Many people are uncomfortable with white grains in their hair. They even spill onto clothes. As a result, it seems that the person is infected with some kind of skin disease. Dandruff negatively affects the hair, they fall out and lose their shine. Therefore, it is necessary to start serious treatment. What causes dandruff on the head? The article will discuss the causes and the most effective methods of getting rid of this problem.
What is dandruff
Before starting the treatment of a pathology, it is necessary to establish its features. Dandruff is a disease of the scalp that leads to excessive flaking. Half of the world's population suffers from this problem. Therefore, the fight against dandruff is especially relevant. For this, a lot of methods are used, including folk remedies.
Externally, pathology is a process of death of scalp cells that have lost moisture. dandruff itselfunable to harm the body. However, it leads to great discomfort. If left untreated, dandruff can lead to fungal infections, dermatitis, and excessive hair loss.
How to get rid of
You can quickly cure such a pathology if you accurately determine the cause of its occurrence. Only then can you pick up a home remedy that will help get rid of dandruff. Initially, its type is determined: dry or oily. The way of therapy depends on this.
What causes dandruff on the head? To get rid of it, you need to determine its type. Dry dandruff occurs 2-3 days after shampooing. It easily flies off, accompanied by brittleness and hair loss, as well as itching of the skin. Causes of dry dandruff include hormonal problems, vitamin deficiencies, poor-quality food and poor cosmetics.

To reduce the amount of dying particles of the scalp, you need to quit smoking, take supplements (vitamins of group B) and use high-quality cosmetics. Treatment of pathology can be carried out at home with the help of folk remedies for dandruff and itching of the head. They should moisturize, nourish and relieve irritation of the skin. After all, dandruff of this type is accompanied by dryness, itching and a feeling of tightness of the scalp. Which causes great discomfort.
The oily appearance of dandruff appears later, after 4-5 days. It is yellowish in color, oily to the touch and difficult to comb out. Dandruffoccurs due to poor functioning of the sebaceous glands of the scalp and metabolic disorders.
To get rid of this pathology, it is necessary to cleanse the body of toxins. And also organize proper nutrition and exclude fast food, sweet foods, carbonated drinks from the diet. To do this, check the hormonal background and then prescribe treatment.
If you wish, you can easily find a huge amount of proven folk remedies for dandruff. However, to obtain a positive effect, it is necessary to perform these procedures regularly. A lasting result will have to wait for a long time.
Universal dandruff treatment
The fight against itching and dandruff begins with an examination of the body. Often, such a pathology appears as a result of a malfunction of the internal organs and stress.
How to get rid of dandruff quickly and effectively? Using such means, you can alleviate and reduce the manifestations of pathology:
- Oils. Soften the separation of scales.
- Citric acid. The substance may cause effects on the fungus.
- Honey. It is a natural antiseptic.
- Chicken egg. The product contains many trace elements that have a positive effect on the skin.
- Dairy products. They act similarly to citric acid, but much milder.
- Almond oil for dandruff. It not only relieves the problem, but also relieves itching and skin irritations.
- Healing plants. These include the following herbs: nettle, burdock root and burdock.
Sometimes vodka hair masks are used to treat dandruff. The tool enhances the blood circulation of the skin, improves the nutrition of the roots and helps to speed up the treatment process.
Burdock oil
The plant looks like a common weed, but its rhizome has unique properties. Burdock oil is used in medicine and at home quite actively. For oily hair, such masks are not recommended.
Does burdock oil help with dandruff? Yes, here are the main uses for it:
- In its pure form, rub warm oil near the hair roots and into the skin with your fingertips. Then carefully spread over all strands. By doing a similar procedure 8-9 times a month, you can completely get rid of the fungus and get a lasting effect. The product will have a strong effect and reduce the appearance of dead dry scales.
- Mix burdock oil with chopped garlic. Rub the resulting slurry into the scalp. To avoid a specific smell on the curls, when washing off, the shampoo must be mixed with 2-3 drops of aromatic oil.
- Combine a tablespoon of burdock oil, 1 egg yolk and 1 teaspoon of honey. This mask will get rid of dandruff in a short period of time. Leave it on your hair for 30 minutes. Then rinse with water and a suitable shampoo.

Which of the folk remedies for dandruff and itching of the head should be used depends on personal preference and the cause of the pathology.
Infusions and decoctionsherbs
Herbs that have many positive properties, including getting rid of dandruff, can be purchased at pharmacies. After all, it is most effective to solve a similar problem with the use of natural remedies.
Infusions of herbs are prepared quite easily. It is important to use only freshly prepared composition. The temperature of the product should be as close to body temperature as possible. This is determined using a simple method: a small amount of decoction must be dropped on the inside of the wrist. If neither cold nor hot is felt, it is ready to use.

Here are the most useful herbal decoctions for dandruff and itchy scalp:
- Infusion of onion skins and oak bark. Apply the resulting product to the hair along their entire length. Keep for 30 minutes. Then rinse with water.
- Decoction of the following herbs: coltsfoot, nettle, hop cones, chamomile and calendula. Due to its unique qualities, the product is effective in the fight against dandruff. Rinse the curls well with a decoction after shampooing. You can use a recipe based on all of these herbs, or take just a few of them.
How to wash your hair from dandruff and itching? Among home recipes, a decoction of burdock root stands out for its properties. The cooking process requires a lot of patience. 1 st. a spoonful of dry burdock is poured into 100 ml of water. Boil in a water bath for 25 minutes, filter. After washing the hair, the decoction is rubbed into the scalp.
Homemade products are oftenare much more efficient than store-bought ones. Scalp masks help in the fight against severe dandruff due to their long-term effect on the skin. During this period, the active substances that make up these products will have the maximum impact. Examples of homemade masks include:
- Aloe juice for the scalp is mixed with a little honey and 1 chicken yolk. The product is applied to the scalp, washed off with water after 30 minutes.
- Dandruff mask for dry skin consists of equal proportions of olive and castor oil. Add lemon juice to the mixture (1/3 of the total volume). Rub the warm mask into the base of the hair. Leave on hair for 30-40 minutes.
- 1/2 cup yogurt and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ground black pepper will help get rid of the fungus, due to which dandruff occurs on the hair. The mixture is rubbed into the scalp. After 50 minutes, wash off with water using shampoo.
- Mix baking soda with shampoo until liquid. Apply to hair as you would a normal hair care product. Soda can permanently remove dandruff on the scalp.
- Ginger root, together with essential oils, can get rid of dandruff, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. The tool accelerates blood circulation, which accelerates hair growth. Chop the ginger root. Squeeze the juice of the plant through gauze, add olive, sesame or milk thistle oil. Apply to scalp. Leave on for 30 minutes, wash off with a mild shampoo.

Many scalp masks are capable ofremove dandruff and relieve itching. They must be applied 1 time within 7 days. With regular use, the tool can give a lasting positive effect.
From oily dandruff
To get rid of oily seborrhea of the scalp, you must apply the following tools:
- Mix equal proportions of lemon juice and olive oil. The resulting composition is applied to the scalp. Shampoo after 30 minutes.
- Onion juice mixed with the same amount of vodka. The mask must be applied to the skin 30 minutes before shampooing. The tool allows you to quickly get rid of oily dandruff.
- After washing your hair, rinse your hair with nettle decoction.
- Skin peeling. To do this, s alt and soda are taken and mixed with water until the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained. If itching and burning are felt when using the product, then the procedure must be stopped. It is worth washing your hair with shampoo and should not repeat it again.
- Lemon-coffee peeling. The tool does not require much effort in preparation. Remove the skin from the lemon and dry it. To 2 tbsp. spoons of zest add the same amount of coffee grounds. Mix the components and apply to the scalp, dividing the hair parted. Rinse hair with shampoo after massage.

Folk remedies for dandruff and itching of the head will have a positive effect when used regularly.
Essential oils
Natural remedies are more effective in solving various hair problems, including dandruff anditchy scalp.
Tea tree oil has many positive properties, but it is not recommended to apply it to curls in its pure form. This is dangerous due to the occurrence of burns, as the product has a high concentration.
Apply a small amount of diluted oil to the inside of the arm to make sure there are no allergies. A few drops of ether are added to the shampoo.

Before applying tea tree oil to the scalp, you need to add a base to it. It may be different. The most effective remedies include burdock or olive oil. In addition to fighting dandruff, you can give curls a charming shine.
Lavender, rosemary, juniper and lemon oils are widely used. Thanks to them, you can relieve inflammation, remove dandruff, stop the fungus and reduce itching of the skin.
Usually essential oils are used as follows:
- For rinsing hair. To do this, boil a liter of water and 10 drops of lavender oil. Cool and use when itching occurs.
- A few drops of essential oil are added to a spray bottle with water. It is not recommended to rinse the product from the hair.
- Add to masks. They are used before washing.
- Applied as a balm. His recipe is quite simple: 60 ml of aloe juice is mixed with 30 drops of lavender oil. Apply to the scalp for 30 minutes.
Essential oils are not recommended for pure use. This is done in order to avoid negative effects on the skin.heads. Ester can be combined with other ready-made products or combined with base oils: burdock, olive or castor.
How quickly the effect comes on
If the cause of itching of the scalp and dandruff is a reaction to improperly selected products, then such symptoms will cease to bother a person after the source of the allergy is removed. To do this, change the shampoo, balm or paint. Before initial use of means it is necessary to carry out the test. This will prevent an allergic reaction from developing.
If such a measure was ineffective, then you should further look for the reason why the head itches. The medicated shampoo can relieve itching and reduce dandruff after 5-6 sessions.

Approximately the same number of procedures will be needed to treat discomfort using traditional methods. They can be applied daily for 5 days to notice a positive effect. In general, folk remedies for dandruff and itchy scalp should be used within 2-4 weeks.
In order to consolidate the result and finally get rid of negative symptoms, on average, it will take from 3 to 6 months.
Before proceeding to the improvement of the scalp, provoking factors should be excluded. To do this, it is necessary to review the daily diet, lifestyle and features of hair care. Be sure to exclude internal diseases by examining a specialist.
According to patients, there is no singleway to get rid of dandruff and itchy scalp. In this case, several factors contribute to the problem. There can always be an allergy to any ingredient of any product. Before using the funds, you must consult with a specialist.
Experimenting with various means, patients tried not to overdo it, so as not to harm their body instead of benefit. As a result, everyone chose the most effective decoctions and masks for themselves, which helped them get rid of negative symptoms in a few procedures.
Dandruff and itching are unpleasant sensations that affect the quality of life of any person. There are many ways to get rid of them. Folk remedies for dandruff and itching of the head are among the methods that, with regular use, can have a positive effect. Before using them, an allergy test should be performed to exclude the occurrence of negative symptoms.