Many people wonder how to erase memory. Let's take a closer look at this issue. Unfortunately, sometimes there are events in life that we would not like to remember. And forget about them - it would be generally ideal. It turns out that unpleasant, painful or simply unwanted memories can be erased. And this is not at all difficult if you master the techniques of suppressing memories, and also on the condition that life is filled with new vivid emotions. Here are some mental techniques to help you rid yourself of the heavy burden of unwanted memories.

What should be done at the first stage?
You need to choose the moment from memory that you would like to forget. And you need to clearly understand what exactly this moment is before you begin to "suppress" it. Perhaps this part of the past, popping up in your memory, causes you mental suffering. For example, this may be due to the lossclose person. It is very important to remember such details as the presence of other people in this episode, and which ones. What was the environment, what did you feel then.
How to erase memory? What to do in the second stage?

Remember to forget
It is important for you to determine what exactly in this moment of memory causes you the strongest feelings. Try to remember specific details - those that you want to forget in the future. For example, you may not yet be able to moderate the pain after a breakup with a guy (or girl), but you can forget about specific dates, episodes, or sensual experiences.
Unpleasant associations can be triggered by such trifles as the smell of perfume, the mention of someone's name or place, the sound of a familiar song, etc. All these details should be written down on a piece of paper. If unpleasant experiences occurred at school, then be sure to list the names of those who made fun or gloated about this, mention specific places that make you sad, try to describe details such as the smell (canteen, gym, classroom, etc.).). "How to erase a person's memory" is not an idle question.
Good things
Now try to think about all these details while doing something very enjoyable for you. This will allow you to connect events that are sad for you with pleasant associations. It is important to be able to create a stimulus of pleasure by reflecting on how you experienced failure in school or how hard it was to break up with a once loved It can be pleasant music for you or a fragrant, foamy bath, a glass of champagne or a walk in pleasant places.

At this stage, we make painful memories less bitter. Some experts advise listening to white noise at high volume - as an alternative to creating new associative links. To follow this advice, turn on any white noise generator at full capacity and immerse yourself in memories.
Not everyone knows how to erase memory.
Special rituals
At this stage, we erase the memory we manifested. This will help special rituals. They contribute to changing our ideas about certain things and help to get the better of experiences. Choose any action that you will represent as the "destroyer" of this or that moment from memory. For example, it could be a photograph that you set on fire and it will burn to the ground. Imagine all this in detail - how the edges of the photograph are charred and blackened, how it curls from the fire and turns black, and then turns white, turning into ash flying in the wind.
Let this be just a symbolic, mental action, but it will help you begin to treat the past as something that has "burnt down", has lost its power over your feelings. You can use other tricks, for example, mentally imagine the bully who annoyed you in the form of a car that is sinking in a pond, or in the form of a freight train falling into a deepgorge.
How to erase memory using memory replacement?

Replacing memories
It is also a good idea to replace unpleasant memories with something that will fill your present with vivid experiences. First of all - find an activity that would captivate you with your head. The formation of new "layers" of memory will help you push the past into the background. It could be a new hobby, reading interesting books, going to the movies, a new job, or a move.
Away with annoying factors
Perhaps there are still a lot of those objects around you that stimulate your memory again and again to return to unpleasant moments for you. These things are best kept out of sight. Sometimes, in order for nothing to remind you of an unpleasant past, you need to move to another city or make other radical changes. If this is impossible or unacceptable for you, then it will be enough to make only as many changes in your life as you think are appropriate.
How to erase a person's memory at home?
Make your brain mess
If you're trying to forget a bad trip, go on a new one. And if the smell of your ex-boyfriend's cologne makes you sad, go to a perfume shop and smell all the men's smells. New dates will also help - the more impressions you have, the better. Your brain will begin to associate new memories with events from the past, making the past less obvious and strong.
Let's give a few more recommendations on how to erase a person's memory at home.
Meditation on the past can also be a good technique. Close your eyes, sitting in a comfortable position, and try to imagine everything that happened to you once from a completely different angle. For example, to get rid of shame about something, imagine that you behaved at that moment in a completely different way, as you would like.

While listening to soothing music, meditate on a moment from the past. At first, it will be difficult for you to contain your emotions, but gradually the calming atmosphere will take its toll - you will begin to take it more calmly.
Allow yourself to live all the emotions in their entirety, write them down, write a letter either to your offender or to a person significant to you, in which pour out all your feelings to the last drop. Re-read this letter - and then mentally or actually burn it, trying to "release" this painful moment into space. Feel that he no longer has power over you.
We figured out if the memory can be erased.