Often, excessive activity and restlessness harm the development of the baby. Medicines come to the rescue to help relieve excitability and calm the child. One of these medicines is the drug for children "Tenoten".
Medicine description
There are two forms of the remedy, which differ only in the dosage of the active ingredient. The drug "Tenoten" is available for adults and children in tablet form. Tablets are intended for dissolution in the oral cavity.

Tablets of both dosages are whitish in color. They have a cylindrical impression and flattened surface edges with a dividing strip. MATERIA MEDICA is embossed on one side of the children's tablet, and KID TENOTEN on the other.
The active role of the drug is due to proteins-antibodies to the brain-specific protein type S100, which are affinity purified. Their physical form is a mixture of water and alcohol, providing stability and bond strength.
Protein structure S-100, located only in the brain, transmits signals between departments, carries outprotection of brain cells during damaging effects and reduces the negative effects of stressful conditions. Such a protein is a brain-specific type.
The drug for children "Tenoten" contains a non-protein molecule, it contains antibodies that are obtained using biotechnology. To isolate the desired particles, their affinity is used. It determines the strength of the connection between an antibody molecule and an antigenic protein molecule. The finished fraction is introduced into the water-alcohol medium. In the pediatric form of the drug, the concentration of the active ingredient is equal to 10-16 nanograms per 1 gram.
Inactive components in the form of lactose molecules, cellulose microcrystals and magnesium stearate are added to the finished liquid, which form the structure. Each tablet contains 3 mg of diluted antibodies.
How it works
Medication for children "Tenoten" refers to anxiolytics with nootropic effects. The tool exhibits a sedative, anti-anxiety efficacy without unnecessary hypnogenic and muscle relaxant effects. Under the influence of pills, mental and emotional overload is better tolerated.

Provides the drug with stress-protective, nootropic, antiamnestic, antihypoxic, neuroprotective, antiasthenic, antidepressant activity.
In case of intoxication, lack of oxygen, with an acute change in the blood circulation of the brain, the drug contributes to a neuroprotective effect, reduces the area in case of damage, normalizes the development of the accumulation functioninformation.
Under the influence of tablets, peroxide transformations of lipid molecules are inhibited, the role of S 100 protein particles is modified, creating a synaptic and metabolic relationship in brain regions.
When taking the drug, mimetic and neurotrophic effects appear on GABA receptor formations, which increases the activation of the stress-inhibiting system and restores processes associated with neuronal plasticity.
What is being treated
About the drug "Tenoten" reviews for children, instructions report the following. Usually it is used for neurotic and neurosis-like disorders, which are accompanied by high arousal, irritability and anxiety background, disturbed behavioral process.
Tablets are used to treat vascular-vegetative dystonia in combination with other drugs.
Used for children from 3 years to 18 years of age.
How to take
The tablet should be sucked in the mouth under the tongue until it dissolves, as the instructions for use for children attached to the Tenoten medication advise. Reviews show that not all children are able to do this. In this case, it is allowed to dissolve the tablet in a small volume of a warm, necessarily boiled aqueous medium. After preparing the solution, the child should drink the liquid.
The medication is taken a quarter of an hour before eating, it is also possible after. Children with neurosis and neurosis-like conditions are given medicine 1 tablet 1 to 3 times a day for 30–90 days.
If there is a need,therapy is extended up to six months. It is allowed to conduct repeated courses of treatment with observance of the interval, the duration of which is from 30 to 60 days.
Syndrome of lack of attention and increased activity of the child requires the use of 2 tablets for children ("Tenoten") 2 times for 30-90 days. The remaining diseases should be treated with a daily dosage of 1 tablet of the drug 1 or 3 times until a stable improvement in well-being appears, anxiety, depression, irritability, hysterical seizures are not stopped.

The medicine is canceled after memory and attention are normalized. With continuous use for about a month, positive dynamics should appear. If this does not happen, then the use of the medication is stopped and a neurologist is consulted.
Features of treatment
A characteristic feature of this therapy is the activation of the child's nervous system. That is why the last use of the medicine is carried out not late in the evening, so that more than two hours remain before going to bed.
When contraindicated
Not everyone can be given Tenoten for Children (tablets). The reviews indicate the impossibility of taking the medicine by children who have a congenital form of galactosemia, a syndrome of malabsorption of glucose or galactose molecules, and a congenital deficiency of the lactase enzyme. This feature is explained by the presence of milk sugar in the composition of the drug.
Use in Toddlers
Offici althe instruction allows you to take the drug, starting from three years. If the child is under 3 years old, the pediatric form of the medicine is contraindicated.
However, something needs to be treated for babies, so neurologists practice prescribing Tenoten for children under three years old.

Usually a doctor prescribes a half or a quarter of a pill for a single dose, thinking that lowering the dosage makes the drug acceptable and safe. In fact, the contraindication is related to the level of development of the child's brain, the formation of which occurs at that age, and any intervention can only do harm.
The active ingredient of the drug has a positive activity only on the baby's brain cells after 36 months. This is due to the formation of numerous neural connections and nerve pathways for the transfer of impulses between departments.
Can be found on the drug "Tenoten" reviews for children 2 years old. It is noted that they behave uneasily, constantly cry, sleep poorly. Exhausted parents of such babies go to neurologists and ask them to somehow help their child. Doctors prescribe drugs, including Tenoten tablets. For some children, the last medicine helps to fall asleep faster in the evening, the night crying stops, the kids begin to behave more calmly.
Treatment of schoolchildren
Parents of first graders always worry about their child, especially if their son or daughter has problems of a nervous nature, suffers from headaches, is shy and secretive.
Going to first gradeexerts a great burden on the child's psyche, as it is necessary to adapt to the new environment, the teacher, and duties. For such children, psychologists and doctors advise using the children's form of Tenoten medicine. Reviews for school-age children indicate its effectiveness, which manifests itself after a few weeks of treatment. First graders become calm, stress and vegetative disorders are relieved, perseverance and concentration appear when doing homework.

A positive feature of these tablets is the absence of side effects in the form of drowsiness and inhibition of thinking. After course use, children sleep better, there is an interest in school.
Parent reviews
Many hyperactive babies are prescribed Tenoten medication in pediatric form for a course of treatment twice a year. In kindergarten, such children do not obey teachers well, cry or, on the contrary, indulge.
The drug "Tenoten for children" reviews of parents collects positive. Its action has a cumulative effect. From several injections there will be no result, only after a week of use the child's behavior will change.
In positive reviews, you can hear information about the normalization of the child's condition, less excitability, reducing the number of tantrums, crying, attacks of an aggressive nature, whims. After a course of treatment, babies sleep better and wake up less often, the obsession with persecuting the mother disappears or decreases,father or other relatives.
Reviews for children on Tenoten tablets prove the effectiveness of a medicine that can improve a child's abilities during learning, which makes it easier and faster to master new knowledge and skills.
Positive recommendations are left by parents about the medicine, whose babies were prescribed a drug to restore the psyche after strong emotional upheavals. It is noted that the pills helped to normalize well-being, reduce attacks of fear, relieve terrible nightmares.
Moms of hyperactive children complain that their children cannot overcome their negative and aggressive emotions on their own. Such babies are distinguished by frequent tantrums for no reason, poor sleep, fluctuations in well-being.
After a week of using the Tenoten medication, reviews (for children this drug is prescribed quite often for this reason) provide information about noticeable improvements. The child begins to sleep normally, his behavior becomes calmer, there is no lethargy, sharp mood swings disappear.
Shortly before entering kindergarten, neurologists prescribe therapy with this drug to reduce stressful situations for many children. It is enough to take 1 tablet twice a day, dissolving them in your mouth.

After the drug, kids become more balanced and attentive, calmly react to the parent's refusal to buy something new. Speech skills improve, children begin to pronounce words more slowly, but legibly. Tablets are notcause side effects in the form of drowsiness, and after discontinuation of treatment, positive results persist.
Reviews of doctors
The opinions of doctors regarding this remedy differ. Some doctors who believe in evidence-based medicine consider it a useless medicine. If the drug has not been proven to be effective, then it resembles a “dummy”. However, many symptomatic drugs have not been tested in this way.
Often, based on the results of treatment of patients, data are built on the tablets "Tenoten for children" reviews of doctors. Taking into account the well-being of patients, observing the dynamics of changes in their behavior, many neurologists and pediatricians note positive changes in the therapy of toddlers and schoolchildren.
Similar products
The tablets similar in indications include Adaptol, Proproten 100, Dormiplant, Amizil, Afobazol, Valdispert, Mebicar, Persen, Fezanef, capsule means "Anvifen", "Noofen", "Stresam", solutions in the form of drops "Valemidin", "Melissa Doppelgerts", "Novo-Passit", "Notta", syrup "Passifit".

Tenoten for children has a calming and anti-anxiety effect. Reviews analogues receive different. When compared with Afobazole tablets, the latter drug has only anti-anxiety activity, which indicates a lower effect.
The drug "Proproten 100" is an analogue of the active substance, their effectiveness is similar.
When comparing pills"Tenoten" with the drug "Adaptol" the last drug has a large spectrum of action.