Urografin: instructions for use, analogues, reviews, contraindications. Urografin 76%: instructions for use

Urografin: instructions for use, analogues, reviews, contraindications. Urografin 76%: instructions for use
Urografin: instructions for use, analogues, reviews, contraindications. Urografin 76%: instructions for use

To carry out studies of the body, methods based on X-ray beams are used. The introduction of a contrast agent into the human body enhances diagnostic capabilities. The addition of iodine molecules to the composition of the drug increases their effect.


The drug "Urografin" instructions for use classifies as a means for radiopaque diagnostics with an ionic structure. It is injected into vessels and cavities.

urografin instructions for use
urografin instructions for use

The medicine belongs to injection solutions, available as a clear, colorless or slightly colored liquid.


In the drug "Urografin" instructions for use defines the active ingredients based on 3, 5-bis-(acetylamido)-2, 4, 6-triiodobenzoic acid. The composition includes two of its s alts: sodium and meglumine. There are two dosages of the drug at 60 and 76 percent.

One milliliter of solution may contain 0.292 g or 0.370 g of iodine particles. The amount of meglumine amidotrizoate in one ampouleis 10.4 g or 13.2 g, and sodium amidotrizoate is 1.6 g or 2 g. The concentration of the first s alt in one milliliter is 0.52 g or 0.66 g, and the second is 0.08 g or 0, 1 year

To obtain a stable solution, inactive ingredients are used in the form of sodium calcium edetate, sodium hydroxide and an aqueous injection medium.

The medicine is packaged in 20 ml ampoules.

Similar products

Medication "Urografin" instructions for use refers to drugs that increase image contrast due to the absorption of X-rays by iodine ions, which are included in amidotrizoate s alts.

To use the medicine, you need to know the features of the injection solution related to osmolality, viscosity, density and pH value.

Contains all the above data of the drug "Urografin" instructions for use. Analogues in the form of preparations "Triombrast" and "Trazograph" are also used as radiopaque diagnostic tools that contain iodine particles.

urografin instructions for use analogues
urografin instructions for use analogues

With the introduction of such a drug, the image of the organ becomes more contrast.

What is used for

Medication "Urografin 76" instructions for use recommends using for retrograde urography, angiography, arthrography, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography.

The drug is taken before intraoperative cholangiography, sialography, fistulography,hysterosalpingography.

How to use

Before using the "Urografin 76" product, the instructions for use advise you to prepare the patient in advance. Thorough gastric emptying is required for abdominal angiography and urographic procedures. Two days before the manipulation do not take food that causes bloating. These foods include legumes, salads, black and fresh baked goods, and raw vegetables.

Before the examination, you can have dinner no later than 18 hours, after which you take laxatives. The latest recommendations do not apply to young children.

Excitement, pain attacks intensify the reaction processes to the medicine, so the person is calmed down psychologically by talking or taking medication.

With myeloma, increased blood glucose with impaired renal function, polyuria, oliguria, hyperuricemia, infants and the elderly undergo hydration manipulations to restore water and electrolyte levels.

Ready tool "Urografin" instruction advises to use only while maintaining the physical properties of the solution. If a precipitate appears, the shade has changed, or the packaging is damaged, do not use it. The liquid is collected before administration, and the remaining solution is disposed of.

urographin 76 instructions for use
urographin 76 instructions for use

Dosing is determined by the age, body weight and general well-being of the person. With insufficient work of the kidneys or heart, the minimum amount of medication is used. After the procedure, it is necessary to control theseorgans for three days.

Angiographic procedures require constant flushing of the catheter with saline to prevent the risk of thromboembolic events. When the drug is injected into the vessels, it is necessary to ensure a supine position. Half an hour after the injection, the patient is closely monitored in order to identify side processes in time.

To confirm the disease, the drug is repeated in large quantities at intervals of 10 to 15 minutes to compensate for the increased serum osmolarity with interstitial fluid. When a single dose of 0.300 to 0.350 liters of medication is administered to an adult, electrolyte solutions should be instilled.

The drug "Urografin" instructions for use advise heating up to 36 degrees, which will allow the contrast agent to be injected faster and easier to tolerate due to a decrease in viscosity. Not all ampoules are heated, but only the right amount.

This tool is not pre-tested due to the unreliability of the results.


With intravenous urographic diagnosis, the drug is administered in 20 ml per 1 minute. If there is a violation of cardiac work, the medication is administered more slowly, which is half an hour.

An adult patient is prescribed 0.02 liters of the drug "Urografin 76" or 0.05 liters of a 60% remedy. Increasing the amount of the drug of higher concentration to 0.05 l improves diagnostic accuracy.

Photographs of renal parenchymal tissue are taken at the end ofprick for better display. To visualize the structure of the pelvis and urinary tract, 1 photo is taken 5 minutes later, and 2 is taken 12 minutes after the fluid infusion.

When infusion use of 0.1 l of medication, the duration of the procedure is from 5 to 10 minutes. For people with myocardial diseases, this amount is poured into the veins in half an hour. The first photos are taken at the end of the introduction, and the next ones are taken for 20 minutes.

In X-ray examinations of the circulatory system, when aortography, angiocardiography or coronary angiography are performed, high dosages of the drug "Urografin" are used. The use of a 76% solution is preferred. The amount of medication is determined by age characteristics, weight, minute volumes of the heart muscle, general well-being, and the method of administration.

The urinary system is studied using a retrograde urographic examination, in which a contrast agent is injected catheterically into the lumen of the urethra. A 30% liquid is used, which is obtained by diluting a 60% solution with injection water in a ratio of 1 to 1. In order to avoid spasms in the ureter when irritated by a cold medicine, the contrast agent is heated to 36 degrees.

For some examinations, it is necessary to inject undiluted 60 percent. High dosing of medication sometimes causes irritating symptoms.

urografin instruction
urografin instruction

The agent is infused under fluoroscopic control to perform arthrographic,hysterosalpingography and retrograde cholangiopancreatography.

How to drink the drug correctly

To perform computed tomography of the intestines and other organs, doctors prescribe oral administration of the drug "Urografin". Instructions for use inside do not recommend taking, it does not describe this method of use. If the attending physician has not informed the patient about the rules of use and dosing, then it will be difficult for the patient to find information.

Medical workers recommend drinking Urographin solution before testing. Instructions for use for CT states that the contents of one ampoule (20 ml) must be diluted with one liter of pure water, take this liquid in stages.

Use begins 24 hours prior to diagnosis, resulting in contraction of the intestines and other organs. The last 200 ml of "Urografin" solution is recommended to be administered by the instruction for CT when entering the office. No pre-test for oral use.

When not in use

For the drug "Urografin" contraindications are associated with a clear increase in the functioning of the thyroid gland, decompensated by insufficient work of the heart.

Acute pancreatitis will preclude cholangiopancreatography.

Hysterosalpingographic diagnosis is not performed in the state of bearing a child and with an acute inflammatory reaction in the pelvic region.

urografin instructions for use for CT
urografin instructions for use for CT

Myelographic, ventriculographic and cisternographicstudies are not conducted with this drug contrast agent due to its neurotoxic effects.

Adverse reactions

For the drug "Urografin" instructions for use include information about side effects during intravascular infusion. Respiratory adverse reactions are associated with shortness of breath, cough, pulmonary edema, respiratory arrest.

Disturbances in the digestive system are manifested by vomiting, pain symptoms in the stomach.

Changes in the work of the heart and vascular are associated with fluctuations in blood pressure and contractile frequency. Sometimes dangerous thromboembolic complications may occur, provoking a heart attack of the myocardial muscle.

Unwanted reactions of the urinary system are manifested by impaired hepatic and renal functioning.

Changes in the central nervous system are characterized by headaches, imbalance, loss of consciousness, deterioration of auditory and visual reactions, convulsive seizures, fear of light, coma, drowsiness.

Local phenomena include inflammation, venous thrombosis, thrombophlebitis lesions, tissue necrosis.

Features of treatment

Medicine "Urografin" instruction suggests using carefully when there is excessive sensitivity to the agent containing iodine. Accurate administration requires severe renal and hepatic lesions, insufficient work of the heart muscle, emphysema lung disease, poor he alth of the patient, atherosclerotic vascular disorders,decompensated increase in blood sugar, subclinical strengthening of the thyroid gland and generalized myeloma. Undesirable effects in these conditions can develop from the infusion of medicine into a vein.

urografin 76
urografin 76

The use of a radiopaque medication can cause hypersensitivity, which is manifested by difficulty in breathing, erythema of the skin, rash, burning or swelling of the facial part of the head. In severe disorders, angioedema, bronchial spasm and anaphylactic shock develop. Unwanted effects may appear within 60 minutes after taking the medicine.

Most often, side effects appear in patients who are allergic to seafood and iodized components, who have had bouts of hay fever, urticaria or bronchial asthma. Before prescribing a radiopaque medication, the doctor should examine the person's past illnesses. If there is a high probability of an allergic process, then antihistamine therapy is used to prevent it.

Increased sensitivity to the drug increases with the use of beta-blockers. These drugs cause resistance to conventional allergy treatments.

Inorganic iodine solution is able to change the functioning of the thyroid gland. These data are taken into account when administering the drug to patients with a latent form of hyperthyroidism.

In old age, there is a pathology of the vascular wall and a neurological unstable condition,which enhance unwanted processes from iodine-containing contrast medications.

With intravascular infusion, sometimes there is insufficient work of the kidneys. To prevent it, you need to study past kidney diseases, to detect the existing insufficiency of this organ. The risk is increased by myeloma, advanced age, progressive vascular disease, paraproteinemia, severe forms of high blood pressure, deposition of uric acid in the joints.

If there is a risk of developing such a reaction, then pre-perform the hydration procedure using the method of intravascular infusion. It is also performed at the end of the diagnosis to remove the contrast agent through the kidneys.

To reduce the burden on the body during the period of drug removal, do not use nephrotoxic and cholecystographic oral medications, do not perform angioplasty of the renal vessels or major surgical interventions.

With violations in the valves of the heart and with increased pressure in the lungs, the use of the drug leads to a pronounced hemodynamic change. Elderly people with myocardial diseases in the past are more susceptible to ischemic and arrhythmic lesions. If there is heart failure, then with intravascular use, the drug can provoke swelling of the lung tissue.


Usually, patients normally perceive radiopaque medication. All adverse reactions from taking the medication are described by the drug "Urografin" instruction. Reviews often indicate a good tolerability of the drug. Patients more often characterize the diagnostic procedure itself than the use of a contrast agent.

There are reviews about the introduction of medication into the uterine cavity. This procedure causes unpleasant, uncomfortable sensations.

Not all information about the methods of administration contains instructions for use on the "Urografin" solution. For CT, reviews indicate the need to take a diluted drug orally the day before the examination and in the manipulation room. It tastes like ordinary colorless water, which does not smell of anything.

urografin instructions for use for ct reviews
urografin instructions for use for ct reviews

There are negative reviews when the patient could not perform urographic diagnosis due to complaints of discomfort during the administration of the drug. The patient became ill, his blood pressure dropped significantly.

There is an opinion that in the absence of allergic manifestations to iodine particles, the use of the drug should not be afraid. This medicine with a proven safety profile is used by many specialists for examinations.
