Conjunctivitis in a child is much more common than in adult patients. Its danger lies not only in the fact that the baby experiences severe discomfort, vision problems begin, but also in the fact that the pathology is very contagious.
Description of pathology

Conjunctivitis in a child is an inflammatory process that affects the mucous membrane of the eye. The disease can be of different types, but the symptoms of each of them are similar. More often, this problem occurs in the summer, when ideal conditions are created for the reproduction of pathogenic microflora.
Conjunctivitis in a child is dangerous, as it can give serious complications - up to partial or complete loss of vision. The inflammatory process can develop due to a decrease in immunity. And it can be affected by any viral or bacterial disease.
Reason for development

Before treating conjunctivitis in a child,it is necessary to find out what factors provoke it. The following reasons can cause pathology:
- Eye diseases: myopia, strabismus, hyperopia.
- Mechanical damage to the organs of vision.
- Overfatigue, hypothermia of the body.
- Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays, dust, smoke, dirt.
- Allergic reaction.
- Weakening of the body's defenses.
- Prolonged use of antibiotics or other strong drugs.
- Frequent damage to the body by viral infections.
- Pathologies accompanied by the development of a purulent process.
Conjunctivitis in a child can occur from the first days of birth. Especially if the mother is diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease. Therefore, sanitation of the eyes with drugs is done in the first hour after the birth of the baby.
Disease classification
Before you treat conjunctivitis in a child, you need to determine its type. It depends on which medicines the patient will be prescribed. According to the etiological factor, the following types of disease are distinguished:
- Viral. The eyes in this case are affected asymmetrically. The same viruses that cause respiratory diseases affect the development of pathology. The discharge from the eyes is slight, light.
- Bacterial. It is characterized by copious discharge mixed with pus.
- Allergic conjunctivitis in children. The cause of this pathology is the reaction of the body to an irritant: dust, pollen, animal hair. If the discharge in this case is scanty, then the swelling of the eyelidsand redness of the conjunctiva are pronounced.
- Chlamydia.
- Reactive. This pathology develops rapidly and is characterized by vivid manifestations.
By the nature of the inflammatory process, the following types of conjunctivitis can be distinguished:
- Catarrhal (discharge does not contain pus).
- Membranous (a thin film forms on the surface of the eye, impairing vision).
- Purulent conjunctivitis in children.
Young children are highly susceptible to an infectious type of pathology, as they still have an imperfect immune system.
Symptoms of pathology

The disease is usually acute with vivid symptoms. Signs of conjunctivitis in children are:
- Redness of the organ of vision.
- Swelling of the eyelids, their gluing.
- Appearance of discharge from the eyes.
- Increased lacrimation, fear of light.
- Deterioration of vision.
- Headache.
- Sensation of a foreign body, cutting and burning, itching in the eyes.
- Loss of appetite, sleep disturbance.
- Swollen lymph nodes.
- Increased body temperature.
The severity of signs of conjunctivitis in children is different. It all depends on the degree of development of the disease, the defenses of the child's body. The pathology is contagious, so it is undesirable for the baby to attend kindergarten or school during the treatment.
The chronic form is characterized by a sluggish course, with it affecting both eyes, the symptoms appear slowly. Presentslight redness of the eyes and swelling of the eyelids. The chronic form is treated for a long time and is quite difficult. Sometimes it is not possible to completely get rid of such a disease.
Diagnosis of pathology
There is nothing difficult in detecting a disease. The doctor fixes the signs of conjunctivitis in children, the baby is examined on a slit lamp. Additionally, the doctor can send the patient for the following tests:
- General and biochemical analysis of blood, urine.
- Allergy testing.
- Sowing microflora.
- Conjunctiva scraping.
The child will need to consult an ophthalmologist, ENT, immunologist, allergist.
Urgently see a doctor if:
- Baby is not yet a year old.
- The patient's he alth deteriorates sharply.
- The function of vision is sharply reduced.
- There was multiple damage to the capillaries in the eyes.
- Follicles appeared on the eyelids filled with pus.
- The body temperature has increased.
It is impossible to ignore purulent conjunctivitis in children, since it will not go away on its own, and the consequences may leave.
General treatment rules

In order to understand how to quickly cure conjunctivitis in a child, you should follow these general rules for the implementation of therapy:
- Washing and instillation of the eyes should be done without shouting, irritation, nervousness. The child should show by his own example that there is nothing bad or dangerous in this procedure.
- Even if one organ of vision is affected, processboth are needed.
- Before performing the procedure, an adult should wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water. A separate gauze disc should be used for each eye. The child should be placed in a comfortable position on the back. First, the eyes are washed, and then instilled. The lower eyelid must be pulled back so as to gain access to the pocket under it. The drug should hit as close to the outer corner as possible.
- After the procedure, the child will either have to blink or keep the eye open. It is forbidden to squint.
- If an ointment is prescribed for the baby, then it is necessary to lay it under the lower eyelid with the index finger.
- During washing, all movements are made from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one.
- After the little patient's condition improves, the number of eye drops can be reduced.
- For the application of drops to infants, a pipette with a rounded edge is required. The procedure is carried out so that the child does not have a pillow under his head. His head at this moment must be held.
- If a child cannot open his eyes, then do not force him to do so. The medicine is instilled directly onto the surface of the eyelids. Some of it will definitely get inside.
- If the drug is stored in the refrigerator, then before use it should be warmed by hand to room temperature.
- Expired medicines should not be used.
- A child who has reached the age of 7 can use drops and ointments on their own. He just needs to be shown how it's done.
It is better not to use cotton swabs ordisks, as their particles remain on the surface of the conjunctiva, which further aggravates the condition of the small patient. It is forbidden to make compresses on the eyes of young children. Thanks to them, you can create a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic microflora.
Traditional treatment of pathology

Since you can quickly cure conjunctivitis in a child with medicines, you need to see a doctor to prescribe drops or ointments depending on the type of disease:
- Viral. Here you will need local drugs, the main active ingredient of which is interferon. Since viral conjunctivitis spreads quickly, you should protect your baby from close contact with other children for several days. It is important to know how much conjunctivitis is treated in children of this type. It will take an average of 5-7 days to recover. In a severe case, it may take at least 2-3 weeks. If follicles are formed as a result, then the baby is hospitalized. Usually, the child is prescribed drugs such as Picloxidine, as well as drugs based on silver nitrate.
- Bacterial. In this case, tetracycline antibiotics in the form of ointments or eye drops are required. The duration of therapy depends on which pathogen provoked the disease. You will have to deal with it from several weeks to 2 months. Severe course is characterized by conjunctivitis caused by gonococcus or meningococcus. Washing the eyes is carried out every 2-3 hours. Erythromycin, tetracycline, ofloxacin are suitable for treatment. drops andointments based on these substances are used for the time prescribed by the doctor. To exclude recurrence, it is necessary to bury the organ of vision for a few more days after the symptoms disappear.
- Allergic conjunctivitis in children can last for years. In this case, periods of exacerbation and remission alternate. To completely get rid of the pathology, it is necessary to eliminate the irritating factor, and this can not always be achieved. For therapy, antiallergic eye drops are used. With a complex course of pathology, antihistamines in tablet form will be required. The kid is assigned "Alomid", "Lekrolin". The duration of therapy is from 2 weeks to a month. Next, you need to take a break. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated.
For eye washing, saline, antiseptics, boric acid are used. Furacilin for conjunctivitis in children is also used for this purpose.
Treatment of such a disease in infants cannot be carried out independently. In the viral form of the pathology, the child is regularly washed with saline until all symptoms go away. In such patients, inflammation of the mucosa may be associated with incomplete opening of the lacrimal canal. Standard drugs in this case will not give the desired effect.
The canal may open on its own by 8 months of age. If conjunctivitis in a one-year-old child is provoked by such a cause, then by this age it will also disappear. But symptoms can be relieved by massaging the inner corner of the eye several times a day.
Therapy with folk remedies

How much conjunctivitis is treated in a child depends on what type of disease develops. To speed up the healing process, along with medicines, you can use folk remedies. The following recipes will be useful:
- Camomile solution. It shouldn't be saturated. Requires 1 tbsp. l. flowers pour a glass of boiling water. After infusion, the liquid is filtered and instilled into the eyes 4-5 times a day. Also, a decoction is used to wash the conjunctiva.
- Bay leaf. Requires 3-4 leaves to grind and pour 200 ml of boiled water. With this infusion it is necessary to wipe the organs of vision up to 6 times a day.
- Cucumber juice. It is used for short-term compresses on the eyes of older children.
- Liquid honey. To prepare the drops, you need to stir 1 tbsp. l. raw materials with 2 tbsp. l. pure water. The liquid is also used for washing the eyes.
- Strong black tea (leaf). It effectively relieves inflammation. Fluid should be slightly warmed to a comfortable temperature before use.
- Dill juice. It is used for short-term compresses. The procedure is repeated up to 5 times a day. Thanks to this remedy, you can quickly get rid of the purulent form of the disease.
If a child has conjunctivitis, what to do is already clear. But do not consider alternative treatment as a panacea. Before using any prescription, a doctor's permission is required. This is especially true for infants.
Possible Complications
Adults are used to thinking thatthe presented pathology does not give serious consequences, but such an opinion is considered erroneous. If the therapy was not carried out in a timely manner or the drugs were prescribed incorrectly, then the child may develop the following complications:
- The transition of an acute process into a chronic form.
- Decrease in visual acuity.
- Sepsis. Infection of the blood occurs with bacterial conjunctivitis, if microorganisms have entered it.
- Meningitis.
- Infection of the middle ear.
Such complications in children are rare and reversible. However, it is better not to bring the condition to worsen.
Additional advice for parents

Prevention of conjunctivitis in children is not difficult. If it is observed, then it is possible not only to prevent the recurrence of the disease, but also its primary development. So, the following recommendations will help parents:
- Observe the personal hygiene of the baby. Do not let your child touch their eyes with dirty hands.
- Avoid contact with people who have the presented pathology.
- Exclude any irritating factors that contribute to the development of the inflammatory process. This applies to dust, chemicals (including household detergents, laundry detergents).
- Do not allow mechanical damage to the organs of vision.
- Timely treat any infectious and viral diseases.
- Follow all the recommendations of doctors regarding the care of a newborn.
- Strengthen immunity withmultivitamin preparations, good nutrition.
Conjunctivitis in childhood is common, but it must be taken seriously. Delay in therapy is fraught with complications. You need to be especially careful with newborn babies.