Health 2024, October

Redness under the eyes of a child: causes and treatment

Redness under the eyes of a child: causes and treatment

Redness under the eyes of a child indicates a violation in the body. If this is not the result of a mechanical effect or a manifestation of the features of a small person, then it is necessary to find out the reason. It is best to consult a specialist

Hormonal background and its changes

Hormonal background and its changes

The hormonal background, which cannot be seen, has a great influence on the human body. This article will describe the main symptoms of disorders and recommendations for treatment

Big head in a child: a disease or a norm?

Big head in a child: a disease or a norm?

The baby has a big head. What does it mean? Could it be some dangerous disease? Or maybe this is the norm? You will find all the answers to these questions in the article

Prevention of vascular atherosclerosis

Prevention of vascular atherosclerosis

According to medical statistics, cerebral atherosclerosis is by far the most common cause of death. Many doctors consider him an insidious enemy of a person, since he may not make himself felt for a long time and it is extremely difficult to diagnose him in the early stages. That is why WHO calls on all people to carry out the prevention of atherosclerosis, the main part of which is proper nutrition

Bad taste in the mouth: types and causes

Bad taste in the mouth: types and causes

An unpleasant taste in the mouth, appearing for no apparent reason, quite often indicates a possible pathology. However, not always such a symptom indicates the presence of any disease. It is necessary to pay special attention to the nature of the symptom and its duration. If this discomfort does not go away within a few months, this is a reason to see a doctor

Main causes of lack of appetite

Main causes of lack of appetite

Lack of appetite is a sign that often indicates various disorders of the body. It is either present in a person in conjunction with other symptoms of the disease, or occurs as the only manifestation of pathology

Obesity: causes, treatment and prevention. Prevention of obesity in children and adolescents

Obesity: causes, treatment and prevention. Prevention of obesity in children and adolescents

Obesity is the biggest problem of our time. Excess weight is observed in people of any age, while it has a negative impact on the functioning of the body, in particular - on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Prevention of obesity is necessary at any age, otherwise you can spoil your metabolism from childhood and suffer from excess weight and many concomitant diseases all your life

Diet for pancreatic necrosis: menus, recipes, prohibited and permitted foods

Diet for pancreatic necrosis: menus, recipes, prohibited and permitted foods

In this article you can read about what you can eat with a disease such as pancreatic necrosis of the pancreas, as well as what dishes are included in the diet. And it will also be described which products are strictly prohibited in this disease

Can tomatoes be used for pancreatitis?

Can tomatoes be used for pancreatitis?

Tomatoes for pancreatitis in some cases are allowed to eat. However, you must definitely cook them correctly, because otherwise tomatoes can provoke a deterioration in well-being

Mycosis of the toenails: treatment with drugs and folk remedies

Mycosis of the toenails: treatment with drugs and folk remedies

In the article, we will consider such a thing as mycosis of the toenails: treatment, symptoms and ways to prevent the occurrence of such a nuisance

Where did thrush come from: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention options, complications

Where did thrush come from: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention options, complications

Many women are faced with a disease such as thrush, or, in medical terms, vaginal candidiasis. Often this disease is perceived as benign, but it can cause serious discomfort and lead to the development of complications. Fungi of the genus Candida, which are conditionally pathogenic, provoke its occurrence. You should consider what vaginal candidiasis is, where thrush comes from in women and men, its causes and symptoms, and how and how to treat it

The manifestation of thrush, methods of treatment, causes and prevention

The manifestation of thrush, methods of treatment, causes and prevention

The manifestation of thrush in women, men or children is the same. The disease is caused by a fungus of the genus Candida, which is a representative of the normal human flora. Only in the event of a decrease in immune defense, opportunistic microorganisms go on the offensive

Intestinal spasm: causes, symptoms and treatment

Intestinal spasm: causes, symptoms and treatment

Intestinal spasm appears in humans as a result of exposure to various causes. It is necessary to monitor hygiene in order to prevent the development of helminthiasis, eat quality foods prepared in traditional ways, and only those that do not cause food allergies. It is also necessary to temper and be physically active

How can you get a sore throat? The incubation period of angina in adults

How can you get a sore throat? The incubation period of angina in adults

Often angina leads people to serious complications. This should include heart defects, rheumatism, glomerulonephritis, and others. In this article, we will take a closer look at how you can get a sore throat, as well as what methods of therapy to use against the disease

A blood clot on the arm: symptoms, first signs, photos

A blood clot on the arm: symptoms, first signs, photos

Thrombi on the arm, which in the field of medicine is called the disease thrombophlebitis, are not very common, which cannot be said about those ailments that affect the legs. The causes of the disease are the blockage of the venous lumen. Blood clots on the arm can affect both superficial and deep veins. In this article, you can learn about how to recognize a serious illness, what are the reasons for its development, and how to deal with it

Music with blood: possible causes, treatment and consequences

Music with blood: possible causes, treatment and consequences

Hurry up if you find yourself with bloody mucus. The color and consistency can be completely different. This will depend on the nature of a particular pathology. Also, parents should be wary if they see mucus with blood in their child's feces. Let's talk about it in more detail

Low blood pressure in a child: symptoms, causes, first aid and advice from doctors

Low blood pressure in a child: symptoms, causes, first aid and advice from doctors

Many experts argue that a decrease in blood pressure is not such a terrible symptom as an increase. However, low blood pressure in a child should alert parents, as this will be a cause for concern. In particular, if the pressure is reduced systematically, then this causes severe discomfort to the baby. Not every parent knows what to do if a child has low blood pressure. This is what the article will be about

I itch from nerves: symptoms, causes, treatment

I itch from nerves: symptoms, causes, treatment

Surely, every person on this planet at least once in his life said or heard the following phrase: "I itch from the nerves." It should be noted that this expression is far from figurative. Emotional shock, stressful situations, disorders of the central nervous system and nervous strain are factors that have an extremely negative impact on the human body

Regurgitates rotten eggs: causes, possible problems, treatment and medical advice

Regurgitates rotten eggs: causes, possible problems, treatment and medical advice

The rotten egg burping condition is characterized by the emission of gases with an unpleasant hydrogen sulfide odor. Such an eructation almost always indicates various disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, so it should not be ignored. It is worth considering in more detail the reasons for burping rotten eggs. Also in this article you can learn about the methods of treating a similar symptom

Mann-Gurevich's symptom. Signs, causes and consequences

Mann-Gurevich's symptom. Signs, causes and consequences

As you know, the phenomena of the nervous system can be very diverse. Starting with the release of the lacrimal glands in stressful situations and ending with involuntary urination when a certain specific object appears in the field of view. All this can be explained if you seek help from an educated neurologist or just a scientist who understands this field. One way or another, one of these phenomena is the symptom of Mann-Gurevich

How do people get infected with angina: ways of transmission and methods of prevention

How do people get infected with angina: ways of transmission and methods of prevention

How to get sore throat: the main ways of transmission and effective methods of prevention. Features of the course of the disease in children and adults, causes and concomitant factors. The degree of contagiousness (contagiousness) of angina

Shortness of breath after eating: causes, description of symptoms and solutions

Shortness of breath after eating: causes, description of symptoms and solutions

What is shortness of breath after eating? The main causes and description of the symptoms of pathology. Possible diseases and ways to solve the problem. Practical recommendations, features of diagnostic measures

Cytomegalovirus - what is this disease? Causes, symptoms and diagnosis

Cytomegalovirus - what is this disease? Causes, symptoms and diagnosis

What is cytomegalovirus. Distinctive features of the disease and the main causes. characteristic symptoms and methods of diagnosing the disease. Effective methods of treatment, practical recommendations

Diffuse cardiosclerosis: what is it, causes of the disease, symptoms, treatment and consequences

Diffuse cardiosclerosis: what is it, causes of the disease, symptoms, treatment and consequences

What is diffuse cardiosclerosis. Distinctive features and main causes of the disease. Typical symptoms and possible diagnostic methods. Applied treatment, practical recommendations and consequences

Raw egg disease: name, causes and preventive measures

Raw egg disease: name, causes and preventive measures

What is a disease from raw eggs: the name and possible pathologies, their characteristic symptoms. The main causes and effective methods of therapy. Practical recommendations and necessary preventive measures

Pinched nerve in leg: what to do?

Pinched nerve in leg: what to do?

Pinched nerve in leg: main causes and characteristic symptoms. Diagnostic measures and effective methods of treatment. Medications and folk methods of therapy. The benefits of exercise and massage in case of illness

What is the treatment for inflammation of the ovaries?

What is the treatment for inflammation of the ovaries?

What is the treatment for inflammation of the ovaries. Modern procedures and effective medicines. Application of traditional medicine methods and practical recommendations. Features of the use of antibiotics

Parasites in feces: causes, symptoms, types, diagnosis, treatment, prevention

Parasites in feces: causes, symptoms, types, diagnosis, treatment, prevention

Parasites in the feces: the main causes and characteristic symptoms. Conducted diagnostics, types of parasites. Applied methods of treatment: drug therapy and folk remedies. Preventive actions

How long does a child's temperature last with SARS

How long does a child's temperature last with SARS

The temperature in children can rise due to various diseases, but most often the cause is SARS. It is important to begin timely treatment. You need to understand how important it is to be appointed by a specialist. In this case, it will be possible to avoid negative consequences, and recovery will be faster. Parents are interested in how long the child's temperature lasts. This will be discussed in the article

Fusion of small lips in girls: how to recognize, causes and how to treat

Fusion of small lips in girls: how to recognize, causes and how to treat

Determining the fusion of small lips in girls is quite simple. You can do this by taking a close look at your baby's genitals. The disease can constantly recur. So, let's take a closer look at what is the fusion of the small lips in girls, how to conduct an examination, what are the symptoms and causes of the development of this disease

Vitamin D deficiency: symptoms in adults, how to treat

Vitamin D deficiency: symptoms in adults, how to treat

Vitamin D, or, as it is scientifically called, calciferol, is a group of biologically active and fat-soluble provitamins: cholecalciferol and ergocalciferol. Vitamin D deficiency, whose symptoms in adults are mainly fractures, may have more serious consequences for human he alth

Influenza A - what is it? Influenza A and B: symptoms and treatment

Influenza A - what is it? Influenza A and B: symptoms and treatment

The flu got its name from the French word for "grab", which characterizes its action well. This disease develops rapidly. Even in the morning, a he althy person begins to complain about his he alth at noon, and by midnight, in some cases, he may no longer have a chance of recovery

The finger on the hand does not unbend: causes, possible diseases, methods of treatment, reviews

The finger on the hand does not unbend: causes, possible diseases, methods of treatment, reviews

In old age, problems with loss of mobility of the joints on the fingers are quite common. However, young people are often faced with a similar pathology. If the finger on the hand does not unbend, this greatly affects the quality of life of a person. When the syndrome is accompanied by pain, it becomes impossible to pick up even a light object

Increased sweating: causes of the phenomenon

Increased sweating: causes of the phenomenon

There are situations when a person has increased sweating. The causes of this disease can be completely different and indicate the presence of a certain disease in the body. Read about hyperhidrosis, its types and causes in the article

Posterior rhinitis in children and adults: description, causes, treatment and recommendations

Posterior rhinitis in children and adults: description, causes, treatment and recommendations

Posterior rhinitis is basically an infectious disease that affects the nasal mucosa. Rhinofaringin (another name for this ailment) occurs more often in children, although it also occurs in adults. If untreated, this disease very often becomes chronic

How to soften feces: a review of drugs, products with a laxative effect, medical advice

How to soften feces: a review of drugs, products with a laxative effect, medical advice

How to soften stools for constipation. Causes of hardening of feces. Symptoms. Acute constipation. Softening feces at home with laxatives and enemas. Preventive measures

Diabetes mellitus: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Diabetes mellitus: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Know the symptoms, signs of diabetes should any modern person, because the prevalence of the disease from year to year is becoming wider and wider. The term is used to denote such a pathology, when there is not enough insulin in the body, against the background of which metabolic problems are observed

Migraine: how to relieve pain. How to relieve a migraine headache

Migraine: how to relieve pain. How to relieve a migraine headache

Almost everyone will experience a migraine in their lifetime. Those who managed to avoid such a state can rightfully be called lucky. This article will tell you what to do with a migraine

Spots on the body: causes, treatment features and types

Spots on the body: causes, treatment features and types

The appearance of any spots on the body causes concern. Despite the fact that such manifestations are a very common problem, it is sometimes impossible to immediately determine its cause

Intracranial pressure: symptoms and treatment

Intracranial pressure: symptoms and treatment

Intracranial pressure is an accumulation or lack of cerebrospinal fluid in a certain area of the skull, which is caused by impaired circulation in it. This liquid is called liquor. It is located in the spinal region, in the space of the bone marrow and brain. Liquor protects the gray matter from large overloads and prevents its mechanical damage