Ointment for psoriasis non-hormonal (reviews). Overview of ointments for psoriasis

Ointment for psoriasis non-hormonal (reviews). Overview of ointments for psoriasis
Ointment for psoriasis non-hormonal (reviews). Overview of ointments for psoriasis

Psoriasis is a disease that cannot be cured quickly and easily. Depending on the course of the disease, the doctor selects special remedies for the patient that have a beneficial effect on the body and do not cause a number of complications. Most doctors believe that non-hormonal psoriasis ointment helps best. How to choose the most effective from a wide variety? After all, drugs differ not only in price, but also in the effect on the body. It should be remembered that the treatment of psoriasis should take place under the strict supervision of a doctor. In this case, the risk of harm to the body is minimal.

psoriasis ointment non-hormonal
psoriasis ointment non-hormonal

The main difference between non-hormonal ointment

These medicines are divided into 2 groups according to their components and therapeutic effect. This is:

  • hormonal;
  • non-hormonal.

Hormonal ointments are often included in the treatment of psoriasis. They arereally effectively fight against pathology. But along with the excellent effect, there are significant drawbacks. Under the influence of hormonal ointments, the patient quickly gets rid of the symptoms. However, the beneficial effect is short-lived and somewhat misleading. After a while there is an addiction to this tool. In addition, there may be complications from the action of glucocorticosteroids.

Some patients believe that only those ointments that contain hormones are effective. Otherwise, a favorable result cannot be achieved. This opinion is fundamentally wrong. The pharmaceutical industry does not stand still. Modern ointment for psoriasis is non-hormonal, it is able to perfectly fight pathology. Absolutely no worse than analogues, which include glucocorticosteroids.

Non-hormonal ointments for psoriasis, according to patients, are great help. In addition, they do not have as many side effects as drugs based on hormones. A big plus of such ointments is the un altered balance in the body.

The benefits of these funds

Often the question arises of how effective non-hormonal ointment for psoriasis is. An overview of the most popular products is given below.

Medics highlight several benefits:

  1. These drugs do not cause disruption of hormone synthesis and do not adversely affect the endocrine system.
  2. Under the action of non-hormonal agents, the content of fatty acids in the blood does not increase.
  3. No stress on the kidneys and liver.
  4. Long use does notthreatens to develop side effects.

The only drawback is the long treatment period.

Main Groups

Non-hormonal ointments for psoriasis are classified as follows.

Indifferent group

These drugs are made on the basis of grease, lanolin or lard. These ointments are prescribed for the progression of psoriasis. They allow you to achieve an anti-inflammatory and drying effect.

non-hormonal ointments for psoriasis
non-hormonal ointments for psoriasis

This group includes:

  1. Ointments "Salicylic", "Zinc"; preparations containing boric acid; "Zinc-sulphuric".
  2. Zinc Naftalan paste.
  3. Zinocap cream.
  4. Liniment "Boron-zinc".

Ointments based on tar

The main ingredient can be pine, birch, juniper, coal. Such an ointment for psoriasis (non-hormonal) has an anti-inflammatory effect and can slow down DNA synthesis. Effective remedies are:

  • Alfosil.
  • "Colloidin".
  • Antipsorin.
  • Anthramine Ointment.

Before the first use, these medicines should be checked for an allergic reaction. To do this, the product is applied to a small surface of the skin. And only after making sure that there is no allergy to such drugs, you can use them in the future. When treating with these drugs, it is recommended to carefully go out into the sun. It is best to avoid strong exposure to the rays altogether.

The main contraindications toointment applications are:

  • pyoderma;
  • kidney disease;
  • exudative psoriasis.

Medicines made from petroleum

The main action of such ointments is a disinfectant, antipruritic, exfoliating, anti-inflammatory, resolving effect. To this group belong:

  • Ointments - "Ichthyolo-naftalan", "Naftalan".
  • Drugs - Neftesan, Losterin.

Such medicines have contraindications. These are individual intolerance, stage of progression, kidney diseases, anemia, hemorrhagic syndrome.

Medicines with mustard gas

Medications are substances that have a skin-abscess effect. They are highly toxic. That is why they are prescribed in minimal doses. Preparations "Antipsoriaticum", "Psoriasin" are unacceptable for diseases of the liver, kidneys. The use of such ointments is contraindicated in serous discharge from foci affected by psoriasis. In addition, such products should not get on the mucous membranes.

effective non-hormonal ointments for psoriasis
effective non-hormonal ointments for psoriasis

Other non-hormonal ointments

To combat pathology can be used:

  • cytostatics - "Metatrexate", "Cygnolin", "Anthralin";
  • antiviral - "Tebrofen", "Interferon", "Oxolin";
  • herbal preparations - from eleutherococcus, succession, ointment "Kolhamina".

Effective ointments for psoriasis (non-hormonal) may be recommended by a doctor. Self-medication can cause serious harm to your body.


Review of great drugs should start with her. But remember, no matter how effective non-hormonal psoriasis ointment is, which one to choose in your case, the doctor should decide.

This remedy has an excellent therapeutic and cosmetic effect. It is based on the substance - salicylic acid. It perfectly eliminates any damage to the dermis. In a person who suffers from psoriasis, this medicinal ointment should always be in the medicine cabinet.

The only disadvantage of this tool is the inability to use it constantly. For high performance, the ointment should be applied in certain courses. A clear drawback follows from this recommendation - the body's getting used to it.

Salicylic ointment can provoke an allergic reaction. Sometimes its use is accompanied by unpleasant side effects, such as fever, irritation, itching.

Ointment "Daivobet"

Very difficult to eliminate palmar-plantar psoriasis. Non-hormonal ointments for treatment should be the most effective. This is exactly what Daivobet is. Difficulties in treatment are due to the constant mechanical impact on the palms and soles. It is in these areas that the dermis is most damaged. The above remedy allows you to overcome the external manifestations of the disease. Confirm that this non-hormonal ointment for psoriasis is effective, reviews of customers who have tried the drug on themselves.

The drug is fairly recent and has no serious side effects. It interacts well with others.medicines. The disadvantage of this ointment is the possibility of allergic manifestations in case of prolonged use. In addition, the remedy is ineffective for combating psoriasis localized in other areas. It is used exclusively for soles and palms.

Kartalin drug

This medication is based on grease. Non-hormonal ointment for psoriasis "Kartalin" quite effectively fights pathology. Thanks to its active ingredient, the drug relieves the patient of irritation in a short time and starts regeneration processes. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the stage of the disease, individual characteristics.

non-hormonal ointment for psoriasis review
non-hormonal ointment for psoriasis review

The only downside is the possibility of allergies. In order to avoid it, the doctor will recommend taking certain antihistamines.

Means "Akrustal"

Considering effective non-hormonal ointments for psoriasis, you should touch on this drug. The medicine does not contain antibiotics and synthetic additives. The basis of this tool is completely natural. However, it is noted that this ointment has a number of advantages even over hormonal drugs. Patients whose therapy included this remedy notice that the medicine allows you to forget about psoriasis for a long time. These people go into remission.

Ointment allows you to completely or partially get rid of psoriatic plaques and dyschromic spots. The tool has no contraindications. When using the drug, take antihistamines alsonot required. Because it does not cause allergies. This ointment is quite effective for combating various types of ailments.

Means "Naftaderm"

The non-hormonal ointment is based on a substance - naftalan. A distinctive feature of this tool is the presence of petroleum hydrocarbons, which are almost identical in chemical composition with steroid hormones. That is why this ointment is an excellent alternative to treatment with glucocorticosteroids.

The drug has an excellent analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. It disinfects and heals areas of the body affected by psoriasis.

Psoriaten medicine

Medicine based on herbs. Non-hormonal ointment for psoriasis, whose name is "Psoriaten", contains an active ingredient of plant origin, which is extracted from holly magonia.

non-hormonal ointment for psoriasis which one to choose
non-hormonal ointment for psoriasis which one to choose

The medicine relieves peeling, itching. The systematic use of this ointment reduces inflammation, reduces the risk of relapse. It is recommended to apply a small layer on the surface of the skin three times a day.

Treatment lasts about four weeks. If this drug is ineffective, you should consult a doctor, as the treatment tactics need to be adjusted.

Zinocap medicine

The active ingredient of this drug is zinc pyritine. This medicine is intended for non-hormonal therapy. It has antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects. It fights well withunpleasant manifestations, like peeling, itching.

The tool can be used for a long time. The ointment is suitable for application to sensitive skin surfaces - folds, face.

The course of treatment varies from 1 to 1.5 months. In case of an exacerbation of the disease, the ointment is allowed to be reapplied. In this case, it is recommended to observe the required time interval. It is applied no more than 3 times a day.

Means "Bioseptin"

The drug is widely demanded to get rid of dermatitis, burns. This psoriasis ointment is non-hormonal, has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.

It is recommended to apply it in a small layer on areas of the body affected by psoriasis up to 2 times a day. The drug is used until complete recovery. Complications and side effects from its use have not been identified. But the simultaneous use of this ointment with antibiotics is prohibited.

Videstim medicine

Non-hormonal agent promotes skin regeneration, reducing the processes of keratinization. Recommended ointment for the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis. This remedy is prescribed in most cases after hormone therapy.

It is preferable to apply the ointment early in the morning or in the evening. Twice a day, a thin layer of the product is carefully rubbed into the surface of the skin. If there are abrasions on the affected areas, they should be treated with an antiseptic. The treatment process can last from 4 weeks to 12.

Zinc Ointment

non-hormonal ointment for psoriasis customer reviews
non-hormonal ointment for psoriasis customer reviews

Many medicinescontain zinc. It works great on the skin. Using this psoriasis ointment, the patient manages to get rid of inflammatory processes and start regeneration. The drug received many positive reviews. However, the main problem of this tool is the rapid addiction to it. That is why it is prescribed for 1 month, after which a break is made. After a while, the course can be repeated.

Allergic reactions from the use of "Zinc" ointment, as a rule, are not observed.

Consumer opinions

Non-hormonal ointments for psoriasis are in high demand. Reviews fully confirm this fact. Many people with psoriasis have experienced the drugs themselves.

However, as usual, opinions were divided. Some patients advocate the use of hormonal ointments. After all, the effect comes quickly enough. At the same time, they are not embarrassed that the unpleasant manifestations of the disease return again. In this, in their opinion, the disease itself is to blame, from which it is almost impossible to recover.

Others argue that non-hormonal psoriasis ointment is effective. Reviews of doctors indicate that the use of these funds allows you to achieve stable and long-term remission.

non-hormonal ointment for psoriasis reviews of doctors
non-hormonal ointment for psoriasis reviews of doctors

A popular remedy for psoriasis is Kartalin ointment. Patients claim that the remedy is really very effective. If you apply it in the initial stages of the disease, the ointment allows you to forget about psoriasis for a long time. Of course, consumers emphasize that it is necessary to apply it for a long time. The main disadvantage of this tool, almost all patients consider an unpleasant odor.

A favorable result can be achieved with the Zinocap ointment. Patients who were prescribed this remedy testify that a positive effect on the body was felt almost immediately. The drug reduced peeling, itching. A month later, the above symptoms and unpleasant spots are almost completely eliminated.

Consumers respond well to Akrustal ointment, emphasizing its high efficiency. The preparations Daivonex, Daivobet, salicylic ointment and others deserved great attention from patients.
