Eating with an ovarian cyst is one of the ways to quickly restore he alth when this disease occurs. This is a benign neoplasm that appears with hormonal disorders. The main danger is that for a long time it may not manifest itself in any way. Sometimes a cyst becomes the result of inflammation of the female reproductive system. In any case, this neoplasm affects the metabolic processes in the body. Therefore, in addition to the main treatment, it is recommended to eat right and exercise. This article will discuss the principles of nutrition in this disease, how to recognize it, in what situations you can do without treatment.

Nutrition with an ovarian cyst plays an important role, since hormonal disruptions occurring in the body are the result of metabolic disorders. Just the right diet can be a decisive factor in their recovery.
CystThe ovary is a bubble of a spherical or oval shape, its size may vary. If the disease is not detected and treated in time, it can turn into serious complications. This may be a violation of the menstrual cycle, pain in the lower abdomen, problems with conception. The biggest thing to be wary of is a ruptured cyst.
Basically, the neoplasm is treated with medication. Most often hormonal. In some cases, it has to be removed surgically.
Types of cysts
Diagnosis of this neoplasm is possible only as a result of a woman's examination by a gynecologist. There are several varieties of this disease:
- A follicular cyst forms when ovulation does not occur. Usually, young girls experience such problems during puberty.
- A corpus luteum cyst is formed at the site of a non-regressing corpus luteum due to circulatory disorders. At the same time, hemorrhagic fluid accumulates in it.
- A parovarian cyst appears in the area of the mesentery of the fallopian tube and ovarian appendages, outwardly it is a single-chamber formation.
- A dermoid cyst contains various appendages within itself. As a rule, these are cartilage, hair, bone tissue, fat cells.
- An endometrioid cyst occurs when endometrial tissue begins to grow in the ovaries.
We will dwell on the most common types of cysts (follicular and endometrioid) before talking about nutrition for ovarian cysts.

The very first symptom that may indicate the appearance of this neoplasm is a dull pain in the lower abdomen. How an ovarian cyst hurts, every woman can imagine. This aching heaviness is comparable to the sensations during menstruation. There may also be a feeling of fullness and pressure from within. The telltale signs are painful and irregular periods that always come late. Also, the appearance of a cyst may be indicated by bloating or an increase in its size.
Among other symptoms, experts identify:
- frequent urination;
- pain in the lower abdomen during exercise or during sex;
- vomiting, nausea;
- weight gain;
- tension of the anterior abdominal wall;
- increase in body temperature to 39 degrees;
- palpitations
An ovarian cyst occurs in a third of women with regular menstrual cycles. In cases where the neoplasm develops asymptomatically, it can only be established using ultrasound. Therefore, it is so important to regularly visit a gynecologist and do a pelvic ultrasound.
Follicular cyst

Its size, as a rule, does not exceed four to six centimeters. Knowing the symptoms of a follicular ovarian cyst, treatment can be started promptly and in a timely manner. The difficulty lies in the fact that this type of neoplasm most often does not manifest itself in any way. The only thing that the patient can pay attention to is the violation of the menstrual cycle.
Usually sheformed during ovulation, growing up to five to seven centimeters in diameter. As a result of the rupture, severe pain appears on the side of the ovary, on which the cyst itself was located. A quarter of women experience severe discomfort when ovulating.
In most cases, no other symptoms occur, such a cyst resolves on its own without treatment. At the same time, it is important for the doctor to monitor her condition by ultrasound, to prescribe therapy if she does not disappear in time.
Endometrioid cyst
Statistics says that a third of women are faced with the problem of the condition of the inner layer of the uterus. Because of this, an endometrioid ovarian cyst develops. Treatment without surgery of this disease is possible, but before starting it, you need to consult a doctor.
Neoplasm in this case appears with the growth of the endometrial tissue of the uterus, when it begins to capture neighboring organs. When the ovaries are involved in this process, one or more cysts appear on their surface.
In most cases, treatment without surgery for endometrioid ovarian cysts is possible. At the heart of folk remedies are medicinal plants. It is important to use them correctly so as not to aggravate the patient's condition. That is why expert advice is required before phytotherapy.
Folk remedies

There are several ways for women to treat an ovarian cyst without surgery. The doctor will tell you how best to use them.
One of the most effective recipes for this disease is the use of honey andmummy. 1-2 g of mountain resin should be dissolved in water, and then thick honey should be added. You should get an ointment that is applied to cotton-gauze swabs. They are inserted into the vagina all night. You need to apply the remedy for two weeks, every other day.
Recipes based on nettle should be highlighted. Fresh leaves must be carefully chopped with a meat grinder, and the resulting slurry should be applied to tampons that are inserted into the vagina.
Finally, Kalanchoe can relieve inflammation and help reduce the size of the cyst. Juice should be squeezed out of this plant, mixed with honey in equal proportions. Soak a swab in the solution. These are the most common methods of how to treat an ovarian cyst without surgery.
It is important to remember that you can not do without surgical intervention only if the cyst has increased in size up to ten centimeters in diameter. In such a situation, it must be removed.
Principles of nutrition
During the appearance of this neoplasm, you should follow a special diet. It is based on several basic principles:
- Eating with an ovarian cyst should be fractional. That's five or six meals. So you will be able to maintain a high level of metabolism, speed up metabolic processes in the body.
- It is important to drink plenty of clean water, at least one and a half liters a day. At the same time, tea, coffee, carbonated drinks do not belong here, since they contain methylxanthine, which retains water in the cyst. This helps to increase its size.
- The diet should be rich in minerals, vitamins and trace elements that takedirect participation in metabolism at the cellular level.
- It is important to ensure that the diet for ovarian cyst contains enough fiber. It will prevent difficulties in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, which can provoke a neoplasm.
- Spicy, fatty and s alty foods should be reduced, as they interfere with the functioning of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder and adrenal glands. What can cause hormone imbalance.
- The preferred cooking methods would be oven roasting and boiling.

There are general recommendations on what not to eat with an ovarian cyst, so as not to provoke the progress of the disease:
- Reduce as much as possible in your diet the number of drinks with a significant content of dyes, sugar and harmful additives. Replace them with green tea or pure water.
- Completely give up alcohol, as it disrupts the water-lipid balance and negatively affects liver cells.
- Foods with a high glycemic index are banned. In this case, sugar surges may occur, and insulin will begin to be produced in large quantities, which is also considered a certain hormonal failure. You need to give up everything sweet, except for fruits, and bakery products.
- Fast food is excluded from the diet, that is, fast food, as well as convenience foods, crackers, chips, canned food, instant noodles.
- We'll have to give up sausage and anyother smoked products.
When choosing products, carefully read their composition. If they contain additives that act as dyes, preservatives or flavor enhancers, they should be discarded. On the labels, they are denoted by the letter E and the index 102, 123, 127, 284, 285, 512, 574, 999, 1200.
Eating mode

After the operation to remove the cyst, the transition to a normal diet should be gradual. In the first two days, it is recommended to limit yourself to exclusively liquid food. It should be cereals, broths, low-fat dairy products. Then introduce cereals, mashed potatoes, meat and vegetables into the diet, which are cooked with a minimum amount of s alt and spices, preferably steamed. Keep eating fractionally.
What you can eat with an ovarian cyst, at its core, is not much different from the usual he althy diet that doctors recommend to follow regardless of the presence of any disease.
Approximate diet

Here is an example of a menu to follow with a similar diagnosis:
- For breakfast, eat porridge with water or milk, muesli without sugar, scrambled eggs. Of the drinks, it is best to opt for green tea.
- Second breakfast: dried fruits, low-fat cottage cheese, nuts.
- For lunch, there must be complex carbohydrates, that is, pasta from large varieties of wheat or cereals, as well as fiber in the form of vegetables and protein - beans, fish or meat dishes.
- Snack may consist of a vegetable salad seasoned with vegetableoil, some fermented milk product, or a small amount of fruit.
- Dinner is easy. It is important that it contains protein and fiber. It is advisable to eat three to four hours before bedtime. In some cases, you can afford a late dinner - drink a glass of kefir an hour before bedtime.
Dangerous Consequences
The most dangerous complication is the rupture of the neoplasm. Especially thin walls in the follicular cyst and cyst of the corpus luteum. That is why they are most prone to rupture when traumatizing the lower abdomen, physical exertion or during sex.
It should be noted that by certain signs a woman can understand what happened to her, even if she does not know that she has this pathology. Outwardly, the condition may resemble the symptoms of appendicitis. These diseases have a similar clinical picture.
Symptoms of a ruptured cyst
When an ovarian cyst burst, the symptoms that should signal this are as follows:
- Increase in body temperature due to the development of the inflammatory process.
- Cutting pain in the lower abdomen in the area of the ovary, which appears quite suddenly. In some cases, pain can spread to the entire pelvic area.
- Vomiting and nausea occur when the fluid contained in the cyst enters the abdominal cavity. In this situation, poisoning of the whole organism begins.
- Intoxication is often accompanied by increased gas formation. In this case, constipation, bloating is possible.
- General weakness, pale skin, dizziness. When a cyst burstsbleeding occurs. In most cases, insignificant (no more than 50-100 ml), but a feeling of weakness still occurs. Significant blood loss is possible when a dermoid or endometrioid neoplasm ruptures.
- Decrease in blood pressure, rapid pulse (all these are the consequences of blood loss).
- Spotting outside of the menstrual cycle. They appear when blood does not accumulate in the abdominal cavity, but flows out through the vagina.
After a rupture, the patient definitely needs a full-fledged treatment. In any case, a course of antibiotics is required to eliminate the inflammatory process.
If the volume of leaked blood is large, it accumulates in the abdominal cavity, surgery may be required. In addition, ruptures of such a tumor always carry the danger of peritonitis, necrotic processes.
The most common operation for ruptured cysts is laparoscopy. In some cases, it becomes necessary to remove the ovary, which reduces the chances of conception or leads to infertility.