"Rehydron Bio": instructions for use, description, composition and reviews

"Rehydron Bio": instructions for use, description, composition and reviews
"Rehydron Bio": instructions for use, description, composition and reviews

Our body is able to work like a clock, but sometimes it happens that against the background of an incorrect lifestyle or simply for some other reason, the entire well-functioning system may fail at some point, and a person becomes susceptible to various unpleasant symptoms. So, people can start vomiting at any time along with nausea, overheating, dehydration and many other not very pleasant phenomena.

In such a situation, "Rehydron Bio" will help, we will consider the instructions for it.

rehydron bio instruction
rehydron bio instruction

Of course, in order to eliminate such conditions, you should choose the right solution, which, unfortunately, is not always at hand. People, as a rule, try to prevent such symptoms on their own, but they do it wrong and most often aggravate their already unhe althy state of he alth even more. In order for something similar tohappened, you should use, for example, a drug such as Regidron Bio, instructions for use will be presented below.

Pharmacological effects on the body

"Rehydron Bio" acts as a dietary supplement. Often, doctors prescribe it for use against the background of poisoning, dehydration and other ailments that are associated with a lack of moisture, as well as acid-base balance disorders. The action of "Rehydron Bio" is aimed at correcting the energy balance in the human body, thereby not only giving it vigor, but also gradually normalizing almost all stagnant processes in the body.

In addition, the "Regidron Bio" remedy (instruction for use confirms this) helps to improve metabolism. For this reason, in situations of poisoning, when not all harmful substances have left the body, one should not be surprised that the reaction to taking the drug will be a gag reflex, as well as intolerable urge to go to the toilet. It has a point effect, neutralizing the infection that has arisen in the area where it is necessary, without injuring adjacent tissues and blood vessels. Also, this supplement is able to fully adjust the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Instructions for use "Rehydron Bio" for children recommends using it for severe diarrhea.

rehydron bio instructions for use
rehydron bio instructions for use

This tool has the appearance of a white powder, thus vaguely resembling "Smecta". The powder has no smell, taste, so it will be convenient to take it even in case ofdiseases of children. The substance dissolves quite quickly in water, however, if a person does not have time to take it inside in the first few seconds after stirring, the powder may settle to the bottom and its use will no longer be very pleasant.

Composition of the dietary supplement "Rehydron Bio"

According to the instructions, "Rehydron Bio" contains only those substances that contribute to the active process of digestion and metabolism, and in addition, serve as good antiseptics. Thus, the composition of the dietary supplement included sodium chloride, whose share is the largest. In addition, the active ingredients in the powder are potassium along with dextrose.

The ratio of substances is chosen by the developers of the drug in such a way that they almost cannot cause any allergic reactions, but only contribute to the speedy recovery of patients. Sachets of this product are packaged in packs of twenty pieces. They can be bought at any pharmacy chain and without a doctor's prescription.

What else does the instructions for use indicate to Regidron Bio? How to dilute the remedy? More on that later.

Supplement indications

As in any other situation, drugs should not be taken for no apparent reason. The same applies to Regidron Bio. Despite the fact that this product is sold without a medical prescription, it is still advisable to consult your doctor before using it directly, especially when it comes to treating a child.

rehydron bio instruction for children
rehydron bio instruction for children

So, according to the instructions, doctors prescribe Regidron Bio in the following situations:

  • The need to restore water balance, that is, when the human body is dehydrated.
  • Having acute diarrhea for one or two days.
  • Severe weakness along with intense sweating.
  • Increased retching.
  • Sudden weight loss.
  • Vomiting for 24 hours or more.
  • Feeling unwell.
  • Heat damage to the body.

All these symptoms serve as direct grounds for consulting a doctor for advice, and, in addition, for using the described drug as prescribed by a doctor.

This points to "Rehydron Bio" instructions for use.

How to take this supplement correctly?

The method of using this medicine is quite simple. The patient should dissolve one sachet of "Rehydron Bio" in one liter of water and drink. It is advisable to use boiled water, and, most importantly, it should be at room temperature. Too cold or too hot liquid can start undesirable processes of decomposition of substances contained in the bioadditive.

The prepared solution must be drunk immediately, or it is allowed to be taken within twenty-four hours. After the specified time, it will lose its medicinal properties. In addition, it is undesirable to mix the solution with any other components. It is likely that instead of a positive effect, the opposite result will be obtained.

rehydron bio instructions for use for children
rehydron bio instructions for use for children

According to the instructions for the use of "Rehydron Bio B", the course, as a rule, is three to four days, after which the drug will need to be postponed even if the therapeutic effect is not achieved for some reason. It is necessary to take this remedy in strict accordance with the instructions, based on the body weight of a person or starting from a medical prescription. You can’t choose your own method, as well as the period of taking the drug. This confirms the instructions for "Rehydron Bio" instructions.

For kids

Because of the high levels of sodium, most doctors advise against its use in children at adult dosages. But many parents use this remedy.

You can give the usual "Rehydron" to a child, but subject to the following warnings:

  1. It needs to be bred according to the baby's weight.
  2. A must use for vomiting and diarrhea to maintain the necessary water-s alt balance.
  3. For children under three years of age who have prolonged vomiting and diarrhea, the condition worsens, one remedy is not enough. It is necessary to take the baby to the doctor as soon as possible.

Probable adverse reactions of the body

Side effects when using this dietary supplement rarely make themselves felt, but still you should be aware of the likely consequences of the use of Regidron Bio. Some particularly susceptible people may experience allergic reactions to some of the substances contained in the preparation. Thus, symptoms mayexpressed in redness of the skin.

Contraindications for use

Like any other drug, Regidron Bio has its contraindications.

rehydron bio b instructions for use
rehydron bio b instructions for use

It is forbidden to be taken by patients who suffer from the following diseases:

  • Having intestinal obstruction along with frequent constipation.
  • Manifestation of hypersensitivity to some components of the drug.
  • Pathologies of the kidneys.
  • Presence of diabetes.

According to the instructions for use, Regidron Bio is indispensable for diarrhea.

Special instructions for drug use and overdose

Doctors prohibit increasing the dosage of this drug, as well as violating the terms of its use. In addition, the addition of sugar and other substances to the solution is undesirable. In addition, Regidron Bio is able to influence a person's reaction, slowing it down a bit. It is for this reason that it is not recommended to drive a car during treatment with the drug in order to avoid causing harm to both yourself and other road users.

Analogues of the biological additive "Regidron Bio"

Analogues of this drug are such drugs as Penzital, Hydrovit. True, they should be used with even greater caution, especially when treating children. The content of the active substances that make up these products is greatly overestimated, for this reason, taking this or that medication without medical prescription can provoke an allergic reaction.organism.

rehydron bio instructions for use for diarrhea
rehydron bio instructions for use for diarrhea

We have examined in detail the instructions for "Rehydron Bio". The price is below.

Additional cost

The approximate price of the Regidron Bio powder in the amount of ten sachets is 150 rubles. This tool is affordable and effective, for this reason it is often prescribed by doctors in the presence of the above symptoms and disorders.

Reviews and opinions on the dietary supplement "Regidron Bio"

As for the feedback from patients, they are all mostly positive and report that the dietary supplement "Regidron Bio" really helps with poisoning and dehydration.

Doctors strongly recommend not to use this remedy on your own as part of self-treatment. Doctors are unanimous in their opinion that Regidron Bio is a safe and effective remedy. But experts also take into account the fact that not all people eat right, and banal stagnation in the intestines can serve as the cause of dehydration, poisoning, for this reason, doctors advise giving your body the opportunity to cope with its problems on its own.

In their comments, doctors write that Regidron Bio temporarily suspends a number of metabolic processes, which is not particularly good for the human body, since it ceases to function in its usual mode. After all the necessary processes are normalized, it is difficult for the body to start its work from scratch, which is whypatients may feel unwell and weak for some time while using the remedy.

rehydron bio instruction price
rehydron bio instruction price

"Rehydron Bio" is not a drug, but a biological additive, so experts are concerned about the fact that many patients, despite the fact that it should be used in special cases and in the correct dosage, drink powder for prevention, thus creating a significant load on a completely he althy system of your body.

Thus, doctors do not advise using Regidron Bio without a prescription from a professional specialist and urge you to strictly follow the instructions for use, without increasing or decreasing the dose of the drug, as well as the time of the therapeutic course.
