Many living organisms that exist in symbiosis with a person are capable of causing him significant harm. Moreover, the he alth problems that arise because of this are sometimes quite difficult to resolve. A person whose body is affected by a scabies mite also gets into a similar situation. This parasite has a negative effect on the skin, causing severe discomfort and permanent he alth problems.
The first symptoms of scabies begin to appear after the first or second week after the initial infection. It is important not to confuse this ailment with other diseases similar in their characteristics. This will allow you to start treatment on time and avoid possible complications. Therefore, it is necessary to know the symptoms of scabies, and what are the ways in which a person can become infected with this disease.
History of disease study
For the first time the symptoms and first signs of scabies were given in the writings of Aristotle more than 2.5 thousand years ago. The description of this disease can be found in the Old Testament. The ancient Greeks believed that scabies is one of the types of skin diseases, which they united under a single term - "psora". The ancient Romans called this disease scabies. So scabies is called today. However, in those days, people did not know the true cause of this disease. But even in medieval treatises one can find an assumption about its parasitic nature.
Reliable facts that the symptoms of scabies and its further development are caused by a special type of mites appeared only after the first optical microscope was created. For the first time, scrupulous studies of this problem were carried out by the pharmacist Diacinto Chestoni and the physician Giovan Cosimo Bonomo. In 1687, they described a direct relationship that occurs between scabies mites present in the human body, as well as skin symptoms that occur after infection.

A fairly complete description of the pathogenesis and etiology of the disease was given in 1844 by the German dermatologist Ferdinand Gebra. His work was a kind of guide for doctors, which in 1876 was translated by A. G. Potebnev into Russian.
What is a scabies mite?
Many believe that the symptoms of scabies (pictured below) are caused by a certain type of insect.

However, this opinion is erroneous. The scabies mite is an obligate (that is, unable to exist outside the body of its host) tiny parasite. It belongs to the Sarcoptidae family, to the class of arachnids. What are the external signs of this aggressor, it becomes clear only when it is examined, which is carried out under a microscope. After all, the sizes of females of such individuals are within 0.45 mm, and males - 0.2 mm. The body of the scabies mite is oval, tortoiseshell. Its forelimbs are pincer-shaped. Once on the human skin, the parasite begins to tear off particles of the epidermis, using its gnawing-sucking mouthparts. Thus, the scabies mite pierces the skin and begins to drink blood, moving in a certain, but only one direction. The reason for this movement lies in the covering of its back. On it are scaly plates, the edges of which have a pointed shape. Parasites choose areas under the skin as their habitat. Here they make moves and lay their eggs. The scabies mite lives for a relatively short time. The cycle of its existence is only 30 days. Males die after fertilization of females. Female individuals continue to live, laying 2-3 eggs daily in the subcutaneous passages, which after a few days turn into larvae. This form persists for one and a half weeks. After that, the larvae become adults.
Females, which are the carrier of the infection, do not stay in one place for a long time. They are in constant motion. Moving in the thickness of the epidermis, scabies mites cause significant discomfort to patients. This is especially pronounced at night, when the parasites are most active.
Thus, the main place where the parasite lives is the skin layers. Ticks appear on their surface only to mate and continue their migration through the body. That is why the entire life cycleThe parasite is divided into two stages. The first of them is skin. The second is subcutaneous. The first symptoms of scabies may not have visible external causes. But it is they who raise the suspicion of the presence of the disease. And the most basic of these symptoms is severe itching. He disturbs the man at the moment when the female lays her eggs and gnaws out long channels in order to continue to feed. This happens without fail in the evening and at night. During the day, when the parasites are resting, the illusion of the retreat of the disease is created, as the itching subsides.
Routes of infection
Very often people believe that only antisocial elements can get scabies. However, this contagious disease is diagnosed not only in those whose apartment or house is dirty and cluttered. Often, adults and children from quite prosperous families suffer from getting on the skin of scabies mites (itching).
Infection with such parasites almost always occurs if there is prolonged skin-to-skin contact. Sexual transmission is also possible.
The symptoms of scabies in children appear after they are infected by sick parents with whom they sleep in the same bed. In large and crowded groups, other types of skin contacts are possible. These include firm handshakes, children romping, etc.
In some manuals, you can still see outdated information that scabies is transmitted through various household items (bedding, household items, etc.). To date, experts believe that such a route of infection is unlikely. The only exception is one type of disease - Norwegian. In this case, the number of ticks on the patient's body reaches several million. If we consider a typical case, then only 10-20 parasites can be found there.
Ticks can also be transmitted to people through dogs, cats, livestock, ungulates, etc. All these animals can be infected with various variants of a microscopic parasite that is able to choose a human as its host. In this case, the symptoms of scabies are similar to those caused by the itch that prefers to settle on the skin of people.
However, parasites transmitted from animals are not able to complete their life cycle when they get to a person. That is why this scabies belongs to the category of short-lived and its treatment does not require the use of scabicides.
When should I see a dermatologist?
How do the first signs (symptoms) of scabies appear? About the presence of the disease says:
- Itching that bothers a person in the evening and at night.
- A rash that appears in typical places for this disease. At the same time, its appearance is absolutely unimportant. After all, the external manifestation of the rash may depend on many factors.
- Scratching each family member in the evening. These are most likely the first symptoms of scabies. In the morning, everyone needs to go to the doctor in order to start treatment as soon as possible.
Even if you have one of the first symptoms of scabies listed above (you can additionally see a photo of the rash in the article), you must begin to act to eliminateuncomfortable state. In this case, small whitish stripes that appear on the skin will be another confirmation of the diagnosis of an infectious disease. These are scabies, the length of which does not exceed 1 cm. Such channels are most often found on the buttocks and abdomen, on the palms and in the armpit, in the folds of the elbow and on the feet.
Types of disease
The symptoms of scabies (the photo can be seen in the article) are not always obvious and indisputable.

Such a disease sometimes takes various forms, about which it is important to have at least an approximate idea. Such knowledge will help to recognize the presence of the parasite even before visiting the doctor. But, as a rule, among the first signs (symptoms) of scabies in adults and children, itching can be distinguished. When it appears, without even having an idea of how a skin rash should look like, you need to put aside household chores and contact a dermatologist as soon as possible.
The intensity with which the disease proceeds does not necessarily depend on the number of individuals that have penetrated the human skin. An important factor is the reaction of the patient's body to the parasite itself, its eggs and saliva, as well as waste products. Such factors lead to the emergence of various types of ailment, which are worth considering in more detail.
Typical scabies
This form of the disease occurs when a person becomes infected with sexually mature individuals. Such parasites immediately begin active activity, settling on the skin and starting to multiply in it. What in suchcase has scabies symptoms? A photo of this form of the disease can be found below.

From the signs of typical scabies, they distinguish:
- Quick appearance of scratching. These places are covered with crusts formed from dried blood.
- Rashes. Most often they appear in the form of bubbles in those places where the parasite is most active (on the legs and arms). In this case, there are no foci of inflammation. The blisters on the skin are very small. Their diameter is 1-3 mm. This is one of the first signs (symptoms) of scabies in adults and children.
- Appearance of nodules around rashes. This is a clear confirmation that the larvae have already managed to infiltrate the area of \u200b\u200bthe hair follicles.
- Pustules and blisters. They are located on the skin in the form of clusters.
The first signs (symptoms) of scabies, the photo of which is presented in the article, of a typical type are expressed in skin itching, the presence of ticks, and also in paired rashes. The manifestation of the disease is aggravated after taking a hot bath, as well as in the evening. It is at this time that the female parasite actively gnaws on new channels for laying eggs.

The symptoms of scabies in adults and children include restless sleep. After all, at night the body is warm, which provokes the female to activity.
In the form of rashes, the first symptoms of scabies in adults (see photo below) can be observed between the fingers and on the chest, on the wrists and near the navel.

Thisdue to the fact that parasites prefer to infect those areas where the skin is thinner. The tick in this case does not tend to make moves on the face and between the shoulder blades.
It is not uncommon for people with scabies to suffer from an allergic reaction. It manifests itself in the form of hives and is caused by the waste products of the parasite.
Having found signs (symptoms) of scabies, treatment should be started immediately. Otherwise, the disease can take on more complex forms, in the form of other skin diseases.
Scabies without moves
This form of the disease shows its symptoms for a short time. Then it goes into a typical look.
A similar ailment occurs in a person if he has become infected with tick larvae. What are the first signs, symptoms of scabies in adults (a photo of the manifestations of the disease can be seen in the article)? They are rather weak. Bubbles appear on the body, but they are small and their number is small. This state lasts until adults appear on the skin. After the larvae turn into sexually mature ticks, and it will take them two weeks, the disease immediately changes its manifestations.
Signs (symptoms) of scabies of this type are expressed, in addition to rashes, and in skin itching, which bothers a person at night. Instead of passages, vesicles and papules are found on his body.
If there is contact with infected people, then this form of scabies appears most often. That is why if cases of a disease are detected in a team or in a family,then you should not wait for the symptoms to worsen. Every person needs to be treated immediately.
Scabies "incognito"
This form of the disease is very difficult to diagnose. If you look at the photo of the first symptoms of scabies, its treatment can be started late, because this type of disease has no special signs.
This ailment is also called “clean scabies”. After all, people who wash too often are prone to infection with a tick. Why is this happening? The fact is that the soap they use breaks the natural barrier of the skin. This makes it vulnerable to parasites. In addition to frequently washing people, a person who, after taking a course of antibiotics, has significantly decreased immunity has a tendency to this type of scabies. Suffer from the disease "incognito" and those who are subjected to frequent stress.
The first symptoms of scabies in adults who often use soap are subtle. After all, individuals that have fallen on the skin are washed off with water and removed with a washcloth. Nevertheless, the patient is worried about severe itching. He also feels a burning sensation of the skin, which is very irritated and has the same appearance as with pyoderma or urticaria. In this case, only a dermatologist can diagnose an infectious disease, due to its weak symptoms.
Norwegian scabies
This type of parasitic disease is the most severe form that humans can have. Such scabies is also called "crusty" or "crustal". Most often, such an ailment develops in those people who, for whatever reason, haveweak sensitivity or its complete absence. Such violations lead to the fact that a person does not feel itching and does not turn to a specialist in time, which allows the disease to develop very intensively. In addition, Norwegian scabies is considered the most contagious.
What are the reasons for a person's lack of sensitivity? They are very different. Among them:
- use of hormonal drugs;
- paresis of limbs;
- diabetes mellitus;
- tuberculosis;
- scleroderma;
- leukemia.
This type of scabies is manifested by the following symptoms:
- severe itching;
- dermatitis spreading throughout the body;
- dry rash characterized by whitish scales.
This type of disease is quite difficult. In this case, on the body of the patient, in the crusts formed on the skin, as well as in the channels, one can find a large number of parasites that are at different stages of the life cycle. The diagnosis in such cases is carried out very late, when the disease reaches its highest stage. After all, patients who are carriers of a tick do not even assume that they have an infection. They do not itch, and, therefore, at first there are no symptoms of scabies, and treatment is not performed. This leads to the formation of many massive crusts on the body, in the thickness of which parasites literally teem. Especially clearly such a lesion is seen on the feet and hands. The growths that appear on them are very painful, which limits the movement of the limbs. Nails are damaged in Norwegian scabies, as well as the skin on the head and hair. It is worth noting that such symptoms are absent in a typical form of the disease.
Nodular scabies
This form of the disease is a reaction of the body to the waste products of the tick, which is accompanied by rashes in the form of cyanotic nodules covered with a reddish-brown crust. The appearance of these neoplasms occurs according to a certain pattern. First, the lymphoid tissue thickens, and then nodules appear from its structure, the size of which can reach 1 cm. Similar rashes appear in those places where the passages of the parasite are located. Nodules cause anxiety in the patient, as they itch quite strongly. Itching takes place for a long time. It is observed even after successful therapy. At the same time, places on the body that are especially prone to such a reaction, which are the stomach, buttocks and genitals in men, continue to itch for another 1 to 6 months.
Diagnose a similar type of scabies with the help of Cesari's sign. With its use, the tick is determined by palpation of nodules that rise above the skin.
Pseudo scabies
This type of disease occurs when a person is infected with ticks that parasitize birds or animals. In this case, the carriers of the disease can be sheep and horses, goats and dogs, pigeons and rats, cats, chickens, as well as other representatives of the animal world.
The incubation period of pseudosarcoptic mange (also called pseudoscabies) is only one hour. Indeed, in this case, ticks do not trypenetrate deep into the skin. They bite a person, which causes severe itching. After that, rashes appear on his skin. They have the appearance of bloody spots and blisters and are somewhat larger in size than with ordinary scabies. Such rashes appear on those parts of the body that have been in direct contact with an infected animal.
Skin scrapings made with pseudo-scabies do not have eggs and mite larvae. Indeed, in this case, the parasite reproduces only on animals.
Sometimes if this type of disease appears (see photo of symptoms), and treatment of scabies as such may not be required. It is enough to stop contact with an infected animal and wash the body more often.
In order to prevent infection with pseudo-scabies in the presence of pets, disinfection of clothing and bedding should be carried out. You will also need to regularly treat your pets for this disease.
Children's scabies
It is worth noting that the symptoms of the disease that cause ticks in babies are very pronounced. When children are infected with the scabies parasite, literally the entire skin is affected, and not just those areas that are characteristic of the adult form of the disease.

Outwardly, the disease manifests itself in the form of a rash similar to hives. Its first symptoms become noticeable as early as 3-8 days after infection. The initial symptom of childhood scabies is itching that spreads throughout the body. After, first on the arms and abdomen, rashes appear that look like papular formations.
Infectionscabies mites are very difficult for children to tolerate. They start scratching the rash. As a result, purulent crusts appear in its place, which indicate an infection.
Babies suffering from scabies are restless and capricious. But parents should do everything to prevent the child from scratching the skin. For example, you can put cotton gloves on your baby, and also cut his nails short.
This disease can also occur in infants. In this case, the rash spreads not only in the arms and abdomen, but also goes to the face and head.
Very vulnerable to scabies and the elderly. They may not have tick passages and rashes, but they will develop an itchy crust on their bodies.
Complicated scabies
It occurs only when the symptoms of scabies were identified very late, and the treatment of the disease was not started in a timely manner. In this case, the disease has time to go into a complicated form. In this case, it becomes even more difficult to recognize the disease. After all, its signs are accompanied by symptoms of complications. This is dermatitis or pyoderma, and sometimes eczema or urticaria.
Complication of scabies occurs as a result of attachment of microbial flora to the damaged skin. Most often, this is observed in a typical form of the disease, accompanied by severe itching. Often complications are observed in children who comb the rash. Pathogenic microflora gets into the resulting wounds.
With this form of the disease, the treatment of boils - pustular formations - is carried out in parallel. In the absence of therapy, there isthe danger of an even wider infection.
The doctor can establish the presence of the disease on the basis of the symptoms of the disease, epidemiological data, as well as the results of laboratory tests. The last point is especially relevant in cases where the overall clinical picture of the pathology is somewhat blurred. Laboratory confirmation of the diagnosis of scabies is made using the following methods:
- Removing the tick from the passage with a needle, followed by examination of the pathogen under a microscope. However, the use of this method becomes ineffective when old destroyed papules are examined.
- Carrying out thin sections of those parts of the epidermis layer that are in the area of the scabies. This method allows you to determine the presence of not only the tick itself, but also its eggs.
- The implementation of layer-by-layer scraping, which is performed from the area of the scabies (its blind end). Manipulations are performed until the moment when blood appears. The resulting material is subjected to microscopy.
- Alkaline preparation of the skin with an alkaline solution applied to them. This method involves both subsequent aspiration of macerated skin and microscopy.
A doctor to whom a patient complains of itching should always rule out scabies. This is especially true in cases where all members of a family or an organized team experience an uncomfortable state.
Reliable confirmation of the diagnosis is the detection of scabies. However, in any case, this channel must beopened with a scalpel covered with an oily substance. In this case, the blade must be directed along the scabies channel. The scraping obtained in this way is placed under glass and examined under a microscope.
The most reliable results are obtained with scrapings of not yet combed moves that are in the gaps between the fingers. But it is easiest to detect scabies channels when staining the skin with iodine. In this case, the moves will appear in the form of brown stripes against a light brown background, in which he althy skin will be painted. Doctors abroad use ink for this purpose.
In almost all cases, burrows are detected when the affected areas are magnified 600 times using a video dermatoscope.
Treatment of scabies
It is worth remembering that the disease itself cannot go away. It will disturb a person for a long period, periodically escalating. That is why, when symptoms of scabies are detected, treatment in adults and children should be started immediately. This will also prevent the development of its severe form.
What can be done to restore a person's he alth? To do this, it is enough to take all necessary measures to destroy the tick and its eggs. This can be easily achieved using local resources. However, you should never self-medicate. If symptoms of scabies occur, you should contact a dermatologist who will prescribe adequate therapy.
The following drugs are used to treat this infectious disease:
- "Spreagel". With this spraytreat the affected areas of the skin for three days. If necessary, the therapy is repeated after 10 days.
- "Benzyl benzoate". This drug in the form of an ointment or a water-soap suspension is treated with the skin for 2-5 days.
- Sulfur ointment. This remedy is rubbed on the affected areas of the skin before going to bed for 5-7 days.
- "Lindane". This drug is a lotion. Apply it once, lubricating the skin and leaving it on for 6 hours.
- "Permethrin". Soak a cotton swab with this product, lubricating the affected areas for 3 days.
- "Crotamiton". This drug is a cream that is used for two days, lubricating the affected surfaces twice a day.
- "Ivermectin". This ointment is treated with skin areas only once. If necessary, the treatment is repeated after two weeks.
How to achieve the most effective result in the treatment of scabies? To do this, you will need to follow certain rules:
- when the diagnosis is established, all members of the family or children's team should undergo a course of therapy;
- while undergoing treatment, patients should not bathe or change bed linen;
- it will be necessary to disinfect clothes and other items with which the infected person has been in direct contact;
- should apply scabies not only to the area of the affected areas, but also to the whole body.
All scabies ointments are rubbedinto the skin with great care. When applying them, avoid areas in the hair area on the head, as well as on the face. Particular attention is paid to the hands and the space between the fingers, since the localization of parasites occurs, as a rule, in these places.
For children, in order for scabies not to develop into a purulent infection, the scalp and face are treated. It is important that the product used does not get into the baby's eyes or mouth.
Prognosis for treatment of scabies is generally good. In the event that the symptoms of the disease are detected in a timely manner and the therapy is organized correctly, all one hundred percent of patients are cured.