Vulgar psoriasis: photo, treatment

Vulgar psoriasis: photo, treatment
Vulgar psoriasis: photo, treatment

Psoriasis is a chronic disease characterized by periods of remission and exacerbation. The most common form of the disease is vulgaris. Its development is associated with malfunctions in the body's immune system.

Let's look at what psoriasis vulgaris is, its symptoms and possible treatments for the disease.

Causes of psoriasis vulgaris

What causes the appearance of the disease? As mentioned above, psoriasis vulgaris occurs due to certain failures in the immune system. Although this can also happen in the presence of hereditary factors, after suffering infectious diseases, or as a result of malnutrition, stress, nervous tension, or taking certain medications. For those who have no idea what psoriasis vulgaris looks like, the photo below will serve as a good example.

psoriasis vulgaris
psoriasis vulgaris

As you can see, this phenomenon cannot be called pleasant.

Symptoms of disease

Common psoriasis vulgaris begins with the appearance of highly scaly papules and plaques. The knees, elbows, scalp, lumbosacral region, hands, and feet may be affected. Whereinrashes are bright red, and papules can grow and merge with each other. Progressing, the disease affects more and more new areas of the skin. Most patients at this time begin to complain of severe itching and burning.

psoriasis vulgaris treatment
psoriasis vulgaris treatment

Psoriasis vulgaris in children also manifests itself: rashes are observed in the same areas. But most often in young patients, small pinkish pimples appear on the scalp and in the joints.

Stages of disease progression

Psoriasis vulgaris has three stages of development.

  1. Progressive (acute) stage. Characterized by the formation of a rash.
  2. Stationary stage. At this time, new elements of the rash no longer appear, but the old one still does not disappear and worries the patient.
  3. Regressing stage. During this period, Voronov's pseudo-atrophic rim forms around the rash.

Psoriasis vulgaris: treatment

Unfortunately, there is still no unique remedy that will help get rid of the disease forever. Treatment provides only the maximum extension of the remission period, as well as the elimination of symptoms during an exacerbation. That is, the disease is not cured, but stopped.

psoriasis vulgaris photo
psoriasis vulgaris photo

Therapy consists of three main areas:

  1. Taking anti-inflammatory drugs.
  2. Providing symptomatic treatment.
  3. Blocking the proliferation and differentiation of keratinocytes.

During the first stage of the disease is prescribeddetoxification and anti-inflammatory therapy. It includes intravenous administration of drugs such as sodium thiosulfate and calcium glucanate.

In the presence of severe itching, symptomatic therapy is carried out with antihistamines: "Mebhydrolin", "Chloropyramine" or "Climastin".

During a severe form of the disease, retinoids are prescribed, for example "Acitretin", ultraviolet irradiation is carried out. In the malignant course of psoriasis, it is mandatory to take cytostatics, one of which is Methotrexate.

Local external treatment during the progressive stage includes the use of moisturizing, keroplastic, indifferent agents, which contain glucocorticosteroids. These include Hydrocortisone, Betamethasone, Clobetasol and others.

Psoriasis vulgaris during the stationary and regressive stages involves taking drugs with keratolytic and absorbable effects. It can be "Acetylsalicylic acid", "Ditranol" or "Naftalan oil". In contrast to the drugs for the treatment of the regressive stage, these drugs are characterized by a higher concentration of active substances.

Treatment of psoriasis in children

Therapy for getting rid of psoriasis in children is different from the "adult" option. When choosing the necessary medicines, the doctor will take into account the sex and age of the child, the form and severity of the manifestation of the disease, the presencethe baby is allergic to medications.

common psoriasis vulgaris
common psoriasis vulgaris

First of all, sedatives and desensitizing agents are prescribed. In case of increased itching, antihistamines are added to them. Children under the age of three are additionally recommended means to activate the body's defenses (increase immunity). If the selected drugs are ineffective, the doctor must necessarily replace them with others.

If a child's psoriasis vulgaris is mild, he is prescribed monotherapy. In severe cases, systemic and phototherapy is carried out to quickly eliminate symptoms.

It is also possible to use folk remedies, but you only need to consult with your doctor first.

Treatment of psoriasis with folk remedies

It should be noted right away that folk methods of getting rid of the disease can only be used as an additional therapy in combination with the main drug treatment.

psoriasis vulgaris in children
psoriasis vulgaris in children

The methods described below are suitable for both children and adults. They consist in taking herbal infusions and medicinal baths.

  1. Infusion of a string to eliminate itching. To prepare it, you need to take three servings of a string and one serving of valerian, celandine and St. John's wort herbs. A tablespoon of the resulting mixture should be poured with a glass of hot water and let it brew for 15 minutes. You need to drink it in half a glass twice a day.
  2. Infusion of licorice root. You need to take three servings of licorice root, twoservings of herb succession, one serving of oregano and celandine. As in the previous case, you need to brew a tablespoon of the mixture in a glass of water and drink half a glass in the morning and evening.
  3. A bath with medicinal herbs can not only eliminate itching, but also remove redness and swelling. To prepare it, you need to take a large metal pan, pour three liters of water into it and add a pack of celandine. The mixture must be put on fire and brought to a boil, then cover and let it brew for about one hour. At this time, you can prepare a warm bath, and there should be enough water in it so that you can immerse the whole body. The resulting broth must be filtered through cheesecloth before use. In such a therapeutic bath you need to be 10 minutes. The procedure itself can be repeated every day, as it is completely harmless.

Finally, I would like to remind you that in no case should you self-medicate. It is better to entrust this matter to an experienced specialist.

Be he althy!
