"Regidron" is a drug that belongs to the pharmacological category of drugs taken to rehydrate and reduce the severity of intoxication in the body. This medicine is used orally in the form of solutions in cases of dehydration and intoxication of various origins. What helps "Regidron" is interesting to many.

Composition and release forms
The drug is produced in powders for oral solutions. It has a crystalline structure and is white in color. The finished solution is a colorless liquid, odorless. The composition of the drug includes several main active elements, which include:
- sodium chloride - in one sachet - 59.9 mmol/l;
- potassium chloride - in one sachet - 33.5 mmol/l;
- sodium citrate - in one sachet - 11.2 mmol/l;
- dextrose - inone sachet - 55.5 mmol/l.
Medicinal powder is packaged in aluminum foil bags. A carton box contains 20 or 4 bags and instructions for using the medication.
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
"Rehydron" is a remedy that contains in its composition s alts that are needed to restore the energy and electrolyte balance in the cells of the body. It is used to correct acidosis (high acidity) disturbed in cases of dehydration (during dehydration of the body with loss of s alts under the influence of various pathological factors). For the best absorption of s alts, the osmolarity of the drug and the concentration of sodium ions are somewhat reduced compared to potassium ions. The osmolarity of the finished solution of this drug is 260 mosm / l, and the pH of the medium is 8.3.
Data on pharmacokinetics (absorption of the main active elements into the blood, their distribution in tissues, as well as metabolism and excretion) are currently not available. This is confirmed by the instructions for use for Regidron. It is often prescribed for vomiting.

Indications for use
The main clinical indication for the use of powder for the preparation of solutions is to restore the amount of fluid and the concentration of the necessary s alt in the human body, in various pathological conditions that are accompanied by dehydration.
The use of "Rehydron" in adults is alsoeffective, as in children.
So, the indications include:
- acute diarrhea leading to marked loss of s alts and water;
- thermal damage to the body;
- It is also used in the prevention of dehydration during significant physical exertion, as well as in general overheating of the body.
In addition, this drug is used to restore fluid in case of mild (3-5% of total body weight) and moderate (6-10%) dehydration, which was provoked by diarrhea of various etiologies.
Features of use in children
"Regidron" is a drug, the main indications for the use of which are intestinal disorders in children that occur with such a symptom dangerous for babies as diarrhea. If diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting, the child will become dehydrated much faster. In no case should this be allowed, since the loss of even a tenth of the water is a great danger to the child's body.

The use of medication for children of different ages is advisable in the following situations:
- in conditions of intestinal infection;
- when a child overheats with excessive sweating;
- with vomiting, which was the result of poisoning and other intoxications;
- with irritable bowel syndrome and dysbacteriosis;
- diarrhea of any etiology, giving an average loss of fluid;
- with excessive physical exertion, provoking a strongsweat compartment.
According to the instructions for use, "Regidron" with diarrhea in some cases is contraindicated. Limitations and contraindications are described later in the article.
Side effects that occur in children when treated with medicine are bouts of vomiting if the medical solution is drunk too quickly. The use of "Rehydron" for vomiting is as follows: you need to drink the solution in small sips, gradually, in a cool form.
There are several absolute clinical contraindications to the prescription of the Regidron medicinal powder. These include:
- impaired kidney function with the development of their acute failure;
- diabetes mellitus (insulin-independent and insulin-dependent);
- unconscious state (inability to take medication by mouth);
- impaired patency in any part of the intestine;
- high sensitivity to any of the medicinal elements of the drug.
Before taking the solution, it is important to make sure that there are no such conditions. Consider detailed instructions for the use of "Regidron" for vomiting and diarrhea.
Method of application and dosage
Before use, the drug in the form of a powder should be dissolved in one liter of cool boiled water. The prepared solution is taken orally, regardless of the meal. To correct the water-s alt state in case of diarrhea, the drug is taken in a volume of 100 ml every five minutes (adults).
What is the use of "Rehydron" for children with vomiting? Forsmall patients the volume of the solution is 50 ml. If necessary, it is possible to administer the drug through nasogastric tubes within four hours.
With a mild degree of dehydration, the daily dosage is 50 ml per kilogram of the patient's weight, with an average degree - 100 ml. The dosage for maintenance therapy is 100 mg per kilogram of body weight. It is used until the effects of causative factors of dehydration, such as diarrhea, cease. The instructions for Regidron confirm this.
In the event of heat cramps, severe thirst, polyuria (excessive urine output), the solution is taken in volumes of 500-900 ml for half an hour, in small portions. Subsequently, every 30 minutes, the same volume of the drug solution is taken, and this procedure is repeated until the pathological symptoms disappear and the condition returns to normal.

Adverse reactions
"Regidron" is a safe remedy, with the correct use of which, taking into account the recommended therapeutic dosages, side effects during treatment, as a rule, do not develop. Potential for some allergic reactions.
Special Instructions
Before you start using this medication, you should carefully read the annotation to it. For maximum therapeutic efficacy, as well as to prevent the occurrence of negative complications, it is extremely important to pay attention to special instructions, which includethe following:
- In severe and severe dehydration, when the loss of body fluid is more than 10% of the total weight, taking this medication should be combined with intravenous administration of any saline solutions.
- It is not recommended to exceed the recommended therapeutic dosages of the Regidron solution, if the need for additional electrolytes in the body is not confirmed by laboratory studies.
- One packet of medicated powder is dissolved in a liter of water, if dissolved in a smaller volume and a highly concentrated solution, symptoms of hypernatremia (increased concentration of sodium s alts in the blood) may occur.
- Sugar must not be added to the ready-made solution of the Regidron drug.
- In patients whose water and electrolyte imbalance was provoked by the development of kidney failure or diabetes mellitus, against the background of the use of the drug, periodic monitoring of laboratory indicators of s alt concentration should be carried out.
- According to the instructions, when children and adults vomit, "Rehydron" should be taken again (after a few minutes) in small volumes.
- In cases of slow speech, high fatigue, drowsiness, hyperthermia above 39 ° C, cessation of urination or red urine, persistent diarrhea for more than five days, intense pain in the abdomen, you should seek medical help, as further therapy at home can provoke the development of serious complications.
- At the recommended therapeutic dosages, this drug may be used during pregnancy and lactation.
- The drug does not affect the functionality of the central nervous system structures, therefore, against the background of taking solutions, it is possible to perform dangerous work (driving vehicles), associated with increased attention and speed of reactions. That's what it says in the instructions for use. What helps Regidron, we examined.

When taking an increased volume or an overly concentrated solution of a drug, symptoms of hypernatremia may occur, which is often accompanied by nervous and muscular overexcitation, excessive drowsiness, confusion, and weakness. Cases of coma and respiratory arrest are not excluded. If the state of the kidneys is disturbed and their functions are suppressed against the background of an overdose, alkalosis (increased blood alkalinity) may develop.
Overdose therapy is carried out only in a hospital setting. A variety of saline solutions are administered intravenously with laboratory monitoring.
Analogues of the drug
Analogues of this drug include:
- Hydrovit is a medicine used to treat dehydration in children. The active substances of the drug are potassium chloride, sodium, sodium hydrocitrate, dextrose. The medication serves to replace electrolytes during fluid loss, take it during diarrhea, overheating, increasedsweating.
- "Reosolan" is a remedy that can replace "Regidron". Available in the form of powders for dilution and oral administration in cases of water and electrolyte imbalance due to dehydration, diarrhea caused by Vibrio cholerae, heat damage, intense sweating.
- "Glucosolan" is a medicine that replaces sodium and potassium s alts, preventing dehydration in the body. This drug is produced in the form of tablets of two types. For every solan tablet, which contains potassium chloride, sodium chloride and sodium citrate, there are four glucose tablets, which is a total of 2 g of the substance. In addition, there is such a dosage form as powder packets.
- "Citraglucosolan" is a drug similar in composition to "Glucosolan", but glucose is not attached separately, but mixed with electrolytes. This medicine is produced in the form of powders that dissolve in a liquid.
- "Trisol" is a pharmacological agent that serves to restore metabolism, normalize blood microcirculation, heart and kidney functions during acute forms of dysentery, food intoxication, which provoke the development of dehydration. The release form of this medication is a solution for infusion.

Medication cost
The average price of 20 bags of the Regidron medical preparation varies between 390-410 rubles. It depends on the region and pharmacy chain.
Patients and specialists callThis medication is a first aid treatment for dehydration. And this is no accident, since this medicine is one of the main ones used in widespread practice for diarrhea, vomiting, intoxication and poisoning.

Patient reviews of this drug are entirely positive and contain information about its high efficiency. For example, most people who took it noted a significant improvement in their general well-being against the background of the above pathological conditions. Against the background of food poisoning, their symptoms of chills and aching bones, muscle pain and other manifestations of acute lack of fluid in the body decreased. In addition, patients have observed that when using this medication, they never had any adverse reactions, which indicates a good tolerance of this drug. During use in children, Regidron also proved to be the best.
Reviews of doctors
Specialists do not just recommend this remedy, they indicate that it is simply necessary for various symptoms of dehydration, since such a condition is very dangerous for the human body, and especially for children. In general, they respond positively to the medication.
We reviewed the instructions for use for adults and children for the Regidron preparation.