gelatin, iron oxide of bi- and trivalent black, pure aqueous medium, propylene glycol, blue diamond pigment, titanium dioxide.
Mechanism of action
Drugs "Onbrez Breezhaler" instructions for use describe the effect of the active ingredient indacaterol, which, being a chemical ligand, increases the response of beta2-adrenergic receptors. This pharmacological effect occurs due to the activation of the adenylcyclase enzyme inside the cells, which accelerates the transition of adenosine triphosphate molecules to the form of cyclic 3', 5'-adenosine monophosphate.

An increase in the last component causes a weakening of the smooth muscles in the bronchi. Indacaterol is highly active in relation to beta2 receptors. Its selectivity is similar to that of formoterol.
Capsules "Onbrez Breezhaler" when administered inhalation exhibit a local bronchodilatory effect in the respiratory system.
Its role is interconnected with the reduction of overextension of the lung walls in moderate or severe obstructive disease, in a static and dynamic position of the body.
Single daily administration leads to a permanent significant improvement in the performance of the respiratory organs. The active substance begins to act quickly and after 10 minutes its activity is manifested. This is much more effective than the effect of salbutamol at a dose of 0.200 mg or salmeterol / fluticasone at a dosage of 0.050/0.500 mg. The maximum activity of indacaterol is possible already after 3-4 hours from the introduction of inhalation. Morning or evening application of the drug does not change its bronchodilator effect.
What heals
Drug "Onbrez Breezhaler" instructions for use advises the use for maintenance bronchodilatory therapy of obstructive changes in the ways of the respiratory system in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. As a result of such a disease, the air flow is limited, the volume of air inhaled decreases, and shortness of breath develops. The initial stage of the disease can be identified by coughing, sputum production, shortness of breath and hoarseness during exercise.
How to use
For the medication "Onbrez Breezhaler" methods of administration and doses for adults are described ininstructions. Usually, doctors recommend one inhalation per day with the contents of one capsule at a dosage of 0.150 mg. The procedure is carried out using an inhaler or a breathaler, it comes as an addition to the medicine. The dosage can be increased only on medical prescription.

In severe obstruction of the lungs, one inhalation per day is carried out with a capsule with a dose of 0.300 mg. The procedure is carried out with the help of a breathaler. The maximum daily amount of the drug is equal to 0.300 mg.
Drugs "Onbrez Breezhaler" instructions for use do not include requirements for revision of the dosage for elderly patients. Inhalations are not suitable for children, they are prescribed only after the age of 18.
If the disease is combined with mild or moderate hepatic and renal failure, dosing adjustment is not carried out. In case of severe violations of the work of the above organs, they do not carry out drug therapy.
For the medicine "Onbrez Breezhaler" methods of use are reduced only to the inhalation of the breathaler of the same company. The capsule preparation is not suitable for swallowing. It must be used daily within a certain time period. If there was a break in treatment, then the subsequent administration is carried out at the set hours of the next day.
Each pack of Onbrez Breezhaler contains a device for inhalation and contour packaging containing capsules with powdered contents. The medicine is supplied with a mouthpiece, a screen, a cap, a base and a button.lancing devices.
Before handling the inhaler, remove the lid. To open the device, hold its bottom part, then deflect the mouthpiece in the direction.
One capsule is taken out of the package, hands must be dry. Then it is inserted into the inhaler, putting it in the designated area. Do not put medicine inside the mouthpiece. The device closes with a characteristic click.
The next step is to pierce the capsule. To do this, in a vertical position, a one-time single pressing of two buttons for piercing is carried out. Usually a clicking sound is heard, which indicates a puncture of the capsular coating. Then both buttons are pressed on the inhaler device.
The device is considered ready for manipulation and can be used. At the beginning of the application, before introducing the mouthpiece into the mouth, the patient exhales deeply. Then he puts the tube into the oral cavity, holding it with his mouth tightly compressed. Breezhaler is held with one upper limb and fast, uniform and deep inhalations of air are carried out. Do not touch the buttons on the lancing equipment.
During the manipulation, a characteristic rattling is heard, which is obtained during the rotation of the shell and the subsequent spraying of the contents. The patient has a taste of sweet in the mouth. The absence of the desired sound signal requires opening the inhaler to check the capsule. It is possible that it will get stuck at the injection site. If a failure occurs, the capsule is removed by lightly tapping the base of the device. Should not be repeatedpress the side buttons. If the capsules are pierced several times, they may break.
During inhalation, a characteristic sound may appear, in this state the patient holds his breath for the time necessary to pull the mouthpiece out of the mouth. Only then the air is exhaled. This is necessary to prevent discomfort. Do not blow into the tube of the device.
To check the presence of powder inside the capsule, a person should lift the lid and look into the inhaler. When it is seen that there is a lot of capsular content, then close the device and repeat all the above points to prepare it for manipulation. One or two injections of the drug are enough to completely release the capsule.

Inhalation can provoke a sharp attack of coughing. The reason for this condition is the receipt of a full dose of the drug. Sometimes it is possible for a small amount of powder from the capsule to enter the oral cavity. Both violations should not be cause for concern.
After inhalation, the patient needs to open the device, for this they reject the mouthpiece, take out the shell of the empty capsule and throw it away. Then lower the mouth tube and close the lid. It is forbidden to drop an empty capsule inside the device, rinse and spin it.
When using a new package, do not use the old inhaler. Only a dry place is suitable for storing the packaging with the device and blisters.
For the medicine "Onbrez Breezhaler" the instruction recommendskeep a record of the manipulations performed using the calendar for marks, which is applied to the inner surface of the pack. When filling it out, the person will remember that it is necessary to carry out the next inhalation.
For weekly cleaning of the instrument, wipe the outside and inside of the mouthpiece using a clean, dry cloth. Do not use cleaning fluid. All parts of the inhaler must be dry.
Features of treatment
Drugs "Onbrez Breezhaler" instructions for use does not contain recommendations for use in patients with asthma. This is explained by the lack of information that would prove the effectiveness and safety of administration to such people.
Inhalation may be accompanied by hypersensitivity. If allergic processes occur, associated with difficult breathing or swallowing, swelling of the tongue, lips and facial part of the head, a rash in the form of urticaria, treatment should be abandoned and the opposite measures should be taken.
Inhalation with a medication can provoke a paradoxical type of bronchospasm, which is dangerous for the patient's life. The slightest sign prompts the urgent withdrawal of the medication and the use of medication to control the attack.

The drug "Onbrez Breezhaler" is able to aggravate the course of the disease, which is why it is not used as urgent measures in the initial stages of acute bronchospasm. If the condition of a patient with pulmonary obstruction worsened as a result of inhalation of the drug,then a re-evaluation of the patient's well-being and the method of its treatment is carried out. Exceeding the maximum daily dosage is simply unacceptable.
If a severe attack (obstructive and asthmatic) develops, the patient needs urgent hospitalization and resuscitation. Intensive care should begin as soon as possible. For drug treatment, the introduction of adrenaline, corticosteroids, aminophylline is suitable.
The drug in the form of inhalations with the recommended dosage often does not contribute to a significant effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, its effect is similar to substances that cause a response of beta2-adrenergic receptors. Very carefully it is necessary to carry out manipulations for people with diseases of the myocardium and blood vessels, including coronary insufficiency, changes in heart rhythm and high blood pressure, convulsive seizures and thyrotoxicosis. Caution is also needed in case of a non-identical response to the influence of substances that cause a response of beta2-adrenoreceptor elements.
The drug can significantly reduce the level of potassium ions in the blood, thereby causing the development of harmful processes in the work of the heart and blood vessels. Such a decrease in K+in plasma is considered temporary, not requiring its replenishment. In severe forms of bronchial obstruction and hypokalemia, a lack of oxygen develops. Treatment of hypoxia can lead to cardiac arrhythmias.
Inhalation administration of a high dose of a drug sometimes increases blood glucose levels. For this reason, careful monitoring is recommended.plasma sugar concentrations for people with diabetes. To protect yourself from hyperglycemia, you should not use the drug often and in high doses.
About the drug "Onbrez Breezhaler" the opinion of experts shows poor compatibility of the drug and agonists of beta2-adrenergic receptor sites with long-term exposure.
This remedy treats only obstructive changes in the paths of the respiratory system in a chronic form. In case of inappropriate use of the drug, for example, with asthma of the bronchial type, there is a danger of complex reactions in which the patient is hospitalized and inubated.
There are no clinical data that would characterize the effect of indacaterol on the process of bearing a child in the presence of chronic pulmonary obstruction. What potential effect it has on the human body is unknown. Women in position should be treated with this drug when it is necessary to obtain the expected benefit for the mother's body, which outweighs the possible danger to the unborn child. Like other beta2-adrenergic agonists, the drug relaxes the smooth muscles in the uterus, which affects the strength of labor.
There is also no information about indacaterol or its metabolites entering breast milk. There is evidence of the ingestion of active substances, as well as beta2-adrenergic inhalants, into the mammary glands, which leads to the need to cancel the Onbrez Breezhaler medication during breastfeeding.
Under the influence of the drug, there is no change in male fertility andfemale, as proven by studies of the reproductive system.
The drug can affect the management of transport or the work with complex mechanisms, as it causes attacks of dizziness and impaired attention.
Who should not use
Medication "Onbrez Breezhaler" instructions do not recommend the use of excessive sensitivity to the active ingredient, milk sugar or other additional components.
Inhalation is contraindicated for children under the age of 18. They are not performed in patients suffering from Lapp-lactase deficiency, galactosemia, hereditary intolerance to milk sugar and galactose molecules.
Means "Onbrez Breezhaler": reviews of doctors
It is considered one of the newest medicines for basic use in obstructive pulmonary disease. There is a large amount of evidence for the effective and safe use of indacaterol. This drug is included in the GOLD program, which contains international recommendations for the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Clinical trials of indacaterol were carried out in about 10,000 patients suffering from this disease. It has been established that the active substance has a significant superiority in activity over pacifiers and other modern bronchodilators for the basic treatment of COPD.
On the medication "Onbrez Breezhaler" reviews of doctors testify to its ultra-long action with a single daily intake. The drug provides rapid bronchodilator efficacy five minutes after the end of the manipulation.
Also, for the Onbrez Breezhaler, reviews indicate a decrease in the frequency of deterioration in well-being in patients with pulmonary obstruction. With an exacerbation of the condition, the attack progresses rapidly, the patient is placed in a hospital, a fatal outcome may occur. Hospitalization is costly.
Being a modern drug for the treatment of COPD, its active substance enters the lungs through inhalation during inhalation, which is carried out with a pocket device. The drug causes relaxation of the smooth muscles in the bronchi, which contributes to their rapid expansion. This high efficiency reduces the symptoms of the disease. So shortness of breath can be eliminated after 30 days from the start of manipulation. That is why Onbrez Breezhaler capsules deserve positive reviews. The use of the drug allows the sick person to be active and lead a normal and fulfilling life.
Patient feedback
Reviews of people suffering from obstructive pulmonary disease in a chronic form on the Onbrez Breezhaler remedy prove the effectiveness of inhalations. Already after 5 days of use, many patients noticed a decrease in shortness of breath, and after a course of treatment, people began to withstand the load, almost without suffocation.
You can hear negative reviews on Onbrez Breezhaler capsules. They are associated with the appearance of clinically significant cardiovascular effects in some patients. These include increased heart rate and high blood pressure. In this case, it is requiredcancellation of treatment with this remedy.
Heads the drug "Onbrez Breezhaler" rating of bronchodilator drugs of basic action. It has better efficacy than drugs based on salmeterol, formoterol and tiotropium.
Medication "Spiriva" is considered an analogue of the Swiss drug. It contains tiotropium bromide, which is used as an anti-asthma component. Produced in the form of capsules with powder content for inhalation at a dosage of 0.018 mg. The pack contains 30 pieces, which come with an inhaler.

Another similar remedy is the drug "Salmeterol" in the form of a metered aerosol for inhalation. One dosage contains 0.025 mg or 0.050 mg of salmeterol. Refers to bronchodilators, selective beta2-adrenomimetic action.
Agonist of selective action on β2-adrenergic receptors is the drug "Formoterol" in the form of a powder for inhalation, which is packaged in capsules. The drug is used to treat bronchial obstruction in obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchospasm in asthma, allergies to cold air or exercise.