What is L-Arginine? You will learn the answer to the question posed from the materials of this article. In it, we will tell you about why this remedy is needed, what patients say about it, how it should be taken, and so on.

Composition, packaging and shape
The drug "L-Arginine" goes on sale in the form of capsules. They are packaged in glass jars and carton packages respectively.
The composition of this drug includes such an active substance as l-arginine. It contains microcrystalline cellulose, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose and magnesium stearate as additional ingredients.
Features of the drug
L-Arginine is an amino acid essential for children and conditionally essential for adults. This substance is produced in the human body, but in insufficient quantities for its full functioning. This element plays a special role in metabolism. It also enhances the production of somatotropin (or the so-called growth hormone).
Pharmacological properties
What properties does L-Arginine have? The instruction states that this amino acid is the main source of nitric oxide production, which is a powerfulvasodilator and neurotransmitter.
The action of the drug is aimed at maintaining the optimal concentration of cholesterol in the blood. This has a beneficial effect on the work of blood vessels and the heart.

In the representatives of the stronger sex, while taking the drug "L-Arginine", the volume of seminal fluid increases, and blood flow to the penis increases. This effect of the drug creates optimal conditions for a stable and long-lasting erection, and also contributes to the normal condition of the prostate gland.
What functions does it perform?
"L-Arginine", the price of which is listed below, performs many different functions in the human body. Consider some of them:
- produces growth hormone;
- stimulates insulin synthesis;
- increases immunity;
- promotes an increase in the level of somatotropin in the blood;
- plays a critical role in collagen production;
- reduces body fat;
- promotes the release of glucagon, lactogenic hormone, the peptide hormone somatostatin and adrenaline;
- prevents the accumulation of physical and mental fatigue;
- activates wound healing processes, and also accelerates recovery processes after injuries;
- dilates the coronary arteries and acts as a precursor to nitric oxide, which is released from the endothelial cells of the vascular walls;
- takes an active part in the growth of muscle cells;
- promotes the elimination of ammonia and stimulates detoxification;
- maintains normal blood pressure levels;
- stimulates the synthesis of glycogen in the liver and muscle tissue;
- takes an active part in the formation of urea, the amino acids ornithine and creatine;
- ensures normal blood flow to the upper and lower extremities;
- improves the rheological properties of blood and its microcirculation;
- prevents atherosclerotic plaques.

Indications for use
What is L-Arginine for? Reviews of experts say that this remedy is recommended for use as an additional source of the amino acid of the same name.
This medication is used as part of complex metabolic therapy, as well as for the prevention of various diseases of internal organs. In addition, the drug in question is able to compensate for the deficiency of nutrients in the body of he althy people who lead an active lifestyle.
Replenishing the amino acid l-arginine is essential for people who:
- regularly suffer from nervous disorders, as well as vascular and heart diseases, dystrophy, chronic fatigue syndrome, anemia and epilepsy;
- recovering their physical condition after prolonged diet therapy or substance abuse.
It should also be noted that one of the properties of l-arginine is the ability to increase the level of creatine in muscle tissues. This makes the expediencyuse of this drug in bodybuilding.

Contraindications for use
L-Arginine is contraindicated in:
- herpes;
- individual intolerance to essential substances;
- pregnancy and breastfeeding;
- schizophrenia or other mental illness.
According to experts, patients who have been diagnosed with cancer, as well as babies in the period of active growth, should also refrain from taking this drug. The last ban is explained by the fact that the amino acid has a direct effect on growth hormone. Therefore, it can provoke unwanted gigantism.
Careful reception
With extreme caution, the drug "L-Arginine" is prescribed to people with diabetes and patients who do not have glucose tolerance. In the latter case, taking the drug can cause a hormonal shift, which will lead to an increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood.
Daily intake of the drug in the amount of 1 g for two weeks does not cause negative reactions in these groups of patients. At the same time, the amino acid itself is quite gently included in the metabolic processes occurring in the body.
It should also be noted that with extreme caution this remedy is indicated for use in people with kidney pathologies and electrolyte imbalance.

How to take "L-Arginine"? According to the instructions, the daily doseof this drug for an adult is 3 grams. It is divided into 3 doses.
The use of capsules should coincide with the meal. The duration of therapy is 2-4.5 weeks. A second course is possible in 30-60 days.
How to take in bodybuilding?
For athletes, the daily dose of this drug is 3-9 g. Despite the fact that high dosages give a pronounced result, experienced bodybuilders do not recommend using more than 10 g of medication per day, as this can provoke nausea, hypotension, vomiting, diarrhea or weakness.
Some experts recommend calculating the dosage of the drug yourself. To do this, you must adhere to the formula: 115 mg per 1 kg of weight. If such use causes at least one of the above phenomena, then the dose is reduced.
L-Arginine capsules should be taken with plenty of liquid. Let's take the drug along with creatine.

Use this remedy immediately before training (60 minutes before the start). After an hour, the level of nitric oxide becomes sufficient for the muscles to begin to be saturated with oxygen, anabolic hormones and amino acids.
It is advisable to take the drug on an empty stomach. In no case should it be combined with fatty foods, as this will impair its absorption and adversely affect the effectiveness of the medication.
Experts say that for full absorption of the amino acid, at least 5 hours have passed since the last use of fatty foods.
Drug price
"L-Arginine" in a pharmacy (50 capsules) can be purchased for 850 rubles. When buying 90 capsules, you will have to pay about 1800 rubles.
Medication reviews
Finding negative reviews about this drug is very difficult. This is primarily due to the fact that without this amino acid, the human body cannot function normally.
Reviews of patients indicate that after taking the drug in question, they noticeably improve their general well-being and mood.
As for specialists, they quite often include "L-Arginine" in the treatment of infertility in women and men.

For the stronger sex, this is an effective tool for the normal functioning of the prostate gland, and for the weak, it is an excellent assistant in the fight against excess weight.