Choline alfoscerate: instructions for use, reviews and analogues

Choline alfoscerate: instructions for use, reviews and analogues
Choline alfoscerate: instructions for use, reviews and analogues

Choline alfoscerate is an active drug ingredient found in many medicines. You will learn about the properties of this substance, why it is indicated and what preparations it contains, from the materials of the presented article.

choline alfoscerate
choline alfoscerate

Where is choline alfoscerate found?

Instructions for the use of those medicines that include the presented component are included in each package along with the medicine.

The most famous and widely used medicines with this active ingredient are the following drugs:

  • Gleatzer.
  • Gliatilin.
  • Cerepro.
  • "Glycerylphosphorylcholine Hydrate".
  • Cereton.
  • Cholitilin, etc.

Existing release forms

Preparations with such an active substance as choline alfoscerate, reviews of which are mostly positive, are available in the form of capsules and injectable solutions. As a rule, they are sold in cartons or in small plastic bags.jars.

Pharmacological action

Choline alfoscerate has an exciting effect on the central cholinergic receptors. Entering the human body, such an active substance breaks down into choline and glycerophosphate.

The presented drug component ensures the full formation of phosphatidylcholine. In addition, it significantly improves the plasticity and function of receptors, neuronal membranes, and also activates cerebral blood flow, stimulating cholinergic neurotransmission, nervous system metabolism and reticular formation.

choline alfoscerate instructions
choline alfoscerate instructions

It should also be noted that choline alfoscerate greatly improves concentration, the ability to memorize and further reproduce information, significantly improves mood, mental activity, and also eliminates negative emotions, including apathy, and optimizes cognitive reactions.

In traumatic brain injuries, this substance normalizes blood flow in the affected area and the bioelectrical activity of the brain. In addition, such a component of drugs helps to suppress neurological symptoms.


After ingestion, the absorption of this component is about 88%. Choline alfoscerate crosses the blood-brain barrier quite easily. It should also be noted that this substance accumulates in the brain, lungs and liver. Its level in the central nervous system reaches approximately 45% of the content in blood plasma.

About 86% of choline alfoscerate is excreted through the lungs ascarbon dioxide, and the rest - through the kidneys and intestines (about 14%). This substance does not have teratogenic and mutagenic effects, and does not affect the human reproductive system in any way.

Indications for use

Why is choline alfoscerate prescribed to the patient? Analogues of such a remedy and the drug itself are used for:

choline alfoscerate analogues
choline alfoscerate analogues
  • acute period of traumatic brain injury;
  • dyscirculatory encephalopathy;
  • dementia (Alzheimer's type, senile or mixed forms);
  • Huntington's chorea;
  • during the recovery period of ischemic stroke;
  • memory disorders;
  • functional disorders of the central nervous system;
  • confusion;
  • decreased initiative, concentration and motivation;
  • disorientation;
  • senile pseudo-melancholy.

Choline alfoscerate: instructions

Medications (capsules) that contain such an active substance should be taken orally immediately before a meal. As a rule, such drugs are prescribed by doctors in one dosage or another, depending on the existing disease. But, according to the attached instructions, choline alfoscerate must be taken three times a day, 400 mg each. The duration of such therapy is usually about 4-6 months.

If the patient has an acute condition, then the presented component is slowly injected intravenously or intramuscularly. In this case, the dosage of the injection solutionis 1 g per day.

If after using the drug the patient develops severe nausea, then it is advisable to reduce the dose by 1, 5 or 2 times.

choline alfoscerate instructions for use
choline alfoscerate instructions for use

Contraindications for use

It is not recommended to use preparations that contain the presented component in case of hypersensitivity to it. In addition, choline alfoscerate is strictly prohibited for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Possible side effects

According to reviews, medicines with the active substance choline alfoscerate almost never cause any side effects. However, occasionally, patients may experience a strong or moderate feeling of nausea. As mentioned above, in such cases, you should either reduce the dosage or stop taking the drug altogether.

Drug overdose

If the medicinal substance choline alfoscerate is used uncontrollably, then the patient may experience an overdose. As a rule, the patient in such situations feels a strong feeling of nausea, which ends in vomiting, and allergic reactions (rash, itching of the skin, etc.) may also occur.

Drug Interactions

To date, no interaction of this substance with other medicinal components has been identified.

Price of drugs

choline alfoscerate reviews
choline alfoscerate reviews

The cost of medicines that contain the active substance choline alfoscerate is significantlydiffers. Consider the price category of each drug in more detail:

  • Medication "Gleatser". For three ampoules of this remedy, you will have to pay about 260-270 Russian rubles.
  • Drug "Gliatilin". The price of 14 capsules of such a medicine is about 740-760 rubles. If you need to buy medicine in ampoules, then for three pieces you will be asked about 570 rubles.
  • Cerepro medicine. Such a drug in capsules is sold for 500 rubles (14 pieces). If you need the drug in ampoules, then for three pieces you will have to pay about 400 rubles.
  • Means "Cereton". Ampoules of this drug can be purchased for 280-300 rubles (3 pieces).
  • Medication "Cholitilin". This tool (ampoules) is sold in pharmacy chains for 370-380 rubles (3 jokes).
