The phrase "geographical language" will seem strange and incomprehensible to some, while others will laugh. Indeed, the pictures in the brain appear very entertaining. But in fact, such a name has nothing to do with the subject of geography, nor with linguistics, nor with food … So what does this mean - "geographical language"?
What is it about
Geographical language is nothing more than the name of a certain disease, or rather, it will even be said - pathology, language. As a result of this pathology, the tongue begins to peel off, its surface can peel off. This is due to malnutrition of its tissues. Because of this, various kinds of inflammation appear on its upper layer (it is called the epithelium), and outwardly the tongue begins to resemble a geographical map with seas-oceans and various continents.
It is for this reason that this unpleasant disease has received such an unusual, original name. However, he also has another name - a more scientific, official one. Desquamative glossitis - this is how physicians define this pathology. Not everyone can remember and pronounce this, which is why the overwhelmingmost use the phrase "geographic language".

In other words, this is the name given to changes in the mucosa, which are visible, so to speak, with the naked eye. Most often, children are affected by this disease, and the pathology progresses very quickly, the foci of the disease and all the new "drawings on the map" appear at an incredible speed. Adults suffer from this scourge much less often, while the male part of the population suffers the least.
Important to know
Before talking about the causes of such an ailment as the “geographic tongue” disease, its symptoms, methods of treatment and prevention, it is necessary to mention one simple, but at the same time very important thing. If suddenly this pathology has touched someone, there is no need to ring the bell and panic. Although the desquamative glossitis does not look very pleasant, it does not threaten the life or he alth of its “owner” in any way. And often it does not even interfere, does not cause any inconvenience.
It happens that a disease remains with a person for life, not amenable to treatment (how and what to treat will be discussed in more detail below) - this happens especially often in cases where the pathology is congenital. It can remind of itself only during the period of exacerbation, while the rest of the time a person, as a rule, lives without noticing his sore. The same applies to situations where the geographical language takes on a chronic form - then it is almost impossible to get rid of it. However, it is quite acceptable not to lead to a flow into the chronic stage. BUTas follows.
Causes of occurrence
So, what are the reasons for geographic language? First of all, it is important to understand: if the disease is not congenital, then it appears solely as a result of any other processes occurring in the body. Thus, geographical language is the result of other diseases, their reflection.
And the list of such ailments is extremely extensive and impressive. So, for example, glossitis can occur due to a lack of vitamins or due to a violation in their metabolism. This applies primarily to vitamins of group B. Violated vitamin metabolism can lead to nervous and digestive disorders, inflammation of the lips, anemia, ulcers, gastritis, and the like. And all of the above ailments cause the appearance of a geographical language.
Everything that happens in the stomach is especially reflected in the tongue. The geographical language in humans very often occurs due to pancreatitis, hepatitis, arthritis, diabetes, and cancer. Surprisingly, glossitis is also a consequence of viral diseases, of course, this applies mainly to the small inhabitants of the planet. So don't be surprised to catch geographic tongue after or even during a common cold.

This disease is also a familiar good companion for any blood or thyroid disease. Diathesis, liver problems, vegetative ailments can easily become the causes of a geographical language. In addition, do not discount heredity - it also playsimportant role in the possible development of pathology.
Those who like to grab pills and drink a course of antibiotics should remember that glossitis can be a reaction to long-term drug treatment. In some cases, it is not possible to avoid the occurrence of an illness as a result of past strong shocks, nervous overload and stress.
Symptoms of disease
How to recognize the appearance of a geographical language in yourself or your child? As a rule, and this has already been mentioned above, glossitis does not cause pain or inconvenience to its owner, and therefore it is often noticed only by specialists when examining the oral cavity - for example, dentists in the treatment of teeth. In addition, external signs are localized mainly either on the lateral or on the back surface of the tongue, respectively, it is much more difficult to see that something is wrong.
It is necessary to pay close attention to your tongue, and therefore to your he alth, if unknown spots of irregular shape suddenly appear on this strongest human muscle. They can be absolutely any shades - white, gray-white, gray, pink and so on. In addition, when taking certain foods (usually hot, spicy, s alty), itching, burning are acceptable, and the sensitivity of the tongue can either increase or decrease. All these are signs of glossitis, which eloquently indicate that not everything is in order in the body and it is urgent to consult a doctor to eliminate possible diseases in the bud.

The above symptoms are not the only signs of geographic tongue. This pathology is also evidenced by a rough tongue with a peeling surface, and red thickenings that appear on it. A red geographic tongue usually has a white rim that stands out on the muscle.
It is characteristic that the "map of the area" of spots on the tongue can constantly change. Today the picture is one, tomorrow another. This is an interesting feature of the disease. It is worth emphasizing once again that most patients do not pay the slightest attention to all these signs. That is why the geographical language of an adult is not at all uncommon. But children are often interested in what is in their mouth, and therefore it is possible to quickly detect the presence of this disease in them.
Types of geographic language
There are three forms of glossitis. The easiest of them, at the initial stage, is called superficial. The upper layer of the epithelium is still completely intact, there are only slight itching and small bright red spots. This type of disease is quite easy to treat.
The next stage of geographical language is hyperplastic. The spots on the tongue are no longer just red, but with a slight hint of white or yellow coating. To the touch, the surface of such spots is much denser than the rest of the tongue. This form can cause discomfort and even pain to a person.
The last and most difficult stage is called lichenoid. This is the most advanced form of pathology, in which there is a very high sensitivity of the tongue. Characteristicallyfor such cases, and the presence of a strong burning sensation, and the constant movement of spots, and an acute sharp pain, even just during a conversation. Bringing the disease to this form, of course, is highly discouraged.
Geographic language in a child
As already mentioned, children suffer from this scourge more often than adults. More often - because they are often born already with this disease. But if the disease is not congenital, what contributes to the appearance of a geographical language in a child?
In general, in many respects everything is the same as in adults: liver diseases, vitamin metabolism disorders, gastrointestinal problems, colds … Pancreas and spleen, beriberi and vegetative, thyroid gland and anemia - all this and much more can provoke the occurrence of glossitis in a baby. In addition, there are other things as a result of which the crumbs can undergo this ailment. In girls, geographic tongue often appears before the first menstruation or immediately during it.

Children often suffer from worms, giardia and other "worms", which can also cause glossitis. And in the smallest newborn peanuts, a geographical language appears - not necessarily, of course - when teeth are cut. In this case, the surface of the tongue is irritated, spots appear on it, but you should not panic - as soon as the teeth come out, the glossitis disappears. The only thing that parents need to carefully monitor in this situation is that no infection gets into the baby’s mouth, otherwiseglossitis will progress, and then it will become much more difficult to get rid of it.
Diagnosing the presence of geographic language is not at all difficult. First of all, an examination of the oral cavity is necessary, in addition, the patient's complaints and his anamnesis will help to compile a complete picture. Most likely, consultations with a dentist and a gastroenterologist will be needed to confirm or exclude the presence of diseases of their profile. For the final diagnosis, you will need to take tests of urine, feces and blood. This applies to both adults and children. In the latter, diagnosis is carried out in all cases, with the exception of puberty in girls and teething in babies.
Treatment of pathology
So, a geographical language has appeared - what to do? First of all, remember that it is not fatal and does not affect life and he alth. Secondly, think about treatment. If the reason for the appearance of glossitis in the mouth is known, it should be addressed - it is more than likely that after the disappearance of it, the geographical language will also disappear.
Glossitis itself does not have a special treatment technique. But in addition to eliminating the underlying disease, the following measures will also be effective: absolute cessation of smoking, regular oral hygiene (preferably by means recommended by the doctor), revision of the diet (it is best to completely remove everything that is too s alty, spicy, sour, and also not take very hot or very cold food). It is also necessary to take vitamins, rinsing the mouth will be useful, it is possible to usepainkillers.
However, no treatment of the geographical language is required if, as mentioned above, the baby's glossitis occurred during teething or if the girl is puberty.

As for drugs, there is often no need to take them - only if you need to drink them to get rid of the underlying disease. In addition, in order to avoid allergies, the doctor may prescribe special medications, and also if an infection has got into the wounds on the tongue, you will need to take antibiotics. If glossitis causes pain, let's take painkillers, or you can make special baths for the tongue in vegetable oil. To do this, the oil is boiled for twenty minutes, then cooled and applied to the surface of the tongue with a cotton pad. After about fifteen minutes, the oil can be washed off.
Using folk remedies
Folk methods for many to this day remain the most popular and trustworthy for any illness. To alleviate the symptoms of glossitis, you can resort to a decoction of calendula - you need to pour the plant with boiling water, boil for fifteen minutes in a water bath, strain, and then rinse your mouth at least five times a day. It is also permissible to use oak decoction or a mixture of oak bark, chamomile and sage. Do not forget about honey - it is recommended to dissolve it in your mouth.

You can rinse the cavity with potato-carrot juice or a solution of soda with three dropsiodine. And tea tree oil has a good effect, which can be used to lubricate inflamed areas. Only it is necessary to purchase not one hundred percent, but ten percent oil - otherwise there is a great chance to burn your entire mucous membrane.
Preventive measures
To avoid the appearance of a geographical language, you need to follow simple rules. First, eat right - the diet should include meat, vegetables, fruits, and milk. Secondly, give up alcohol and cigarettes, and thirdly, take vitamins. Fourth, be sure to brush your teeth, and fifthly, immediately consult a doctor at the slightest suspicion of any disease. It’s better to be considered paranoid than to have to spend time, money, and, most importantly, nerves, on restoring he alth. And yet - and this applies primarily to babies - you should definitely rinse your mouth with herbal preparations. This will eliminate dry mouth and prevent the development of possible infections.

A he althy lifestyle and following the above simple recommendations will help to avoid the occurrence of many diseases. Including the gloss. Stay he althy!