The nose and paranasal sinuses perform the most important functions in the human body. They act as a kind of barrier, cleaning and heating the inhaled air. Some people do not consider nose diseases to be something serious, so they treat them lightly. However, this is fundamentally not true, since many diseases can become chronic, and even lead to such serious pathologies as meningitis, subdural abscess of the brain, etc. In this article, we will take a closer look at diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses, the causes their occurrence, symptoms and treatment methods.
Causes of the most common nose diseases
The mucous membranes located in the nasal cavity are very thin, but at the same time they effectively perform the functions assigned to them. On their surface there are small cilia that remove various contaminants that come during inhalation, and mucous tissues fight pathogenic microflora. If the protective functions do not work, this mayindicate a decrease in immunity or a lack of vitamins. In this case, the pathogenic microflora enters the body, which leads to the development of bacterial and viral diseases of the nose.

In recent years, the number of patients suffering from pathologies of the nasal cavity has increased significantly. Scientists cannot explain this trend, but are more inclined to believe that the increase in the incidence is associated with a negative environmental situation and uncontrolled self-treatment.
Most of the diseases of the nose occur with seasonal fluctuations - in autumn and winter. In summer, problems can arise due to water entering the nose and paranasal sinuses when diving and swimming.
According to statistics, the common cold is the most common disease in the world. Approximately 90% of all inhabitants of the planet experience nasal congestion every year (at least once).
Varieties of diseases
There are many reasons for the development of nose diseases. It can be not only inflammatory processes, but also traumatic conditions, neoplasms, and even the specific structure of the organ. Conventionally, diseases can be divided into three groups:
- Traumatic. Such injuries are domestic, sports, industrial, or received during hostilities. Injuries are divided into closed, open, combined. Some of them can lead to deformation of the outer part of the nose. There are also situations when bone fragments are displaced or a trauma to the nose leads to the formation of a hematoma of the septum. In suchcases, the treatment of diseases of the nose is performed by surgical intervention.
- Inborn. Such pathologies include curvature of the septum. This phenomenon occurs in many people, and not in all cases it leads to serious problems. However, with a severe deformity, the functions of the nose can be impaired. Congenital pathologies include not only the curvature of the septum, this category also includes fistulas, narrowed nasal passages and other anomalies. To correct such problems, a surgical method is used.
- Infectious. This category includes diseases of the nose of a bacterial, fungal or viral nature. Infectious diseases are the most common. These include varieties of rhinitis, sinusitis, polyposis and other ailments.

Since infectious diseases of the sinuses are the most common, we will dwell on them in more detail.
Every person has encountered this disease, however, among the people it has a slightly different name - a runny nose. Rhinitis is a nasal disease that can be caused by pathogenic microflora or some kind of allergen. The presence of a runny nose can be a symptom of adenoids. It is very important to treat rhinitis, because in a neglected state, the disease can become chronic.
The disease manifests itself in the form of sneezing, tearing, mucus discharge from the nasal cavity. Chronic rhinitis can also be accompanied by swelling of the mucous tissues and a decrease in the level of smell.
Drugs are prescribed as therapyvasoconstrictive action. Rinsing of the nasal cavity with antiseptic and aqueous solutions, as well as inhalations are recommended.

These are diseases of the sinuses that are infectious or allergic in nature. The main symptoms of the disease are:
- increase in temperature indicators;
- headaches;
- difficulty breathing through the nose, congestion;
- partial or complete loss of smell during illness;
- Sensation of pressure on the eye area.
In some cases, symptoms may be accompanied by swelling of the face and even toothache. Infections, nasal injuries, dental problems, polyps, and swimming in dirty water can be causes of the disease.
If left untreated, sinusitis can develop into a chronic nose disease. As a rule, therapy includes the use of vasoconstrictor drops, antibacterial agents, as well as drugs aimed at strengthening the body's immune defenses. In some cases, puncture drainage of the paranasal sinuses may be necessary.
Diseases known as sinusitis, sphenoiditis, frontal sinusitis and ethmoiditis are nothing more than varieties of sinusitis. These diseases are accompanied by the accumulation of pus in the paranasal sinuses. Lack of treatment leads to serious complications, pus can spread to nearby tissues, as well as to the brain.

Among the different forms of sinusitisThe most common disease of the nose is sinusitis. The disease in its acute form can develop against the background of infectious diseases, such as acute rhinitis, measles, influenza, scarlet fever, etc. Sometimes it occurs with an inflammatory process in the roots of the four back teeth located on the upper jaw.
A person experiences these symptoms:
- discomfort and pain in the paranasal sinuses;
- difficulty breathing through the nose;
- impaired olfactory functions;
- discharge of mucus from the sinuses;
- tearing and photophobia;
- headaches in the forehead and temples.
Patients recommended bed rest. Treatment is aimed at ensuring the outflow of mucus from the sinuses. Apply means of vasoconstrictor action, antibiotics. If the disease is accompanied by fever, antipyretic drugs are prescribed. With sinusitis, physiotherapy procedures can be prescribed.
If such methods fail to achieve a positive result, they may resort to puncture and sinus lavage.

Etmoiditis is a rather serious disease that can lead to dangerous complications, such as orbital phlegmon. This is when the purulent contents from the nasal sinuses spread to the fiber of the orbit, which provokes an inflammatory process in it, accompanied by necrosis and purulent fusion.
With ethmoiditis, the localization of pain affects the bridge of the nose, and sometimes the inner corner of the eye. It is difficult for the patient to breathe through the nose due to congestion and copious discharge. If the cells of the ethmoid labyrinth are affected, sputum separation in the morning will be the strongest. This happens with purulent, as well as edematous-catarrhal ethmoiditis.
The disease is quite rare. The main task in the treatment process is to restore the drainage and aeration functions of the paranasal sinuses and remove mucous secretions from them. To do this, use the "cuckoo" - a system for washing the nasal cavity.
Your doctor may also prescribe antibiotics, vasoconstrictor drops, and antihistamines.

This disease is much less common than other types of sinusitis. Pathological processes affect the sphenoid sinuses.
Symptoms of the disease:
- the occurrence of pain in the back of the head, in the eye area;
- purulent discharge from the nasal cavity, which has an unpleasant odor, flowing from the nasopharynx into the mouth along the back of the pharynx.
For the diagnosis of sphenoiditis, rhinoscopy is performed, during which purulent accumulations can be seen in the posterior part of the upper nasal passage, in the fistulas of the sphenoid sinuses, in the ethmoidal labyrinth and the dome of the nasopharynx. The mucous membranes are swollen and hyperemic.
Conservative treatment in progress:
- taking antibiotics for 7-10 days;
- drops of vasoconstrictive action (used for 3-5 days), if further use of such funds is advisable, they are changed to other drugs;
- antihistamines to reduce swelling and increase the outflow of purulent contents.
Physiotherapeutic procedures (UHF, laser therapy and others) can also be used.
If conservative methods do not give a positive result, the ENT doctor may prescribe an endoscopic operation.

The cause of the disease is an inflammatory process affecting the maxillary sinuses. As a rule, the disease is severe. With insufficient drainage of the frontal sinuses, it can go from acute to chronic.
- severe headaches in the frontal part, most often occurring in the morning;
- nosal breathing disturbed;
- pain is very severe, neurological in nature;
- after emptying the sinuses, the pain subsides, and when the congestion resumes, they appear again.
Acute frontal sinusitis is treated with conservative methods:
- Mucous tissues are lubricated with a solution of Galazolin 0.2%, a solution of cocaine with adrenaline 2-3% or Naphthyzinum 0.1%.
- The above products can be used as drops.
- At fever - antipyretics.
- Taking antibiotic pills. In severe cases, drugs are administered intramuscularly.
- Physiotherapy (UHF, blue lamp, solux).
Surgical intervention is used only in cases where conservative treatment has failed.
The danger of the chronic form is thatthe inflammatory process can spread to the bone tissue and lead to their necrosis, and this, in turn, can provoke meningitis and GM abscess.
Pathology is characterized by the appearance of neoplasms in the nasal cavity. The reason for its development is more often an allergy, in which the mucous tissues of the organ are irritated for a long time.
The patient has difficulty breathing, headaches occur, the function of smell decreases, stuffy ears are observed. Sleep becomes poor due to the presence of polyps.
Treatment of pathology - surgical.

Common nose conditions in children
Acute ENT diseases in children are very common. They cause about 50% of all visits to the clinic. In children, diseases of the nose and throat occur with greater complications than in adults. Some parents prefer to treat their child using traditional medicine, while the right decision would be to seek the help of a specialist. It will help not only to correctly diagnose the disease, but also to choose the most effective treatment.
The most common nasal conditions in childhood are:
- acute rhinitis;
- sinusitis and frontal sinusitis;
- sinusitis in acute and chronic form.
Also one of the serious problems is the ingress of foreign bodies into the nasal cavity. Young children are very curious, they learn not only the world around them, but also their own body. This curiosity often leads tothe fact that the baby puts a foreign object in the nose. Only an experienced doctor should take it out so as not to damage the nasopharynx. In some cases, such childish pranks end in failure - even death.
Treatment and dosage of drugs for diseases of the nasal cavity should be prescribed by a doctor.

Prevention of nasal diseases
It is impossible to completely protect yourself from diseases of the nasal cavity, however, with the help of preventive methods, you can significantly reduce the risk of morbidity:
- Avoid hypothermia. The cold itself is not capable of provoking the occurrence of a runny nose or cold. However, at low temperatures, the blood vessels located in the nose narrow significantly, which makes the tissues of the mucous membrane more vulnerable to the penetration of pathogenic microflora.
- Rinse the nasal cavity. This method of prevention is especially relevant in the autumn-winter period, when flu outbreaks occur. If a runny nose occurs in the spring, with the beginning of flowering of various plants, then it is also worth using a nasopharyngeal lavage. For these purposes, an ordinary s alt solution is quite sufficient. During the washing process, the causative agents of the disease will be removed.
- Balanced diet. Proper nutrition is the key to he alth. Eating he althy foods, a person receives the necessary vitamins and minerals, which has a beneficial effect on the protective functions of the body. The menu should be dominated by natural products (meat, fish, vegetables and fruits). If therepredisposition to allergic reactions, it is worth eliminating possible irritants from the diet.
- Plant stimulants of immune defense. To improve he alth, you should use Chinese magnolia vine, ginseng and eleutherococcus.

There is a huge variety of nose diseases. Therefore, in order for the treatment to be effective, it is necessary to accurately determine the diagnosis. Self-medication can lead to negative consequences and serious complications, since the same drugs with one ailment can help the problem, but with another they may not work, and even worse, aggravate the patient's condition.
It is best to seek help from a specialist. Diagnosis of nasal diseases will help determine the diagnosis, after which the patient will be prescribed a comprehensive treatment, which is aimed not only at fighting the disease, but also at strengthening the immune system.