The blood transfusion station in Orenburg provides donated blood and its components to all medical institutions of the city and the region.
You can become a donor if there are no contraindications and after a thorough medical examination. During the procedures, donors are placed in special comfortable chairs. Donation takes from 10 to 40 minutes and is carried out under the constant supervision of medical personnel.

Paid services
Services provided by the blood transfusion station in Orenburg for a fee are listed below:
- consultations of an allergist-immunologist, hematologist, dermatovenereologist, cosmetologist, obstetrician-gynecologist, infectious disease specialist, transfusiologist;
- gynecological examination and treatment of women's diseases using ozone therapy and plasmolifting; counseling on infertility, pregnancy planning and contraception;
- restoration of the immune system: therapeutic plasmapheresis, extracorporeal hemocorrection, immunocorrection technology - hemopuncture, it allows you to treat allergies and bronchial asthma;
- complex treatment of psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, acne, fungal diseases,pyoderma, furunculosis;
- accurate diagnosis of the coagulation system.
At the blood transfusion station in Orenburg, you can take tests or invite a specialist to your home and enterprises of the city.
Pregnant women can conclude an agreement for the collection of umbilical cord / placental blood during childbirth and the subsequent cryopreservation of stem cells.

Address and working hours of the blood transfusion station in Orenburg
This medical facility is located in Orenburg on Aksakov Street, 32. You can get to it by bus number 18.
Working weekdays from 8 am to 5 pm
Donors are accepted from 8 am to 1 pm, on Saturday - by appointment only until 11 am.
Records to specialists are being made in Orenburg at the blood transfusion station in room No. 101.