Tonsils are physiological formations, which are based on lymphoid tissue. They are located near the pharynx and are responsible for the functionality of the immune system. Their main task is to destroy pathogenic microorganisms. If a person is constantly ill with respiratory pathologies, then these organs are unable to perform their functions qualitatively. In the presence of chronic tonsillitis, laser removal of the tonsils may be required.
What is a disease?

In the gaps of the crevices of the tonsils, there is always a conditionally pathogenic microflora. Under the influence of negative factors, a decrease in immunity, the presence of infectious foci, the presence of anatomical features of the structure of this area, an inflammatory process can develop in a person. Without timely treatment, it becomes chronic.
Symptoms of chronic tonsillitis in adults are:
- Disease, general weakness and a significant decrease in performance.
- Slight increase in temperature, which may be present for several daysin a row.
- Sore throat, pain syndrome.
- Putrid smell from the mouth (if pus is present).
- Pain when swallowing.
- Significant mental and physical fatigue.
- Redness and swelling of the palatine arches.
In difficult cases, the patient's lymph nodes increase. Symptoms of chronic tonsillitis in adults do not always appear in a complex.
Complications of chronic tonsillitis
So, according to ICD-10, tonsillitis is a serious pathology that requires a serious approach to therapy. If the treatment did not give a positive effect or the patient turned to the doctor too late, he may experience the following complications:
- Rheumatic lesions of the musculoskeletal system, skin.
- Deterioration of kidney function: pyelonephritis.
- Heart muscle damage: rheumatic heart disease.
- Autoimmune diseases.
- Polyarthritis.
- Vision problems.
- Exacerbation of chronic pneumonia.
- Liver damage.
- Problems with the functionality of the endocrine system.
Chronic tonsillitis is a constant focus of inflammation, contributing to the accumulation of toxins that negatively affect not all body systems. The patient also has problems with the functioning of the nervous system.
General characteristics of the procedure

According to the ICD-10 code, tonsillitis belongs to the group of respiratory diseases. Here, treatment cannot be delayed. The affected tissues are processed using a special device.- tonsillora. The course of therapy lasts several sessions (5-12), depending on the severity of the pathology. The duration of one treatment does not exceed 5 minutes.
Such surgery makes it possible to cleanse the lymphoid tissue from pus and affected areas, improve its regenerative properties, and minimize inflammation. The laser also destroys pathogenic microorganisms. Since the tonsils are removed almost contactlessly, the possibility of tissue infection is low.
Before the operation, the patient takes laboratory tests of blood and urine, the doctor examines the tonsils. If necessary, the patient is assigned additional instrumental diagnostics.
Benefits of operation

Laser tonsil removal has the following benefits:
- Low risk of pathogens entering the wound surface.
- Short rehabilitation period.
- Possibility of using local anesthesia.
- Minimizing the risk of bleeding, as damaged vessels are immediately cauterized.
- The operation is carried out in a short period of time.
- There are no open wound surfaces.
Laser removal of the tonsils is performed using special equipment that reduces the risk of complications.
Flaws of the procedure
Tonsil removal in children or adults is not always allowed. There are such contraindications:
- After the anesthetic stopsact, there may be quite a strong pain syndrome at the site of the operation.
- If the tonsils were not completely removed, there is a risk of re-development of the disease.
- Relatively high cost of the procedure.
- Severe tissue burn (when the technician is inexperienced or the equipment is set up incorrectly).
Laser tonsil removal cannot be called a magical procedure that will get rid of all he alth problems. But this is a modern operation that avoids many complications.
Indications for conduction

The operation to remove the tonsils has the following indications for use:
- Problems with joints and ligaments.
- Pathologies that affect connective tissue.
- Failure of conservative treatment - remission does not occur.
- Increased cases of respiratory illness (several times a month).
- Serious complications of the cardiovascular and excretory system.
- Too much overgrowth of lymphoid tissue, which can lead to impaired respiratory function.
An operation to remove the tonsils should be carried out only after a thorough examination. Do it better in a clinic with a good reputation.
Possible contraindications
According to the ICD-10, tonsillitis has the J35 code. It must be treated without fail. However, the operation is not allowed for everyone. There are such contraindications:
- Respiratory pathology in the acute stage.
- Risk of allergicreactions.
- Diabetes mellitus.
- Tuberculosis.
- The presence of a malignant tumor in the body.
- A bleeding disorder.
- Interruptions in the work of the heart and blood vessels.
- Children's age (up to 10 years).
- The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Any contraindications to laser tonsil removal should be considered by a doctor. And he must also assess the general condition of a person, his age, the features of the functioning of internal organs.
Types of laser therapy

The price of laser tonsil removal depends on what type of operation the doctor chooses. The following types of procedures are distinguished:
- Complete removal. All lymphoid tissue is destroyed.
- Laser ablation. Here, the beam acts superficially on the affected tissue. After that, the lacuna expands and a deeper cleaning of the tonsils from purulent masses and damaged fragments takes place.
The operation can also be classified by the type of equipment used:
- Fiber optic. It is used if, due to constant inflammatory processes, the tonsils are severely affected.
- Holmium. With this treatment, internal foci of inflammation are destroyed, but he althy tissues remain unaffected.
- Infrared. Using this method, you can not only separate the tissues of the tonsils, but also connect them.
- Carbon. Thanks to this treatment, the inflammatory process is eliminated, swelling disappears, so the tonsils are reduced in size.
Howremove the tonsils is already clear. As for the choice of the type of treatment, the doctor chooses it depending on the severity of the pathology, the condition of the patient himself, as well as other factors. The price of removing tonsils with a laser ranges from 1200-1500 rubles. for 1 procedure, and several may be required.
Features of the intervention
This intervention is often performed under local anesthesia, but there are cases when general anesthesia is required. For anesthesia, a solution of dicaine or lidocaine is used.
When performing local anesthesia, the drug is applied not only to the tonsils, but also to the root of the tongue. This will help to remove the gag reflex for a while. Next, infiltration anesthesia is applied. The injection is performed under the mucous membrane. The drug must be administered correctly so that it can provide pain relief throughout the treated area. The removal of the tonsils is carried out only after 5 minutes.
During surgery, children are sometimes given general anesthesia. Its expediency is determined by the doctor. The intervention itself lasts about 1 hour. It includes the following steps:
- Preparation. First, the patient undergoes a complete medical examination. He takes laboratory tests, he is assigned instrumental diagnostics of the respiratory and heart organs. If there are infectious foci in the oral cavity, they must be eliminated first. It is better to carry out the operation in early autumn.
- Treatment of mucous membranes in the surgical field with disinfectant and anesthetic solutions.
- Forto ensure maximum patient safety, special protective goggles are put on him. If the anesthesia is local, then the person is in a sitting position. During the procedure, the patient may experience a feeling of tingling and a slight cold, numbness.
- Capture of the tonsil with special forceps and its removal. In this case, the equipment must be pre-configured. The specialist sets the depth of penetration of the beam, as well as its intensity. The doctor needs 4 sets of 15 seconds to fix the problem. The time of intervention may vary depending on its type and characteristics of the pathological process.
During the procedure, cauterization of blood vessels occurs, therefore, the risk of bleeding is reduced, discomfort is reduced.
Post-operative period

Even laser removal is a surgical intervention. The patient may feel a lump in the throat during the day. This is facilitated by swelling of the palatine uvula and the walls of the pharynx.
In order for the healing to go quickly and without complications, it is imperative to follow the recommendations of doctors. Immediately after the tonsils are removed, strict bed rest must be observed, as well as being on a starvation diet.
Next, you need to eat rationally and balanced. It is better to give up fatty and spicy foods, give preference to soft and liquid foods. It is better to eat food at a moderate temperature. A meal that is too cold or too hot can damage newly processed fabrics.
The patient is allowedeat ice cream. He also needs to drink enough liquid per day. The duration of the recovery period is 3-4 days. As for the need for antibiotics, this issue is decided by the doctor. But these drugs do not relieve sore throat and are not a reliable barrier against infectious complications. Reviews of laser tonsil removal are mostly positive.
Forecast and possible consequences

With a timely visit to the doctor, the prognosis for the patient is favorable. Respiratory and swallowing function is restored fairly quickly. But if the equipment is used incorrectly, the patient can get burned, he will have scars on the mucous membrane. You can only agree to an intervention in a clinic with a good reputation.
Laser removal of tonsils is an innovative method of dealing with their pathology. But before deciding even on such a safe operation, you should consult a doctor. The specialist must take into account all contraindications and characteristics of the body.