Bactericidal patch: application, types

Bactericidal patch: application, types
Bactericidal patch: application, types

Everyone has known since childhood a reliable assistant in the family first aid kit - adhesive plaster. It helps from various troubles: flayed children's knees, a finger cut with a kitchen knife, "corns" and corns from uncomfortable shoes. But not so long ago, an improved form of such a first aid item appeared in the pharmacies of our country. It is called "bactericidal patch". What are its advantages and differences, as well as how to use it correctly, we will tell you in our material.

bactericidal plaster
bactericidal plaster

What is a germicidal patch?

At first glance, this innovative type of plaster is not much different from the standard one - the same sticky tape and flesh or white color. In fact, these are completely different medical products. They are made from different materials and have different mechanisms of action.

Bactericidal plaster is an antiseptic. The product has such properties due to the impregnation of the gauze bandage with disinfectants: chlorhexidine, furacilin, brilliant green, ethyl alcohol. They, in turn, negatively affect many gram-positive and negative bacteria. Thus, the patch not only protects the wound from infection from outside, but also hasantibacterial and disinfectant property, and also helps to speed up the healing process.

Outwardly, it is an adhesive base of various shapes and sizes, which in the middle has an inclusion in the form of a multilayer gauze bandage soaked in antiseptics.

Bactericidal patches: types
Bactericidal patches: types

Indications for use

What is a germicidal patch for? It is used in the same cases as a regular adhesive plaster, namely:

  • for scratches, cuts;
  • shallow wounds;
  • insect bites;
  • corns and other small skin lesions.
Plaster bactericidal Veropharm
Plaster bactericidal Veropharm

Beneficial patch benefits

In addition to having antibacterial and antiseptic properties, there are other advantages compared to conventional band-aids:

  1. The material from which the adhesive strip of the bactericidal patch is made has gaps, thereby passing air. Thanks to this, the skin will not be steamed, as happens when using a standard type of product. Thus, the environment favorable for the growth and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria is disturbed, their number is rapidly decreasing, and the process of recovery and wound healing is much faster.
  2. The adhesive base is hypoallergenic, so cases of skin irritating reactions are very rare and rather relate to individual intolerance to the constituent components of the productpatient.
  3. The areas of the material of the bactericidal patch that are glued to the skin are made in such a way that they practically do not leave a feeling of "stickiness" and dirty marks on the contact surface (remember the good old adhesive plaster, after using which you need to wash the skin area for another week from good glue).
  4. The aesthetic merits include flesh or transparent color of the product, which is hardly noticeable on the body.
bactericidal patch: dimensions
bactericidal patch: dimensions

Contraindications for using the product

There are few direct contraindications to the use of this medical device - these are individual sensitivity and dermatitis of various origins.

But if you plan to use a bactericidal patch on a significant area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, its use should be discussed with your doctor first. So, for example, it is necessary to evaluate the feasibility and safety of using the patch for the treatment of children, pregnant and lactating women.


Manufacturers of the bactericidal patch regularly improve this medical device to improve its efficiency and safety.

To date, bactericidal patches can be divided into three large groups. They are classified according to the type of material from which the adhesive base of the product is made. This is:

  1. Elastic patch. Its feature is that it has the ability to stretch, thereby firmly and securely attaching to the surface.
  2. Waterproof patch. Samothe name of the product indicates the possibility of protecting the damaged surface of the skin from moisture from the outside.
  3. It is possible to separate into a separate group products, which add brilliant green (popularly "brilliant green"). A bactericidal patch with brilliant green is produced by brands such as Veropharm, Agaposha and others.
  4. A bactericidal patch is necessary for
    A bactericidal patch is necessary for

Patch sizes

For the convenience of using a bactericidal patch by patients with a variety of skin lesions, manufacturers make the product in various forms: round, large and small; narrow and wide stripes. So, for example, a narrow short strip is suitable for a cut, and for an insect bite, it will be more convenient to use a round patch. Products also differ in size: from the largest for elbow and knee joints to small patches for calluses or insect bites.

In addition, again, for ease of use and for the sake of economy, pharmacies offer a large selection of sets of bactericidal patches. They are completed with the required number of patches of different shapes. That is, by purchasing such a kit, you can usefully replenish the family first aid kit with a medical product intended for first aid from various kinds of injuries. It is also worth noting that such a set will cost much less than buying separate products of different shapes and sizes.

How to choose the right bactericidal patch? Choose the size of the product and its shape depending on the intended purpose. Color and texture are personal preference. When choosing the material and brand of the patch, pay attention to consumer reviews.

How to use

Using a germicidal patch is very simple. To do this, first of all, you need to rinse, clean and dry the wound. Then open the packaging of the medical product. Carefully remove the protective paper strips from the inside of the patch. After that, you need to stick it in such a way that the gauze bandage located in the middle of the product is applied directly to the wound, and the sticky edges can be securely and comfortably fixed. Lightly press down the glued patch over the entire surface.

Change the bandage as needed, but at least every 4 hours (excluding night time).

Bactericidal patch: application
Bactericidal patch: application


Store the bactericidal patch in a closed factory package in a cool, dry place. The standard shelf life of this product is 2 years.

If the package has been opened, the patch will quickly lose its medicinal properties. In addition, the adhesive component of the base will dry. The patch will also become unusable when stored in a humid room, at high temperature.


Depending on many factors, bactericidal plasters have different prices: types of products directly form the price. So, the presence of antiseptic impregnation, the cost of the materials used, the size, country and brand of the manufacturer are taken into account. For example, the domestic bactericidal plaster "Veropharm" costs by the piece within 1-3rubles, "S-Plast with chlorhexidine" - 3-5 rubles apiece, imported products will cost much more, but their quality is much higher.

What is a bactericidal patch for?
What is a bactericidal patch for?

Sets of patches of 20 pieces have an average cost of 60 to 100 rubles.


The average customer often does not even pay attention to what kind of adhesive plaster he buys at the pharmacy. And he does not know the difference between a standard medical device and a bactericidal one. Therefore, you can often find neutral reviews about such a product. Accessibility and usability are evaluated first.

When using the bactericidal patch, consumers note the rapid healing of wounds, the convenience and aesthetics of the product.

The bactericidal patch "Veropharm" has gained confidence. It is Russian-made, therefore it has an acceptable cost for a large sector of consumers. And the quality meets all requirements.

A germicidal patch is essential for home use. It should be in every family first aid kit. The product is especially relevant in the summer, as well as for families with children.
