Wet calluses are a problem familiar to many firsthand, most of all the female sex has to face it.
Causes of wet calluses
New shoes, in which one really wants to show off in front of acquaintances and friends, can bring a lot of unpleasant moments if in practice they turn out to be tight or uncomfortable.

It is shoes that are often the cause of the formation of painful and fluid-filled blisters on the heels, feet and between the toes (as they are also called by the people). The effect of friction is enhanced by sweating of the feet or the presence of holes in the toe. How to treat wet calluses on the feet from shoes?
When working for a long time without protective gloves with any tool, the formation of wet calluses on the palms and fingers can be observed. Most of all, summer residents are subject to this phenomenon, who, when working intensively with garden tools (shovel, pruner, hoe), do not notice their appearance in a timely manner. Also, an ordinary ballpoint pen or a tennis racket can become a provocateur of blistering with diligent use.
How does dropsy appear?
Wet calluses are formed in the processfriction, causing the displacement of the surface skin layer relative to the underlying inner layers. The initial transformations of the epidermis often go unnoticed; with continued exposure, the final exfoliation of the upper layer and the appearance of a cavity gradually filled with an intercellular transparent liquid occur. Outwardly, it looks like a slight redness, which subsequently turns into a slight swelling, accompanied by painful sensations. The slightest touch to the bladder can cause increased pain and tension in the walls of the callus. Treatment can be avoided by applying a patch at this stage, wearing gloves, or stopping the rubbing action on the skin. Otherwise, the corn must be urgently treated to prevent infection from entering the resulting wound.
Signs of infection in wet calluses
Any impact of a mechanical nature (impact, squeezing, continued friction) leads to the rupture of the bubble and the outflow of the liquid contained in it. When the walls of the dropsy are torn off, a weeping red wound remains on the skin, which with a high probability can be infected with a staphylococcal or streptococcal bacillus.

Infection that has occurred can be identified by signs such as redness beyond the boundaries of the callus, severe pain, turbidity of the fluid, discharge of pus, the formation of yellow crusts around the callus, fever. How to treat wet calluses on the feet at home?
Be proactive
Unlikelarge dropsy, small calluses do not cause pain and do not open by themselves; they are simply covered with a band-aid to avoid further injury. Discomfort and pain are caused by dropsy of large size, ready to burst at any moment. Therefore, in this case, you should be proactive and pierce them.

The most favorable period for such a manipulation is the day on which the wet corn was discovered.
Wet calluses on feet: home treatment
For a safe puncture of dropsy, it is recommended to follow the recommendations below:
- Be sure to disinfect the puncture site by lubricating with iodine or brilliant green.
- Puncture should be done with a needle or pin, pre-treated with alcohol or calcined over fire.

- Pierce the corn only from the side, inserting the needle almost parallel to the skin surface. If this condition is not observed and the corn is pierced in the upper part, there is a huge risk of damaging its bottom, which is fraught with the onset of the inflammatory process.
- To ensure a continuous outflow of fluid from the corn, it is recommended to make several punctures. It is undesirable to get carried away too much: the walls of the bladder, which protect the delicate skin inside the corn from damage and infection, must remain intact.
- After making punctures, wet corn is recommended carefully,with a slight pressure, press with a cloth or bandage so that all the internal liquid comes out. If the dropsy fills up again, the puncture will need to be repeated.
- To prevent infection, an open wet corn should be covered with an ointment containing an antibiotic.

After the manipulations, it is recommended to cover the dropsy with a protective patch, which is changed twice a day and removed before bedtime. This is required in order for the wound to "breathe": air access will speed up the healing process and quickly dry out wet calluses on the legs
Treatment, an ointment with antibacterial properties should be used for spontaneous opening of a wet callus and separation of its wall. The wound must first be cleaned and disinfected. To avoid injury and contamination, it is recommended to cover the affected area with a gauze pad with adhesive tape, thus creating favorable conditions for its healing.
If infection does occur, the corn will have to be completely opened, all the walls of the bladder removed, because the closed space is an ideal environment for the reproduction of bacteria and the development of the infectious process. Be sure to consult a surgeon in such a situation. The doctor will perform an autopsy of the corn, process it in compliance with all the rules of sanitation, apply a bandage, and then prescribe antibiotic therapy.
Folk treatments for wet calluses
How to treat wet calluses on the legs? Water callus can be successfully treated with folk methods, one of whichis the use of a saline bath (per liter of warm water - 1 tablespoon of s alt). It is not recommended to keep your feet in this composition for a long time, just rinse them enough.
Wet corn is recommended to be treated 4 times a day with a composition of 1 part tea tree oil and 3 parts vegetable oil. In addition to the healing effect, this tool will protect the wounds from the penetration of infections and bacteria. A bath of sour milk or whey will help restore the he althy look of the legs.
Horse sorrel gruel obtained by grinding fresh and clean leaves of the plant has calming properties. This remedy is recommended to be applied to the damaged area of the skin.

The all-season cure for wet calluses is the common potato. Available in the bins of every housewife, it is recommended to grate this product, put the resulting slurry on a gauze swab, which is applied to the painful area of \u200b\u200bthe skin and secured with a bandage and plaster. The bandage should be renewed once a day. 3-4 sessions are enough for dropsy to heal.
Kalanchoe and aloe against calluses
How to treat wet calluses on toes? Aloe juice is considered an excellent wound healing agent. For the treatment of dropsy, a small piece of the plant is cut into two halves and applied to the wound with the inside. You can fix the healing agent with a plaster or bandage. Constantly change. Repeat the procedure until the callus is completely healed.
No less effective remedy is Kalanchoe, a piecewhich (with children along the edges of the sheet) should be applied to a previously steamed and wiped dry leg. Fix the leaf of the plant with a bandage or plaster. Such a compress is recommended to be done every day, and the result will not be long in coming.
This all-powerful medicinal herb
How to treat wet calluses on the feet at home? Often, with wet calluses, plantain leaves are used, which are well washed under running water, which can be fixed on the leg with a bandage or plaster. It is recommended to grind the plantain with your hands beforehand.

Drying, wound healing and antibacterial properties are characterized by chamomile and calendula. Baths of these medicinal herbs help to quickly heal damaged skin.
Preventive measures
Prophylactic measures to prevent the formation of wet calluses in the first place is to protect the skin from friction. You can save your hands if you wear protective gloves.

Heels, feet and toes can be protected with a careful approach to the choice of shoes: comfort and fit are important factors. For sports activities, uniforms must be appropriate and intended only for the selected sport. Closed shoes are recommended to be worn only on the toe. You should know that acrylic socks protect the skin from friction better than cotton ones, which become rougher after two or three washes. Because of this, sweat does not evaporate, the fabric gets wetalong with the legs, increasing the friction.

In case of significant loads (sports games, running, jumping, long walking), it is recommended to first put on an acrylic sock on the foot, and then put on a cotton sock on top of it. Against dropsy on the legs, it is advisable to use special creams (for example, Vichi) or a Compeed pencil.
No wet calluses
It is worth remembering that wet skin is more exposed to friction. Therefore, you should take the necessary measures to dry it:
- Combat sweaty feet with sweat-reducing creams and sprays. Or use ordinary talcum powder, which is sprinkled on the soles and spaces between the fingers.
- Dry shoes thoroughly.
Also, you should always have a regular band-aid with you, which can protect the damaged area from infections. Of the wide variety presented on the shelves of pharmacies, Silkoplast, Scholl, Compeed are considered the most effective. Such products isolate calluses from external influences, reduce pain, reduce friction, and protect against infection.
Secrets of he althy legs
Wet calluses on the feet, which can be treated without fear at home, should not cause discomfort and anxiety, so it is recommended to choose comfortable and comfortable shoes, wear them according to the season and take care of clean socks. The feet need the same care as the face and hands.

Once or twice a week, you need to do relaxing baths from decoctions of such medicinal herbs as chamomile, string, nettle, tansy. Tired legs can be relieved with a massage using essential oils.