In the article we will consider the preparation of homeopathy "Kantaris".
Alternative medicine is a huge section that includes a wide variety of methods and techniques for treating patients. One of the most common is homeopathy, which many people have heard of, but not everyone knows what principles and mechanisms are used in this branch of medicine. "Cure with poisons" is one of the most common definitions of homeopathy given by the layman.
What is homeopathy?
The word "homeopathy" consists of two Latin roots - "similar" and "pathology". This definition is the main essence of this technique - the use of hazardous substances that cause certain diseases. Thus, in a diseased organism, the elements that cause this or that disease are capable of curing it. Dosage plays an important role in this. The larger it is, the less therapeutic effect.

For a long time, homeopathy did not find a response in the public, but gradually there were supporters of this method of therapy. So, as it developed, it interested an increasing number of people. Homeopathy appeared in Russia in the mid-1820s. The use of homeopathy is approved by the regulations of the Ministry of He alth, courses of this technique are taught in medical schools.
Gradually, the basic principles that govern the use of homeopathy were formed:
- low dose principle;
- one-drug principle;
- test principle;
- principle of rejection of local therapy;
- dynamic observation principle;
- dynamization principle (drug preparation processes - dilution).
Thus, the scheme of homeopathic treatment in general terms can be represented as a process of exposing the body to very small doses of a poisonous substance (first stage) and developing specific immunity to such substances.
Homeopathic medicines
In homeopathic teaching, the disease is positioned not as a consequence of the impact of a certain harmful factor, but as an adaptation of the body to adverse conditions. Any combination of symptoms in one way or another causes signs of poisoning by any substance. Accordingly, if small doses of these substances are introduced into the body, it can heal itself. On this basis, toxic natural components are used as raw materials - poisons of animals, plants and minerals.
Homeopathic medicinaloral preparations are made in the form of liquids and granules made from milk sugar. For external use, tinctures are produced, which are diluted with water before use, as well as oils and ointments.
Let's talk about the preparation of homeopathy "Kantaris".

The tincture of this homeopathic remedy is prepared from the whole Spanish fly, powdered, which is commonly used in allopathy as an abscess. In addition, it is used to enhance sexual desire in the form of an aphrodisiac. The fly is a small bug, 1-2 cm long, iridescent green and bluish. It is found in large quantities on olive trees and honey plants growing in Central and Southern Europe, as well as in western Asia. The fly has a strong odor and a pungent, pungent taste. Workers who collect Spanish fly in the summer are required to wear protective masks.
Pharmacological properties
The homeopathic preparation "Kantaris" has a pronounced irritant effect, it is especially irritating to the urinary tract, skin and lower intestines. This homeopathic medicine causes a strong inflammatory process, accompanied by a pronounced tendency to form blisters.
What are the indications for the homeopathic remedy "Kantaris"?

When is the drug prescribed?
Inflammationurinary system is the main clinical indication for the use of the drug.
The homeopathic remedy "Kantaris", taken orally, also relieves pain from burns (including sunburn), mosquito bites.
The list of main indications for the use of a homeopathic remedy includes:
- Inflammation of the bladder of an acute type with strong frequent urges. Urine is expelled with cutting and burning pains. The urge and pain continues after the end of urination.
- Inflammation of the bladder of a chronic nature, where the main indication for the use of this medication is a large amount of pus secreted.
- All types of nephritis - parenchymal, catarrhal, resulting from the formation of stones in the kidneys or after surgical interventions in the bladder. In this case, there may be pain in the kidneys, urine with blood and protein, complete urinary retention or rare urination. In parenchymal nephritis, I also refer to the use of this remedy as brain symptoms in urine poisoning and dropsy.
- Pleurisy.
What other homeopathic preparations "Kantaris" indications for use? These include skin diseases. With burns with the formation of blisters, herpes, blistering erysipelas, eczema, a clinical picture is observed that resembles a local manifestation of the effect of the drug. With all the above diseases, the local use of a diluted tincture gives excellent results. In eczema, the drug is especially indicated in two situations:acute eczema, visually resembling a face, and with local eczema. For any pathology requiring external use of this medicine, it is used orally with great success. When using the homeopathic medicine "Kantaris", the indications for use must be taken into account.
Symptoms for which the drug is used
This homeopathic remedy can be used in the presence of the following symptoms:
- severe burning pain in the region of the bladder, its neck, in the urethra with irresistible frequent urge to urinate;
- urine comes out in small portions, causing burning pain;
- burning in different parts of the body: throat, mouth, stomach, ovaries, intestines, larynx, chest.
- great thirst with burning soreness;
- colic and fecal discharge of pale red or white viscous mucus, with veins of blood (after stool, the pain calms down;
- increase sensitivity;
- fibrinous discharge from mucous membranes.

Before use, it is better to consult a doctor.
Effect on the body
The homeopathic preparation "Kantaris" acts mainly on the urinary organs. It produces an artificial inflammation of the mucosal lining from the kidneys to the urethral region, causing pain in the lower back and infrequent discharge of bloody urine, usually high in protein, often with a large amount of fibrin filaments and, in some cases, epithelial cells. There is also tenderness and burning pain in the iliac cavities, with extremely painful urination. Sometimes there may be urinary retention when using "Kantaris" from homeopathy.
Microscopically and macroscopically, parenchymal nephritis can be diagnosed. The sexual organs are often involved in the process of irritation. Under the influence of the drug, inflammation of the uterus and external organs was observed. "Kantaris" causes inflammation of the entire digestive tract and especially the rectum. The drug acts on the nervous system, causing delirium, epileptic or tetanic convulsions. When applied externally, reddening of the skin is first observed, then a bubble forms, which gradually increases in size, filled with yellow serous fluid.

Instructions for using "Kantaris"
It is recommended to start taking a homeopathic remedy from the 6th day of the disease for all pathologies of the urinary tract.
Kantaris medication granules are taken orally, eight granules 3-4 times a day half an hour before or one hour after meals, dissolving under the tongue. The course of therapy lasts from 3 weeks to a month, with further maintenance courses.
Drops of the drug "Kantaris" are also taken orally, after meals, three times a day, five drops (in a teaspoon of water or on a piece of sugar).
The duration of the use of this homeopathic remedy is determined by the attending physician. After achieving a stable positive result, you can reduce the dosage.

Special Recommendations
What else does the instruction to "Kantaris" tell us? At the beginning of therapeutic measures with the use of this drug, a pronounced deterioration in general well-being and pathological symptoms of the disease is possible. If this occurs, it is recommended to continue treatment, since deterioration of the condition is not a reason to stop taking the remedy.
Drug interaction "Kantaris" with other drugs is not observed, so it can be used in the complex therapy of diseases of the skin and urinary tract.
Also, this drug is often prescribed to increase sex drive. In this case, the dosage of the drug involves taking 10 drops an hour before sexual intercourse. How much does Kantharis cost in a pharmacy?
This medication can be purchased at a specialized homeopathic pharmacy at a price of 440 rubles per package. It depends on the region.

Analogues of the drug
On the domestic pharmacological market, you can find drugs identical to the drug "Kantaris", which include:
- "Terebintine oleum" is a homeopathic remedy that is used in the treatment of pathologies of the kidneys and bladder. Temporarily enhances the inflammatory process, contributing to its rapid elimination. It can also be used for gastrointestinal diseases, as it has a positive effect on the condition of the mucous membranes.
- "Digitalis purpurea" -a homeopathic medicine that is used for a variety of inflammatory diseases. It is also used for diseases of the heart and vascular system.
- "Sulfuricum acidum" is a homeopathic medicine that is indicated for the treatment of diseases of the genital area, bladder, kidneys, intestines and skin.
Reviews about "Kantaris"
On the Internet today there is a lot of the most diverse information about homeopathy, about drugs of this non-traditional medical orientation and their applications in the treatment of various pathological conditions. Reviews of patients who used homeopathic medicines are also very diverse and contain both positive and negative information about them. Adherents of homeopathic treatment characterize the drug "Kantaris" as a very effective drug that can not only remove the pathological symptoms of a disease, but also completely eliminate it. They note that at the beginning of treatment, there is often an increase in the signs of the disease, which is characterized by an increase in soreness and a deterioration in the general condition. However, such phenomena disappear on their own after a few days of taking the medicine and do not pose any danger.

Patients who left negative feedback about Cantharis (homeopathy) noted that this drug should not be used as an independent remedy in the treatment of the disease, but only as an auxiliary in combined treatment. This category of people are skepticalbelong to the methods of alternative medicine and prefer to use drugs prescribed by a doctor. Those who have taken the remedy say that there was no significant effect of the treatment, and adverse reactions occurred quite often.