The drug "Ismizhen": instructions for use, description, reviews

The drug "Ismizhen": instructions for use, description, reviews
The drug "Ismizhen": instructions for use, description, reviews

With the advent of cold weather, the human body is at risk of contracting respiratory diseases. To protect yourself and your family from colds, you need to strengthen the immune system. Doctors recommend taking a course of treatment with immunostimulating agents.

General characteristics

One of these medicines is the medicine "Ismizhen". Instructions for the description of the drug include the following content: round, light cream tablets with a characteristic odor and a risk for division. Their height (3.5 mm) and diameter (9.0 mm) are indicated. The tablets are designed to dissolve under the tongue.

ismizhen instructions for use
ismizhen instructions for use

The drug is produced by the British pharmaceutical company Glaxo Smith Klein. Its main task is aimed at activating a non-specific and specific immune response due to the active ingredients contained in the tablets.


For the drug "Ismigen" instructions for use indicate information about its qualitative composition. Each tablet contains lyophilizedbacterial lysate in the amount of 7 mg. It contains bacteria of the genus Streptococcus viridans, Streptococcus pyogenes, Klebsiella ozena, Neisseria catarrhalis, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Hemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, of which there are 6 in 109 units of each.

ismizhen instruction description of the drug
ismizhen instruction description of the drug

The composition contains auxiliary components necessary for the formation of tablets with desired characteristics.

Action feature

To understand how the drug "Ismigen" affects the body, it is necessary to find out the meaning of the word "lysate". Many patients may be frightened by the presence of 8 different genera of pathological bacteria in the composition of the tablets. It turns out that fragments of bacterial cells obtained by splitting, in this case by lyophilization or drying, are called lysates. Pieces of the cell membrane and the internal contents can no longer be considered alive, therefore they are not capable of causing inflammatory processes in the body, but they are recognized by cell receptors in the mucous membrane of the respiratory system.

On the drug "Ismigen" instructions for use contains data on the activation of nonspecific (lasts from 2 to 4 weeks) and specific (up to 2 years) immunity.

With short protection by membrane antigens from the lysate, dendritic and NK-form cells, neutrophils and macrophages are stimulated, phagocytosis and cell destruction are initiated.

ismizhen instructions for use price
ismizhen instructions for use price

Increased immunity of a specific nature occurs due to increasedconcentrations of production of interleukin type 2, serum immunoglobulins A, G, M, secretory immunoglobulins A, lymphocytes type T and B.

As a result of treatment in the human body, resistance to the effects of specific and non-specific infections increases, the risk of developing respiratory diseases decreases, and in case of infection, the disease proceeds in a milder form, the number of complications decreases.

What heals

Tablets "Ismizhen" instructions for use recommend using in acute, recurrent, subacute or chronic infections that develop in the upper respiratory system. The drug is prescribed for acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, bacterial and allergic rhinitis, tonsillitis, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx, pharynx and tonsils, nasopharyngitis, sinusitis, epiglotitis. Pills treat acute, recurrent, chronic or subacute infection of the lower respiratory system, which is characterized by inflammation of the trachea, bronchi, tracheobronchitis, bronchiectasis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Taking the drug "Ismigen", which has an immunostimulating effect, helps to reduce the number and duration of acute respiratory infections in childhood. Thanks to the medicine, exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in infants are less likely to occur, and its course becomes less severe.

ismizhen instructions for use for children
ismizhen instructions for use for children

The uniqueness of the tablets allows them to be used for infections that are resistant to antibiotics, as well as forcomplications caused by viral or bacterial pathogens.

The medicine can be combined with mucolytic and antibacterial medicines.

Admission rules

The drug "Ismigen" instructions for use for children recommends using only from the age of two.

For the treatment of acute diseases, 1 tablet is prescribed once a day. The drug is kept under the tongue and absorbed within 1 or 2 minutes, after which you can not eat for about half an hour. The course of treatment is at least 10 days, 1 tablet per day. The medication can be extended until all symptoms of the disease disappear. For preventive purposes, the drug "Ismigen" instructions for use advise taking 1 tablet once a day, which is held under the tongue and dissolved for 1 or 2 minutes. The course of treatment is 10 days. Then a break is made for 20 days, after which the drug is taken for another 10 days. The duration of the entire course is exactly 90 days, subject to the maximum immunotherapeutic effect. During this prophylactic treatment, the patient should use 30 sublingual tablets.

ismizhen instructions for use price reviews
ismizhen instructions for use price reviews

For small children, for the purpose of better swallowing, the tablet is pre-crushed, after which the powder is moistened with water. In this pasty state, the medicine is placed in the child's mouth.


For the treatment and prevention of colds, it is recommended to take Ismigen tablets instructions for use. Reviews of patients about the drug are ambiguous. Doctors prescribe this drug to frequently ill children. Some mothers note an improvement in the child's condition after a course of therapy with Ismigen tablets. Subsequently, children are less likely to get colds, and if they get sick, then in a mild form, lasting 3-4 days.

Other parents speak negatively about the medicine. During illness, after taking Ismigen, some patients become worse, have a fever and show signs of secondary infection.

There are mothers who are afraid of information about the content of pathogenic bacteria in tablets. To dispel myths, you should check with your doctor if infection is possible, how safe the pills are.

pills ismigen instructions for use reviews
pills ismigen instructions for use reviews

There are opinions that the drug does not have a therapeutic effect on the body at all. Such conclusions are made by mothers whose children continue to get sick with the same frequency after a three-month course of treatment. There is no effect that promises for the drug "Ismigen" instructions for use. Price reviews are also not always positive.


On average, 10 tablets of medicine can be bought for 480 rubles. For a three-month treatment, 30 tablets are needed, as indicated by the drug "Ismigen" instructions for use. The price of such a course will be 1440 rubles.

Based on the cost of an imported drug, many patients may not be able to afford it.
