What is hydrogen water and how does it differ from ordinary water? The article will talk about the beneficial and harmful properties of hydrogen water, features, production and rules of use. We will also talk about where to buy hydrogen water and how to make it at home. We will learn what generators are and how to use them correctly. Feedback on hydrogen water will be provided at the end of the article.

Basic concepts
H2O - the formula of water is perhaps the only one that every person remembers from school chemistry lessons. It initially contains two hydrogen atoms. The question is logical: what then is the formula for hydrogen water? How is it formed and how is it different from a simple one?
Hydrogen water is ordinary drinking water with an increased concentration of hydrogen from 0.8 to 1.6 ppm. ppm refers to the total mineralization, which indicates the amountppm of a substance dissolved in a liquid. It turns out that if such water is saturated with hydrogen, its formula will be H4O? However, such a connection does not exist. Water is a carrier of substances, hydrogen dissolves in it and is distributed between molecules, being easily transported in this form throughout the body. At the same time, there are no changes at the atomic level. Its formula is the same.
Properties of hydrogen water
After the composition and characteristics of hydrogen water have become clear, the following question arises: what are the properties? Does it differ in smell, taste and color? No. Hydrogen water is not determined by organoleptic properties. It can be distinguished from the usual one only with the help of a special apparatus that measures the amount of hydrogen and other indicators. Significant properties of hydrogen water:
- High concentration of hydrogen from 0.8 to 1.6 ppm, which increases its significance and benefits for the human body.
- Neutral ph between 7 and 8 because water contains molecular hydrogen, not hydrogen ions.
- -500 mV ORP. Such an extensive negative redox potential indicates that hydrogen water is an antioxidant and energy source.
Find out the benefits of hydrogen water.

If we move away from the chemical course and listen to the opinion of experts about hydrogen water, its negative and positive properties, whether it is necessary for our body or is it just another trickmarketers?
Hydrogen water has the following benefits:
- Slows down the aging process. Due to its antioxidant properties, existing wrinkles are reduced, new ones are formed more slowly.
- Improves the condition of nails, hair, skin, provides protection from sun radiation.
- Reduces excess body weight: removes toxins and speeds up metabolism.
- Promotes post-workout recovery and performance.
- Charges the body with energy and keeps it in good shape.
- Relieves stress and fatigue, enhances the body's endurance.
- Normalizes blood pressure, strengthens the immune system.
Hydrogen water reviews are mostly positive.
The most important quality that determines its benefits is antioxidant. A person is surrounded by many free radicals that penetrate the body and destroy its organs, tissues and cells, provoking oxidative stress. As a result, he gets sick more and ages faster. Thanks to hydrogen water, reverse processes are launched, he alth is strengthened, and life is extended.

The harm of hydrogen water
Researchers believe that it has only a positive effect. Hydrogen is a part of the human body, which is produced by him every day on his own, and therefore cannot cause harm. The negative properties of hydrogen water have not been proven. But some negative properties still stand out:
- High concentration of fluorine provokes rheumatoiddiseases - arthritis and arthrosis.
- Lead, which is part of the composition, has a bad effect on the development of the psyche.
It must be remembered that hydrogen water becomes useless because it does not retain its properties for a long time. Hydrogen evaporates quickly from it, so you need to drink only freshly prepared water or only from a natural source.
Doctors' opinions about hydrogen water should be read in advance.
Features of use
The beneficial properties of water do not mean at all that you need to immediately purchase a drink or a generator and drink liters. There are certain medical recommendations. Nutritionists - experts in he althy lifestyles and proper nutrition - have developed some rules for drinking hydrogen water. Its daily volume for a particular organism is determined by the formula: 30 milliliters per kilogram of body weight. If a person is actively engaged in physical activity, then this standard increases.

Experts advise drinking hydrogen water on an empty stomach and half an hour before or after meals. In this case, she will be of maximum use.
In addition, nutritionists recommend taking this water right after opening the bottle or making it in the generator - hydrogen molecules quickly disappear, losing their beneficial properties.
Where hydrogen water is produced is of interest to many.
Production tool
To drink he althy water, it is expensive to go to a restaurant on purpose. That is why the question arises:where can i buy this drink? First of all, a pharmacy comes to mind, because they sell everything you need for he alth. However, not every pharmacy in Moscow has hydrogen water, it is much easier to buy it in an online store.

The drink was made in Japan, so the main company you should buy it from is Engel, which has been operating on the market for more than one year and has proven itself only from the best side. There is a choice of glass bottles of this production 0.25 liters of twenty pieces per pack or 0.75 of twelve pieces. The cost of such water is about five thousand rubles.
There are also many other manufacturers on the Internet, so you can choose a supplier that suits your pocket. When buying, you must definitely require a quality certificate in order to avoid fake and not pay for plain water as for hydrogen.
It's best to do it yourself.
Consider getting hydrogen water at home.
Making at home
To prepare hydrogen water at home, you will need generators - special devices that allow you to make a drink yourself, which significantly saves the budget: if you spend money once, you can provide yourself with water for many years. The most popular options are as follows.
- The most popular is the Japanese Enhel Water generator, which immediately produces water enriched with hydrogen. It is equipped with three filters, makes both hot and cold water. The generator can be connected to the water supply, consumption volumesdoes not restrict water. For the preparation of hydrogen water on such a device, the following principle is used. Plain water is poured into the apparatus, which passes through a carbon filter and gets rid of impurities and the smell of chlorine. Then the purified liquid enters the storage unit, in which one part will be at room temperature, and the second is cooled. At the third stage, the chilled water is saturated with hydrogen to the maximum extent by means of electrolysis and can be consumed. The approximate cost of such a generator is 364,000 rubles.
- Another device is the Korean Paino. It differs from the previous one in that it is one of the portable generators. It is quite compact in size, so you can use it anywhere. Disadvantages: waiting time - such a portable generator will prepare water in five minutes. For manufacturing, you need to insert a bottle of plain water into the machine, press the button and get a ready-made drink in a couple of minutes. The approximate price of such a generator is 23,000 rubles.
There are other manufacturers, but these are the most common and reliable. You can purchase any generator, the main thing is the presence of a quality certificate.

Doctors' opinions
Positive reviews of hydrogen water from doctors around the world confirm its significant effectiveness. Experts are convinced that such a drink should be in the diet of any person.
They say that hydrogen can eliminate hydroxide radicals that modify DNA. Hydrogen cocktail is not just a sourceantioxidants against the latter, but also an elixir that speeds up and improves metabolism. In addition, it promotes weight loss and allows you to prolong the youth of the body. Reviews of hydrogen water confirm this.

The correct mutual influence of hydrogen and oxygen atoms plays a particularly significant role in the nervous psychosomatic system. In addition, a hydrogen drink has a good effect on the tone of the body as a whole, affecting the processes of physiology. Such water is always recommended by doctors to patients with a weak body. The immune system improves by 30-35% in a month of use.
Long-term studies have shown that the ratio of beneficial and harmful properties is unequal. Hydrogen water does not adversely affect the human body. Molecule-rich drink stimulates brain neurons, improves heart muscle activity and enhances important cognitive functions.