Drugs 2024, October

Can I give loperamide tablets to children?

Can I give loperamide tablets to children?

Young children, especially preschoolers and younger students, are most prone to intestinal disorders and food poisoning. Problems begin when the child is allowed to walk outside. An inquisitive baby drags everything into his mouth, even if it is dirty objects, toys lying on the ground, or tries to touch everything, and then pulls his hands into his mouth. Gastrointestinal disorders in such cases are not uncommon, and then the child may be prescribed the drug "Loperamide"

Bismuth subsalicylate: instructions for use

Bismuth subsalicylate: instructions for use

Bismuth subsalicylate is a substance that is used to treat ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract and diarrhea of various origins. The component has antiulcer, enveloping, analgesic, astringent, antidiarrheal, antiseptic, carminative action. Penetrating initially into the stomach, then into the duodenum, the substance combines with proteins and forms chelate compounds. Bismuth subsalicylate is a protective film

"Bronhobos" (syrup): instructions for use, reviews, analogues, prices

"Bronhobos" (syrup): instructions for use, reviews, analogues, prices

What is the dosage of Bronchobos (syrup)? Instructions for use of the mucolytic drug are described in detail below

Why is there no "Prednisolone" in pharmacies? What to replace it with?

Why is there no "Prednisolone" in pharmacies? What to replace it with?

Recently, residents of several cities in Russia have been asking the question: why is there no prednisolone in pharmacies? Journalists managed to find out this information from he alth officials. To avoid an increase in morbidity, pharmacists and doctors recommend replacing the drug "Prednisolone" with its analogues

Tri-Merci contraceptive pills: instructions for use and reviews

Tri-Merci contraceptive pills: instructions for use and reviews

Tri-Merci contraceptive is a modern oral contraceptive. These tablets contain high dosages of female sex hormones and their substitutes. The chemical structure of the substitutes is characterized by a completely identical Tri-Merci composition, corresponding to natural progesterone and estrogen

"Sorbifer": side effects, purpose, form of release, features of administration, dosage, composition, indications and contraindications

"Sorbifer": side effects, purpose, form of release, features of administration, dosage, composition, indications and contraindications

Iron is necessary for the normal development of the fetus. You can fill its deficiency with the help of products, but this is not always possible, therefore, medications are prescribed. One of these is Sorbifer. Side effects and instructions should be well studied before taking

What are the antiviral drugs - inexpensive, but the most effective?

What are the antiviral drugs - inexpensive, but the most effective?

Antiviral drugs - inexpensive, but the most effective - it is advisable to always have in your own medicine cabinet. After all, you never know when a seasonal cold will again overcome a weakened body

Diuretics for swelling of the face: list, ranking of the best, composition and instructions for use

Diuretics for swelling of the face: list, ranking of the best, composition and instructions for use

Edema on the face is an unpleasant and ugly manifestation that is almost impossible to disguise. They usually appear in the morning and cause a lot of inconvenience. You can fix the problem in different ways. The most effective of them is to take a diuretic. The use of diuretic drugs for swelling of the face not only helps to get rid of an unpleasant symptom, but also causes side effects

Inexpensive pharmacy beauty products: save wisely

Inexpensive pharmacy beauty products: save wisely

Self-care seems to involve spending huge sums of money. Hair growth stimulants, anti-cellulite creams, anti-wrinkle masks and much more - the cost of each bottle is often comparable to the average check in an expensive restaurant. What to do when you want to look attractive, but there are no extra funds? There is a way out - inexpensive pharmaceutical beauty products

What antibiotics for SARS should be taken by adults and which ones for children?

What antibiotics for SARS should be taken by adults and which ones for children?

Antibacterial drugs affect not only pathogens, but also beneficial microorganisms. They should be taken with SARS only in extreme cases. What antibiotics will be most effective in a particular case, the doctor will tell

Drugs from gas formation: list, description, composition, purpose, instructions for use, indications and contraindications for taking

Drugs from gas formation: list, description, composition, purpose, instructions for use, indications and contraindications for taking

Bloating and flatulence are symptoms that are familiar to every person. Often these processes are also accompanied by belching, heartburn, diarrhea. Symptoms not only bring discomfort and self-doubt, but are also a harbinger of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Preparations for bloating and gas formation will help not only quickly get rid of an unpleasant condition, but will also help internal organs - the stomach, intestines, pancreas

Troxevasin ointment: instructions for use, indications, composition, analogues

Troxevasin ointment: instructions for use, indications, composition, analogues

Troxevasin ointment is an effective angioprotective agent with high antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and venotonic activity. The drug is widely used as monotherapy and complex treatment of varicose veins, herpes virus infection, venous insufficiency, hemorrhoids, varicose ulcers

Anabolic - what is it? What is their effect on the body?

Anabolic - what is it? What is their effect on the body?

Not only women want to have a beautiful body - many men are also kind to their appearance and work hard in the gyms. In order not only to get a toned figure, but also to increase muscle mass, gain relief forms, some men take special supplements, in other words, anabolics

"Aspirin": instructions for use, reviews, analogues

"Aspirin": instructions for use, reviews, analogues

According to the instructions for use, Aspirin tablets are prescribed for adults and children if there is a need for a non-hormonal agent to stop the activity of inflammatory foci. The drug is prescribed primarily to relieve pain, as well as relieve fever

The best ointments for inflammation of the joints: names, principle of action

The best ointments for inflammation of the joints: names, principle of action

Problems with the joints often cause a decrease in performance. A person is worried about severe pain, and in order to get rid of them, he is forced to resort to various methods of treatment. Folk remedies have proven their relatively weak analgesic ability

"Complivit Chondro": instructions for use, reviews

"Complivit Chondro": instructions for use, reviews

Diseases of the joints are now considered an urgent problem not only for the elderly, but also for the younger generation. Medicines from the category of chondroprotectors will help improve the condition. The representative of these funds is Complivit Chondro. The drug belongs to dietary supplements, suitable for both prevention and treatment of damaged cartilage

Drug "Avastin": patient reviews

Drug "Avastin": patient reviews

Avastin is a modern drug for the fight against certain types of cancer. Increasingly, doctors are prescribing Avastin to their patients. Reviews about it are contradictory

"Dopamine" - what is it? "Dopamine": instructions, application, prices

"Dopamine" - what is it? "Dopamine": instructions, application, prices

Dopamine looks like a white crystalline powder with a faint odor of hydrochloric acid. It looks like this in the form of hydrochloride

What kind of cough syrup can I use for babies?

What kind of cough syrup can I use for babies?

Pathologies of the respiratory system in newborns develop more often than in older babies. Even a common cold can quickly turn into bronchitis, and therefore treatment should be timely. If the baby still began to cough, it is important to choose the right syrup

Can I take "Nimesil" with GW?

Can I take "Nimesil" with GW?

A woman during lactation should pay attention to her he alth, because her condition is reflected in the condition of the baby. A nursing mother should refuse junk food, as well as avoid uncontrolled intake of medications. Sometimes a woman during this period is overcome by a severe toothache or headache. Is it possible to take "Nimesil" with GV? The article will discuss the features of taking the drug, its positive and negative effects on the body of a woman and a newborn

"Monastic balsam": a hoax or a miracle cure?

"Monastic balsam": a hoax or a miracle cure?

"Monastic balsam" is a completely natural product, made on the basis of ancient recipes and the knowledge of modern herbal medicine, in order to cure various diseases. The combination of oil extracts, bee products, herbal oils guarantee a wide range of effects of balms. They are used in the complex treatment of various pathologies

"Hofitol" for a newborn: purpose, instructions, composition, indications and contraindications, reviews of pediatricians

"Hofitol" for a newborn: purpose, instructions, composition, indications and contraindications, reviews of pediatricians

This article will discuss such a drug as "Hofitol", as well as its indications, contraindications and possible side effects. The question of the possibility of using the drug in newborns with jaundice will be considered in particular detail

Cure for gonorrhea: a list of effective drugs

Cure for gonorrhea: a list of effective drugs

Gonorrhea, or gonorrhea is a common disease that is provoked by a pathogenic microorganism called gonococcus. This bacterium is highly sensitive to environmental influences, therefore, outside the body of the carrier, it quickly dies. Thus, it is almost impossible to become infected with gonorrhea by household means

Intestinal microflora: recovery, preparations, list, instructions for use and reviews

Intestinal microflora: recovery, preparations, list, instructions for use and reviews

The development of medicine and the pharmaceutical industry, the improvement of the quality of life of most people and the improvement of hygiene conditions in recent decades have contributed to the disappearance of many infectious diseases. Strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs save the lives of millions of people every year

Instruction: "Zosterin ultra". Description, features of the drug

Instruction: "Zosterin ultra". Description, features of the drug

The drug "Zosterin ultra" refers to dietary supplements. The agent is a polysaccharide of pectin nature, which is an organic natural sorbent

Cream "Unna": indications, instructions for use and reviews

Cream "Unna": indications, instructions for use and reviews

Cream "Unna" is a well-known drug for the treatment of skin diseases. Despite the apparent simplicity of the composition and relative cheapness, this remedy is quite effective for many problems

Flupirtine maleate: pharmacological action, indications for use, dosage, side effects, analogues

Flupirtine maleate: pharmacological action, indications for use, dosage, side effects, analogues

Flupirtine maleate is a medicinal substance that has analgesic properties and is part of a number of drugs from the category of non-opioid pharmacological agents. It has an analgesic systemic effect, which occurs due to the selective activation of neutral channels of potassium origin

From rhinitis and sinusitis spray "Isofra" (review of experts)

From rhinitis and sinusitis spray "Isofra" (review of experts)

In the fight against diseases of the upper respiratory tract, it is recommended to use the nasal spray (not drops) "Isofra". Reviews of pharmacists confirm that this drug is available as a spray in a 15-ml spray bottle

The drug "Isofra": reviews, instructions for use, analogues

The drug "Isofra": reviews, instructions for use, analogues

One of the most popular remedies in the fight against the common cold is the French drug Isofra. It is effective for sinusitis, as well as nasopharyngitis, which are of bacterial origin. Symptoms of the disease stop already on the third day of use. This drug is most often prescribed in pediatrics, as it is safe and can be used in children from a very young age

Pain relief ointment for bruises: list, instructions for use and reviews

Pain relief ointment for bruises: list, instructions for use and reviews

Bruises and sprains are the most common injuries sustained at home, during sports training and at work. Basically, this kind of injury does not require a visit to the doctor, however, in some situations, the consequences of falls, pinching and other bruises must be eliminated as soon as possible, since pain and bruising, especially in children, cause discomfort

The best ointments for wound healing: a list of drugs

The best ointments for wound healing: a list of drugs

Severe injuries require medical attention, but minor cuts and scrapes can be treated on your own. To do this, it is best to use some kind of ointment for wound healing. There are now a large number of them, and in order for the treatment to be effective, you need to know in which cases what type of ointment should be used

Density of hydrogen peroxide. Ways to use hydrogen peroxide

Density of hydrogen peroxide. Ways to use hydrogen peroxide

Almost every home always has hydrogen peroxide. And in the event that it is not available, it can be purchased at absolutely any pharmacy. This is one of the most inexpensive, but at the same time useful tools that have a large number of advantages. What is the density of hydrogen peroxide depending on the concentration? We will talk about this below

Means "Trilon B". Description

Means "Trilon B". Description

Means "Trilon B" (disodium s alt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) is a crystalline white powder. The drug is soluble in water, almost insoluble in ether and alcohol

Hemostatic collagen sponge: composition, application

Hemostatic collagen sponge: composition, application

Why do I need a hemostatic collagen sponge? Indications for its use will be discussed in the article

Ointment "Radevita": instructions for use and reviews

Ointment "Radevita": instructions for use and reviews

Radevita ointment is a synthetic dermatoprotective agent that improves trophism and accelerates tissue regeneration

Children's paracetamol: instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Children's paracetamol: instructions for use, analogues and reviews

When a child is ill, parents always strive to find the most effective and safe drug that can quickly put him on his feet and not harm the growing child's body. The disease most often happens unexpectedly, and only the most common antipyretic drugs like Aspirin or Paracetamol are at hand

"Espumizan": analogues and substitutes, composition of the drug, side effects, reviews

"Espumizan": analogues and substitutes, composition of the drug, side effects, reviews

Many people are faced with such a problem as increased gas formation. For some, this condition is temporary, while others experience difficulties with flatulence constantly and over a long period of time. In any case, it will not be possible to avoid taking special drugs that eliminate the symptoms of flatulence

MMR vaccine: description, composition, instructions for use, side effects, manufacturer, reviews

MMR vaccine: description, composition, instructions for use, side effects, manufacturer, reviews

The manufacturer of the MMR vaccine (the Swiss company Merck Sharp and Dome Idea) presents its pharmaceutical product as an effective means of preventing several serious and widespread diseases at once: mumps, measles, rubella. All these pathologies are among the most dangerous, they spread rapidly among people who do not have immunity

Drugs to improve memory and cerebral circulation. Preparations to increase concentration

Drugs to improve memory and cerebral circulation. Preparations to increase concentration

A person from birth is endowed with the ability to remember a variety of events and dates. This feature is getting better every day. However, in some cases, people experience a deterioration in attention and memory

"Staphylococcal antiphagin": instructions, analogues and reviews of the vaccine

"Staphylococcal antiphagin": instructions, analogues and reviews of the vaccine

Staphylococcus itself is a dangerous bacterium for the body. In some way, it gets to a person and begins its harmful activity: it causes unpleasant diseases. The biggest danger of this bacterium is that it can harm almost any organ