The unique properties of sea buckthorn oil are known to many, and only a few people use this product to the fullest. This oil can be a real find in the period of colds. This remedy has proven itself especially well in the treatment of young children. Burying sea buckthorn oil in the nose of children is a great way to get rid of a runny nose. Thanks to sea buckthorn, recovery comes fairly quickly and imperceptibly.
Chemical composition

The composition of the product sold in a pharmacy contains refined sunflower oil and directly sea buckthorn. This drug is an oily liquid of a rich red-amber hue. It contains such trace elements as iron, sodium, manganese, magnesium, etc. It has a huge amount of vitamins A, E, K and P. In addition, sea buckthorn oil contains organic acids: tartaric, malic and citric.
Useful properties

Due to the content of a huge amount of vitamin A, sea buckthorn oil has pronounced wound healing properties. It is used to treat acute and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, this remedy has proven itself in the treatment of stomach ulcers and gastritis. It significantly strengthens the immune system and contributes to the body's resistance. Regular consumption of oil or sea buckthorn berries helps prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system. Can I put sea buckthorn oil in my nose?
For colds

Very often the oil is used during acute respiratory diseases. They lubricate the outer opening of the nose throughout the day. There are several recipes that are great to help get rid of a runny nose. All formulations are useful not only for adults, but also for children. You can use natural sea buckthorn oil for the nasal mucosa of a child from an early age.
- One teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil is stirred in a glass of boiling water and the steam is inhaled. Such inhalation allows you to get rid of sore throat and runny nose.
- Most often, pre-washed nostrils are simply lubricated with oil. You can also instill pure or diluted oil through a pipette.
- It can also be mixed with other products with strong antimicrobial properties. You can bury your nose with sea buckthorn oil, for example, with onions, garlic, horseradish, honey or aloe.
Cookthe remedy is quite simple. Onions or garlic are rubbed on a fine grater or passed through the garlic. Then, using double gauze, squeeze the juice into a tablespoon and add a teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil. After the mixture is thoroughly mixed, it can be instilled into the nose or lubricated with the resulting composition of the nostrils. Thanks to the oil, the onion does not irritate the mucous membrane at all and does not cause redness. Alternatively, you can prepare cotton swabs, soak them in the product and put them in your nostrils for a while.
Contraindications for use

The remedy has practically no contraindications, except for a possible allergic reaction in case of intolerance to sea buckthorn. However, prolonged use of the drug may cause unwanted effects. According to the instructions for use, diseases of the ENT organs are treated for one week. Doctors advise doing no more than ten procedures. Then a break is made for one month, and treatment continues again. Sometimes too long use of sea buckthorn oil in the nose of an adult can cause a mucosal burn. In this case, the person will experience burning, itching and swelling. If used internally for a long time, diarrhea may occur.
Use for kids

Oil is not recommended for oral use by children under the age of three. However, there are no restrictions for external use. For the treatment of the common cold, pure or diluted oil is used. Parents should smear their child's nose throughout the daysea buckthorn oil. Usually this is done three times a day, trying not to exceed the allowable rate. The child should blow his nose well before instillation.
As a result of frequent colds, babies very often accumulate mucus in the nasopharynx. As a result, it interferes with the child's sleep and even causes vomiting. Thanks to sea buckthorn oil, you can rinse the nasal passages well. It is diluted in a small amount of warm water, collected in a pipette and instilled into the nose.
With honey and aloe juice
With a runny nose, sea buckthorn oil in the nose of a child can be prepared with the addition of other ingredients. To do this, take equal parts of sea buckthorn oil, aloe juice, filtered through double gauze, and propolis solution. You will also need clean water. The best option would be distilled. All ingredients are mixed together. The child's nose is pre-cleansed with warm and clean water with s alt. Next, the mixture is collected with a pipette and two drops are instilled alternately into each nostril. It should be borne in mind that this remedy is not suitable for the treatment of young children. Doctors recommend using it for babies from the age of five.
With calendula and propolis
This is another great recipe for healing sea buckthorn oil for the nose to help get rid of a runny nose. To prepare the product, you will need oil, fresh juice from calendula flowers, propolis infusion and natural honey. All components are taken in equal proportions and mixed together. Then, using a pipette, they collect a small amount of the composition and instill two drops into each nostril. Extremelyit is important to monitor the reaction of the child. If, after instillation of sea buckthorn oil into the nose of a child, he develops sneezing or coughing, then it is advisable to stop the treatment immediately.
Inhalation for children
It can be carried out from the age of three, as well as sea buckthorn oil dripping into the nose of a child. This procedure is usually done as follows. Oil is added to water heated to eighty degrees and everything is thoroughly mixed. The patient leans over the container and covers his head with a towel. It should be borne in mind that the face should be at least fifteen centimeters away. The procedure takes ten minutes. In the future, the use of water with oil does not make sense, as it cools down. Breathe in such a way that the inhalation passes through the nose, and the exhalation through the mouth.
Baby oil

For a very young child, you can use sea buckthorn oil only in the form of drops. Moreover, doctors strongly do not recommend dripping more than one drop of sea buckthorn oil into the nose of a child in each nostril. For the treatment of such young children, as a rule, moisturizing solutions are used. The oil perfectly removes dried crusts and softens the mucous membrane, but it is not suitable for combating liquid snot. This is a rather heavy remedy that will interfere with the free breathing of the child. It is also undesirable to use it to prevent rhinitis at the first sign of a cold.
It is advisable to use sea buckthorn oil in the nose of children only at bedtime. Thus, it is possible to provide the baby with a full-fledgeddream. He won't wake up in the middle of the night and sleep well.
Oil can moisturize the mucous membrane for a long time and, thus, only increase the secretion of mucus. The fatty composition will envelop the cilia in the nose, and will only aggravate the disease. Therefore, with an exacerbation of the symptoms of a cold, this remedy is not used. It is more indicated for chronic sinusitis without an acute inflammatory process.
In addition, steam inhalation should also not be used. In general, starting the treatment of young children without first consulting with the attending physician is quite dangerous. The fact is that it is often very difficult to determine whether the baby has a crust in the nose and how dry or mucous his runny nose is. In addition, there is a viral and physiological runny nose. It can be extremely difficult to establish them without knowledge of medicine. Thus, when treating children under twelve months, it is better not to use sea buckthorn oil.
Oil for sinusitis
This is an ideal option for the treatment of sinusitis. The fact is that the composition of sea buckthorn contains vitamins A and E, which restore the epidermis, forcing the cells to renew themselves. This product also has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. The procedures are carried out as follows: the patient lies on his left side, and a cotton swab richly moistened with sea buckthorn oil is inserted into his left nostril. After half an hour, the tampon can be removed. Next, the person rolls over to the other side and inserts the tampon into the right nostril. This procedure is repeated every day.
Besides compresses, it is useful to instill warm sea buckthorn oil into children's noses. Immediately after it enters the nostril, half of the nose is pinched with fingers and held for a while. Please note that when treating children under two years of age, it is not recommended to bury the oil in the nose.
From polyps

Sea buckthorn oil is not able to completely get rid of polyps, but it noticeably slows down their growth and makes breathing easier. This tool is recommended even by doctors of the ENT department as an additional therapy to the main treatment. The presence of a polyp can be determined by persistent nasal congestion. A person gradually begins to speak through the nose, his voice changes, and over time it even becomes difficult for him to breathe. The course of treatment is one month, during which the nose should be instilled one hour before bedtime. Some people find that this method also helps to stop snoring. It actually does provide some relief.
It is advisable to heat the oil before use so that it can be absorbed as quickly as possible. It should be borne in mind that its frequent and unreasonable use only harms children. In the presence of liquid snot, sea buckthorn oil is not dripped into the nose of children.
How to cook
Sea buckthorn oil can also be made at home. A pharmaceutical product is made from pre-dried fruits, by grinding them to a powder. As a rule, at home it is done a little differently. Fresh berries are ground and poured with vegetable oil. The ratio of berry puree and oil should be one to one. After it has been infused for a day, itstrain and pour into a separate container. Before using homemade oil, be sure to bring it to a boil. This is done using a water bath, and not on an open fire.
Also, sea buckthorn juice can be passed through gauze and let it stand for a while. As soon as a greasy film forms on the surface of the liquid, it is removed with a spoon. This will be sea buckthorn oil without any additives. It is carefully collected and moved to some small container.
Thus, it is quite advisable to use this product for the treatment of children during acute respiratory diseases. It is extremely important to take into account all the nuances of treatment and not make mistakes. Before proceeding with the procedures, parents of small children under one year old should seek the advice of their doctor.