At all times, people used folk recipes to treat and rejuvenate their body. Even our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, in the era of a shortage of medicines and anti-aging agents, resorted to the help of products such as lemon, garlic, honey, flaxseed oil, etc.
There are many recipes that, if used correctly, can produce a miracle cure. For example, if you take a mixture of linseed oil, honey, garlic, lemon in proportions equal to each other, you get a composition that will prolong female youth. To understand the healing properties of this combination, you should consider each ingredient separately.
Lemon is a storehouse of vitamins
A fruit tree up to 8 meters high and with a beautiful spreading crown bears yellow citrus fruits. The homeland of the lemon tree is India, China and Burma, but nowadays it is cultivated in the USA and the Caucasus.
Lemon fruits contain 8% organic acid, full of alkaline elements, nitrogenous and mineral substances, vitamins A, B, P and C, phytoncides and other usefulelements. In order for the lemon to retain all its beneficial properties, it should be consumed fresh. The juice of one lemon contains almost 35% of the daily value of vitamin C.
Lemon juice is very rich in potassium, which is necessary to maintain the vital activity of the kidneys and the human cardiovascular system. The juice also contains citrine, which has a beneficial effect on the body's metabolism, helps it recover from illnesses, and also makes blood vessels more elastic.
Yellow citrus is a unique bactericide. Lemon juice can kill some bacteria. If you add lemon slices to tea and use it for colds, then the course of the disease will be less complicated, and the body will be better able to fight the disease. The fruit is rich in vitamin C, which strengthens the human immune system and has an antioxidant effect. It also removes toxins from the intestines, improves the digestive process, helps the liver fight putrefactive elements in the body.
To summarize, we can safely say that using lemon in food is very useful. And medicinal mixtures or citrus-based tinctures will give them even more beneficial properties.

Natural honey
Beekeeping product has a lot of useful properties. Honey has long been used to treat the body, and women used it to keep their youth. But like lemon, it should be consumed only in its natural form, since during heat treatment the product loses its healing properties. Keepnatural honey can be used for a long time, and at the same time it will retain all the beneficial substances. Honey is used as follows:
- One spoon before bed acts as a sedative.
- A small amount is the prevention of enuresis in children.
- When you have a cold, you need to drink a glass of hot milk in a bite with honey.
- Cough is well treated by this method.
- Honey contains iron and copper and helps treat anemia.
- If you systematically eat natural honey, it will help reduce cramps. They occur due to low levels of potassium and magnesium in the blood, and honey maintains this balance.
- Honey helps the digestive tract to function properly.
- It should also be used for all kinds of intestinal disorders.
- This product is considered an excellent antibacterial agent. For any injuries and cuts, honey can be used as a healing ointment.
If you mix honey and grape juice, you can prepare a composition that helps fight diseases such as arthritis, gout and joint pain.
Honey is irreplaceable in cosmetology. In addition, this product can replace sugar for diabetics and help reduce weight for people who are struggling with obesity. A jar of honey always takes pride of place in any home.

Garlic is a unique plant. Rich in vitamins and beneficial trace elements. It is used in cooking, and is also used as the main ingredient for the preparation of traditional medicine recipes. Onethe head of garlic contains a large amount of phytosterols, fructose, essential oil, as well as elements such as calcium, sodium, selenium, magnesium, manganese, and iron. There is also germanium - a very important element for the immune system, which is also used to prevent cancer. The sulfur contained in garlic is a natural immunomodulatory agent. In addition, vigorous cloves help fight viral and colds.

Linseed oil
This product is made from flaxseed. The oil is considered a rich source of alpha-linolenic acid and also contains lignin.
Healing properties of flax:
- Helps reduce inflammation in gout.
- Reduces cholesterol levels and normalizes high blood pressure.
- Helps with constipation, hemorrhoids.
- Good for people trying to lose weight.
- Helps in the treatment of skin diseases.
- Adds strength and shine to hair and nails.
And this is only a small fraction of what you can use linseed oil for. Lemon, garlic and honey complete this product perfectly.

Elixir of youth
Sooner or later, every woman thinks about how to prolong youth and maintain her blooming appearance. In order not to resort to medicines and the services of plastic surgeons, you can prepare a mixture that will help not lose your attractiveness and prolong it for as long as possible. For this you will need lemon, garlic, honey and linseed oil.
- Peel and mince 3 small cloves of garlic.
- Mind two lemons without peel and two with peel.
- Pour 200 g of linseed oil and 1 kg of natural honey into a glass container and mix with lemon and garlic.
- Close the container with a lid and store in the refrigerator.
Apply one heaping tablespoon three times a day 30 minutes before meals. After taking this product, vision will noticeably improve, the skin will acquire a he althy color, the hair will become thicker, and the nails will be stronger.

Effective anti-aging treatment
Many people prefer a different way of making the elixir. Required products: honey, lemon, garlic, linseed oil. Preparation:
- Pour half a liter of linseed oil and 200 ml of natural honey into a glass jar.
- Grate three medium lemons.
- Peel one large head of garlic.
- Mix everything, cover and refrigerate.
Use as in the previous version. You can use lemon, honey, garlic and linseed oil for treatment. Such a mixture has a whole range of useful qualities and properties. You need to remember only one thing - each of these ingredients can provoke an allergic reaction. In addition, even the most useful product in unlimited quantities can lead to negative consequences.
How to prolong youth?
Good is everything that happens on time. So it is with the beauty and youth of a woman. The soonerstart to support it, the longer it will last. The prepared tincture of linseed oil, lemon, garlic and honey will help maintain the tone of the female body and good mood. If you use this mixture every day, then the hair will become silky, the skin is smooth and velvety. But we should not forget that when taking this medicine, you should drink a little more water than before. Thanks to the liquid consumed, the metabolism will increase, and the effect will be more pronounced. Products such as honey, lemon, garlic, linseed oil bring obvious benefits.
Like any other traditional medicine recipe, this mixture has some contraindications. Therefore, before starting a course of administration, pay attention to who is contraindicated in taking the tincture:
- Pregnant and lactating women.
- People who have problems with the stomach and digestive tract.
- Children under 12.
- If you have an allergic reaction to one of the above ingredients.
- People who have problems with the cardiovascular system.
- With urolithiasis.
One more ingredient
All the components in question are very useful and accessible to any average person. The main thing is not to be lazy and strive to help your body fight harmful factors from the external environment. If you add ginger to the tincture of flaxseed oil, garlic, lemon and honey, then this recipe will help get rid of extra pounds. You can also clean the vessels and remove unnecessary toxins from the body.

Summing up, we can safely say that the benefits of honey, lemon, garlic and linseed oil are obvious. This mixture has a whole range of useful properties and qualities.