Health 2024, October

Fractures of the thoracic spine: symptoms, treatment and rehabilitation, consequences

Fractures of the thoracic spine: symptoms, treatment and rehabilitation, consequences

Fracture of the thoracic spine is a rare injury that requires increased attention from specialists. It occurs as a result of a fall from a height, a direct blow to the chest. This disease requires the patient to stay in the hospital

Intraocular pressure: symptoms and treatment, normal

Intraocular pressure: symptoms and treatment, normal

Intraocular pressure is the pressure of the fluid in the cavity of the eyeball. In the normal state of the body, it does not change. A decrease or increase in indicators is pathological, so you should not hesitate to visit a doctor

Impaired cerebral circulation: treatment, types, symptoms

Impaired cerebral circulation: treatment, types, symptoms

Treatment of cerebrovascular accident must be done very quickly. Untimely assistance is fraught not only with problems with movement, speech, mental processes, but with a fatal outcome. The later a person seeks help, the less chance of recovery

Vertebral artery syndrome: symptoms and treatment

Vertebral artery syndrome: symptoms and treatment

Vertebral artery syndrome is a pathology provoked by osteochondrosis. It is a whole symptom complex that develops as a result of squeezing of blood vessels

Aphthous stomatitis: types, causes, treatment and consequences

Aphthous stomatitis: types, causes, treatment and consequences

Aphthous stomatitis is an infectious lesion of the oral mucosa, which is characterized by the occurrence of ulcers. It gives a person a lot of pain and discomfort. Timely treatment will allow the patient to quickly return to normal life

Catarrhal gastritis: symptoms and treatment

Catarrhal gastritis: symptoms and treatment

Catarrhal gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa, caused by the abuse of junk food. It occurs not only in adult patients, but also in children. To get rid of the symptoms, it is necessary to use the right medications and adjust the diet

Internal acne on the face: how to deal with them?

Internal acne on the face: how to deal with them?

It is not uncommon for girls and also young people to face the problem of acne. And if ordinary rashes are quite easy to eliminate, then internal acne on the face is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon and difficult to treat. What to do if a hard, painful ball has once again formed under the skin?

Treatment of tuberculosis with modern methods is possible and affordable

Treatment of tuberculosis with modern methods is possible and affordable

Tuberculosis has existed on earth for more than a century. Previously, it was called consumption, and, I must say, this name conveyed the essence of the disease as accurately as possible. A patient with tuberculosis literally languished before our eyes

What is bone tuberculosis? How is it transmitted? Causes and treatment

What is bone tuberculosis? How is it transmitted? Causes and treatment

Bone tuberculosis is considered one of the most common forms of tuberculosis after lung damage. The disease affects people of any age, but it is more common in adults. Tuberculosis can affect different parts of the musculoskeletal system. As a rule, the localization of the pathological process is observed in the region of the spine

Koch's wand is the worst enemy of man

Koch's wand is the worst enemy of man

Slightly more than a hundred years ago, tuberculosis was considered a disease that could not be cured. In those days, one epidemic of this disease could take millions of lives with it, and this depended not only on how strong its pathogen was, but also on the conditions in which people lived. In our time, advances in science have made it possible to create not only effective methods of treatment, but also the prevention of this disease

Tuberculosis meningitis: symptoms, consequences, causes and features of treatment

Tuberculosis meningitis: symptoms, consequences, causes and features of treatment

TB can affect more than just the lungs. The causative agent of the disease (Koch's wand) penetrates into different systems of the human body. One of the most severe manifestations of this infection is tuberculous meningitis. In this disease, bacteria cause damage to the brain. Modern diagnostics makes it possible to detect this disease at an early stage. In this case, the disease can be cured. However, the tuberculous process in the central nervous system remains an extremely dangerous pathology

Miliary pulmonary tuberculosis: forms, diagnosis, symptoms, treatment

Miliary pulmonary tuberculosis: forms, diagnosis, symptoms, treatment

Miliary tuberculosis is a fairly serious disease that is often confused with typhoid fever. The disease affects various systems of internal organs, from the liver to the lungs. This form of tuberculosis is diagnosed in a small number of people

X-ray of the lungs and its application. Modern method of photographing the lungs

X-ray of the lungs and its application. Modern method of photographing the lungs

One of the modern methods for examining the lungs is an X-ray of the lungs. The article describes its features, as well as differences from conventional fluorography, in particular, it reports on the advantages over the latter

Small pelvis and inflammatory diseases

Small pelvis and inflammatory diseases

Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs are the result of infection in the body, which can lead to endometritis, parametritis, salpingitis and others. Causes of inflammatory diseases of the small pelvis - infections transmitted not only sexually, but also in household

Endometrial hyperplasia: symptoms and treatment

Endometrial hyperplasia: symptoms and treatment

If the inner layer of the uterus grows for some reason, and the number of cells noticeably exceeds the norm, endometrial hyperplasia is diagnosed. To formulate the diagnosis accurately, it is necessary to obtain samples of biological tissues and examine them under a microscope in the laboratory. This analysis is called histological. Some believe that endometrial hyperplasia indicates a malignant neoplasm, but in fact this is a misconception

Radiation sickness: consequences, symptoms, life expectancy

Radiation sickness: consequences, symptoms, life expectancy

For many people, radiation sickness is associated with something distant and transcendental: with the bombing that took place in Nagasaki and Hiroshima, and mutants who still walk around the exclusion zone in Pripyat. However, this is a fairly common and common disease, and almost anyone can get it. Therefore, it is better to familiarize yourself with the symptoms and consequences in as much detail as possible

Positional compression syndrome: definition, causes, emergency care

Positional compression syndrome: definition, causes, emergency care

Positional compression syndrome occurs when you stay in a static position for a long time, when the limbs are strongly compressed

Metatarsal bone: photo, fractures, treatment, rehabilitation

Metatarsal bone: photo, fractures, treatment, rehabilitation

The metatarsal bone, the photo of which is given in the article, is located between the fingers and the tarsus. It connects several bone tissues at once, each of them has a head, body and base. In the article we will consider anatomy, injuries, their treatment and rehabilitation

Dry gangrene: prognosis, treatment

Dry gangrene: prognosis, treatment

In some conditions of the body, dry gangrene may develop. Especially it is necessary to be attentive to diabetics, patients with circulatory disorders

Obliterating endarteritis: photo, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods

Obliterating endarteritis: photo, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods

Obliterating endarteritis of the lower extremities is a very dangerous disease, ignoring the symptoms of which can subsequently lead to amputation. Unfortunately, in the initial stages, when drug treatment is most effective, the pathology practically does not manifest itself, which makes it difficult to diagnose. Endarteritis is easily confused with some other diseases, this problem occurs more often in men

Goff's disease: symptoms, treatment methods, photos

Goff's disease: symptoms, treatment methods, photos

Goff's disease is a non-infectious pathology that affects the fat body of the knee joint. As a result, an inflammatory process develops in it. Fat deposits are a kind of shock absorber, with the help of which the pressure exerted on the knee is distributed to the cartilage

Treatment of epithelial coccygeal passage

Treatment of epithelial coccygeal passage

Epithelial coccygeal passage is a congenital soft tissue defect in the area where the tissues of the sacrococcygeal region are located. Mostly it manifests itself in young people 15-30 years of age. Treatment is mainly surgical, radical. In normal cases, surgery is easily tolerated by patients. The prognosis of the disease is favorable

Bursitis of the big toe: causes, treatment with medicines and folk remedies

Bursitis of the big toe: causes, treatment with medicines and folk remedies

On the phalanx of the big toe, the representatives of the weaker sex sometimes have a bump, which some take for age-related dynamics or a callus from wearing uncomfortable shoes. However, its appearance can signal the development of serious pathologies in the body. This growth is called bursitis of the big toe. It needs to be treated promptly

Atrial flutter: forms, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Atrial flutter: forms, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Atrial flutter is a tachycardia with abnormal heart rhythm. Basically, it is disturbed in the atria, sometimes its strengthening is observed in the ventricles. The disease is not completely cured. It is only possible to minimize negative phenomena with the help of drug therapy, the use of various instrumental methods, and also, in case of their ineffectiveness, an operation

Gallstones: types, sizes, causes of formation and methods of treatment

Gallstones: types, sizes, causes of formation and methods of treatment

Types of gallstones are determined by pathologies in the body and various types of deposits. They can be treated medically or surgically. The use of folk remedies can accompany therapeutic treatment. Diet No. 5 contributes to a more effective exit of stones

Clogs in the throat: photo, causes and treatment

Clogs in the throat: photo, causes and treatment

Clogs in the throat are mainly formed with tonsillitis, pharyngitis and tonsillitis can also be causes. In addition, their formation is facilitated by incomplete oral hygiene. For removal, it is better to contact an otolaryngologist. In the absence of such an opportunity, they can be carefully removed at home

Symptoms and treatment of the meniscus of the knee joint

Symptoms and treatment of the meniscus of the knee joint

Treatment of the meniscus is aimed at reducing pain, restoring cartilage and removing fluid. In severe cases, it can only be surgical. For mild injuries, drug therapy with NSAIDs, chondroprotectors, and gypsum can be used. In addition, physiotherapeutic procedures, treatment with folk remedies, taping are used. The recovery process takes a long time

Classification of strokes: complete information about the types and causes and symptoms

Classification of strokes: complete information about the types and causes and symptoms

There are multiple classifications of strokes according to various criteria. By type, it is divided into ischemic and hemorrhagic. In relation to the first, the classification is more extensive. There are varieties according to pathogenesis, according to ICD-10, which is supported by WHO, according to neurology, according to periods. Different species are characterized by similar symptoms, especially in terms of paralysis of the side of the body opposite to the affected hemisphere, the impossibility of protruding the tongue, raising the arms

Deforming spondylosis: causes, signs, stages, treatment

Deforming spondylosis: causes, signs, stages, treatment

Deforming spondylosis is a disease of the spine that develops as a complication of osteochondrosis and manifests itself in the appearance of various curvatures and osteophytes that can grow together and immobilize certain parts of this organ. Treatment is mainly conservative, in some cases surgical. In addition to drug therapy, physiotherapy is carried out, exercise therapy, massage are used

Types of encephalopathy and their distinctive features. Causes, diagnosis and treatment of the disease

Types of encephalopathy and their distinctive features. Causes, diagnosis and treatment of the disease

There are different types of encephalopathy. They differ in causes and symptoms. The disease can be congenital or acquired. The first of these is mainly associated with birth trauma. The danger of encephalopathy and its types lies in the fact that they can lead to various neurological and mental problems, the development of epilepsy, lethargy, apathy, and vegetative vascular diseases

Crohn's disease - what is it? Description of the disease, symptoms, treatment and prognosis of life

Crohn's disease - what is it? Description of the disease, symptoms, treatment and prognosis of life

Crohn's disease is a severe bowel disease that can show symptoms anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as on the skin. Stones may appear in the kidneys, gallbladder. The disease has no clear etiology, so it is difficult to treat. Therapy and diet are applied throughout life. The disease is accompanied by various complications and has a favorable prognosis only with early diagnosis and adequate treatment. In most cases, surgery is required

Erosive gastritis: treatment, symptoms, causes, diet

Erosive gastritis: treatment, symptoms, causes, diet

Treatment of erosive gastritis should be aimed at eliminating the cause, eliminating acidity and restoring the mucous membrane. The most common cause is considered to be the impact on the stomach of pathogenic microflora in the form of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. But there are other reasons for this disease. The disease in case of bleeding is a threat to human life. It may involve surgery to remove the stomach. The main treatment is therapeutic

Joint contracture: causes, types and treatment

Joint contracture: causes, types and treatment

Contracture of the joint is a serious disease that can completely immobilize a person, making him an invalid. It is difficult to treat, especially in the later stages of development. Basically, conservative and surgical intervention is carried out. As the first, drug treatment, physiotherapy, exercise therapy and exercise equipment are used. The type of operation is selected depending on the form and severity of the disease

Is it possible to treat arthritis of the fingers at home?

Is it possible to treat arthritis of the fingers at home?

Treatment of finger arthritis in many cases can be done at home. In particular, it is possible to carry out drug treatment, taking baths, decoctions, infusions as measures of healing with folk remedies. In addition, after agreement with the doctor, at home, you can perform a set of exercise therapy exercises aimed at restoring the activity of the joints. It is possible to use special rubbing, which also alleviate the patient's condition

Chicken butt wart: reasons, which doctor to see, treatment methods

Chicken butt wart: reasons, which doctor to see, treatment methods

"Chicken butt" is the common name for a wart, which is characterized by raised skin, with dark inclusions. It is benign in nature, but with constant rubbing with uncomfortable shoes (when located on the foot), it can degenerate into a malignant one. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner to eliminate the disease. There are surgical, conservative and folk methods of treatment

Hypertrophy of the left ventricle of the heart: symptoms, causes and features of treatment

Hypertrophy of the left ventricle of the heart: symptoms, causes and features of treatment

Left ventricular hypertrophy occurs as a result of problems in the cardiovascular system. It occurs in people of all age groups, mortality does not exceed 4%. From the left ventricle begins a large circle of blood circulation in the body. The disease develops with a constant overload of the heart muscle, as a result of which the walls of this section thicken and thicken

Diagnosis of concussion

Diagnosis of concussion

Concussion is the result of a head injury. There are mild, moderate and severe stages. The first two are not accompanied by loss of consciousness, and, as a rule, end favorably. The severe stage is characterized by loss of consciousness and the presence of symptoms for a long time. Usually after it various complications can develop. Treatment is mainly with bed rest and rest

Stomatitis in children: treatment with drugs and folk remedies

Stomatitis in children: treatment with drugs and folk remedies

Stomatitis is mainly a childhood disease, and most often affects babies from one to five years old, until their immunity is strong. Infants, on the other hand, are protected by antibodies obtained from mother's milk, therefore they suffer from this disease less often. But since their mucous membrane is still thin and can be injured by any sharp-edged object in the mouth, even by their own fingers with uncircumcised nails, sometimes babies are also susceptible to the disease

Pressure 110 over 80, pulse 110: causes, possible diseases, methods of treatment

Pressure 110 over 80, pulse 110: causes, possible diseases, methods of treatment

If the indicator is 110 to 80 mmHg, then you should not panic, diagnose some pathologies on your own. But if such manifestations are observed very often, then it is necessary to examine your body in the clinic, after which the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment. In this article, we will talk in more detail about the reasons for which there is a pressure of 110 to 80, a pulse of 110, 100, 80, 70

Inflammation of the bone on the big toe: treatment with folk remedies

Inflammation of the bone on the big toe: treatment with folk remedies

Ugly bumps that disfigure the leg, which are located in the area of the metatarsophalangeal joint, quite often cause problems for many people. In most cases, women suffer from this disease, sacrificing their own he alth in the name of beauty, wearing too narrow, extremely uncomfortable shoes, in particular, high heels