"Stamlo": reviews, analogues. Instructions for use "Stamlo"

"Stamlo": reviews, analogues. Instructions for use "Stamlo"
"Stamlo": reviews, analogues. Instructions for use "Stamlo"

To lower blood pressure, doctors often use drugs based on amlodipine. One of these means is the drug "Stamlo".


This medication is manufactured by the Indian company Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Ltd.

instructions for use staml
instructions for use staml

The drug "Stamlo" shows a long-term and dose-dependent therapeutic effect.

Being a dihydropyridine derivative, the active ingredient amlodipine belongs to the second generation of Ca2+ antagonists that close channels that allow calcium ions to pass through.

Dose form

The product is available in two dosages: 0.005 and 0.010 g of the active substance component.

The instruction describes the smaller dose of the Stamlo medication as round tablets with a white or almost white surface, which is flat, has a beveled shape along the edges. For the purpose of labeling the drug, one plane contains an extrusion of “R 177”, the other has a separating line.

A large dose of the drug "Stamlo" is characterized by an abstract as oval tablets with a white or almost white biconvex surface. For the purpose of drug labelingone plane has an extrusion "R", on the other - the digital designation "178" is applied. Dosed solids are available in blister packs of 14, packs contain two blister packs.

Drug ingredients

The active ingredient of the drug is a s alt of amlodipine of the besilate type, in the amount of 6.42 and 12.838 mg, equivalent to 0.005 and 0.010 g of pure amlodipine.

In the structure of the Stamlo tablet, inactive components can be found, which are microcrystalline cellulose particles, sodium starch glycolate, dehydrated aerosil, magnesium stearate.

Mechanism of action

Amlodipine molecules bind to receptor outgrowths of the dihydropyridine type, block the channels of slow penetration of calcium ions related to the second level, which provides antianginal and antihypertensive activity.

staml instruction
staml instruction

Instructions for use "Stamlo" characterizes it as a drug that reduces the transmembrane transition of Ca2+ ions into the smooth muscle cells of the vascular wall.

With antianginal activity, large and small arterial vessels of the coronary and peripheral type expand. In the presence of pain behind the sternum, there is a decrease in the manifestation of the ischemic state of the heart muscle.

The drug has a weak natriuretic effect, inhibition of platelet cell aggregation, increased filtration rate in the glomeruli.

Expansion of distant arterioles causesdecrease in resistance in the general peripheral vascular bed, reduction in preload on myocardial tissue, decrease in the amount of molecular oxygen required for the heart.

Intake by patients with diabetic nephropathy does not increase microalbuminuria.

The action of the drug does not change metabolic processes and lipid levels in the bloodstream.

Therapeutic activity occurs after a few hours and lasts for one day.

What is used for

Pills help treat spontaneous and exercise-induced chest pain.

staml m instructions for use
staml m instructions for use

Instructions for use "Stamlo" recommends taking with an increase in blood pressure. It can be used alone or combined with another antihypertensive drug.

How to take

Tablets "Stamlo M" instructions for use advises treating hypertensive arterial condition and pain behind the sternum with an initial dosage of 0.005 g, which is drunk 1 time per day. The maintenance amount of amlodipine at elevated pressure is 0.005 g per day. The maximum allowable daily dosage of the agent should not exceed 0.010 g.

Spontaneous and exercise angina is treated with a dose of 0.005 to 0.010 g daily.

Correction of the amount of the drug "Stamlo M" is not carried out if it is combined with thiazide diuretics, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, beta-blocker and nitrate drugs of long-term influence and sublingualnitroglycerins.

With hypotensive activity for a patient aged, with small stature, with low muscle mass, with abnormal liver function, a dose of 0.0025 g is used first. For such a patient, a dosage of 0.005 g is prescribed for antianginal treatment.

If there is kidney failure, then no need to adjust the amount of amlodipine.

Features of treatment

To the drug "Stamlo" instructions for use informs about the possibility of its use in many patients for monotherapy. If insufficient hypotensive activity is observed, then angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, diuretic thiazide elements, alpha- and beta-adrenergic blocking drugs are added to the drug.

During the course of taking the drug, it is necessary to control the human body weight and sodium intake, dietary recommendations should be followed.

Pills can be included in monotherapy, they are combined with antianginal drugs for patients who are resistant to the effects of therapeutic dosages of nitrate and beta-blockers.

To prevent bleeding, soreness and overgrowth of tissue in the gums, constant dental prophylaxis and periodic visits to the dentist are required.

Substances that block the slow penetration of calcium ions through the channels do not cause the body's reaction to the withdrawal of the drug, however, to refuse treatment, the dosage should be gradually reduced.

Content of potassium cations, glucose,cholesterol, triglyceride molecules, uric acid and creatinine in the blood does not change under the influence of Stamlo tablets.

staml instructions for use tablets
staml instructions for use tablets

In the initial stages of therapy, patients may be drowsy and dizzy, which requires caution when driving vehicles.

Who should not receive

Instructions for the use of "Stamlo" without fail contains a list of contraindications in which patients are not prescribed pills. These include:

  • severe arterial hypotension, when the systolic pressure is below 90 millimeters of mercury;
  • collapse and shock cardiogenic state;
  • unstable chest pain other than spontaneous;
  • bearing and breastfeeding period;
  • excessive susceptibility to drug ingredients and dihydropyridine substances.
  • Do not use the product under the age of 18, as its safe activity has not been proven.

Require caution in the use of patients who have decompensated insufficiency of the chronic type of cardiac muscle, mild or moderate increase in arterial pressure, aortic and mitral form of vasoconstriction, acute myocardial infarction, excess sugar, impaired liver function and fat metabolism.

Adverse reactions

Instructions for the use of "Stamlo" mentions all the unpleasant consequences that may occur after taking the medicine.

On cardiac and vascularamlodipine system has an effect with the appearance of a frequent heartbeat, shortness of breath, a clear decrease in pressure, fainting, a vasculitic reaction, an edematous process in the lower parts of the legs and arms.

staml instructions for use
staml instructions for use

The drug acts on the nervous and respiratory system with the onset of pain in the head, fatigue, mood swings, fainting, shortness of breath, depression, cough or rhinitis.

From taking the medicine, you can feel sick, vomit, have a stomach ache, develop pancreatitis, gastritis and jaundice, dry out the oral cavity, disturb peristalsis, and increase the concentration of liver enzymes.

Changes in the genitourinary system are manifested by frequent or painful urination, impaired excretion, nocturia, decreased potency.

Skin reactions associated with xeroderma, hair loss, purpura, inflammation of the epithelium, itching, rash, angioedema with allergies.

Amlodipine has a negative effect on the musculoskeletal system with the appearance of arthralgia, arthrosis, back pain and muscle weakness.

Sense organs may suffer from the development of double vision, inflammation of the conjunctiva, visual disturbance and sense of taste perception, ringing in the head, ocular accommodation, dryness in the cornea and mucous membranes.

How it interacts with drugs

The instruction for the use of the tablet attached to the Stamlo medication does not recommend combining it with substances that inhibit microsomal oxidation. Under their influence, the plasma level of amlodipine increases,the number of unwanted processes. Combination with inducers that accelerate microsomal liver enzymes has the opposite effect.

Hypotensive activity weakens under the influence of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Indomethacin retains sodium and blocks prostaglandin synthesis in the kidneys, alpha-agonists and estrogens also slow down the excretion of Na+ ions, and there is a sympathomimetic effect.

Warfarin, cimetidine and digoxin do not change the values of the pharmacokinetic characteristics of tablets.

Antianginal and hypotensive effects can be enhanced by thiazide, loop diuretics, beta-blockers, verapamil, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and nitrates.

stamloh tablets
stamloh tablets

Substances containing Ca2+ ions reduce the blocking effect on calcium channels.

The manifestation of the neurotoxic effect of lithium drugs is enhanced by amlodipine, which is characterized by nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, tremor, ataxia, tinnitus.

Amiodarone, alpha-blockers, quinidine, antipsychotic drugs of neuroleptic type increase hypotensive activity.


In case of an overdose of the Stamlo medication, the instruction describes changes characterized by a clear decrease in pressure, frequent cardiac contractions, and excessive peripheral vasodilation.

Measures to eliminate excess medication are also considered,associated with gastric lavage, the appointment of sorbents. It is important to restore the activity of the lungs, heart and blood vessels, to control their performance. Should keep the limbs elevated, control the volume of urine.

To normalize vascular tone, vasoconstrictors are used. Calcium in the form of gluconate is given intravenously to reverse the effects of tubular blockage.

Similar drugs

For the drug "Stamlo" analogues are also available in two dosages: 0.005 and 0.010 g of amlodipine. The qualitative composition of the inactive ingredients of tablets from different manufacturers may vary slightly, which does not affect bioavailability.

The drug "Amlodipine" is produced by the plant "ALSI Pharma" CJSC. It is considered one of the cheap analogues of the Indian medicine. It has antihypertensive and antianginal activity.

Russian analogues are the drug "Vero-Amlodipine", produced by the company "Veropharm" JSC, and the drug "Amlodipine-Biocom" of the plant "Biocom" CJSC.

Medication "Amlodipine-Teva" exists in two doses: 0.005 and 0.010 g each. Both dosages are white tablets that have a round biconvex shape, engraved with "AB 5" or "AB 10". Produced by the Hungarian pharmaceutical company TEVA Private Co. Ltd.”

stamlo analogues
stamlo analogues

Amlodipine Sandoz is produced by the Slovenian company Sandoz in the form of flat, round tablet units with a score and a bevel.


Many patients like this remedy because of its effectiveness andaffordable price. About the drug "Stamlo" reviews can be heard both positive and negative. For some patients, pills help lower high blood pressure, while others fail to eliminate hypertension.

In addition, the drug can cause fatigue, dizziness, fatigue, mood swings, drowsiness, nausea. In this case, you should stop taking the pills.
