"Minisiston": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Minisiston": instructions for use, analogues and reviews
"Minisiston": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

There are various methods of preventing unwanted pregnancies. The use of tablet medicines allows for long-term contraceptive protection and family planning. One of these drugs is Minisiston, the instructions for use of which recommend taking pills also to restore the menstrual cycle.

General characteristics

This medicine belongs to monophasic, oral contraceptives with a combined structure, which includes one estrogen and one gestagen each. Produced by the German company Zhenafarma.

minisiston instructions for use
minisiston instructions for use

Mandatory included in the package for the drug "Minisiston" instructions for use. The description of the product characterizes it as tablets in the form of dragees with a pink shell coating. The medicine is packaged in 21 pieces in blister plates. There may be 21 or 63 tablets in a pack.


Being a two-component agent, it contains 0.02 mg of ethinylestradiol and 0.1 mg of levonorgestrel hormone in its structure.

Minisiston 20 Fem should be taken very seriously. Instructions for use describe the composition of the tablets, which are formed by inactive ingredients in the form of milk sugar, corn starch in the usual and modified pregelatinized form, povidone type 2500, magnesium stearate.

Shell coating includes sucrose molecules, povidone type 700 thousand, macrohead grade 6 thousand, calcium carbonate, talc, glycerol, titanium dioxide, yellow and red iron oxides, glycol form of mountain wax.

This is the structure of Minisiston tablets. Instructions for use analogue "Mikroginon" characterizes as a product containing the same active ingredients only in larger quantities. One dose contains 0.03 mg of ethinylestradiol and 0.15 mg of levonorgestrel hormone. This drug is manufactured by Bayer Pharma AG.

minisiston instructions for use analogue
minisiston instructions for use analogue

The Hungarian medicine "Rigevidon" produced by JSC "Gedeon Richter" has the same quantitative composition of active ingredients.

How Minisiston works

Instructions for use classifies it as a combined contraceptive. The activity of the drug is due to the interaction of different conditions associated with the inhibition of the release of the egg from the ovarian follicle towards the fallopian tube andchange in the fluidity of cervical mucous secretions.

In addition to the contraceptive role, the pills have a positive effect on the menstrual cycle, which becomes regular, reduce the pain of the menstruation process and the strength of the discharge. The latter feature reduces the development of an anemic state in iron deficiency.

Why take

Medicine "Minisiston" instructions for use advises using for protection against unplanned pregnancy.

minisiston 20 fem instructions for use
minisiston 20 fem instructions for use

Monophasic drugs are taken for hormone-dependent functional failures of menstrual cycles. These include dysmenorrhea pain, prolonged and profuse uterine bleeding on critical days for more than seven days, the presence of premenstrual syndrome.


On each pack, the manufacturer indicates the order in which the product is to be taken. For the drug "Minisiston" instructions for the use of the dose establishes the same for contraceptive measures. Usually this is one tablet a day, which is drunk at the set time, washed down with a small amount of water.

Duration of oral administration is three weeks, during which time the entire pack of medicine is consumed. Then make a 7-day break for the occurrence of bleeding when canceled in the form of menstrual-like discharge. This process occurs on the second or third day after taking the twenty-first tablet and can continue with the introduction of the drug from a new pack.

How to use it correctly

Ifthere was no reception of hormonal-type drugs in the past, then the prescription of the drug "Minisiston" instructions for use allows from the 1st day of the menstrual cycle when bleeding occurs. You can start taking from 2 to 5 days, then you should use the barrier method of protection for 7 days of administering the medicine from the first pack.

If the transition from a mixed oral contraceptive medication to the drug "Minisiston" is carried out, then the use is started from the next day of taking the last tablet of the previous remedy. Do not use it later than the next day following the weekly break of the drug with 21 tablets or the introduction of the 28th inactive pill from the package of the product with 28 tablets.

If you switch from monopreparations with one gestagen in the form of mini-pili, injectable forms and implants, then the instructions for use allow you to use the medication without taking a break.

When they are canceled, a new medicine is administered on any day without a pass. If you used injectable forms of contraception, then the drug "Minisiston" is taken instead of the next injection. When switching from implants, the tablet is administered when the previous protective equipment is removed.

minisiston instructions and method of application
minisiston instructions and method of application

All of the above cases require the use of additional barrier methods of protection during the first week of using the combination pills.

Untimely Introduction

There are days when a woman forgot to take the right dose of Minisiston. Instructions for usecontains information about the need to take pills as soon as possible. The next tablet is administered at the set time.

In case of a short delay in using the product, which is less than half a day, the effectiveness of protection does not decrease.

When skipping the medication for more than 12 hours, the safety of protection decreases. It must be borne in mind that the use of the medicine should not be interrupted for more than one week. Only a 7-day continuous tablet intake adequately suppresses the function of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and ovaries.

If more than half a day is missed in the initial week of using the medication, the administration of the forgotten dose is carried out immediately, it is allowed to use two tablets at once. The next dosage is drunk at the set hours. For reliability, they are insured with barrier methods of protection for one week. In the presence of sexual intercourse when skipping a pill, fertilization is possible.

If the medication was taken correctly during the 7 days preceding the first forgotten pill, then you can not use additional contraceptive measures. If the rules are not followed, when two or more pills are missed, there is a need for barrier methods of protection for a whole week.

If there is a gap of more than half a day in the third week of taking the medication, the reliability of the medication decreases due to future interruption of the intake. If in the last 7 days from a forgotten dose the tablets were administered according to the rules, then you can not use additional protection.

minisiston instructions forapplication description
minisiston instructions forapplication description

There are two options for further administration of the drug. In the first case, the last missed dose is taken immediately, two tablets are allowed at once. The following dosages are drunk at the set time intervals of the following days until the end of the pack. New packaging starts without interruption. There is a low chance of menstruating before the end of the second pack, but spotting and breakthrough bleeding may occur with the use of the medication.

In the second case, the introduction of tablets of an unfinished blister is interrupted. Then a 7-day pass is made, including the day when they forgot to take the medicine, after which they start a new pack. If there is no blood flow during the break, then you need to check for pregnancy.

The process of absorption of the drug can be disturbed by vomiting, which began 4 hours after the administration of the tablet. In this case, additional protection and adjustment of the use of the product are needed. You can also take another pill from a new pack.

Prescribing after childbirth and abortion

Miniziston has a special instruction and method of use for women who had an abortion in the first months. For such patients, the doctor prescribes the immediate administration of the drug, which excludes other methods of protection.

If there was a birth or abortion at 4-6 months, then the use of tablets is possible in the interval from 21 to 28 days. Late onsets require additional barrier protection throughout the week of drug administration.

Delaying menstruation

For these purposes, the drug "Minisiston 20" is suitable, which is taken without interruption in two packs. When the second one is used, processes can be observed in the form of spotting, vaginal bleeding or breakthrough uterine bleeding. After consuming two packs, a weekly interruption is made, followed by further regular administration of the remedy.

Who is contraindicated

Not everyone can be protected by Minisiston 20 medicine. Instructions for use prohibit taking the drug for diabetes, at risk and already existing thrombosis of the artery and vein, cerebrovascular changes, infarction of the myocardial muscle, ischemia of blood flow in the brain, angina pectoris symptoms.

miniziston instructions for use reviews of doctors
miniziston instructions for use reviews of doctors

Contraindications are complex liver diseases, vaginal blood flow, tumors of the mammary gland and other reproductive organs, excessive sensitivity to the drug.

Adverse reactions

Has a side effect of "Minisiston 20 Fem". The instructions for use include information about side effects that may occur during treatment.

Pills can cause nausea, vomiting, changes in vaginal discharge, tension and pain in the mammary gland, swelling or secretion of fluid.

Under the influence of the drug, the patient's weight changes, there is no sexual desire, mood worsens, headaches, migraine attacks appear. The drug is able to retain fluid in the tissues, cause allergies andincreased pigmentation of the skin.

Use in childbearing and breastfeeding

Drug "Minisiston" instructions for use is not recommended for use by pregnant women. If such a condition is detected, the administration of the medication should be abandoned.

Mixed oral remedies reduce milk production, change its components, which requires the drug to be discontinued.

Features of treatment

Before you start using Minisiston tablets, instructions for use, doctors' reviews should be studied. Doctors say that initially it is necessary to conduct a general medical examination, check the chest, and make a cytology of cervical secretions. You need to be sure that there is no pregnancy. Long-term use of the product requires an annual control check.

Miniziston is not able to protect a woman from contracting AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases.

medicine miniziston instructions for use
medicine miniziston instructions for use

It is necessary to take the medication "Minisiston" by the hour. Instructions for use reviews are different. Many women say that it gives detailed information about the drug.

There are also such side effects after taking the medication, such as the development of thrombosis, as well as the occurrence of thromboembolic complications caused by this remedy. With the appearance of pain or swelling in the leg on one side, sudden severe pain in the chest area and head, severe shortness of breath and a cough-like attack, rapid loss of visual effect,speech disorders, weakness, motor impairment, you should immediately seek medical help.

There is evidence that the occurrence of thrombotic manifestations in a vein or artery is increasing every year. Patients who smoke, women with hereditary prerequisites, overweight, high blood pressure, with heart disease are considered more susceptible to these ailments, so only a doctor can evaluate the risk and benefit of this medication.
