Health 2024, October

Irritable bowel syndrome: causes, symptoms, early diagnosis, treatment methods, prevention

Irritable bowel syndrome: causes, symptoms, early diagnosis, treatment methods, prevention

Intestinal irritation is caused not only by certain foods, but also by various exogenous and endogenous factors. Every fifth inhabitant of the planet suffers from disorders in the work of the lower part of the digestive system. Doctors even gave this disease an official name: patients with characteristic complaints are diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Classification of obesity. Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of obesity

Classification of obesity. Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of obesity

Classification of obesity helps doctors determine the cause of the disease and the extent of the proposed treatment. This is not only a scientific consideration of the disease, but also, in some way, a diagnostic tool

Renal edema: symptoms and treatment

Renal edema: symptoms and treatment

The human body consists of 70% water, 2/3 of which is contained inside the cells, 1/3 - in the intercellular space. This is where the kidneys send water if some kind of failure occurs in their work. Accumulating, the fluid causes swelling of this organ, which, if left untreated, can result in irreversible consequences

Kidney disease: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Kidney disease: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Kidney diseases are very diverse not only in origin, but also in symptoms and consequences. Most often, people suffer from inflammatory ailments, such as glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis

Kidney disease in children - description, causes, symptoms and treatment features

Kidney disease in children - description, causes, symptoms and treatment features

After the birth of a child, parents in the first years of his life should not relax - there are enough troubles and worries ahead. For example, due to the weak immunity of the child's body, which is not yet able to resist pathogenic microorganisms, one should not be surprised at the appearance of various kidney diseases in children. It is important to pay attention to the characteristic signs in a timely manner and begin treatment. Otherwise, it threatens with serious complications

Iron deficiency anemia: symptoms and treatment

Iron deficiency anemia: symptoms and treatment

Among the common types, iron deficiency anemia is the most common. Doctors fix it in more than 80% of cases of such pathologies. The disease begins its development due to a lack of iron in the body, since the microelement plays an important role in the process of hematopoiesis. Without it, there is no possibility of the formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin. It is also involved in the synthesis of most cellular enzymes

Purulent acne: causes and treatment methods

Purulent acne: causes and treatment methods

Purulent acne is something no one wants to see on their face or body. Is it any wonder, because this inflammatory element significantly spoils the appearance. Some people, when they appear, immediately turn to a cosmetologist or dermatologist, the second run to the pharmacy, while others prefer to use the means offered by traditional medicine

How is bronchitis treated without antibiotics?

How is bronchitis treated without antibiotics?

Bronchitis is a frequent companion of a cold snap, but one does not want to treat it with antibiotics. How is bronchitis treated without medication? Let's figure it out

Effective treatment of bronchitis in adults and children: drugs and folk remedies

Effective treatment of bronchitis in adults and children: drugs and folk remedies

If bronchitis has already begun, then it is best to treat it under the supervision of a qualified doctor, otherwise the risk of developing various complications is high. In addition, the disease from an acute form can easily turn into a chronic one, the treatment of bronchitis will be much more difficult than it could be

Cough with phlegm: causes and treatment

Cough with phlegm: causes and treatment

A strong, wet cough is a symptom that should not be ignored. Phlegm can cause serious complications. It is important to seek medical help in a timely manner and follow all recommendations. Cough can be overcome in a matter of days

Corns on the toes: causes, treatments and prevention

Corns on the toes: causes, treatments and prevention

Corns on the toes are a common problem among people who wear tight, heavy-duty shoes. When forming the so-called corns, you should not let everything take its course. After all, the refusal of adequate measures aimed at eliminating the problem entails a whole host of unpleasant consequences in the form of complications. How to remove callus on toe? We will look for the answer to this question in our publication

Eczema on hands. How to treat the disease?

Eczema on hands. How to treat the disease?

Chronic skin disease, accompanied by a rash in the form of small blisters, is called eczema. As a rule, it causes severe itching and has a tendency to frequent exacerbations. How to treat this disease? Let's try to figure out this issue

Wet calluses on the legs: home treatment

Wet calluses on the legs: home treatment

Wet corns - a problem familiar to many firsthand, most of all it is possible for the female sex to face it

Acute tracheitis: causes. symptoms and treatment in adults

Acute tracheitis: causes. symptoms and treatment in adults

Acute tracheitis is a clinical syndrome due to which the mucous membrane of this organ becomes inflamed. Such symptoms are a manifestation of respiratory infections, which can be both acute and chronic. Most often, tracheitis occurs in the winter, autumn and spring seasons

How STDs are transmitted and manifested

How STDs are transmitted and manifested

STDs are contagious and transmitted mainly through sexual contact. Due to the fact that all of them can have rather serious consequences, while being asymptomatic, they are classified as especially dangerous pathologies

Treatment of trichomoniasis with drugs and folk remedies

Treatment of trichomoniasis with drugs and folk remedies

Treatment of trichomoniasis is chosen taking into account the characteristics of the disease. It belongs to the number of infectious, from person to person can be transmitted through intimate contact. The cause of the disease is infection with a specific microscopic organism Trichomonas

The main types of lichen and their description

The main types of lichen and their description

Today we will talk in detail about what types of lichen exist, and how to determine them externally. It should be noted that such skin diseases can occur in any person at a very different age. To get rid of them, it is recommended to seek the help of specialists. Indeed, in some cases, such skin defects can not only contribute to the appearance of painful sensations, but also cause moral discomfort

Microsporia in humans: causes, symptoms and treatments

Microsporia in humans: causes, symptoms and treatments

Microsporia in humans is quite common. This is an infectious disease of fungal origin, which is better known as ringworm. Pathogenic microorganisms, as a rule, affect skin tissues and hair, less often - nail plates. In any case, a sick person needs medical attention

Pain in the upper abdomen: possible causes

Pain in the upper abdomen: possible causes

Pain in the upper abdomen on the right occurs much more often than in the opposite area, due to the presence in this area of such important organs as the liver and gallbladder. The left upper abdomen may hurt as a result of damage to the spleen or stomach

The main symptoms of pancreatitis in adults

The main symptoms of pancreatitis in adults

Inflammatory disease of the pancreas is a common problem. Often, children and adolescents face a similar disease, although more mature patients are not protected from it. Therefore, many are interested in questions about how the symptoms of pancreatitis look in adults

Types of lichen in humans: photo with names and descriptions. How to treat?

Types of lichen in humans: photo with names and descriptions. How to treat?

Lichen is a common name for several types of skin diseases that differ in symptoms, causes and principles of treatment. The disease usually proceeds for a long time, requires constant attention and monitoring by a dermatologist, since the risk of relapse is high. In the absence of timely treatment, the patient may remain physical defects and even psychological trauma. The article will give characteristics of lichen types, photos with names, description of treatment approaches

How scabies itch causes disease

How scabies itch causes disease

Those who suspect they have scabies should remember that scabies will not go away on its own. This can only be helped by correct and timely treatment! Otherwise, the symptoms will bother you for months and even years

Scabies: treatment at home

Scabies: treatment at home

Many people prefer to treat scabies at home, since the need to confess to a doctor about the disease usually causes a feeling of great embarrassment and shame. The causative agent of a contagious disease is a subcutaneous tick. The main symptom is unbearable itchy skin

How to treat scabies: drugs and folk remedies

How to treat scabies: drugs and folk remedies

Scabies, or otherwise this ailment is also called pruritic dermatosis, is a skin disease that is caused by infection with a mite - itching. This skin disease is caused by the female itch. The tick is characterized by microscopic dimensions, so it is almost impossible to see it with the naked eye. The life expectancy of one such individual is a month

Scabies: symptoms, photo signs, treatment

Scabies: symptoms, photo signs, treatment

Many living organisms that exist in symbiosis with a person are capable of causing him significant harm. Moreover, the he alth problems that arise because of this are sometimes quite difficult to resolve. A person whose body is affected by a scabies mite also gets into a similar situation

What scabies look like

What scabies look like

Penetrating into the skin, the tick immediately begins to move in the stratum corneum. The resulting scabies course has the form of a straight line of whitish-gray color. A strip slightly rising above the surface of the epidermis is visible already a few days after infection

Sudden weight loss: causes, possible diseases

Sudden weight loss: causes, possible diseases

Specialists say that if an individual's body weight decreases by more than five percent every seven days, this phenomenon signals he alth problems. Rapid weight loss is accompanied by a deterioration in well-being. According to medical research, there are two categories of factors that provoke weight loss - general and pathological

Conjunctivitis in a child: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Conjunctivitis in a child: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Conjunctivitis in a child is a common occurrence in patients with reduced immunity, characterized by the development of an inflammatory process in the conjunctiva. It is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms and can lead to partial loss of vision. To prescribe therapy, it is better to consult a doctor

Allergic conjunctivitis: symptoms, causes and treatment features

Allergic conjunctivitis: symptoms, causes and treatment features

Every person at least once in his life faced with an atypical reaction of the body to external factors. Such a reaction is an allergy, and its symptoms can appear on the skin, in the organs of vision, breathing or digestion. To date, immunologists have not been able to come up with a method to eliminate such inadequate reactions of the body, however, it is quite possible to remove and alleviate their symptoms, including signs of allergic conjunctivitis

Geographic language: causes and treatment

Geographic language: causes and treatment

There are many different diseases in the world, some of which we do not even suspect. The language also has its own diseases - for example, geographical language. What is it and what is it eaten with?

Juvenile osteochondrosis: symptoms, features of the course of the disease, treatment

Juvenile osteochondrosis: symptoms, features of the course of the disease, treatment

Increasingly, teenagers are being diagnosed with juvenile osteochondrosis. Parents are sounding the alarm: what does this diagnosis mean and why is it dangerous? Are there effective ways to permanently get rid of this disease? What do parents need to know to protect their child from this disease?

Shoulder crunches: causes, diagnosis and treatment. Exercises for osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint

Shoulder crunches: causes, diagnosis and treatment. Exercises for osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint

Unpleasant sensations in the shoulder area can be triggered by trauma or degenerative diseases. In some cases, this condition is physiological and does not pose a he alth hazard. If the shoulder crunches for a long time and is accompanied by pain, you should immediately consult a doctor

Combined phlebectomy: course of operation, indications, postoperative period, contraindications, reviews

Combined phlebectomy: course of operation, indications, postoperative period, contraindications, reviews

Varicose veins not only cause pain, but also impair ability to work. Also, the disease is fraught with various complications and even blood poisoning. Combined phlebectomy - an operation that eliminates the problem

Removal of plantar warts with liquid nitrogen - description of the procedure, features and consequences

Removal of plantar warts with liquid nitrogen - description of the procedure, features and consequences

Removal of plantar warts with liquid nitrogen is one of the newest and safest procedures in the fight against this disease. It has a lot of advantages. But we must remember that a neoplasm is only an external manifestation, and the disease must be fought from the inside

Laser removal of tonsils: indications and contraindications, advantages and disadvantages

Laser removal of tonsils: indications and contraindications, advantages and disadvantages

Laser removal of the tonsils is one of the most effective procedures used to treat adults and children with chronic tonsillitis. It has a lot of advantages, but it has its own characteristics, and is not shown to everyone

Cerebral spasm: signs and symptoms, diagnosis, review of drugs, treatment

Cerebral spasm: signs and symptoms, diagnosis, review of drugs, treatment

Cerebral spasm is a pathological condition in which a person not only feels pain, but can also lose consciousness. It can be caused by both internal and external negative factors. Often such a pathology requires the intervention of doctors, so it is impossible to delay the examination

Inflammation of the pharynx: possible causes, symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the pharynx: possible causes, symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the pharynx and larynx is a common disease that affects children and adults during periods of weakened immunity. More often it is diagnosed in autumn and winter, since at this time the frequency of development of respiratory pathologies increases. Pharyngitis is very rarely an independent disease. More often it is combined with other pathological conditions

Concussion: symptoms, causes, general principle of therapy, prescribed drugs and doctors' recommendations

Concussion: symptoms, causes, general principle of therapy, prescribed drugs and doctors' recommendations

Concussion symptoms are observed in 70-90% of all cases of neurotrauma. This condition is accompanied by neurological problems. This injury may have immediate or long-term effects. Over time, the functionality of the organ is fully restored, no matter how severe the concussion. The main problem is the correct diagnosis of pathology

Brain bypass for hydrocephalus: description of the procedure, purpose, possible consequences of the operation, prognosis

Brain bypass for hydrocephalus: description of the procedure, purpose, possible consequences of the operation, prognosis

Brain shunting for hydrocephalus is the only way to normalize the functioning of the organ and prevent multiple organ failure. Such a disease can be congenital or acquired, but drugs cannot cope with it in any case

Fractures of the lumbar spine: first signs, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and recovery

Fractures of the lumbar spine: first signs, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and recovery

Fracture of the lumbar spine is a serious injury that can result in the patient's disability. You can get it when you fall or in an accident, at work. The treatment of the disease is long and difficult, but the victim must follow all the recommendations of specialists