Under the non-contact (bioenergetic) massage, it is customary to understand that which is carried out by exposing the biofield of one person to the biofield of another person. In this case, there is no physical contact, and the effect is carried out by tingling, cold, heat, which the massage therapist mentally concentrates on the patient's problematic organ.

Non-contact massage is not a novelty, its origins lie in Ancient Assyria. Already at that time, people paid attention to the influence of the human biofield on others. Some people were able to concentrate their internal energy on stopping bleeding, pain relief, healing wounds. Well-known tactics of treatment with hands open up new horizons in the treatment and healing of the human body.
Before starting a bioenergetic massage session, it is necessary to create a trusting and relaxing atmosphere in the room. The light can be dimmed a little without creating twilight. The patient should not be distracted duringthe time of the session, so it is recommended to remove the watch and all jewelry from your hands. It is also worth refraining from any conversations. The specialist should not use perfumes or other strong-smelling products.

Before starting a bioenergetic massage, you need to warm up your hands, adhering to the following technique:
- Put your palms together as for prayer, press them tightly together. Feel the warmth that fills your palms.
- Applying force and first tearing off the support zones of the palms, spread them a certain distance, trying to keep the heat like an elastic lump.
- Through self-suggestion, concentrate heat in the palms in such a way that heat is felt. This feeling of warmth must be maintained throughout the massage session. The process of concentrating heat is individual: one might simply imagine sunlight or a fireball between the palms. If the intensity of heat in the palms changes, then this may indicate that the site of the disease was found during the diagnosis. Non-contact diagnostics can only be carried out by a specialist who has the qualifications of a healer, whose hands are filled with unique sensitivity, who is completely confident in his victory over the disease.

Bioenergetic massage training
Many people have the gift of healing with a biofield from nature, but not everyone is able to develop this gift in themselves, and some do not even suspect its presence. Learn to evoke and concentrate in your handshealing heat will help a few simple exercises:
- Feeling the pulse at the tip of each finger. You should press the tip of your finger against a hard surface, holding it until you feel a pulse beating. After that, you need to put the second finger, try to keep the pulsation at the fingertips of both hands by concentrating. After this exercise is mastered, you can move on to the next one - you need to tear your fingers off the support, lifting them 3-4 cm, and concentrate to feel the pulse.
- Distinguishing different materials. After the first exercise is mastered, the pulse is felt at the fingertips, you should move on to the next training exercise. For its implementation, the help of another person is needed, it can be a child. It is necessary to open the palm, holding it about 4-10 cm from the surface until there is a sensation of pulsation. After that, close your eyes and signal to the assistant to place any object of any material under the palm of your hand, which should be determined. It can be foil, glass, wood, paper. It is important to fix in your head the sensations that arise from each material. After making about 10 attempts, you need to familiarize yourself with the table of successful definitions.
- With regular practice, you can learn to identify materials on the first try.

Mandatory conditions for a massage therapist
It is important to remember that to carry out bioenergetic massage when you feel unwell or under the influenceThe specialist should not have negative emotions. A therapeutic effect can be obtained only if a person is completely confident in his own strengths and capabilities.
After the diagnosis and determination of the diseased organ or place, you can start a non-contact massage session. It is based on several techniques:
- Pressing. The palms are placed at a distance of no more than 3 cm from each other and, stretching an imaginary spring, they are separated by a distance of 10 cm, after which they are returned to their original position. It is necessary to reduce and spread the palms near the sore spot for 7 minutes. The patient will feel thermal fluctuations during the procedure. This technique allows you to eliminate discomfort.
- Saber movements. This technique resembles pressing, but the palms should be placed parallel to the patient's body. Sweeping and soft movements press the affected area, whether it be the stomach, neck, shoulders.
- Exhaust. This technique allows you to concentrate heat on small surfaces, for example, on areas of the face. In this case, the fingers of the hand must be folded into a pinch, conditionally drawing a spiral, bringing them closer and moving them away from the sore spot. After 4-6 turns, the compression of the fingers should be strengthened, and the movements should be accelerated. In this way, the disease can be drawn out of the organ.
- The direction of energy. It is necessary to put the palm in a perpendicular position to the sore spot, while concentrating all the available energy on the fingertips. After the return heat is felt, you can begin to move your arms to the sides. How else is massage done?internal organs?
- Pumping. To perform this technique, you will need to cup your hands, fill them with heat and slowly raise them from the level of the solar plexus to the throat. After that, the palms must be turned over sharply and heat is released, and the inverted palms must be lowered to the starting point. Repeat the technique several times.

Such techniques allow you to treat not only superficial problems, but also massage, affecting the internal organs energetically.
Bioenergetic massage with DDS machine
Another variation is the procedure performed using the DDS bioelectric massager. It consists in the following: one electrode is located under the massage therapist's feet, and the paws of another electrode are attached to the patient's feet. Touching the patient closes the circuit and a pleasant bioelectricity passes through the body.
This massage technique allows not only to relax, but also has a positive effect on the body in many diseases, including cellulite, neurasthenia, chronic rhinitis, torticollis, impotence, arrhythmia, sinusitis and many others.
Before using a bioelectric massager, it is important to consult a doctor.

Indications for conduction
Interest in hand treatment is growing every day, as it allows you to get the effect without the use of medicines and mechanical influences with the following problems:
- Metabolic disorders.
- Disturbances in the lymphatic system.
- Hypotonia, hypertension.
- Poor blood counts.
- Headaches, sleep disturbance.
- Pain in limbs.
- Low hemoglobin.
Moreover, drug therapy can be supplemented with biofield therapy. Through contactless massage, you can not only improve the body, but also rejuvenate it.
Despite the apparent ease of non-contact massage, self-medication is prohibited. It is possible to act on a diseased organ only after a diagnosis carried out by a qualified specialist. As a preventive measure, you can concentrate your energy on your own and help yourself.
It is forbidden to conduct non-contact massage if a person has a serious condition, an exacerbation of the disease, during pregnancy.

Despite the growing popularity of bioenergetic massage, reviews of this technique are very mixed. Some patients indicate significant relief after the course, others do not perceive the technique as such, calling it charlatanism. Still others tend to attribute a placebo effect to non-contact massage - the result will be only if you believe in it. Be that as it may, all people are unique and perceive the energy impact differently, therefore the sensations from the procedure are different for everyone.