Warts are neoplasms of a viral nature that form on any part of the skin. Most often they are formed on the hands, soles of the feet, neck, face. It has been found that they occur due to HPV (human papillomavirus), of which there are more than 100 species, some of which are capable of causing malignant neoplasms. These growths should not be taken too lightly, and it is best to consult a dermatologist for their treatment. In this article we will try to figure out what viral warts are, photos of which will also be presented.
Types of warts

There are a large number of such growths. There are 4 large groups of viral warts:
- Solar. These formations are quite dense, which occur on the palms and soles of the feet. Such papillomas have injured capillaries, which are painful, because the plantar wart always grows inwards.
- Flat. These growthsin diameter are no more than 3 mm and have a yellowish color. The appearance of such papillomas is polygonal. They are formed mainly on the chest, face, neck, bends of the legs and arms.
- Anogenital. This type of growths is formed on the mucous membranes of the genital organs, in the perianal region and near the anus. Moreover, after infection, warts do not appear immediately, but only after 1-6 months.
- Papillomatous. These warts are the least common and occur mainly in young children, and grow rapidly inside the larynx. Treatment should begin immediately because airway obstruction is likely to develop.
How does the virus enter the body?
The appearance of viral warts provokes the pathogen to enter the skin, which has any damage, and rather minor ones. Various scratches, scuffs, burrs are the entrance gate for the virus. The source of infection are flakes of squamous epithelium, which are shed from the affected skin. Such scales can contain up to 200 viral replications. A dead cell with a virus in it penetrates the skin of a he althy person. The development of this virus begins to occur, and its intensity depends on the strength of the person's immunity. Warts may form, the person may become a he althy carrier, or the virus may die without causing any harm.

When can you catch warts? A viral disease occurs if the pathogen enters the body when visiting such public places of recreation,like saunas, SPA-salons, swimming pools. Household and sexual methods of transmission from a person who is a carrier of the virus are also quite common. You can get infected from pets and when using the things of a person with HPV.
Wart symptoms
Many are sure that the appearance of viral warts occurs suddenly, since on clean skin the very next day a formation the size of a millet grain may appear. In fact, papillomas grow very slowly, hiding under a layer of the epidermis. The color is also no different from he althy skin, only after a while the warts begin to darken, acquiring gray or brownish hues.

Patients most often complain to the doctor about aesthetic discomfort. But if growths have formed on the hands, then they can often be injured, causing minor pain, the tip of the formation is damaged, begins to get wet and bleed. Only plantar warts are very disturbing. Spiny growths, crashing into the dermis, begin to injure tissues, causing sharp pains when walking. The condition may be exacerbated by multiple growths of warts due to the spread of infection.
Features of plantar warts
Plantar warts account for one third of all neoplasms. Treatment of such growths is best done in private clinics with modern equipment and special technologies, since if the root of the papilloma is not completely removed or the nearest tissues are damaged, then the warts will begin to grow again orchild growths will appear on other areas of the skin.

A viral wart on the foot appears in the following cases:
- damage to the skin of the foot;
- due to diseases such as diabetes, atherosclerosis, varicose veins of the lower extremities;
- excessive sweating of the skin of the legs or, conversely, excessive dryness;
- foot disease or deformity;
- due to uncomfortable shoes.
Features of warts that occur on the fingers
Often common or vulgar warts appear on the fingers, and they are considered the most harmless. However, as the disease progresses, they begin to multiply and appear on the neck, elbows and other areas of the skin. Sometimes a viral wart on the finger can affect the corners of the lips, the anterior sections of the oral mucosa, the tip of the tongue.
The common wart, located on the fingertips or the back of the hand, has an uneven and dry surface, covered with small cracks or villi. If it is constantly injured, then there is inflammation and pain.

Vulgar warts are most often found between the fingers, on the upper hands, the back of the hand. When they form on the fingertips or under the nail plates, a person may experience pain while doing any work, as these growths are often injured.
Wart treatment

If viral warts occur, treatmentshould be aimed at strengthening immunity, destroying the virus, removing the skin formation and preventing relapses. In the presence of protective mechanisms, a person may not become infected or quickly overcome the disease, so his diet should be complete and balanced, containing all the necessary vitamins and minerals. The diet must include plant and protein foods.
Methods for the treatment of viral warts include conservative methods using agents that have a keratolytic effect. Such drugs first soften the stratum corneum of the skin, which is then devitalized and removed after a certain period of time. Kollomak and salicylic ointments are considered very effective, which easily remove viral flat warts. "Solcoderm" contains such acids that mummify the skin, and the dense crust disappears in a week.
Wart Removal
The most effective treatment is the removal of viral warts. The following methods are used for this:
- laser removal;
- surgical excision;
- electrocoagulation;
- cryosurgery.

Such methods of treatment are used only when the growths change their color or there is a heterogeneity of their surface, as well as when papillomas multiply. It is recommended to remove injured warts that have a partial tear of tissues that begin to bleed, get wet.
The most efficient methodremoval - cryosurgical. In this case, liquid nitrogen is used to freeze out the liquid from the growth, after which tissue necrosis occurs. The resulting crust disappears after a while, and the place of removal heals quickly enough.
Electrocoagulation is considered no less effective method. In this case, an apparatus with a miniature loop or needle is used, heated under the influence of an electric current, as a result of which the tissues are dissected quite easily. The procedure is very fast and is performed under local anesthesia. Electrocoagulation eliminates warts of any size.
Delicately removes growths laser coagulator. The laser beam is easy to control, it does not heat the surrounding tissues, but only affects the problem area. One procedure is enough to remove papillomas of any size.
Viral warts in children
In children, such growths form for the following reasons:
- visiting a public swimming pool;
- through shared toys;
- when in contact with a sick child;
- by direct contact with an infected animal.
The infection enters the body of children through microtraumas on the skin, due to high sweating of the feet, prolonged wearing of wet shoes.
For the treatment of warts, special ointments or patches are used. The ointment is applied to the growth itself, and the result will be noticeable only after two weeks. In the absence of effect, special plasters are used, one side of which is impregnated with a solution of salicylic acid. A disc of the required shape is cut out of it and glued to the growth. Often wartsin children are temporary and disappear within a year after their appearance.
When warts appear, you should definitely consult a doctor and do not self-medicate. Such formations cause discomfort and pain. It is strictly forbidden to remove them yourself, it can aggravate the situation. Thanks to modern technology, getting rid of viral warts is easy and painless.