The main function of the gallbladder is to secrete bile. But when bile is produced in small quantities, or is not excreted by the digestive system, then it is necessary to use choleretic herbs in the fight against this disease. For the gallbladder and liver, all medicines, including home remedies, should be prescribed by an experienced doctor. This is due to the fact that different herbal preparations are used for each disease. In this article, you can find out what herbs are used for the gallbladder and liver.
Herb groups
A large number of medicinal plants have a choleretic effect. There is no exact list of herbs for the gallbladder and liver, but for convenience they are usually grouped according to the principle of their effect on the human body.

Increased tone
Under the influence of herbal preparations, the muscles of the liver and gallbladder begin to contract, and bile moves into the intestines. Such herbs for the gallbladder and liver are not suitable for those patients who have stones, as there is a risk of blockage.
Herbal preparations contribute to the accumulation of water in the human body, have the ability to dilute bile. Also, help her exit naturally.
To improve the composition of bile
This collection of herbs for the gallbladder and liver at the same time is able to improve the composition of bile, as well as ensure timely outflow and production. Such collections, as a rule, contain flavonoids, useful acids, vitamins, tannins. As a result of the use of herbs for the treatment of the gallbladder and liver, these organs begin to fully work.
Anspasmodic properties
Herbal decoctions have an analgesic effect, the muscles of the body begin to relax, and the volume of bile that is excreted through the intestines increases.

For each group of herbs for the treatment of the gallbladder and liver, there are choleretic preparations of plant origin that help the body produce bile. Some of these drugs have certain contraindications for use, which is why it is necessary to undergo an examination in a medical institution before use. Thanks to this, the doctor will make a more accurate diagnosis, as well as decide on other methods.treatment and selection of herbs for the liver and gallbladder.
choleretic herbs
Many herbs that are used as folk cholagogues are well known to everyone. Such herbs for cleansing the liver and gallbladder grow in the regions of our country. Below is a list of choleretic herbs:
- Sandy immortelle.
- Mountain Arnica.
- Inelecampane high.
- Potentilla goose.
- calamus root.
- Corn silk.
- Stinging nettle.
- Milk thistle.
- Common dandelion.
- Large celandine.
- Tansy ordinary.
- wormwood.
- Large celandine.
- Yarrow.
- Peppermint.
Both the leaves and the fruits of some shrubs and trees, such as wild rose, barberry, birch, can have a therapeutic effect. The availability of these herbs for cleansing the gallbladder and liver allows you to purchase them at any pharmacy, and decoctions and infusions are prepared at home. At the same time, each plant has its own collection period, if you decide to harvest the raw materials yourself. Basically, all herbs are collected from June to August. Plants are dried on some flat surface in a shaded place where direct sunlight does not fall.
cholagogue fees
Medicinal herbs for the gallbladder and liver can be used both individually and together for the preparation of medicinal formulations. The recipes for such compositions are selected as a result of many yearsresearch. We have examined which herbs for the liver and gallbladder are most often used. But what components include choleretic fees?

Collection 1
To prepare this choleretic collection, you need to take 4 parts of immortelle, 2 parts of peppermint, 2 parts of coriander seeds, 2 parts of a three-leaf watch. Ready herbal collection is used to treat cholangitis, cholecystitis and hepatitis.
Collection 2
To prepare this herbal tea, you should take 4 parts immortelle, 2 parts dandelion, 2 parts yarrow, 2 parts peppermint. The finished drug is used to stimulate the outflow of bile, which is formed after gallbladder surgery.
Collection 3
For the composition of this drug, you will need 3 parts of yarrow, 3 parts of peppermint, 3 parts of calendula, 1 part of common tansy. This collection of useful herbs for the liver is prescribed for cholecystitis, chronic cholangitis, and biliary dyskinesia.
All of the above herbal preparations are used 2-3 times a day for half a glass 20 minutes before meals. The advantages of pharmacy products are that they are of low cost, packaged in bags, and also have instructions that contain a detailed description of the composition, as well as contraindications for use. At home, all medicinal herbs can be measured by eye. To prepare such decoctions, it is necessary to pour two tablespoons of herbal collection with 500 ml of boiling water, afterwhich the remedy should be infused for an hour.

Herbs for stagnant bile: use and contraindications
If the patient has a poor outflow of bile, then it has the ability to enter the ducts, and the person feels severe pain near the ribs in the right side, as well as a bitter taste in the mouth. If at the same time you do not consult a doctor in time and do not start treatment, then stones will begin to form in the gallbladder. Fortunately, there are choleretic herbs that are great for helping with bile stasis. These include:
- Common dandelion. This plant has a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect. For the purpose of therapy, a decoction of common dandelion roots is used. Note, however, that this remedy is contraindicated in colitis, large gallstones, hemorrhoids and gastritis.
- Corn stigmas. This drug helps to prevent stagnation of bile at the very initial stage of the development of the disease. As for contraindications, corn silk should not be taken with varicose veins, the presence of stones, during pregnancy, and also with thrombosis.
- Birch leaves. The leaves of this plant contribute to the mild removal of the inflammatory process, spasms, as well as relaxation of the bile duct. Careful use of birch leaves is necessary during pregnancy.

Herbs for stones: use and contraindications
If stones orstones, it is necessary to select therapy more carefully. In no case should you use diuretic compounds that provoke the movement of these neoplasms along the biliary tract. Only a doctor can tell the patient which herbal preparations of choleretic plants are suitable for existing stones. The following are considered the most effective:
- Ayr marsh. This plant is used in combination with St. John's wort and immortelle. It is contraindicated to use marsh calamus for women during pregnancy, as well as for patients who suffer from nosebleeds.
- Wormwood. A decoction based on this plant is often prescribed to patients who have been found to have gallstones. In addition, alcohol tincture can be used for therapy. Wormwood is more effective in combination with horsetail. It is forbidden to use these plants in patients who are diagnosed with a stomach ulcer, thrombophlebitis, and are also overweight.
- Peppermint. This plant helps to reduce the size of stones or dissolve them altogether. Peppermint can be added to the collection with chamomile and lemon balm. Mint is contraindicated in patients with hypertension, allergies to this plant, as well as women during lactation.
Herbs after gallbladder removal: use and contraindications
Surgery to remove the gallbladder, called cholecystectomy, is performed if the organ is not amenable to drug therapy. After such a procedure, the patient must adhere to a diet. To prevent stagnation of bile in the ducts, the following choleretic herbs should be used:
- Corn silk.
- Bird mountaineer or knotweed. This herb prevents the re-formation of stones, and also acts on the body as a strong antiseptic. Do not use during pregnancy, with diseases of the kidneys and bladder, as well as with thrombophlebitis.
- Milk thistle. This plant improves liver function. Diseases in which milk thistle should not be used: renal colic, hepatic colic, pancreatitis, diarrhea, individual intolerance.

With cholecystitis
As for choleretic herbs for cholecystitis, in this case, you can use the same plants that were used for stagnation of bile in the gallbladder, as well as pharmacy fees No. 1 and No. 3 described above. In addition, other choleretic medicinal herbs will also be very effective in the fight against cholecystitis. These include calendula, immortelle, wormwood, sage, oats and chamomile. The main condition when choosing medicinal plants is that they must have an antiseptic and antispasmodic effect.
With biliary dyskinesia
With this disease, the motor function of the ducts and the gallbladder itself is disturbed. Specialists in such situations prescribe choleretic herbs, which include:
- Fuck. An alcohol tincture made from fresh horseradish leaves is used.
- Angelicadrug. A quick result can be achieved if angelica is combined with sage leaves, mint, and cumin fruits.
- choleretic tea. To prepare this medicine, you need to take 2 parts of mint, 2 parts of buckthorn bark, 1 part of lemon balm, 2 parts of immortelle flowers, 5 parts of rose hips. Ready-made tea is taken along with one teaspoon of natural honey.
When the gallbladder is bent
As for the inflection of the gallbladder, it occurs due to the inflammatory process. Bile in this case is no longer able to depart, as before. Therefore, it is necessary to use medicinal herbs for the treatment of the stomach: gentian, chamomile, fennel, phytogepatol No. 3.

For kids
For diseases that are associated with the excretion of bile in children, other strategies are used. The fact is that the children's body reacts too sharply to the wrong treatment, so the drugs must be selected together with the pediatrician. The main contraindication for admission is the age of less than 12 years. The dosage should be selected 2 times less than an adult. Most often, experts select the following as choleretic herbs for children: dandelion, knotweed, chamomile, juniper berries.
In conclusion, once again it is worth noting that problems related to the liver and gallbladder should be resolved only after consultation with a specialist. For a more successful treatment of a particular disease, medicinal choleretic herbs are used in combination withtaking medication.