Lichen is a common name for several types of skin diseases that differ in symptoms, causes and principles of treatment. The disease usually proceeds for a long time, requires constant attention and monitoring by a dermatologist, since the risk of relapse is high. In the absence of timely treatment, the patient may remain physical defects and even psychological trauma. The article will give characteristics of lichen types, photos with names, description of treatment approaches.

Lichen is considered a serious dermatological disease, which is caused by the action of harmful fungi and viruses. It is freely transmitted from person to person through direct contact. More likely to get infected in those whose body is weakened by a poor diet, adverse environmental conditions, stress, taking complex drugs and other factors.
Lichen manifests itself on localareas of the skin in the form of age spots, vesicles, peeling, itching and pain at the site of the lesion. The disease causes the patient constant discomfort and even unbearable sensations. All types of lichen known today in humans, with the right approach, are cured to the end and with minimal damage to the body. However, there are also chronic forms, such as psoriasis, which require a person to constantly take medication, control nutrition, and lifestyle. Types of lichen in children are caused by the same reasons as in adults. But immediate action is required, as the child has a faster rate of spread.
Common signs
Timely treatment depends on the stage of development of the disease, so it is so important to identify the symptoms in time and make the correct diagnosis. Both a small area of the skin and the whole body are affected. Moreover, infection can appear anywhere: on the head, in the groin, on the tongue, heels, fingers, etc.
Each type of lichen and their treatment proceed differently, but the following common symptoms can be distinguished:
- Pigmentation disorder, the skin area darkens, turns red and pink.
- In the affected area, bubbles appear, peeling of the skin, suppuration.
- Mild to severe itching.
The main sign of a dermatological problem is the formation of a skin area with an unhe althy structure. This may be a reddish spot, a group of blisters, a purulent neoplasm, or a change in the skin. The symptoms depend on what kind of lichen. There is a fungal and infectious nature of the disease. In the latter case, there is a general deteriorationwell-being: possible fever or chills. If you notice any of these signs, you should definitely contact your doctor for a diagnosis. In the article you will find a description of the types of lichen and photos. Treatment will depend on the manifestation of the disease.

Reasons for appearance
Three types of microscopic fungus are considered pathogens in humans:
- zooanthropophilic - can live on the skin of both animals and humans;
- anthropophilic - found only in humans;
- geophilic - live in the ground.
In addition, some infections cause lichen. For example, herpes can be in the body for many years and manifest itself with a decrease in immunity.
Treatment depends on the correct definition of the type of lichen in a person. It is impossible to know the type of fungus by eye. For an accurate diagnosis, a dermatologist must take a scraper from the site of infection. With the help of professional laboratory equipment, the type of source and the stages of its development are clarified. Only after that the doctor prescribes treatment.

Lichen varieties
Some types of the disease are generally asymptomatic and do not require special treatment, the immune system itself copes with the pathogen. But most fungi and viruses don't just disappear, and a step-by-step approach is needed.
Types of lichen:
- Ringworm - it is characterized by damage to the scalp, neck, face and shoulders; appears as pinkish spotscorrect shape, peeling and itching.
- Pink - spreads over large areas of skin: back, shoulders, chest, abdomen; the spots are round or oval in shape, itchy and flaky, several lesions can merge into one large one.
- Multi-colored - manifested by spots of various shapes and sizes, on tanned skin the areas brighten, in the cold season they darken, in some cases acquire a greenish tint.
- Shingles - usually the first lesions appear on one side, the spots are very itchy and sore; after a few days, bubbles appear with a clear liquid that burst and crust; shingles is very severe in the eyes, if left untreated, a person may even lose sight.
- Red flat - human skin is covered with reddish or purple nodules, the disease is accompanied by prolonged itching; if the nails are affected, the plates quickly crumble.
A complete list of types of lichen in humans with photos and names can be found in the medical encyclopedia. The most important rule in treatment is an accurate diagnosis. The fact is that each type of fungus requires different drugs and a set of preventive measures. You should not let things take their course and self-medicate, you need to contact a dermatologist as soon as possible and get accurate recommendations.
Description and photo of herpes zoster
One of the most unpleasant and difficult to treat forms. The appearance of spots is accompanied by severe, incessant itching. Shingles is caused by a herpes virus infection, for whichcharacterized by multiple rashes on open areas of the body with the appearance of edema. Herpes can cause two types of disease: chickenpox and shingles. The virus does not tolerate extreme heat, loses its properties at temperatures above 38 ˚С, but when frozen, it can remain alive for a long time.

Scientists have an opinion that the infection enters human cells in childhood and falls into "hibernation" there, in adulthood, under favorable conditions, the virus wakes up and begins to actively spread throughout the body. It manifests itself most often in the elderly, with a weakened immune system after illness or through direct contact with an infected patient.
Shingles symptoms in humans and treatment:
- At the initial stage, general malaise, a person feels weak, tired.
- The body temperature rises, chills appear.
- In problem areas, the skin swells, bubbles are formed the size of a pinhead with a clear liquid that becomes cloudy after 3-4 days.
- About a week later, the bubbles burst, a yellow crust appears, after its convergence, age spots remain.
- The sooner treatment begins, the sooner recovery will occur; even at the stage of the appearance of spots on the body, you need to urgently consult a doctor.
The course of the disease is accompanied by severe itching and pain. In severe form, the bubbles degenerate into abscesses. But after recovery, the body develops a strong immunity to herpes.
Pityriasis versicolor
This shape is caused by a fungus. The disease usually develops in spring and summer, during the active solar period. The form is characterized by the appearance of yellow flaky spots. This species occurs even at a young age, in children from 7 years old.
The disease can develop for the following reasons:
- profuse sweating;
- diseases of the endocrine system;
- compromised immunity;
- pregnancy;
- genetic predisposition;
- diabetes.
Doctors did not agree on how infection with shingles occurs. There is a theory that the fungus is transmitted by contact or is constantly located in the cells of the epidermis. This species is characterized by the appearance of "burnt", discolored spots on the skin. This is because the fungus penetrates the skin and disrupts the cells that produce melanin.

Most often, rashes occur on the back, chest, shoulders and forearms, possible in the groin and on the head. At first, these are separate foci, but without appropriate treatment, they can merge into large areas. The dermatologist first determines the source of the infection. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the patient is prescribed external fungicidal or keratolic agents.
Lichen planus
Scientists still do not agree on what causes this form. Some believe that this is a genetic predisposition, others - an allergic reaction. Also, a factor contributing to the development of the disease is called disorders of the nervous But most dermatologists are inclined to think that the main cause is infection. This statement is supported by the positive results of treatment with antiviral drugs.
Lichen planus symptoms:
- A rash of small, polygonal papules appears on the skin, rash sites: chest, abdomen, groin, armpits, shins and wrists; lesions can also occur on the mucous parts: tongue, inner surface of the cheeks, lips, vagina, glans penis.
- The rash is always accompanied by intense itching and pain.
- Thickened stripes appear on the nails, and the plate itself gradually fades and breaks.
You can distinguish lichen planus by the characteristic grid on the papules, which is clearly visible when soaked in water. There are many forms of the course of the disease, differing in the color of the rash, the time of passage and other factors.
For diagnosis, a visual examination by a dermatologist is usually sufficient, to be sure of the diagnosis, the doctor can take a sample of fluid from the vesicles. For treatment, external agents are used: creams, gels and sprays. Special antibacterial baths help well. In addition, a number of drugs are prescribed to prevent an allergic reaction and reduce nervous tension. Physiotherapy and restorative procedures are also actively prescribed.
Pityriasis rosea
This form is caused by an infectious-allergic nature, because everyone has a different course. The form of transmission is contact, and whether a person gets sick or not depends on the state of his immunity. ATthe cold season, when the body is constantly exposed to various viruses, the risk of lichen is especially high.
The disease is manifested by multiple rash of pink oval spots. Usually rashes occur on the chest, then go to the axillary region and the entire body. After a few days, the neoplasms begin to peel off and itch badly. After treatment, age spots remain in this place.
Most often, pink lichen, or Zhiber's disease, occurs in adults. Treatment involves the use of external agents to reduce inflammation, and more thorough and accurate hygiene procedures are recommended.

Scaly lichen
Psoriasis can occur in all people, regardless of age and living conditions. The scaly form of lichen responds well to treatment, but if not taken care of, the consequences can be very serious. Almost always, the form becomes chronic and sluggish and can haunt a person all his life. Many doctors tend to believe that psoriasis is inherited, but there are other options for development:
- Damage to the skin through burns or mechanical impact.
- The appearance of a streptococcal infection in the body.
- Chronic diseases like bronchitis.
- The consequences of taking hormones or other powerful drugs.
- Changes in the body caused by pregnancy, menopause or puberty.
- Administration of chemotherapy.
Disease pronemen, women and children with the same frequency. Cases have been recorded when psoriasis developed in absolutely he althy people without the participation of the above factors. In this case, the nature of occurrence is unknown. One of the severe forms of psoriasis psoriasis is generalized pustular psoriasis, which is accompanied by a significant increase in body temperature and general intoxication of the body.
Symptoms similar to other species: redness of the skin, the appearance of ulcers with fluid, peeling and severe itching. Treatment involves the constant elimination of external factors that complicate a person's life. Also, the patient is prescribed certain medications, it is recommended to maintain a he althy lifestyle, maintain personal hygiene, so as not to provoke further development of the disease.

Among all the varieties, ringworm in humans and its treatment are especially dangerous today. A photo of infected people demonstrates a distinctive feature of this form - the appearance of bald spots on the scalp and body. The disease is very contagious, it can develop in everyone, regardless of age and gender. In children, it most often occurs among boys.
Ringworm appears on the head, skin, nails and is seasonal. There are forms of disease in animals and humans. The fungus can only be transmitted from animal to animal or person to person.
Development stages
Each type of lichen in the photo has its own specific flow pattern. Also, the degree of manifestation depends on individual characteristics.the patient's body and the course of treatment. But doctors identify common features that are characteristic of all types:
- Contact with the skin or hair of the pathogen.
- The start of the pathological process, the time depends on the type of fungus and the human body, some forms appear immediately, others go into hibernation for several months or years.
- Skin develops spots, blisters, or other signs of infection.
- Spots spread throughout the body or in large areas, several foci connect, accompanying symptoms appear: itching, peeling, fluid.
- Hair loss or thinning.
- Period of drug-induced decline or relapse without treatment.
Omission of the first symptoms contributes to an even greater weakening of the immune system, so the appearance of foci of other skin diseases is possible. Do not put off going to the doctor for later, timely measures contribute to a quick recovery.
Treatment of lichen species in humans (photo)
Prescribing drugs is possible only after a complete diagnosis. All forms require a different approach and different medications, some are generally treated with a special diet and meticulous hygiene.

Treatment is usually complex. First of all, visible foci of inflammation are eliminated with the help of external agents, if necessary, the patient is prescribed anti-allergic drugs, as well as drugs for general strengthening of immunity. In chronic forms such as psoriasis, a personmust strictly monitor the state of his body. So, too fatty, spicy foods are removed from the diet, bad habits are excluded: alcohol and smoking.
The main rule in the treatment of any kind of lichen is not to let the course of the disease take its course. Running forms can quickly become chronic.