The drug "Hexicon" during pregnancy: reviews

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The drug "Hexicon" during pregnancy: reviews
The drug "Hexicon" during pregnancy: reviews

Video: The drug "Hexicon" during pregnancy: reviews

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Video: Fatty Liver, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment. 2024, October

During pregnancy, a woman's immunity is weakened, against which both primary diseases of an infectious nature and undertreated before conception may appear. If a pregnant woman is prescribed "Hexicon", then this treatment is urgently needed and advisable. You can discuss this prescription with your doctor and possibly change it to a similar drug. However, you should not refuse treatment, because the infection can spread to the birth canal and infect the child at the time of delivery.

This drug is approved for use in pregnant women, but only on prescription. The drug acts locally, without getting into the bloodstream. It is acceptable to use in all trimesters, which distinguishes it from similar drugs. Sometimes obstetricians prescribe it just before delivery to avoid possible infection of the baby.

hexicon during pregnancy reviews
hexicon during pregnancy reviews

So, let's figure out how to use "Hexicon" whenpregnancy. Feedback will be given below.

Pros and indications for use

Candles "Hexicon" are an antiseptic. The active substance is chlorhexidine bigluconate, which is able to completely destroy harmful microflora, including gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. The drug is also used for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. The advantages of Hexicon suppositories are:

  1. Do not affect the general condition of a pregnant woman.
  2. No evidence of harmful effects on children.
  3. Chlorhexidine is safe for fetal development as it cannot cross the placenta.
  4. Use "Hexicon" during pregnancy, according to reviews, you can at any time.
  5. No harmful effect on lactobacilli.
  6. Exhibits activity against most pathogenic microbes.
  7. Active even in the presence of ulcers and wounds.
  8. Completely excreted by the kidneys from the body.
hexicon candles during pregnancy reviews
hexicon candles during pregnancy reviews

Assign as a treatment for infections of the reproductive system, as well as for antiseptic treatment of sutures in the postpartum period. The main indications for the use of candles are:

  1. Treatment of vaginal lesions of a bacterial nature, namely endocervicitis, vaginitis, trichomonas colpitis, cervical erosion and others.
  2. Decontamination of the birth canal before childbirth.
  3. Installing a pessary.
  4. For the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.
  5. For preventionthe occurrence of abscesses.
  6. Postpartum complications of an infectious-inflammatory nature. Is Hexicon safe during pregnancy in the 1st trimester? Feedback on this is available.
hexicon during pregnancy 1 trimester reviews
hexicon during pregnancy 1 trimester reviews


Chlorhexidine does not have an impressive list of contraindications. Individual intolerance and allergies are the only reasons to refuse its use. It is used exclusively locally and does not enter the circulatory system. That is why it is not able to affect the body of a pregnant woman and her unborn child, being absolutely safe when administered even at the earliest stages of gestation.

Is it possible to use "Hexicon" during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester? The reviews confirm that if the pregnancy proceeds as standard and without complications, then they use it according to the general scheme without restrictions. In the event of a minimal threat of miscarriage, the gynecologist makes adjustments to the dosage and duration of the use of suppositories. It is especially important for a woman to be attentive to her feelings and any changes in vaginal discharge.

Features of use

Suppositories "Hexicon" during pregnancy, according to reviews, in the first trimester are harmless to the body of a woman and the unborn child, as they do not affect the development of the organs and internal systems of the fetus. Contraindication in this case is only the risk of premature birth. In this case, the advisability of using suppositories should be determined by the attending gynecologist.

hexicon during pregnancy reviews
hexicon during pregnancy reviews

In the second and third trimester, Hexicon candles are prescribed to get rid of infectious diseases, as well as prenatal prophylaxis. In this case, you should not be afraid. Often, a minimal increase in leukocytes in the blood indicates an asymptomatic development of an infectious pathology. Treatment in this case is not urgent, but protection of the child during childbirth is necessary.

Suppositories "Hexicon" during pregnancy, according to reviews, are also prescribed in the postpartum period. The reason for this may be the need to treat sutures after ruptures or episiotomy, complications of a purulent property or postpartum hemorrhage, infection of fresh wounds. Candles will absolutely not interfere with lactation, since the active ingredients of the drug cannot penetrate into milk.

Side effects

During the use of Hexicon candles during pregnancy, according to reviews, some pregnant women complain of a scarlet or brownish discharge. This does not apply to an abnormal condition, since the cervix softens somewhat during therapy, and harmful bacteria come out with a minimal admixture of blood. For a woman and a child, such discharge is absolutely no threat. The main thing you should pay attention to is the abundance of secretions - they should be insignificant. Sometimes there is also itching, discomfort and dryness in the vagina. However, all these symptoms disappear immediately after the cancellation of candles. If you observe copious spotting during the use of "Hexicon" duringpregnancy (reviews confirm this), this may be a sign of placental abruption and requires immediate medical attention.

hexicon during pregnancy 3rd trimester reviews
hexicon during pregnancy 3rd trimester reviews

Special Instructions

To avoid side effects, remember the following points:

  1. Intense burning sensation and discomfort in the vagina indicate individual intolerance to the substances that make up the suppositories.
  2. If the instructions for using Hexicon are not followed, vaginal dysbacteriosis may develop.
  3. Excessive hygiene of the genitals can reduce the effect of the drug.
  4. Vaginal discharge of red color against the background of the use of suppositories is a reason to go to the gynecologist.


Reviews about the drug are mostly positive. Many women who used it confirmed the complete absence of adverse reactions from the body.

In general, candles during pregnancy "Hexicon", according to reviews, are a safe drug. However, one should not exclude the individual characteristics of the body, as well as strictly follow all the instructions specified in the instructions.
