Scabies: treatment at home

Scabies: treatment at home
Scabies: treatment at home

Many people prefer to treat scabies at home, since the need to confess to a doctor about the disease usually causes a feeling of great embarrassment and shame. The causative agent of a contagious disease is a subcutaneous tick. The main symptom in this case is unbearable skin itching.

Next, consider the methods of treatment and symptoms of scabies in adults, the photo will help to better understand the specifics of the pathology.

Scabies on the skin
Scabies on the skin

General information about scabies

Scabies is a contagious disease affecting children and adults. The ways of its transmission are usually contact-household. Infection can occur through a sick person, and in addition, through his personal belongings. The scabies mite can survive outside the human body for about three hours. This time is quite enough to have time to penetrate the skin layer of a he althy person.

Treatment of scabies at the first sign should be started immediately.

Common symptoms that appear in people who report the presence of a tick under the skin are the following:

  • In case of close examination, scabies are visible under the skin.
  • Presence of severe pruritus that occurs predominantly at night.
  • The appearance of small blisters and rashes on various areas of the skin, for example, on the palms, in the groin, on the abdomen, and so on.

What is the treatment for scabies?

Performing medication

The most effective methods that allow you to get rid of the disease in a short time are medical techniques for treating scabies. Such therapy suggests the use of the following remedies:

  • Treatment with Benzyl Benzoate Suspension. This medicine may be toxic to scabies mites. The suspension is applied to the affected area of the body. The exception is the skin of the head, neck and face. The course of therapy is three days.
  • Use of permethrin ointment. This drug is also very effective for parasites. Applying it to the skin should be a single application.
  • Treatment of scabies with cleansing sulfur (sulfur ointment). This is perhaps the most common tool that allows you to deal with parasites. Such an ointment can quickly rid a person of a subcutaneous tick.

In addition to the treatment of scabies with drugs, alternative therapy is often used.

Treatment of scabies in adults
Treatment of scabies in adults

Features of traditional healers' recipes

To get rid of such an unpleasant phenomenon as scabies mite, folk remedies are very effective. They are usually based on natural substances and ingredients, do not contain any chemicals in theircomposition. At home, people use improvised means to treat scabies, from which ointments can be prepared along with lotions, solutions and medicinal baths.

It is important to note that all medicinal drugs for scabies are subject to external use, it is forbidden to drink them. Herbal remedies for scabies in humans act on the affected skin very effectively and allow you to cure the disease very quickly.

Use of tar soap

Tar soap product can have an antiseptic, and in addition, anti-inflammatory and drying effect on the skin. For the treatment of scabies, soap is taken, a thin plate is cut off from it, which is applied to the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe skin before going to bed. In the morning, the wound will dry out, and the skin itching will disappear. It is recommended to do this procedure every day. The duration of the course directly depends on the extent of skin lesions.

What else does the treatment of scabies in adults involve? A photo of the scabies mite is presented above.

Using homemade mash

Chatterbox is one of the most effective means used in the fight against this problem. It also helps in the fight against rashes of different localization and relieves a person of itchy sensations. Chatterboxes can be bought at a pharmacy or cooked at home yourself. To do this, you will need zinc oxide (4 g), an antibiotic called Erythromycin (4 g) and boric acid along with salicylic alcohol (50 ml each). All these ingredients are mixed properly, after which they are applied to damaged skin.

Scabies: treatment, drugs
Scabies: treatment, drugs

What else is used in the treatment of scabies in adults?

How to use celandine correctly?

With the help of celandine, you can destroy the scabies mite. This plant is often treated with pathology. To do this, you need to make an ointment, which should contain the following ingredients:

  • Celandine juice in the amount of one spoon.
  • Vaseline oil in the amount of two spoons.
  • One scoop of carboxylic acid.

Application: the resulting ointment is lubricated with sore areas on the body up to five times a day. The course of treatment for scabies (photo shown) lasts up to seven days.

Treatment with bread kvass

In case of localization of the inflamed focus on the fingers, hands or palms, folk healers recommend the use of bread kvass. The recipe for the remedy is as follows:

  • S alt is added to kvass in a ratio of one to five.
  • Next, the product is heated in a pan to fifty degrees.
  • Then, dip your hands into the prepared mixture.
  • In this position, the hands should be held for about seven minutes.
  • Repeat the procedure after two hours.

Using buckthorn bark

Buckthorn bark can be bought at absolutely any pharmacy. For the treatment of scabies at home, the following decoction is prepared:

  • Take 100 grams of raw materials.
  • Pour everything with half a liter of hot water.
  • Put the product on the stove on a low fire.
  • The medicine should be on fire for about fifteen minutes.
  • Next remedycool and use to wipe the problem area up to four times a day.
Scabies: symptoms in adults, photos and treatment
Scabies: symptoms in adults, photos and treatment

Application of walnut

Helps to cure this disease tincture of walnut fruits or leaves. The recipe for this remedy is as follows:

  • You need to take a spoonful of chopped walnut kernels, its leaves will also work.
  • Pour the product with 250 milliliters of boiling water.
  • Infuse the remedy for about a quarter of an hour.
  • Treat the itchy area on the skin up to four times a day.

Apple cider vinegar treatment

Natural apple cider vinegar with garlic can be used effectively to treat scabies. The combination of these two components serves as an explosive mixture that allows you to stop unpleasant symptoms and the disease itself as well. The recipe for this tincture is quite simple and is as follows:

  • Chop three garlic cloves.
  • Next, the garlic mixture is poured with vinegar in a volume of 200 milliliters. For these purposes, table or apple cider vinegar is suitable.
  • The resulting product must be put in a cool place and let it brew there for seven days.
  • Treat the affected skin area at least three times a day.
  • The course of treatment is usually seven to fourteen days.
  • Treatment of scabies in humans
    Treatment of scabies in humans

Tobacco therapy

The shag plant, from the leaves of which tobacco is made, is alsoused to get rid of such a parasite as scabies mite. The treatment of scabies with s alt and dried tobacco leaves is very effective in relieving itching, and in addition, it helps with skin rashes. The following tincture is prepared from the named ingredients:

  • We need to prepare three liters of boiling water.
  • Tobacco leaves are poured into boiling water in the amount of 500 grams, as well as 20 grams of s alt.
  • The remedy is then covered with a lid and infused for an hour and a half.
  • The resulting liquid is rubbed into the skin three times a day.

The course of treatment is usually three to four days.

Treatment with Euphorbia herb

The following remedy is made from milkweed, which helps with scabies:

  • Take the leaves and stems of this plant.
  • Juice is squeezed out of the plant's products.
  • It is necessary to treat problem areas on the skin with the resulting juice three times a day.
  • The course of treatment is usually five to seven days.
Scabies (photo) in adults, treatment
Scabies (photo) in adults, treatment

Using garlic and mustard oil

Garlic-mustard mixture can create unfavorable conditions for the life of parasites. To prepare a healing remedy, you need to take only one garlic head, and then chop it. Garlic mass is placed in an enamel pan. Then a glass of mustard oil is added to it. The resulting product must be put on a slow fire and wait until it boils. Infuse the remedy for about thirty minutes, and then filter. handle problematicpatch on the skin four times a day.

Greek balm treatment

This remedy perfectly helps to eliminate painful symptoms and remove subcutaneous mites. This balm usually contains the following ingredients: birch tar along with aromatic wood and pine resin, propolis and bee pollen.

Greek balm is applied to a previously cleaned surface. As part of the treatment, a cotton swab or swab is used, which treats the affected areas twice a day. The procedure is best done in the morning and evening. During the use of the ointment, it is forbidden to wet the body. Public places such as baths and saunas are prohibited. The presented balm helps to gently and effectively cure scabies, it is also used as a prophylactic.

Treating scabies at home can be very effective.

Using lavender and juniper oil

Essential oils can relieve itching and relieve a person from pain. Lavender essential oil has a rather strong aroma, it is often used for medicinal purposes. Such oil can be freely bought at any pharmacy or specialized store. This essential oil has a good analgesic and soothing property, it eliminates inflammation and itching. But its use should only be external. Use three drops up to four times daily.

Juniper oil has excellent properties. This substance boasts anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties andhas an effective healing effect on the skin. The recipe for a healing ointment based on juniper oil is as follows:

  • You need to take two tablespoons of butter and 30 grams of lard.
  • The fat must first be melted and mixed with butter.
  • Then the affected area is treated with ointment, which should be done four times a day. This procedure is carried out until the patient is completely cured.

Birch tar treatment

Birch tar is a healing substance with a specific persistent aroma. Tar is often used as a healing and anti-inflammatory agent for scabies, it can also cure various rashes along with cracks and cuts. In the fight against such a disease as scabies, birch tar occupies one of the leading places among other folk methods. The use of the presented drug is very simple. Tar should be applied to the problem area only once a day. Twenty minutes later, the medicine should be washed off with laundry soap. It is best to do this procedure before going to bed.

We reviewed folk recipes and medications for the treatment of scabies.

What other means are used?

Other methods used for local therapy are the following techniques:

  • Treatment through herbal bath with infusion of medicinal plants. Such a bath has a positive healing effect on the skin, which is affected by scabies mites. Bath infusion is prepared from juniper, birch buds, and verbena is also added. All these componentsmixed together and poured with a liter of boiling water. The resulting solution is poured into a basin with previously prepared warm water. Essential oils can also be used with herbal infusion.
  • Among other things, kerosene and vegetable oil are used to combat scabies. These components are mixed in a ratio of one to one, then the affected areas are lubricated with the resulting product.
  • Baking soda is used in the treatment of signs of scabies (they were shown in the photo.) In this case, an alkaline solution is prepared, which is subsequently rubbed on the inflamed skin.
Scabies: signs, photos, treatment
Scabies: signs, photos, treatment

Treatment with folk methods: pros and cons

The advantages of using folk recipes are the naturalness of the ingredients, effectiveness in the fight against scabies, cheapness and ease of preparation. Cons include the following factors:

  • Occurrence of an allergic reaction.
  • Sometimes treatment may not bring the expected result.
  • Folk therapy should be continued for a long time.

But nevertheless folk remedies for scabies give mostly good results. Getting rid of this disease is not so difficult, it is important to recognize it in time and be patient in order to recover.

The article presented the symptoms of scabies in adults, photos and treatment.
