Use of cedar oil in cosmetology and medicine

Use of cedar oil in cosmetology and medicine
Use of cedar oil in cosmetology and medicine

The use of cedar oil is mainly practiced in medicine, cosmetology and perfume production.

use of cedar oil
use of cedar oil

It contains tricyclic sesquiterpene alcohol, used in the production of eau de toilette and perfume. It is in these means that it works as a fixative. Moreover, it is an ingredient in soap and gel fragrances, air fresheners and moth control products. Well, as far as medicine is concerned, here cedar oil has no equal.

Use of cedar oil in medicine and cosmetology

Skin and hair

On the skin, cedar oil produces a rejuvenating effect, increases its firmness and elasticity. Due to its antiseptic and astringent properties, it is recommended for use in the treatment and care of oily and problematic skin: the oil tightens pores, helps treat acne and pimples. Atneurohormonal rashes, spots on the skin, abscesses and crusts, dermatitis and psoriasis, the use of cedar oil is also recommended. It is quite effective in fungal infections. The oil has a tonic effect on the hair and scalp, helps to get rid of dandruff, seborrhea, strengthens the roots.


The use of cedar oil for inhalers and aroma lamps can cure bronchitis and cough, clear the airways of mucus, and free the sinuses. This is an excellent expectorant. Due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, cedar oil helps in the treatment of infections of the nasopharynx and respiratory tract. It can also reduce intoxication that occurs with bronchopulmonary pathology.

cedar oil application
cedar oil application

Nervous system

With constant nervous tension, which leads to insomnia, anxiety or unreasonable fears, cedar oil is also recommended. Its use has a beneficial effect on a person when moving (change of climate or time zone), since this remedy is one of the best adaptogens. And, of course, its effect on mental abilities and memory should be noted.

Digestion system

Special attention to pine nut oil should be paid to people with problems associated with the digestive tract. Its use is most effective for erosions, gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers. The oil has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect and is used even in the most acute stage of the disease. Cases are described whenpatients who underwent surgery for stomach cancer, on the recommendation of the attending doctors, took cedar oil. Reviews about this method (during the rehabilitation period) are only positive: the complete absence of heartburn, nausea or vomiting, pain; normalization of bowel function, reduction or complete healing of ulcers and erosions.

cedar oil reviews
cedar oil reviews

Slimming, cellulite

Effective use of cedar oil in weight loss and to combat cellulite. The fact is that it contains enzymes vital for proper and fast metabolism. Already after 2-3 weeks of systematic use of the drug, there is a significant decrease in appetite, and with it, both weight and volume. If you add cedar oil to massage mixtures or use it for body wraps, it perfectly fights cellulite and fat deposits, removes toxins, and activates metabolic processes in the subcutaneous layer.

Useful components of cedar oil

Essential oil of cedar is not only a therapeutic, but also a prophylactic agent: it contains vitamins of groups A, B, D and E, as well as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.
