Dietary supplement "Mirrolla", fish oil: instructions and composition

Dietary supplement "Mirrolla", fish oil: instructions and composition
Dietary supplement "Mirrolla", fish oil: instructions and composition

Mirrolla fish oil is a vitamin preparation that reduces platelet aggregation, has a hypolipidemic effect, improves rheological characteristics, helps lower triglycerides and bad cholesterol in the blood.

Mirrolla fish oil
Mirrolla fish oil

Composition of the drug

The composition of "Mirroll" is a mixture of different glyceride acids:

  • Oleic.
  • PUFA Omega-3.
  • PUFA Omega-6.
  • Stearic.
  • Palmitic.
  • Oiled.
  • Caprylova.
  • Valerian.
  • Acetic and a number of other acids.

At the same time, fish oil contains:

  • active pigment lipochrome;
  • cholesterol;
  • oxydihydropyridinebutyric acid;
  • ptomain;
  • compounds of iodine, sulfur, bromine, phosphorus.
Mirrolla fish oil
Mirrolla fish oil

What is fish oil made from?

Mirrolla (fish oil) is made from the liver of marine fish that live in cold ocean waters. These include: cod, herring, salmon, mackerel. The mass of the liver of a large salmon is approximately 3kg. About a kilogram of red fat or 300 g of white fat is extracted from it.

Pharmacodynamics of the drug

Useful qualities are explained by the composition of fish oil, where vitamins and useful omega-3 and 6 acids are present. The latter are required for the formation of insulin, which regulates the hormones of the digestive system.

Moreover, Omega-3 fish oil is considered indispensable for the body. "Mirrolla", due to the presence of this substance, has a positive effect on blood vessels and heart function, prevents the formation of blood clots, has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

The positive qualities of fat also lie in the fact that this substance increases the amount of serotonin and inhibits the formation of stress hormones, preventing depression and reducing aggression.

fish oil mirrolla reviews
fish oil mirrolla reviews

Vitamins found in fish oil

The main substances are vitamins A and D. The first maintains he althy skin, mucous membranes, nail plates, hairline, vision, accelerates tissue repair and slows down aging.

With the help of vitamin D in the stomach, there is a better absorption of phosphorus, potassium and some other substances that are required for the full development of bones, therefore, older people and young children experience a greater need for this vitamin.

Fish oil with vitamin E is also considered important. Mirrolla, due to the presence of this substance, increases mental capabilities and reproductive function, prevents the development of heart and vascular diseases,improves immunity. Vitamin E has a powerful antioxidant effect, thus preventing the appearance of cancerous tumors.

fish oil mirrolla instruction
fish oil mirrolla instruction

Indications for use

Indications for use are as follows:

  • Respiratory diseases in chronic and acute form.
  • Lack of vitamins A or D.
  • Erosive and inflammatory processes of the digestive and urinary systems.
  • Eye diseases.
  • Dryness of mucous membranes and skin.
  • Fractures, ulcers, injuries.

At the same time, fish oil in Mirrolla capsules is recommended for the prevention of rickets and atherosclerotic brain damage, to prevent blood clots.

fish oil with vitamin e mirrolla
fish oil with vitamin e mirrolla

Contraindications to the drug

Contraindications for use are as follows:

  • hemophilia;
  • personal intolerance to the substances that make up the drug;
  • weak blood clotting;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • cholecystitis and pancreatitis;
  • CKD (renal failure - chronic form);
  • neurolithiasis;
  • prolonged immobilization;
  • hypercalceuria;
  • sarcoidosis.

In pediatrics Mirrolla (fish oil) is used to prevent rickets and other diseases in children aged 3 months and older.

fish oil omega 3 mirrolla
fish oil omega 3 mirrolla

Instructions for the use of the drug in capsules

The preparation with plenty of water is used after meals. It is recommended to swallow the capsules immediately, because when kept in the mouth for a long time, it becomes sticky and then difficult to swallow. The daily dosage of Mirrolla (fish oil) is no more than 4-5 capsules. The duration of the course is prescribed by the doctor, and the minimum period of admission is 1 month.

Overdose and side effects

During long-term intake of pure fish oil, there are:

  • vomiting and nausea;
  • pain in the lower extremities and head.
  • loss of appetite;
  • diarrhea;
  • constant feeling of tiredness;
  • hypocoagulation;
  • bad breath;
  • hypersensitivity processes.
mirrolla fish oil
mirrolla fish oil

Excessive overdose may be accompanied by: double vision, blurred head, diarrhea, osteoporosis, bleeding gums, astringency in the mouth, peeling lips.

When used in prescribed doses, the drug does not cause side effects.

Interaction with other drugs

Simultaneous use of "Mirrolla" with preparations containing vitamins A and D can provoke a vitamin overdose.

Fish oil is carefully prescribed along with blood clotting agents.

Mirroll fish oil instructions for use do not recommend combining with estrogenic agents, as the risk of an overdose of vitamin A increases. Taking dietary supplements together with anticonvulsant drugs reduces the absorption of vitamin C.

During the simultaneoususe with Colestepol, mineral oils, Neomycin, Colestiranin, the absorption of vitamin A is reduced. The combination with Isotretinoin increases the possibility of a toxic process.

Vitamin E at an increased dosage reduces the amount of vitamin A in the body.

Prolonged use with antacids containing aluminum or magnesium increases plasma concentrations of vitamins A and D.

Mirrolla (fish oil) enhances the absorption of products containing phosphorus, increasing the possibility of hyperphosphatemia.

Mirrolla fish oil
Mirrolla fish oil

Advantages and disadvantages

The benefits of dietary supplement "Mirrolla" are very large:

  • drug reduces risk of diabetes;
  • reduces plasma triglyceride concentrations;
  • helps avoid depression;
  • prevents the development of arrhythmias;
  • slows down the formation of cancerous tumors;
  • reduces inflammation;
  • increases cell nutrition;
  • activates the brain;
  • helps restore tone.

But there are also downsides to using it. Fish oil is a powerful allergen, which people who are prone to allergic reactions should not forget about.

Also, the drug has some contraindications. For example, people with gallstone disease, thyroid disease, impaired kidney and liver function, and pregnant women should not take it.

fish oil capsules mirrolla
fish oil capsules mirrolla

Does fish helpfat lose weight?

The calorie content of this drug with the addition of fish oil is quite large - 800 kcal / 100 g. However, the use of this remedy makes it possible to fight overweight.

Being overweight interferes with the body's ability to maintain insulin sensitivity and maintain a normal amount of sugar in the body.

Maintenance of insulin in normal levels plays a major role during fat burning. This means that during low sensitivity it is very difficult to get rid of fat. The additional use of Omega-3 increases it, which makes it advisable to use fish oil for weight loss.

The benefit of the drug for weight loss also lies in the fact that in patients who take this drug, the amount of cortisol, a catabolic substance that burns muscle tissue and provokes the appearance of fat, is significantly reduced.

mirrolla fish oil
mirrolla fish oil

Fish oil reviews

Those who have already tried Mirrolla fish oil leave only positive reviews. The drug has unique characteristics and creates a fairly versatile effect on the body. Fish oil prevents the occurrence of serious diseases, helps maintain a good mood, as well as beauty.

Reviews about the drug are often accompanied by photos that make it possible to visually verify how effective the product is for skin, hair and nails.

Many positive statements can be seen about fish oil, which is used as a preventive measure in children. The drug has a wholea number of positive properties:

  • helps develop muscular and skeletal systems;
  • accelerates tissue repair;
  • improves the functions of the visual apparatus;
  • increases the immune system of the child's body;
  • reduces the risk of cancer;
  • avoids caries.
mirrolla fish oil
mirrolla fish oil

Often, fish oil is also used to treat obesity. Reviews make it possible to conclude that the use of the drug with a fairly active lifestyle and a properly prescribed diet allows you to lose 3.5-6 kg per month of use.

The scope of fish oil does not end with the medical field. This tool is effectively used in veterinary medicine. But professional fishermen say that fish oil is a great bait for carp fishing.
