The use of boric acid for medicinal purposes: instructions, reviews

The use of boric acid for medicinal purposes: instructions, reviews
The use of boric acid for medicinal purposes: instructions, reviews

The use of boric acid has been known to many since childhood. When we, returning home after the street, sat down quietly with broken knees, our parents treated the next wound with this particular solution. Acid has always been an excellent antiseptic that has no taste, color or smell.


S alt (or nitric) acid displaces boric acid from borax. At the end of the 19th century, the lips of the chemist Jean Baptiste Dumas proclaimed boric acid an antiseptic. Previously, any place in need of disinfection was treated with castor oil, but the unpleasant smell significantly reduced the demand for medicine. But the use of boron solution (precisely due to the colorless, tasteless and fragrance-free consistency) was able to reach the peak of popularity and lightning-fast distribution in pharmacy windows.

Boric acid formula
Boric acid formula

But then who could have known that boron is a common cellular poisonous substance. And already in 1881, the first death from acid poisoning was officially recorded. As it turned out, boron, even in the smallest doses, is categorically contraindicated for children and women bearing a fetus. Soboric acid treatment is carried out only strictly following the instructions, and under the supervision of doctors.

Composition and structure

The solution has its own mixture formula: H3BO3. The substance can be attributed to acids, but weak. Its natural composition consists of flake-like crystals that are neither color (but slightly whitish in rare cases) nor odor. The only thing the crystals have is an antiseptic effect equal to two percent if not dissolved in water.

Boric acid: our days

To date, a huge amount of research has been done on the solution. Thanks to them, toxicologists were able to prove to the whole world that boric acid is a dangerous poison for the human body, which can adversely affect the liver, kidneys, and even mucous membranes. In addition, the drug is excreted from the body for a very long time and can accumulate in human tissues. The elimination period of half the dose is 12 hours through the kidneys, and the rest will be excreted in portions for about 5-7 days. For a fragile child's body, boron is very dangerous, even fatal.

Boric acid powder
Boric acid powder

Therefore, the use of boric acid, in order to avoid negative effects, is carried out with extreme caution and as directed by a doctor. Note that in case of poisoning of the body, the drug can damage brain cells. Despite some danger, the human body can get a lot of benefits, provided that boric acid is used correctly.

Medication form

Today you can buy boric acid at any pharmacy. The pharmacological market provides the remedy in different forms:

  • powder - white color and sour taste, in packs of 10 and 25 g, as well as in jars (containers) of 40 g;
  • liquid (alcohol and aqueous solutions) - available in 15 and 40 ml bottles, as well as dropper bottles - 25 ml;
  • ointment - packs of 25 and 30 g, sometimes 5 or 10%.

Depending on the disease that has arisen and its therapy, a certain form of acid release is prescribed. At the same time, the application algorithm is also different, it all depends on the disease.

Use and dosage of boron

Based on the instructions for use, boric acid is used for such diseases:

  • eczema (dry and weeping);
  • otitis media;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • dermatitis;
  • pyoderma;
  • diaper rash;
  • colpitis;
  • pediculosis.

For example, alcohol boric acid is prescribed for skin diseases. It is necessary to moisten sterile swabs with which the affected area of the skin is treated. Various lotions can be made with an alcohol solution.

Also, this substance is prescribed for otitis media. It is necessary to instill boric acid in the ear. 0.5-3% of the treatment solution, 3-5 drops are instilled into each ear canal 2-3 times a day. The course of therapy is no more than 5 days.

Blowing with boron powder for otitis media
Blowing with boron powder for otitis media

With colpitis and diaper rash, a 10% solution is prescribed, which is prepared from powdered boric acid. Nim alsotreat the affected areas.

If you find such an ailment as pediculosis, then the medicine is prescribed in the form of an ointment. It must be applied once to the affected area of the scalp for 20-30 minutes. Then the medicine must be washed off with warm water.

Sometimes the drug can be prescribed for procedures that can only be performed by a specialist. For example, in the form of a powder, boric acid is usually prescribed in the ear for blowing.

And with conjunctivitis, in no case should acid be instilled in its pure form! For therapy, it is necessary to prepare a special medicinal solution by mixing it with other components that only a specialist can prescribe.

It is highly recommended to use boric acid as prescribed by a doctor and strictly according to the instructions. Only a specialist will be able to prescribe the form and regimen of the drug, as well as set the duration of therapy in accordance with local symptoms.

Boric acid in cosmetology

The medicine has found wide application in the field of beauty. Boric acid is especially good for acne. Since the product has drying and disinfecting properties, it can also reduce the level of oily skin. All this helps in the fight against acne, all you need is:

  • wipe greasy areas with boric water solution (3%);
  • point burn the inflamed areas with an alcohol solution - acne, pimples.
  • Boric acid
    Boric acid

And if playful freckles are pretty tired, then daily wipe the skin with an aqueous 3% solutionface, mixing it with henna (colorless). This will help to get rid of dark spots and will even out the tone of the face. Use boric acid very carefully, despite the fact that the concentration of the substance is low. In general, in our time, many manufacturers of medicinal and cosmetic products have already added boric acid to the composition for acne and acne. In case of a doubtful reaction from the body, seek medical advice immediately.

Other applications

By the way, boric acid is actively used not only in the fields of medicine and cosmetology. The tool also found itself in such unexpected areas:

  • agriculture - it turned out that boron in the soil makes it possible to increase productivity, and also helps plants with diseases;
  • jewellery - boric acid acts as the basis for the flux when soldering various alloys;
  • Glassmaking – Acid helps achieve clarity, luster, and heat resistance, allowing glass to become chemically resistant;
  • metallurgy – boric acid helps lower the melting point, increase the purity and strength of steel, reduce the destruction of materials;
  • against insects - if cockroaches have settled in the house, then boldly go for boric acid.
Scope of application
Scope of application

Medication side effects

If the drug was used in doses significantly higher than recommended, then the side effects will not be long in coming. They are very strong and occur in a short period of time in the form of suchbody reactions:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • confusion;
  • skin rash;
  • headache;
  • convulsions;
  • diarrhea;
  • kidney failure;
  • scaly exfoliation of the epithelium.

If an overdose of boron occurred in larger doses, then there is CNS depression, hypothermia, shock, painful rashes of a large area, coma.

Boric acid treatment
Boric acid treatment

Prolonged use of boric acid can also cause a side effect in the form of chronic intoxication of the body. This condition is accompanied by convulsions, soft tissue edema, stomatitis, eczema, emaciation, anemia, baldness and menstrual irregularities in women.

Storage conditions and expiration date

Boric acid in any form of release can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription. It is necessary to store the drug in a dark place at a temperature of 15-25 degrees. But out of reach of children. After the expiration of the specified expiration date (look at the package), it is forbidden to use the drug. Shelf life: 3 years from production date.

Boric acid reviews

Like any remedy, boric acid has a double reputation: negative and positive. Many people consider the tool to be unsafe. Especially those who self-prescribed therapy. As a result, some people get burned, some experience unpleasant side effects such as vomiting, diarrhea, or terrible eczema. But here it is clear: if there is no medical practice in therapy, then you should not self-medicate. Any medicin althe drug with uncontrolled use can give an unexpected effect. It is always worth remembering that the human body is always purely individual. What works for one may not work for another.

However, the vast majority of people who have tried boric acid characterize the remedy as excellent. Many confirm the effectiveness of acid in the treatment of otitis (improvement is noted already on the second day). Some, thanks to the medicine, were even able to cure nail fungus (for this, you need to purchase boric acid in powder).

Bor against nail fungus
Bor against nail fungus

Of course, it is impossible to remain silent about how many admire the results of the action of boric acid in the fight against pimples and acne. There are practically no equals here. And if you mention the cost of the drug (from 7 to 15 rubles per bottle), then you can’t find more budgetary funds. Most importantly, remember that all this is useful if used in moderation!
