St. John's wort is well known in folk medicine. It is one of the most popular medicinal plants. Its antidepressant effect has been proven by numerous studies. Consider what St. John's wort still helps and why it is in great demand today.
St. John's wort

St. John's wort contains dozens of biologically active substances, but hypericin and hyperforin are of the greatest medical importance. The rest of the he alth-promoting compounds in it are mostly flavonoids like rutin, quercetin, and kaempferol. Most pharmaceutical companies produce a variety of he alth products based on St. John's wort, which are widely used by millions of people on all continents. They can be purchased at a pharmacy or herbal store. It comes in a variety of forms, most commonly available as capsules, tablets, tinctures, etc. You can also occasionally find the herb in dry raw or powder form.
Pills from the plant

Food supplements with extractSt. John's wort are usually intended to improve overall mental he alth, including supporting positive mood, improving well-being and maintaining emotional balance. The active ingredients contained in the plant activate mental abilities and improve the ability to cope with stressful situations. Supplements of this type make it easier to achieve a state of relaxation and proper relaxation, and support he althy sleep.
Pills from the plant usually contain 200-400 mg of the herbal extract. Be sure to use them according to the manufacturer's instructions, most often taken orally, 2-3 times a day, 1-2 tablets before or during a meal. Do not exceed the doses indicated on the package.
The price of St. John's wort tablets in the regions of Russia - from 50 rubles. They should not be used after the expiration date. Taking drugs with St. John's wort extract can cause photosensitivity. This is an increased sensitivity to ultraviolet light.
St. John's wort - what helps?
St. John's wort is one of the most commonly recommended natural remedies, especially for depression and symptoms such as irritability, constant fatigue, loss of appetite and trouble sleeping. It is also used to treat:
- palpitations;
- mood swings;
- for symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - ADHD;
- for obsessive-compulsive disorders - OCD; seasonal affective disorder– SAD;
- menopausal symptoms.
St. John's wort for depression

Many studies indicate that St. John's wort tablets can help fight mild to moderate depression. Unlike most prescription antidepressants, it can reduce anxiety without causing any significant side effects, such as decreased libido. However, it can interact with many medications and should only be used under medical supervision, especially if antidepressants are being taken during treatment.
St. John's wort acts as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, SSRIs, which are the main types of antidepressants commonly prescribed at the start of treatment for depression. Therefore, it has properties similar to such popular drugs as Prozac, Zoloft. When using St. John's wort in tablets, an increase in the absorption of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain is observed. Thanks to this, you can improve your mood and well-being in case of the first symptoms of depression.
St. John's wort improves mood during menopause

Multiple observations indicate that St. John's wort effectively relieves the psychological and autonomic symptoms of menopause. German studies have shown that after 12 weeks of treatment with herbal preparations, there was a significant improvement in mental and psychosomatic symptoms. St. John's wort tablets were administered to 111 women aged 43 to 65 years in an amount of 900 mg three times a day. Thus, it is highly likelysuggest that it is an effective remedy for improving the mood of women during the difficult period of menopause.
St. John's wort for PMS relief

British studies have shown that regular intake of the extract of this plant actually improves the well-being of women in the premenstrual period. The observation covered 36 women aged 18-45 years, who were divided into two groups. For two complete cycles of menstruation, the first of them took 900 mg of St. John's wort extract, and the second - only placebo tablets. The results showed that St. John's wort can be successfully used to relieve symptoms and fight PMS, in particular for chronic fatigue, hormonal imbalance or depressed mood. However, it will not bring any significant effects in the fight against pain.
St. John's wort against cancer
Many will be surprised to learn what St. John's wort still helps. Spanish scientists have found that plant extracts can inhibit the growth of certain cancer cells. Data from studies conducted in 2003 show that a derivative of hyperforin is a compound that can suppress the uncontrolled reproduction of cancer cells. These properties may be important in the inhibition of tumor growth and the formation of metastases.
Side effects and contraindications
Detailed studies confirm that oral St. John's wort tablets for up to three months are generally safe.
Most commoncommon side effects of the herb:
- sleep problems;
- vivid dreams;
- night irritability;
- indigestion;
- fatigue;
- dry mouth;
- dizziness;
- headache;
- rash;
- diarrhea.
When taken in high doses and exposed to the sun, St.
St. John's wort is not recommended for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Some sources report that herbal preparations are safe for children aged 6 to 17, but should not be given for more than 8 weeks.
Special precautions

In the medical literature, you can find many contraindications to the use of St. John's wort for certain diseases and in the case of taking certain medications. Recent studies show the possibility of interaction of the components of St. John's wort with other medicines. They may promote the production of enzymes in the intestines and liver that cause the other drug to be rapidly eliminated from the body and converted into an inactive form, contributing to the weakening of the effectiveness of pharmacological therapy.
In case of serious illnesses and ailments, the intention to use St. John's wort should always be reported to the doctor, as it can interact with several drugs, including birth control pills, allergy medicines, headache medicines and heart disease. specialcaution should be observed in case of:
- suicidal thoughts or severe depression;
- blood clotting disorder;
- diabetes;
- cataract;
- high cholesterol;
- epilepsy;
- weak nervous system.
St. John's wort: reviews
Most people appreciate the use of St. John's wort in various forms, in particular in tablets. It not only improves mental activity, but also provides better protection of the body against pathological changes.
St. John's wort preparations are readily available and inexpensive, so they can be used without much effort. According to reviews, St. John's wort is a very beautiful and useful herb that every person should have in their home first aid kit.