Sufficient daily protein intake is needed not only by actively training athletes, but also by those who intend to lose weight and those who are recovering from injury.
OstroVit WPC 80 - high quality protein

Complementing a properly balanced menu is OstroVit's WPC 80, which is made using high quality raw materials. The source of protein in WPC 80 is whey protein concentrate, which is considered one of the best proteins among protein preparations.
OstroVit WPC 80 protein reviews confirm the effectiveness of this sports nutrition and its high quality. As part of it, there are no plant proteins and modifiers that improve the taste of the protein. It includes a sweetener in the form of stevia, which allows the product to be used by people who suffer from diabetes.
OstroVit WPC 80 Highly Concentrated Protein is not a supplement that supplements glutamine with a peptide. The source of this substance is wheat gluten, which is incompatible with protein mixtures with a high protein content. Manyunscrupulous companies add a complex of glutamine peptides to protein preparations, which significantly reduces the cost of production. OstroVit protein manufacturers do not adhere to such technologies and produce a quality product for athletes.
Many competitive athletes choose OstroVit protein during their preparation process. Reviews about him from athletes are always positive.

The main benefits of whey protein include:
- Effective muscle building.
- Strengthening immunity.
- Decrease in catabolism.
- Increased secretion of natural growth hormone.
- Increased strength.
Before using OstroVit sports nutrition, reviews of which indicate the absence of side effects, you still need to get expert advice on this matter. Those who are lactose intolerant should be careful with a product of dairy origin.
How to take OstroVit's WPC 80 supplement
Use WPC 80 1-2 times a day. To prepare a sports shake, you need to dilute 30 g of protein in 300-350 ml of water or milk with a low percentage of fat content. It is recommended to take protein one hour before the start of the workout and within 30 minutes after it ends. During the drying period, half the serving of OstroVit protein should be consumed. Reviews about the drug indicate that it will help to increase its effectivenessconcomitant use of other sports supplements. Some bodybuilders take their protein blend in the morning.
OstroVit WPC 80: consumer reviews

Reviews about the protein of this brand can be read on sports forums. Most athletes respond positively to OstroVit protein. As a rule, users are captivated by the high quality of European products, the absence of contraindications and an acceptable cost.
OstroVit offers whey protein in 5 flavors: Strawberry, Wild Berry, Tiramisu, Hazelnut and Flavorless. Strawberry OstroVit is the most popular among athletes. Reviews of the tasteless protein are also positive. Its advantage is that users can add berries, fruits, honey to it.