Summer time pleases both children and adults with a bright sun, warm days and short hot nights, the absence of boring lessons, juicy fruits and the unhurried course of summer vacation life. The first hot days cause a storm of enthusiasm: “Summer has come, finally!” After the first joys, harsh summer days come, when you can move around the city in short dashes from the air conditioner to the fan.
Here, cores and hypertensive patients, who are the worst at extreme heat, are already starting to panic. But even for people who do not have problems with pressure and heart pain, the hot climate gives a lot of inconvenience and small, but such nasty sores. Here, for example, prickly heat, which is considered a true infantile problem, in the summer heat brings a number of unpleasant sensations to adults too. This article will describe ointments for prickly heat in adults.

Sweating - what is it?
Miliaria is commonly referred to as skin irritation caused by excessive sweating. The release of a large amount of sweat contributes to blockage of the sweat glands and irritates the skin. Despite the unsightly appearance, the disease is not contagious, but it delivers very unpleasant sensations, especially if it is complicated by the addition of a bacterial infection. Of course, most often we see it in infants, due to age-related developmental characteristics. But for an adult, far gone from infancy, prickly heat can greatly complicate life.
Which ointment for prickly heat in adults is better? Let's figure it out.
Manifestations and types
In common practice, manifestations of prickly heat are divided into several types. The first bears the beautiful name of crystalline prickly heat, it is expressed in slightly reddened millimeter-sized bubbles. The rash does not itch, does not cause other unpleasant sensations, is localized on the face, bends of the elbows and knees. It passes quickly enough with the use of home remedies (solution, powder, talc) and the observance of elementary rules of personal hygiene. Manifestations of prickly heat or its inflammatory appearance are similar to a close accumulation of bubbles up to 2 mm, filled with a cloudy liquid and surrounded by reddened, inflamed skin. Treatment with ointment for prickly heat in adults is the most popular.

The rashes are accompanied by itching, swelling and the appearance of wet crusts, which indicates accession to other symptoms of infection. The usual places of localization: armpits, intergluteal space, bends of the elbows, groin. Treat under medical supervision with antibiotics andantihistamines. The papular variety of the disease is characterized by a complicated course and is the next stage of the previous variety, requiring careful long-term treatment under medical supervision.
In some sources, there is such a type of prickly heat as apocrine, which occurs as a result of disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine glands. It looks like a barely visible rash with a characteristic redness. It is dangerous for the appearance of complications in the form of deep infection of the skin. It is not recommended to start the treatment of the disease, because as a result of inattention, the disease will get a complicated course.
Sometimes prickly heat can occur on the feet due to wearing tight, uncomfortable and poor quality shoes. In this case, the use of dry boric acid, ordinary soda or manganese solution, as well as Teymurov's paste can help. Sometimes doctors recommend the use of a formaldehyde solution (pharmacies have the drug "Formidron", developed on its basis). For prevention, daily wearing of insoles with an antibacterial effect can be recommended.
How can adult prickly heat ointment help?
Causes of prickly heat in adults
The reasons for its occurrence are simple and obvious, we all know about them, but nevertheless we will repeat again. Irritation of the skin due to increased sweating both in childhood and in adults can occur due to the wearing of synthetics, which “does not breathe” and does not absorb moisture well. Tight, uncomfortable, airtight clothing and shoes also contribute to this development.diseases. Diapers in the heat also provoke the appearance of prickly heat, not only in newborns, but also in adults.
In addition to these reasons, there may be others: poor body hygiene, excessive zeal in sunbathing, psychological stress (and how without it?), hormonal imbalances in the body, being overweight. With all the unpleasant sensations caused by prickly heat, you can get rid of it quite quickly if you approach the solution of the problem systematically and use proven means. At home, you can use various solutions and ointments for prickly heat in adults.

In order for the effectiveness of the treatment to be high, and most importantly - stable, without relapses and complications, you need to choose the method that is right for you, taking into account the unique characteristics of the body. For example, an individual reaction to drugs, as well as allergies of various kinds. If the disease is not protracted, not complicated by additional symptoms, then you just need to eliminate the provoking factors, and prickly heat will pass very quickly. That is, try to wear loose-fitting natural fabrics and breathable shoes with a comfortable last that suits you. In addition, pay more attention to hygiene procedures, especially if we are talking about caring for sedentary patients. Well, the simplest thing we can do, with almost no effort, is to change the temperature regime in our home.
Ointment for prickly heat in adults in the groin should be prescribeddoctor.
Against excessive sweating
The next step is to eliminate excessive sweating using various powders or talcs. If hyperhidrosis occurs, then Botox is used, as well as hormonal and antihistamines. With a mild form of prickly heat, you can use home solutions. A soda solution helps a lot (dilute 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of boiled warm water), iodine solution (drop two drops into a glass of warm water). A light pink solution of potassium permanganate can also help, just keep in mind that it dries the skin. Moisten a cotton pad or swab with the prepared solution and carefully treat the affected areas in the morning after waking up and performing hygiene procedures and in the evening before going to bed.
In addition, doctors advise using the tools offered by reflexology and herbal medicine. Plant components have antiseptic properties and normalize profuse sweating, help reduce discomfort. If the result of using solutions and other means is not very pleasing to you, we advise you to pay attention to special ointments for prickly heat in adults on the legs.

The best remedies
You can choose an ointment yourself, if you are not doing this for the first time and the disease is expressed in a fairly mild form. But still, it is better to consult a doctor without self-medication. Zinc ointment can be used for prickly heat in adults. The ointment is applied three times a day, trying to make the layer as thin as possible, onpreviously cleaned and dried affected areas. Also, nystatin ointment against prickly heat in adults is always popular. It can be used in the form of gauze bandages applied at night. Ointments containing menthol can be used to prevent itching.
Antihistamines are also used (both in the form of tablets and in the form of ointments, for example, Fenistil), which allow to achieve an antipruritic effect. But the development of the modern pharmaceutical market does not stand still, and today it can offer excellent modern products, such as creams and ointments for prickly heat. The consumer has the opportunity to choose the best drug, suitable for solving each individual problem.

Means of the antibiotic group that act on pathogens in infectious manifestations of prickly heat, are represented by such drugs as Azithromycin, Ciprofloxacin, Dioxicillin. With simple forms of the course of the disease, ointments and creams are used, which are responsible for getting rid of bacteria, relieving itching. In general, with regular and proper use, they help to achieve positive dynamics in treatment. The effectiveness of these drugs ("D-Panthenol", "Pantoderm", "Erythromycin ointment", "Tetracycline ointment", etc.) has been proven and tested more than once in our daily ordinary life.

Especially effective is the ointment from prickly heat "Bepanten". It absorbs well and relievesprickly heat, and also does not cause allergies. Another assistant used topically is Calamine cream-ointment. It contains zinc, it dries and quickly relieves inflammation. Apply to cleansed and well-dried skin several times a day.
Hormonal drugs
In case of low efficiency of drugs in this group, hormonal agents are used, which are used for a short period of time and which are subject to gradual abolition. The use of these drugs requires a mandatory consultation with a doctor, since hormonal drugs have serious contraindications. These funds include "Dermovate", "Afloderm". The list of ointments for prickly heat in adults under the armpits, used to stop the manifestations of this disease, is quite extensive. Today it is possible to choose the right drug for you, whether it is an ointment, cream or solution.

Prevention of prickly heat
Preventive measures to avoid recurrence of the disease are simple, but no less effective. Careful care of the skin of the body, loose clothing and shoes made from natural materials that do not restrict movement, timely taking measures to get rid of excessive sweating - all these measures will help you prevent the appearance of prickly heat.
Someone uses home remedies for the treatment of prickly heat, considering this method effective and environmentally friendly, besides, the savings are obvious. And someone tries to keep up with the times and uses all the novelties of the pharmaceutical market,emphasizing that the pharmaceutical industry does not stand still and its achievements are worthy of our attention. In any case, you have the opportunity to make the best choice in terms of "price-quality" ratio.
We looked at which prickly heat ointment is best.