Signs of bronchitis are chest pain, fever, shortness of breath, cough. Doctors say that without antibiotics it cannot be cured. Rather, it is possible, but there will be complications. Is it so? Traditional medicine says that this disease is perfectly treated without serious drugs. Let's find out how to properly treat bronchitis without antibiotics.
What is bronchitis?

This is an inflammation of the lower respiratory tract that swells, and the cilia lining them suffer from the fact that they cannot do their job - to drive the mucus formed there from the bronchi. It accumulates, forcing the patient to cough to remove excess sputum. With bronchitis, there is often aches, wheezing, shortness of breath, chills, sweating, fever, loss of strength. As a rule, the cause of the disease is a viral or bacterial infection. Rarely - allergies. How to treat allergic bronchitis, in this article we will not consider. Let's figure out what to do with the disease if you do not want to swallow pills.
How is bronchitis treated without antibiotics?

The first thing to do is clear your airways of mucus. For this, heryou need to make it more liquid so that it begins to separate from the walls of the bronchi and begins to be expectorated. To do this, you can use inhalations, special breathing exercises, and even some foods and dishes. Inhalation consists in inhaling steam - nothing complicated. You can do this in the shower, but it will be more beneficial to use a pot of hot water. It is good to add baking soda, coniferous or eucalyptus essential oil to the water - this will make inhalation more effective. For a more successful procedure, you should lean over the pan, cover yourself with a towel and breathe with your mouth open. Be careful when treating children - they can accidentally get burned by steam. It is good to humidify the air in the room - this will not allow the mucus to thicken.
How is bronchitis treated with diet?
You should drink more liquid than you usually do. It is best to drink warm tea or herbal teas, warm milk, but exclude alcohol and caffeine, as they lead to dehydration, which in turn contributes to thickening of mucus. How is bronchitis treated with herbal decoctions? It's simple.

There are several types of breastfeeds - they are sold in pharmacies and have different compositions, so you can choose the one that suits you. The collection includes coltsfoot leaves, licorice and marshmallow root, thyme, oregano, elecampane, plantain and other herbs. If you wish, you can make the collection yourself. For the duration of treatment, include garlic and onions in your daily diet: they have strong anti-inflammatory properties.and antimicrobial action. If you begin to use onions with honey, then facilitate the discharge of sputum. Honey is an excellent expectorant in itself. How is bronchitis treated with honey? The main rule is not to overdo it. It can be added to drink, added to inhalation.
Gymnastics? Yes
Physical exercises aimed at increasing respiratory activity will help you in the fight against bronchitis. You should not do something difficult - just bends, squats. Remember, no strenuous exercise is required - you just need to breathe well.